Devise with Mongodb won't recognize authenticate_person? - ruby-on-rails

I am having trouble creating an object called person in addition to the user object that's given in the project template from here :
The devise-mongoid combo really doesn't like the person object I created. When I use the following line to try to sign out the person:
<%= link_to 'Logout', destroy_person_session_path, :method =>:delete %>
devise gives me the following error:
Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound in PeopleController#show
Document not found for class Person with id(s) sign_out.
Rails.root: /home/jyj/rubys/rails3-mongoid-devise
So I think it's confusing sign_out with some person's id.
I grepped all instances of user in the project folder and mimicked all of them for the person object. I also created my own log in, sign up pages, instead of using the ones in the view/devise folder directly. But I had initially a lot of trouble signing out the person object. Later I found out that I need to include this javascript tag in my application.html.erb file:
<%#= csrf_meta_tag %>
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
Notice I had to comment out the other meta tag before in order for the system to recognize the javascript tag, which I don't really understand. Also I had to change a line in the config/intialize/devise.rb file, namely,
# config.sign_out_via = Rails.env.test? ? :get : :delete
config.sign_out_via = :delete
I figured out (perhaps) that the difference here between User and Person was caused by the fact that the test for User was initialized in factory_girl, but not Person. So I made Person looked the same as User in that regard also. But after seeing that didn't work, I just commented out the first line above and simply set the sign_out method to be :delete.
But now my problem became that the system won't recognize the line authenticate_person! in my peoplecontroller.rb file:
class PeopleController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_person!
def show
#person = Person.find(params[:id])
Help is greatly appreciated! Any additional code is available upon request. Here is the error message after I put in the javascript tag, deleted the meta tag, and forced the sign_out method to be :delete :
NoMethodError in PeopleController#show
undefined method `authenticate_person!' for
Rails.root: /home/jyj/rubys/rails3-mongoid-devise

While I didn't know what happened with the unrecognized authenticate_person, I did manage to get sign_out to work. The trick is to add the following overriding line in route.rb:
devise_for :person do
get 'sign_out' => 'devise/session#sign_out'
So apparently there is no way to make devise recognize a new user category other than user itself! I would still appreciate some help on why that's the case.


ActionController::UrlGenerationError using link_to

I have a controller Posts in which I have a method:
def report_user
I have a view where I would like a link that will perform some logic (it should NOT actually take the user to a different page, only perform the logic and possibly show a dialog box after completion). The logic is contained in the report_user action in the Posts controller:
<%= link_to "Report User", :controller => :Posts, :action => :report_user %>
I would ultimately like to pass some variables also to the report_user action, however I haven't gotten that far as I've come across this error:
No route matches {:action=>"report_user", :controller=>"Posts"}
message << " missing required keys: #{missing_keys.sort.inspect}" unless missing_keys.empty?
raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError, message
I'm not sure what the issue is. There is definitely an action in the Posts controller called report_user and it is not private. I'm not sure what the missing required keys means either. I've seen on SO other people with that error, but they all have routes defined that require parameters. I do not have any routes defined for this. Possibly I"m going about the entire thing in the wrong way?
As Nils suggested, you need an entry in routes.rb. Assuming that this is a member route using a GET request, that entry would look like this.
resources :posts do
get :report_user, on: :member
Next, you need to update your link to use the routing helpers that Rails provides.
<%= link_to "Report User", report_user_post_path(#post), remote: true %>
I included the remote: true option b/c you mentioned that clicking the link shouldn't reload the page. The default response for this request will be app/views/posts/report_user.js.erb.
I would encourage you to read up on Rails routing at

undefined method `pushes_path' for #<#<Class:0x007f85a15c6c90>

i'v been trying to resolve this error for the past 5 hours and I'm gonna burn my computer if I can't solve this.
undefined method `pushes_path' for #<#:0x007f859d605250> this is the error code I'm getting but i don't understand why.
this is my index.html.erb file inside of the interaction
<%= simple_form_for #push do |f| %>
<%= f.input :payload, as: :text %>
<%= f.input :segment, as: :radio_buttons %>
<%= submit_tag "start the campaign" %>
<% end %>
and this is my interaction controller
class InteractionController < ApplicationController
def index
Push is my table in the database and i'll get the inputs and write them in the database to use them for later one.
and this is my routes file
devise_for :partners
get 'home/index'
get 'segmentation/index'
get 'interaction/index'
root to: "home#index"
i really don't know why its looking for pushes_path, what am i doing wrong?
The problem you have is that your form_for method is going to try and generate a route based off your #path object. And as such, if you don't have a path created for it, you'll receive the error you're getting:
:url- The URL the form is to be submitted to. This may be represented
in the same way as values passed to url_for or link_to. So for example
you may use a named route directly. When the model is represented by a
string or symbol, as in the example above, if the :url option is not
specified, by default the form will be sent back to the current url
(We will describe below an alternative resource-oriented usage of
form_for in which the URL does not need to be specified explicitly).
The bottom line is that as Rails is object orientated, its built around the assumption that you'll have routes set up to handle the creation of individual objects.
Every time you use form_for, Rails will attempt to construct your routes from your object -- so if you're trying to do the following, it will treat the routes as photo_path etc:
<%= form_for #push do |f| %>
<% end %>
As #mandeep suggested, there are several fixes you can employ to get this to work:
Firstly, you can just create a route for your push objects:
resources :pushes
Secondly, as you're using a different controller, you'll want to do the following:
resources :interactions
<%= form_for #push, url: interaction_path do |f| %>
<% end %>
This will route your form submission to the interactions controller, rather than the pushes controller that you'll get by default!
Something to consider when creating Rails-based backends is the object-orientated nature of the framework.
By virtue of being built on Ruby, Rails is centered on objects - a term for a variable, which basically encompasses much more than just a piece of data. Objects, in the case of Rails, are designed to give the application:
Once you understand this, the entire spectrum of Rails functionality becomes apparent. The trick is to realize that everything you do in Rails should be tied to an object. This goes for the controllers too:
Ever wondered why you call resources directive in your routes, for a controller? It's because you're creating a set of resourceful routes based for it:
Do you see how it's all object orientated?
This gives you the ability to define the routes for specific controllers etc. The most important thing to note is how this will give you the ability to determine which routes / controller actions your requests should go
There's nothing wrong in using the controller setup as you have - the most important thing is to ensure you're able to define the custom URL argument, as to accommodate the non-object based structure
In your index action you have
def index
and your form has
<%= simple_form_for #push do |f| %>
so your form is looking for /pushes with post verb or pushes_path and you don't have that route in your routes.rb file so to fix this you need to add this in routes.rb:
resources :pushes
when you add resources :push rails basically creates seven different routes for you. One of which is
POST /pushes pushes#create create a new push
and if you look at the html generated by your form it would be something like:
<form action="/pushes" class="new_push" id="new_push" method="post">
// your fields
notice the action and verb so when you submit your form your routes are checked for them and since you didn't define them in your routes you were getting this error
And how will i be able to use the params i m getting from this form with this new resource addition?
Your form will take you to pushes_controller create action so first of all you'll have to define them. You can access them simply by params[:pushes] in your controller action but since you want to create a new record so you'll have to permit those attributes, checkout strong parameters
If you are using rails >= 4 then you can do
class PushesController < ApplicationController
def create
redirect_to #push
render 'interaction/index'
def push_params
If you are using rails < 4 then instead of permitting these attributes(because strong parameters feature came from rails 4) you'll have to tell rails that these attributes are accessible by writing this in your pushes.rb
attr_accessible :attribute_name
Why it is assuming that its pushes controller?Because of the creation?
That's because if you look at your index action #push = so #push contains a push object with nil values(as you have just initialized it) so this is where rails magic comes, rails automatically tries to figure out url of your form and since your #push is only an initialized variable so rails takes you to create action for it. For details you should checkout rails polymorphic urls If you want your form to go to interaction_controller or some other url then you'll have to specify the url option for it
<%= form_for #push, url: "your_url_for_custom_method" %>
// other fields
<% end %>
And in the end you should really read docs

undefined method `protect_against_forgery?' for #<#<Class:0x0

I have the following code in my routes.rb file .
resources :users do
member do
get :following,:followers
collection do
put :activate_email
And I have a user email activation link like this :
<%= link_to "Activate",activate_email_users_url(email_token: #user.email_token),method: :put %>
When I click on the activate link , this is the url that is generated
Update: Ok, So I think I kno what the problem is . When I look at the html source of the activation email in my gmail which contains the link_to , there is no data-method='put'. So that seems to be the problem . It is always sending a default GET request instead of PUT.
This is my user_mailer/registration_confirmation.html.erb file
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
Please click on the following link to activate your email
<%= link_to "Activate",activate_email_users_url(email_token: #user.email_token), method: :put %>
This gives the following error :
undefined method `protect_against_forgery?' for #
So , the code <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %> is causing this error. Is there any way around this ?
Sorry, I do not know your purpose, but apparently you have a purpose to activate user.
Try this, if this solution not work, please tell me your action (activate_email) on controller!
see on rake routes output :
activate_email_users PUT /users/activate_email(.:format) users#activate_email
user GET /users/:id(.:format) users#show
when your generate
Your problem was activate_email considered to be :id
users/activate_email => users/:id
And solution for your problem :
Try removing the method from the link. Its better specifying the method in your routes file. How about replacing match by put in routes as :
resources :users do
member do
get :following,:followers
put "/users/activate_email/:email_token" => "users#activate_email", :as => "activate"
and on view
<%= link_to "Activate", activate_path(:email_token => #user.email_token) %>
I have not tested this, but I guess this will suffice.
for Question : undefined method `protect_against_forgery?'
Add this to a helper that only your mailer template uses:
def protect_against_forgery?
NOTE : If You have new question, please create new "Ask Question" and aprrove answer is usefull for this question
If you're trying to activate a single user account you probably don't want to be specifying your route on the collection (which you would use for actions that operate on multiple users).
Here's some (untested) code that should point you in the right direction:
controller :users do
put '/activate/:email_token', :to => :activate, :as => 'activate_email'
Which should route a PUT to /activate/xxxx to the UsersController#activate action with a params[:email_token] set as xxxx. It should also give you a #activate_email_url route which you can pass the activation token (you can check what routes your app provides by running rake routes on the command line).
Google redirected me to this question even-though mine was related to rendering a template into a string and not just in the browser. My solution for the template problem was something along these lines:
action_controller =
action_controller.class_eval do
def protect_against_forgery?
file_string = action_controller.render_to_string('/some_template/template_file',locals: { local_variable: 1 }

link_to custom action but wrong method?

all, I'm trying to get a custom action to work with a put method: in the
in _post.html.erb i have a link_to statement:
<%= link_to 'End now', post, :method => :put, :action => endnow %>
routes.rb contains:
resources :posts do
member do
put :endnow
and posts_controller.rb looks like:
class PostsController < ApplicationController
helper_method :endnow
[.. code for create, edit, destroy, etc ..]
def endnow
puts params
rake routes's relevant line looks like:
endnow_post PUT /posts/:id/endnow(.:format) posts#endnow
However, the action endnow helper doesn't run when clicking on this link.
Strangely, it does run with an index action (which i can tell from the puts command.
Of course, eventually the code for endnow will update #post, but for now, it just doesn't run properly.
Maybe i'm going about this the wrong way - all I'm trying to achieve is to update #post upon clicking the link to that post, and before showing it.
Any ideas / Alternatives?
Why not use the route helper method provided to you? Change your link to
<%= link_to 'End now', endnow_post_path(#post), method: :put %>
Things you're doing wrong:
If you want to specify the :action, use the Symbol for the action (you're missing a colon). :action => endnow should be action: :endnow
I will assume you have a #post instance variable you're passing from your controller to your action. You should be using that instead of post (unless you do in fact have a local post variable you're omitting from your code)
You are using endnow as an action; you should remove the helper_method :endnow line in your controller because it's not something you want to/should be accessing from your view.
This can all be avoided by using the route helper (for endnow_post you'd append _path to get the local route path: endnow_post_path), and pass in your #post as an argument.
Because you're trying to do a PUT request, you must make sure you have something like jquery-ujs included in your asset pipeline to convert these links to form submissions behind the scenes; browsers don't support PUT via the click of a link on their own.
As for why you're getting the template error when you get your link_to working, Rails is telling you that you need to create a app/views/posts/endnow.html.erb file. Your action has only puts params which does not terminate execution, leaving Rails to assume you still are trying to render some endnow.html.erb template.
Are there other ways to do what you're trying to do (change a single attribute of a specific model)? Sure. Are there better ways? That's pretty subjective; it may not be the most RESTful way, but it's arguably easier to deal with (if for example there are very specific authorization rules to check before updating the attribute you are modifying in endnow. Does the way you've started fleshing out work? Absolutely.
Finally, as a bump in the right direction, after you fix your link_to and remove the the helper_method as I have described above, your endnow action might look like this:
def endnow
post = Post.find!(params[:id])
post.some_attribute_here = some_new_value_here
redirect_to :root and return # <- this line sets a redirect back to your homepage and terminates execution, telling rails to do the redirect and **not** to render some endnow.html.erb file

Has namedspaced routing changed in Rails 2.3?

I have an admin namespace which gives me the usual routes such as admin_projects and admin_project, however they are not behaving in the usual way. This is my first Rails 2.3 project so maybe related I can't find any info via Google however.
map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|
admin.resources :projects
The strange thing is for a given URL (eg. /admin/projects/1) I don't have to pass in an object to get URL's it somehow guesses them:
<%= admin_project_path %> # => /admin/projects/1
No worries, not really a problem just not noticed this before.
But if I try and pass an object as is usual:
<%= admin_project_path(#project) %> # => admin_project_url failed to generate from {:controller=>"admin/projects", :action=>"show", :id=>#<Project id: 1, name: "teamc...>
":id" seems to contain the entire object, so I try passing the id directly and it works:
<%= admin_project_path( %> # => /admin/projects/1
This would not be so bad but when it comes to forms I usually use [:admin, #object], however:
<%= url_for [:admin,] %> # => undefined method `admin_fixnum_path'
So I can't pass in an id, as it needs an objects class to work out the correct route to use.
<%= url_for [:admin, #project] %> # => Unfortunately this yields the same error as passing a object to admin_project_path, which is what it is calling.
I can't spot any mistakes and this is pretty standard so I'm not sure what is going wrong...
Interesting. What happens when you define a to_param method on Project? For instance
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param
This should be the default and this shouldnt be necessary. But what happens if you make it explicit? Try adding the above method then going back to your original approach of only passing around #project
I wish I could help you on this one. We have a large application with several namespaced sections. Our routes are defined in the exact method you have described and we are calling our path helper with objects. No where in the application are we accessing using the id.
Our application started on Rails 2.1 and has transitioned through 2.2 and 2.3 with no significant changes to the routing. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
