Symfony Propel Query - symfony1
I want to make this query on Symfony/Propel
FROM `folders`
LEFT JOIN `documents_has_folders` ON (documents_has_folders.folders_idfolders = folders.idfolders)
LEFT JOIN documents ON (documents_has_folders.DOCUMENTS_IDDOCUMENTS=documents.IDDOCUMENTS)
GROUP BY folders.idfolders
I do this query
$x = FoldersQuery::create()
->addJoin(DocumentsHasFoldersPeer::FOLDERS_IDFOLDERS, FoldersPeer::IDFOLDERS, CRITERIA::LEFT_JOIN)
This returns:
500 | Internal Server Error | PropelException
Unable to execute SELECT statement [SELECT folders.NAME, COUNT(documents.IDDOCUMENTS), COUNT(files.IDFILES), SUM(files.SIZE) FROM LEFT JOIN folders ON (documents_has_folders.FOLDERS_IDFOLDERS=folders.IDFOLDERS) LEFT JOIN documents ON (documents_has_folders.DOCUMENTS_IDDOCUMENTS=documents.IDDOCUMENTS) LEFT JOIN files ON (documents.IDDOCUMENTS=files.DOCUMENTS_IDDOCUMENTS) WHERE folders.REMOVE_DATE IS NULL GROUP BY folders.IDFOLDERS] [wrapped: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN folders ON (documents_has_folders.FOLDERS_IDFOLDERS=folders.IDFOLDERS)' at line 1]
Why there is no table on FROM??? Why it creates a wrong query?
Thanks a lot.
Same problem have and if i do the query like this:
$c = new Criteria();
$c->addJoin(DocumentsHasFoldersPeer::FOLDERS_IDFOLDERS, FoldersPeer::IDFOLDERS, CRITERIA::LEFT_JOIN);
$c->addJoin(DocumentsHasFoldersPeer::DOCUMENTS_IDDOCUMENTS, DocumentsPeer::IDDOCUMENTS, CRITERIA::LEFT_JOIN);
Again after FROM there is no table...
Unable to execute SELECT statement [SELECT folders.NAME, COUNT(documents.IDDOCUMENTS), COUNT(files.IDFILES), SUM(files.SIZE) FROM LEFT JOIN folders ON (documents_has_folders.FOLDERS_IDFOLDERS=folders.IDFOLDERS AND folders.remove_date IS NULL ) LEFT JOIN documents ON (documents_has_folders.DOCUMENTS_IDDOCUMENTS=documents.IDDOCUMENTS AND documents.remove_date IS NULL ) LEFT JOIN files ON (documents.IDDOCUMENTS=files.DOCUMENTS_IDDOCUMENTS AND documents.remove_date IS NULL AND files.remove_date IS NULL ) WHERE folders.remove_date IS NULL AND documents.remove_date IS NULL AND files.remove_date IS NULL GROUP BY folders.IDFOLDERS] [wrapped: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN folders ON (documents_has_folders.FOLDERS_IDFOLDERS=folders.IDFOLDERS ' at line 1]
This is not the Propel way to build queries since Propel 1.6 (maybe before). We don't use Criteria nor Peer classes. The following query:
FROM `folders`
LEFT JOIN `documents_has_folders` ON (documents_has_folders.folders_idfolders = folders.idfolders)
LEFT JOIN documents ON (documents_has_folders.DOCUMENTS_IDDOCUMENTS=documents.IDDOCUMENTS)
Can be written like that:
$query = FoldersQuery::create())
->withColumn('COUNT(documents.NAME)', 'CountName')
->withColumn('COUNT(files.IDFILES)', 'CountIdFiles')
->withColumn('SUM(files.size)', 'Sum')
->select(array('Name', 'CountName', 'CountIdFiles', 'Sum'))
It may requires adjustments but it's the right way.
Hive lock in transactional table used in joins
We are facing this strange issue with Hive on HDInsight 4.0 - Hive 3.1.0 By default, Hive is set to handle all tables as transactional. We have 3 tables which join together: a b c In initial phase 2 of those tables were partitioned by year/month (b,c). Now, we have repartitioned them by year/month/day (b,c). Which generates a number of around 200 partitions for each table(b,c). Now if we do a select from a join b join c we get a transaction lock error. However, if I do Select a join b - works fine, if I do Select a join c works fine. Also, if I restrict in the join clause for one of the newly partitioned tables to scan only one partition like Select a join b on 1=1 join c on 1=1 and c.YEAR=2019 AND c.MONTH=1 it also works fine. It seems that the increased number of partitions which the join has to scan, or something like that is preventing Hive to take a read lock on those tables... which is very strange, since the tables do not share anything, except the same database. Any ideas? Full error: java.sql.SQLException: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Error in acquiring locks: Error communicating with the metastore at org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveStatement.waitForOperationToComplete( at org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveStatement.execute( at com.hortonworks.hivestudio.hive.HiveJdbcConnectionDelegate.execute( at at at at$$anonfun$receive$1.applyOrElse(AbstractActor.scala:243) at at$(Actor.scala:512) at at at at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:257) at at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.exec(Mailbox.scala:234) at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec( at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask( at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker( at
Join with <= in the On clause in Google bigquery
I want to execute a query with join in Google bigquery that has '<=' instead of '=' in it's on clause: select s.count_value as count_value, as total,sum( as accumulated from stats s join stats p on p.rn <=s.rn group by count_value,total,s.rn When I run this query, I receive an error message saying: Error: ON clause must be AND of = comparisons of one field name from each table, with all field names prefixed with table name. Any idea how I can implement this query?
You should enable Standard SQL to do such JOINs See Enabling Standard SQL in CLI - just add the --use_legacy_sql=false flag to your command line statement.
Ambiguous column error creating table in Aster Studio 6.0
I am new to databases and am posting a problem from work. I am creating a table in Aster Studio 6.0, but got an error about an ambiguous column. I ran the same query in Teradata SQL Assistant and did not get an error. I have six tables with millions of rows named EDW.SWIFTIQ_TRANS_DTL, EDW.SWIFTIQ_STORE, EDW.SWIFTIQ_PROD, EDW.STORE_XREF, EDW.TDLNX_STR_OUTLT, and EDW.SURV_CWC. EDW represents the original database, but the columns were labeled with aliases. I did a trim() on the VARCHAR columns for saving spool space. For the error about TDLNX_RTL_OUTLT_NBR, I performed an INNER JOIN on similar columns from two different tables. Doing a preview in SQL Assistant, there was a temporary table with only one column called TDLNX_RTL_OUTLT_NBR. Here’s the SQL query: CREATE TABLE public.table_name DISTRIBUTE BY HASH (SRC_SYS_PROD_ID) AS ( SELECT * FROM load_from_teradata( ON public.load_from_teradata_dummy TDPID(‘database_name') USERNAME(’user_name') PASSWORD(’ss') QUERY ('SELECT e.TDLNX_RTL_OUTLT_NBR, e.OUTLT_ST_ADDR_TXT, e.STORE_OUTLT_ZIP_CD, d.TRANS_ID, d.TRANS_DT, d.TRANS_TM, d.UNIT_QTY, d.SRC_SYS_STORE_ID, d.SRC_SYS_PROD_ID, d.SRC_SYS_NM, a.SRC_SYS_STORE_ID, a.SRC_SYS_NM, a.STORE_NM, a.CITY_NM, a.ZIP_CD, a.ST_cd, p.SRC_SYS_PROD_ID, p.SRC_SYS_NM, p.UPC_CD, p.PROD_ID, f.SRC_SYS_STORE_ID, f.SRC_SYS_NM, f.TDLNX_RTL_OUTLT_NBR, g.SURV_CWC_WSLR_CUST_PARTY_ID, g.AGE_CD, g.HIGH_END_ACCT_FLG, g.RACE_ETHNC_CD, g.OCCPN_CD FROM EDW.SWIFTIQ_TRANS_DTL d INNER JOIN EDW.SWIFTIQ_STORE a ON trim( a.SRC_SYS_STORE_ID) = trim(d.SRC_SYS_STORE_ID) INNER JOIN EDW.SWIFTIQ_PROD p ON trim(p.SRC_SYS_PROD_ID) = trim(d.SRC_SYS_PROD_ID) and p.SRC_SYS_NM = d.SRC_SYS_NM INNER JOIN EDW.STORE_XREF f ON trim(f.SRC_SYS_STORE_ID) = trim(a.SRC_SYS_STORE_ID) INNER JOIN EDW.TDLNX_STR_OUTLT e ON trim(e.TDLNX_RTL_OUTLT_NBR)= trim(f.TDLNX_RTL_OUTLT_NBR) INNER JOIN EDW.SURV_CWC g ON g.SURV_CWC_WSLR_CUST_PARTY_ID = e.WSLR_CUST_PARTY_ID WHERE TRANS_DT between ''2015-01-01'' and ''2015-03-31''') num_instances('4') ) ); ERROR: column reference 'TDLNX_RTL_OUTLT_NBR' is ambiguous. EDIT: Forgot to include a description about the table aliases. a stands for EDW.SWIFTIQ_STORE, p for EDW.SWIFTIQ_PROD, f for EDW.STORE_XREF, e for EDW.TDLNX_STR_OUTLT, g for EDW.SURV_CWC, and d for EDW.SWIFTIQ_TRANS_DTL.
You will get the same error when you try CREATE TABLE AS SELECT in Teradata. There are three column names, SRC_SYS_NM & SRC_SYS_PROD_ID & SRC_SYS_STORE_ID, which are used multiple times (with different table aliases) within the SELECT. Add column aliases to make those names unique, e.g. trans_SRC_SYS_NM instead of d.SRC_SYS_NM. Additionally the TRIMs in the joins are a very bad idea. You will probably not save that much spool, but force the optimizer to redistribute all spools for join-preparation.
DB2 SQL Query issue when using Outer Join
I am hoping someone can shed some light to this error I am receiving on a Query script ... SELECT ... FROM LEFT OUTER JOIN DATESA ON DAILY_DATES.ID = DATESA.ID table3, table4 WHERE ... I am getting an error message and stuck; can't figure out the issue on my syntax?!
Why do you put table3, table4 after the join? You specified the tables already in the join SELECT ... FROM daily_dates LEFT OUTER JOIN datesa ON = WHERE ... And you forgot to specify your first table after the select (view my example for the syntax)
Join on Subquery: Google BigQuery
I am trying to join two tables: select * from (select *, STRING(ID) as ID_string from Dataset1.Table1 where create_date >= 1388514600) as A left join each Dataset2.Table1 as B on A.ID_string = B.ID On running the above query, I get the following error: Field 'ID_string' not found in table 'Dataset1.Table1' Why is the join not recognizing the newly created column "ID_string"?
Solution: Try the same query, but specifying each field by its name (instead of using *).