Under which Programming Paradigm Lua can be used? - lua

I've done some research about Lua programming but I'm still confused about under which paradigm it can work.
In some walkthroughs, I've found that Lua is not made for Object-Oriented Programming. But they are other people that says it can work too for OOP. So, I'm looking in which programming paradigms it can work the best.

Lua is a "do what you want to" programming language. It doesn't pick paradigms; it is a bag of useful features that give you the freedom to use whatever paradigm that you need. It doesn't have functional language features, but it does feature functions as first-class objects and proper lexical scoping. So you can use it functionally if you so desire. It doesn't have "classes" or other such prototypes, but it does feature ways to encapsulate data and special syntax for calling a function with a "this" object. So you can use it to build objects.
Lua does not dictate what you do with it; that's up to you. It provides low-level tools that allow you to easily build whatever paradigm you wish.

Lua is an imperative language; so it is not ideal for functional programming.
Left by itself, Lua is a procedural language. However, given the simplicity of its data structures (it just has one: the table) it's very easy to add a "layer" on top of it and make it an object oriented language. The most basic inheritance rule can be achieved in as little as 10 lines of code. There are several libraries out there that provide a more refined experience though. My library, middleclass, is 140 LOC in total.
Another great way of using Lua is as an scripting language. It's small, fast, uses only standard C stuff, and it's standard lib is tiny. On the other hand, it doesn't come with "batteries included" like java does.
Finally, I find it very useful as a data notation language; you can express raw data in a format very similar to JSON.
In general, I think that Lua feels very close to javascript.


Standards for when to use custom operators

I'm currently reading Real-World Functional Programming, and it briefly mentions in-fix operators as being one of the main benefits of custom operators. Are there any sort of standards for when to use or not use custom operators in F#? I'm looking for answers equivalent to this.
For reference, here is the quote to which #JohnPalmer is referring from here:
3.8 Operator Definitions 
Avoid defining custom symbolic operators in F#-facing library designs.
Custom operators are essential in some
situations and are highly useful notational devices within a large
body of implementation code. For new users of a library, named
functions are often easier to use. In addition custom symbolic
operators can be hard to document, and users find it more difficult to
lookup help on operators, due to existing limitations in IDE and
search engines.
As a result, it is generally best to publish your
functionality as named functions and members.
Custom infix operators are a nice feature in some situations, but when you use them, you have to be very careful to keep your code readable - so the recommendation from F# design guidelines applies most of the time. If I was writing Real-World Functional Programming again, I would be a bit less enthusiastic about them, because they really should be used carefuly :-).
That said, there are some F# libraries that make good use of custom operators and sometimes they work quite nicely. I think FParsec (parser combinator library) is one case - though maybe they have too many of them. Another example is a XML DSL which uses #=.
In general, when you're writing ordinary F# library, you probably do not want to expose them. However, when you're writing a domain specific language, custom operators might be useful.

Is there a scripting language or parser which has been ported to multiple languages?

For a research project i'm looking for an interpreter or even a parser for a programming language (doesn't matter what programming language) that has been ported to a number of languages. This probably means the code is small enough to do so.
I know Lisp-ish languages have been ported to a lot of environments, because Lisp is so easy to parse, however I haven't found a single implementation that has been multi targetted. For instance; it is very hard to find a version which works in PHP where the same code (the Lisp which runs on top / is parsed that is) would also work in Python.
Hope someone here can help...
What do I want to do with it? For a tool I'm making, the user group will write tiny pieces of logic; however the system underneath differs while the logic is the same. We don't want to force our users to learn Java, PHP, C#, etc just to write that logic.
The Lua (www.lua.org) scripting language can run from within C and has bindings to Python, php, Java, C#, probably some other languages too. It's a very small interpreter (something like 200k when compiled) because it comes "without batteries" - no builtin functions for some common operations like copying arrays. It should be pretty trivial to add support for embedding in another language, compared to other scripting languages, if need be.

F# and Fuzzy Logic

I know it might sound strange but I would like to know one thing in this new world where Microsoft Visual F# is getting into.
There are many application of this language, I am going to learn, regarding parsing, functional programming, structured programming... But what about artificial intelligence?
Are there any applications for Fuzzy Logic? Is F# a good language to be used for Fuzzy Logic applications?
At university we are studying Prolog and similar languages. Prolog is able to create complex query in a very plain and short expresisons (by taking advantage of predicates and facts). Is F# able to do this?
Thank you in advance.
Fuzzy Logic. F# doesn't provide any types for implementing fuzzy logic calculations out of the box, but it is certainly possible to use F# in this domain. The succinctness of F# and the ability to define custom overloaded operators should make code based on fuzzy logic quite nice. I did a quick search and discovered a few articles implementing fuzzy logic in F#:
Fuzzy Logic in F#, Example 1
FuzzyAdvisor - A Simple Fuzzy Logic Expert System in F#
Prolog is a bit different question. The power (and also the weakness) of Prolog come from the fact that it has backtracking built directly in the language. This makes it very nice for implementing search algorithms based on backtracking, but it also a limitation.
F# doesn't have any direct support for backtracking, but it is quite easy to write algorithms based on backtracking using recursion (which is the main control flow mechanism in both F# and Prolog).
Also, it is possible to implement domain specific language for logical programming in F#. This means that you'd implement something like Prolog within F# and then write your search algorithms using this mini-language in F# (possibly using other F# features as needed). You can find more information about similar problems in this question.
F# is a general purpose language with some nice language features, such as computation expression/Monad and quotation. You can assume that it has about the same power as C#.
It is not like Matlab or R, where a lot of pre-implemented libraries are built-in. If you want to implement a Fuzzy Logic library or other AI algorithms from scratch, F# is a very good language for you as its language features make life easier.
But if you just want to use a Fuzzy logic library, then using other languages or specialized systems will be more appropriate because F# or .Net in general does not have very good quality libraries in this aspect.

How does "Language Oriented Programming" compare to OOP/Functional in the real world

I recently began to read some F# related literature, speaking of "Real World Functional Programming" and "Expert F#" e. g.. At the beginning it's easy, because I have some background in Haskell, and know C#. But when it comes to "Language Oriented Programming" I just don't get it. - I read some explanations and it's like reading an academic paper that gets more abstract and strange with every sentence.
Does anybody have an easy example for that kind of stuff and how it compares to existing paradigms? It's not just academic fantasy, isn't it? ;)
Language oriented program (LOP) can be used to describe any of the following.
Creating an external language (DSL)
This is perhaps the most common use of LOP, and is where you have a specific domain - such as UPS shipping packages via transit types through routes, etc. Rather than try to encode all of these domain-specific entities inside of program code, you rather create a separate programming language for just that domain. So you can encode your problem in a separate, external language.
Creating an internal language
Sometimes you want your program code to look less like 'code' and map more closely to the problem domain. That is, have the code 'read more naturally'. A fluent interface is an example of this: Fluent Interface. Also, F# has Active Patterns which support this quite well.
I wrote a blog post on LOP a while back that provides some code examples.
F# has a few mechanisms for doing programming in a style one might call "language-oriented".
First, the syntax niceties (function calls don't need parentheses, can define own infix operators, ...) make it so that many user-defined libraries have the appearance of embedded DSLs.
Second, the F# "quotations" mechanism can enable you to quote code and then run it with an alternative semantics/evaluation engine.
Third, F# "computation expressions" (aka workflows, monads, ...) also provide a way to provide a type of alternative semantics for certain blocks of code.
All of these kinda fall into the EDSL category.
In Object Oriented Programming, you try to model a problem using Objects. You can then connect those Objects together to perform functions...and in the end solve the original problem.
In Language Oriented Programming, rather than use an existing Object Oriented or Functional Programming Language, you design a new Domain Specific Language that is best suited to efficiently solve your problem.
The term language Oriented Programming may be overloaded in that it might have different meanings to different people.
But in terms of how I've used it, it means that you create a DSL(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Specific_Language) before you start to solve your problem.
Once your DSL is created you would then write your program in terms of the DSL.
The idea being that your DSL is more suited to expressing the problem than a General purpose language would be.
Some examples would be the make file syntax or Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord class.
I haven't directly used language oriented programming in real-world situations (creating an actual language), but it is useful to think about and helps design better domain-driven objects.
In a sense, any real-world development in Lisp or Scheme can be considered "language-oriented," since you are developing the "language" of your application and its abstract tree as you code along. Cucumber is another real-world example I've heard about.
Please note that there are some problems to this approach (and any domain-driven approach) in real-world development. One major problem that I've dealt with before is mismatch between the logic that makes sense in the domain and the logic that makes sense in software. Domain (business) logic can be extremely convoluted and senseless - and causes domain models to break down.
An easy example of a domain-specific language, mentioned here, is SQL. Also: UNIX shell scripts.
Of course, if you are doing a lot of basic ops and have a lot of overlap with the underlying language, it is probably overengineering.

If you already know LISP, why would you also want to learn F#?

What is the added value for learning F# when you are already familiar with LISP?
Static typing (with type inference)
Algebraic data types
Pattern matching
Extensible pattern matching with active patterns.
Currying (with a nice syntax)
Monadic programming, called 'workflows', provides a nice way to do asynchronous programming.
A lot of these are relatively recent developments in the programming language world. This is something you'll see in F# that you won't in Lisp, especially Common Lisp, because the F# standard is still under development. As a result, you'll find there is a quite a bit to learn. Of course things like ADTs, pattern matching, monads and currying can be built as a library in Lisp, but it's nicer to learn how to use them in a language where they are conveniently built-in.
The biggest advantage of learning F# for real-world use is its integration with .NET.
Comparing Lisp directly to F# isn't really fair, because at the end of the day with enough time you could write the same app in either language.
However, you should learn F# for the same reasons that a C# or Java developer should learn it - because it allows functional programming on the .NET platform. I'm not 100% familiar with Lisp, but I assume it has some of the same problems as OCaml in that there isn't stellar library support. How do you do Database access in Lisp? What about high-performance graphics?
If you want to learn more about 'Why .NET', check out this SO question.
If you knew F# and Lisp, you'd find this a rather strange question to ask.
As others have pointed out, Lisp is dynamically typed. More importantly, the unique feature of Lisp is that it's homoiconic: Lisp code is a fundamental Lisp data type (a list). The macro system takes advantage of that by letting you write code which executes at compile-time and modifies other code.
F# has nothing like this - it's a statically typed language which borrows a lot of ideas from ML and Haskell, and runs it on .NET
What you are asking is akin to "Why do I need to learn to use a spoon if I know how to use a fork?"
Given that LISP is dynamically typed and F# is statically typed, I find such comparisons strange.
If I were switching from Lisp to F#, it would be solely because I had a task on my hands that hugely benefitted from some .NET-only library.
But I don't, so I'm not.
Money. F# code is already more valuable than Lisp code and this gap will widen very rapidly as F# sees widespread adoption.
In other words, you have a much better chance of earning a stable income using F# than using Lisp.
Jon Harrop.
F# is a very different language compared to most Lisp dialects. So F# gives you a very different angle of programming - an angle that you won't learn from Lisp. Most Lisp dialects are best used for incremental, interactive development of symbolic software. At the same time most Lisp dialects are not Functional Programming Languages, but more like multi-paradigm languages - with different dialects placing different weight on supporting FPL features (free of side effects, immutable data structures, algebraic data types, ...). Thus most Lisp dialects either lack static typing or don't put much emphasis on it.
So, if you know some Lisp dialect, then learning F# can make a lot of sense. Just don't think that much of your Lisp knowledge applies to F#, since F# is a very different language. As much as an imperative programming used to C or Java needs to unlearn some ideas when learning Lisp, one also needs to unlearn Lisp habits (no types, side effects, macros, ...) when using F#. F# is also driven by Microsoft and taking advantage of the .net framework.
F# has the benefit that .NET development (in general) is very widely adopted, easily available, and more mass market.
If you want to code F#, you can get Visual Studio, which many developers will already have...as opposed to getting the LISP environment up and running.
Additionally, existing .NET developers are much more likely to look at F# than LISP, if that means anything to you.
(This is coming from a .NET developer who coded, and loved, LISP, while in college).
I'm not sure if you would? If you find F# interesting that would be a reason. If you work requires it, it would be a reason. If you think it would make you more productive or bring you added value over your current knowledge, that would be a reason.
But if you don't find F# interesting, your work doesn't require it and you don't think it would make you more productive or bring you added value, then why would you?
If the question on the other hand is what F# gives that lisp don't, then type inference, pattern matching and integration with the rest of the .NET framework should be considered.
I know this thread is old but since I stumbled on this one I just wanted to comment on my reasons. I am learning F# simply for professional opportunities since .NET carries a lot of weight in a category of companies that dominate my field. The functional paradigm has been growing in use among more quantitatively and data oriented companies and I'd like to be one of the early comers to this trend. Currently there doesn't an exist a strong functional language that fully and safely integrates with the .NET library. I actually attempted to port some .NET from Lisp code and it's really a pain b/c the FFI only supports C primitives and .NET interoperability requires an 'interface' construct and even though I know how to do this in C it's really a huge pain. It would be really, really, good if Lisp went the extra mile in it's next standard and required a c++ class (including virtual functions w/ vtables), and a C# style interface type in it's FFI. Maybe even throw in a Java interface style type too. This would allow complete interoperability with the .NET library and make Lisp a strong contender as a large-scale language. However with that said, coming from a Lisp background made learning F# rather easy. And I like how F# has gone the extra mile to provide types that you would commonly see it quantitative type work. I believe F# was created with mathematical work in mind and that in itself has value over Lisp.
One way to look at this (the original question) is to match up the language (and associated tools and platforms) to the immediate task. If the task requires an overwhelming percentage of .NET code, and it would require less shoe-horning in one language than another to meet the task head-on, then take the path of least resistance (F#). If you don't need .NET capabilities, and you're comfortable working with LISP and there's no arm-bending to move away from it, keep using it.
Not really much different from comparing a hammer with a wrench. Pick the tool that fits the job most effectively. Trying to pick a tool that's objectively "best" is nonsense. And in any case, in 20 years, all of the currently "hot" languages might be outdated anyway.
