MPMoviePlayerController done button, Landscape orientation - ios

I'm using simple MPMoviePlayerController. In portrait mode it is emmbedded into my layout. When I rotate my device I want it to go full screen. In full screen mode there is a done button but only thing it does is pausing the video. I want to dismiss modal view controller when the done button is tapped. How can I do this?
I've tried:
Putting a [UIColor clearColor] on a background of a button and place a button over Done button thus intercept touch event into my own selector. It failed because my custom button isn't displayed when MPMoviePlayerController is in fullscreen mode.
Going to notification center and trying to catch "willExitFullscreen" but it won't occur (pressing done button when in landscape fullscreen mode isn't goint out from the fullscreen mode).
Finding done button in the MPMoviePlayerController... but I was unable to find it.
Using MPMoviePlayerViewController isn't an option as I want to be able to use embedded player in my controller when i Portrait mode, and be able to rotate movie without loading it from scratch (so pushing new controller when user changes device orientation isn't right solution for me).
I've read a few topics on this issue and question can be the same or similar but anserws require either things I've checked (i.e. notifications) or things I can't use (MPMoviePlayerViewController).
ANSWER (as I am unable to post it in 7h)
Heh ok..
The culprit of this whole mess was this line of code
[self.mpPlayer setControlStyle:MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen];
So it seems that setting Fullscreen control style when going into fullscreen mode will break done button....
Makes no sense to me. But when I commented out this line I am able to recive willExitFullscreen notification and I can work with that.

The culprit of this whole mess was this line of code
[self.mpPlayer setControlStyle:MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen];
So it seems that setting Fullscreen control style when going into fullscreen mode will break done button....
Makes no sense to me. But when I commented out this line I am able to recive willExitFullscreen notification and I can work with that.


Delegate fullscreen event AVPlayer objective-c

After several sleepless nights, I don't have any more ideas how to do what I am trying to do.
In short words, I am trying to allow my fullscreen video to be accessible in all orientations (landscape and portrait). This is the only place in the app where I want to allow that. All other views are locked to portrait.
My idea was to delegate fullscreen enter / exit event and in that place, programmatically set orientation allowance, so on fullscreen enter, unlock landscape additionally and on fullscreen exit, lock back only to portrait. Everything works fine apart from the one crucial part...I can not delegate fullscreen enter/exit event (delegating those events was my idea but I might be completely wrong and that should be managed in completely different way)
I am using this library:
Thanks in advance for any help!

Animation in Launch Screen in xcode 6

I want to animate a set of images in my Launch Screen, but I do not know how. I have seen some tutorials telling me to put code in the App Delegate (DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions) and nothing has worked.
Could someone help me animate my Launch Screen?
I am supposing that you do quite a bit of work on launch, and you do not want your user to stare at a static image while this work is going on. What you need to do is do the work in the background (using gcd). This way, the launch screen will be gone quickly. However, you are not ready of course: hence your need for animations. So what I do is add my own equivalent of the start screen on top of my first visible UIView, do my animations and then tear down my start up screen. If you want to see what I do in action, try it out with my App (The Opera Player)

How to add a view/gesture recognisers to iPhone/iPad home Screen

Until today I believed that it's impossible but there is an app is called Shou from the Emu4iOS Store that record your screen and even if the app is in background there is a view on home screen that on touch redirect you to the app. (please see attached image)
My Question is how can I achieve the same ? How can I add a view to Home screen ?
That's a status bar in a recording state. These are system defined states, such as the green bar you get while taking a call. These appear when an app is recording audio automatically, and there is no way to trigger it manually.
There is no way to add views and gesture recognizers on to the springboard.

Presenting a new viewController doesn't seem to unload the previous

The game I'm developing consists of a Main Menu, and Game viewController separately.
However when moving from the game screen to the menu screen, it seems as if the class files from the previous viewController are still in effect?
For example, players start the game by tapping anywhere on the screen whilst in the game viewController, which causes a new bar to be "launched", which in turn plays a small tone which varies depending on the direction. However when returning to the main menu after the game is over (achieved by pressing a button to present the menu viewController), tapping anywhere on the menu screen seems to start the game again from the game viewController?
By this, I mean the bar launch sound is played, despite there being no code available in the main menu viewController to play said sound, pressing play on the menu will take you to the game screen, where the game has been reset, until tapping again, where the sound plays implying a new bar is launched, despite all images being invisible.
I made sure that, when leaving any view, I wipe all subviews from the view, so that whenever the screen is loaded there's nothing being covered up. I also tried dismissing the previous view controller, however nothing seems to take effect. So, I can't tell for certain whether the views are being removed or what... It's simply mind breaking to me.
Unfortunately my descriptions most likely aren't doing myself any justice, so hopefully this video demonstration will help out. Note that at the beginning, I am tapping the screen to show that no sound is played, however of course that won't be visible.
Edit: You'll notice that when returning to the menu, tapping the screen seems to mess up the moving bar in the background, despite the gameBarMovement timer being invalidated upon moving from the game to the menu. The fact that they're using separate class files also should mean the bars shouldn't be effected? Knowing me, I've missed something fairly obvious.
This is how the UIViewController life-cycle works as far as I know. UIViewcontrollers aren't unloaded until the app starts running out of memory. What you probably need is some way, in your game VC, to stop the game loop from running and resume it once a new game is started.

UIAlertViews, UIActionSheets and keyWindow problems

I created an iOS 7 passcode replica and I have this problem I can't seem to solve. I need the lock screen view to be on top of everything else, so the app is covered in iOS' multitasking view, so I add it directly to the keyWindow. Everything fine so far.
The problem arises if there's an alertView or actionSheet (will only mention alertViews in this post, to keep it simple) open when I have to display the lock screen. It has been answered several times that there are no references to alertViews in iOS 7, which is true, and the window in which they are displayed is _UIModalItemHostingWindow, which has 2 UIViews, indeed with no reference to the alertView.
This _UIModalItemHostingWindow also becomes the new keyWindow, so it's on top of everything else, but it can not be found in [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows meaning if I add the lock screen to my former keyWindow (the default keyWindow, if you will), it will be beneath the alertView and its dimmed background, so the user can't interact with the lock screen before dismissing the alertView. The other option is detailed a bit further below.
The lock screen works like this: on applicationDidEnterBackground it checks if the passcode is enabled; if it is enabled and the passcode duration is 0 (user selected to lock the app immediately), it adds the lock screen now, so it covers the app in the multitasking view. Now, the option I mentioned above is to add the alertView to this _UIModalItemHostingWindow window, but when returning to the app, the lock screen view is displayed with a 1+ second delay (even though I added it before I went to background!) and the app isn't covered by anything in the multitasking view. (Currently it's displayed in the wrong position too, if you go ahead and download it, that is fixed, but I didn't pushed the commit yet).
I tried hiding and removeFromSuperview this _UIModalItemHostingWindow, but when coming back to the app, the alertView animation still runs as if it was just fired. I suspect the delay mentioned above also happens due to how Apple handles alertViews when coming back to foreground.
I also tried creating a new window and to make that the new keyWindow, but same thing happens.
Here's a small discussion about this, covering all the stuff I tried, maybe I missed something in this post.
Any ideas? Except creating manual references to every alertView and actionSheet inside my app, because I'm trying to find a fix for the passcode library, not my own apps; I can find dirty workarounds for that, no problem :)
Update: The window is _UIAlertOverlayWindow if an actionSheet is used instead of an alertView, but it behaves the same as far as I can tell.
The simplest solution is to have a lockscreen window instead of a lockscreen view.
Create a new UIWindow, set its frame to UIScreen bounds, put a simple rootViewController there that should handle rotation and display your "lock screen" views and set the windowLevel to UIWindowLevelAlert + 1.
Then set window's hidden to YES. Whenewer you want to show the lockscreen, just set hidden to NO.
I guess that adding a view to keyWindow also doesn't work when a popover/action sheet is displayed and also when a keyboard is displayed (keyboard has its own window on top of the key window).
