Anyone used approvaltests with specflow? - specflow

Has anyone used Specflow with ApprovalTests?
I find it limiting that you can only approve one file per NUnit test and therefore each scenario can only have one approved file. This is the case even if you use scenario outlines.
This means I usually have to concatenate files and approve one large file which repesents the results of lots of independent tests.
I wonder has anyone found a better way?

I'm the creator of approvaltests. I haven't used specflow myself yet, but the solution you are looking for would reside in the Namer.
A little background:
Approve() uses 3 pieces
a namer - this gets the .. received & approved file
a writer - this outputs to that said file
a reporter - this is called on failure
Right now the namers only use the class & method name to determine the file name which is why they cause a problem when you want more than one file per method.
you need to extend the namer to use more inputs (i'm guessing here but) class, method & scenario.
I'd be happy to pair w/you via skype to create the namer.


Connect to Acrobat's IAC (interapplication communication)

I am trying to automate some non-trivial task* with Adobe's Acrobat XI.
I think the way to go is using Acrobat's IAC, which seems to be well-documented, eg. here.
However, I could not figure out how to access the application object, eg. from within an HTA. I mean: How do I get the app object mentioned in the API documentation?
It feels like I am missing something very obvious. However, I have been searching and trying unsuccessfully for quite a while now.
Alternatively, any other suggestion how to perform complicated stuff (see footnote) in Acrobat is appreciated.
*The task is concatenating 1 to n JPG files into a PDF/A document (like, tens of thousands of times). The mapping is given through a TSV file or something alike. The requirement of generating PDF/A which pass Adobe's validation forces me to use Acrobat, at least for this last step.
Are you using .net? Are you missing a reference to IAC?
try: SET gApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")

Compile the same program but get different binaries in Delphi XE [duplicate]

For the purposes of binary / source code verification, i'd like to be able to make two compiles on the same computer 2 weeks apart and have the binaries be identical and thus pass some checksum test.
So far I've found that most likely the timestamp will be written by the compiler into the binary. I can work around this by doing the compare on the dumpbin /rawdata results per this msdn article.
However the dumpbin results still differ in a about a dozen places and the difference still appears to be some kind of timestamp (changing from A1 73 to C4 76) for example.
I assume this is the timestamp that the delphi compiler is putting into the code/data sections but i can't find where this is happening or how to turn it off. Fiddling with the various compiler/linker options has not changed this behavior.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We researched this question a few years ago, and as I recall the answer was simply that the people at Borland/Codegear/Embarcadero do not subscribe to the notion that the compiler should produce exactly the same output given exactly the same input (given that the current date-time is not acceptable to consider as input).
This is disappointing, but given that Delphi is upmteen major versions old, it probably will not change.
Based on your comment in the question, I think you are searching for the answer to this question:
How can I verify that a certain binary is created by a certain set of source files
One way is to have an automated built process that:
Inserts a unique verififcation tag in the source code (might be as simple as a GUID string or something else in an include file)
Compiles the binaries using that verification tag
Packs the resulting binary and source code in a delivery directory tree
You must make sure that your sourcecode actually uses that verification tag (for instance by showing in an about box, or something similar).
I use FinalBuilder to automate build processes like this.
Unfortunately I haven't heard of any answer to this problem.
It's not just timestamps but there are places where a few bytes of random garbage out of memory ends up in the result.

iPad app as wrapper for Excel Model

I've got an Excel file that takes ~10 inputs and outputs ~5 numbers. The problem is, the calculations run involve lots of assumptions, are rather complex, and laid out over 5 excel sheets with lots of lookup tables, etc.
I'd like to wrap the Excel model in an iPad app -- so that it's easy to solicit user input and show the easy outputs without having them to see the dirty work beneath.
It's important for me to encapsulate the Excel model since that's still getting tweaked and adjusted... so to have a wrapper set up as opposed to reproduce the logic in the Excel file would save me probably 2 orders of magnitude of time.
Have looked around and not found a way to do this yet... any thoughts?
Two options come to mind.
One is that you can use an excel wrapper on iOS. Details can be found here: How can i create excel sheet and file in iPhone sdk?
The second option is to setup a server and pass the task onto the server. I'm familiar with Ruby, and creating/modifying excel files in Ruby is a breeze. I'd expect PHP, python, etc. to have similar faculties.
Either option is going to depend on your use case, whether you're charging for the app or not, and your familiarity with server side programming.

iOS Jailbroken devices development: How to dump method calls

I am pretty new to development for iOS devices with jailbreak. From what I am reading I understand that to be able to do all the cool things which you can't do on non-jailbroken phones you have to hook up to a given class and override some of its behaviour. Since there is no documentation how a developer tracks to which class exactly he should hook?
I imagine that for instance if I wanted to have my app respond to a given event such as phone boot, call hang up or user clicking on an icon I would manually generate the given event and see what invocations have been made. Is this the proper way to track where you should hook your code and if yes how is it done.
Note I am not interested in exactly those events mentioned above I am more interested the approach in general.
There are several approaches:
Disassemble binaries
You can disassemble a binary or just dump classes with something like class-dump.
So, you can see the whole hierarhy of classes.
Find dumped classes
Most of major iOS subsystems were dissasembled by somebody already. You can find quite a lot of useful stuff.
As example. Google search "Springboard headers" got this
Dump classes in a runtime.
Look at this question for explanation: List selectors for Objective-C object

Setting up help for a Delphi app

What's the best way to set up help (specifically HTML Help) for a Delphi application? I can see several options, all of which has disadvantages. Specifically:
I could set HelpContext in the forms designer wherever appropriate, but then I'm stuck having to track numbers instead of symbolic constants.
I could set HelpContext programmatically. Then I can use symbolic constants, but I'd have more code to keep up with, and I couldn't easily check the text DFMs to see which forms still need help.
I could set HelpKeyword, but since that does a keyword lookup (like Application.HelpKeyword) rather than a topic jump (like Application.HelpJump), I'd have to make sure that each of my help pages has a unique, non-changing, top-level keyword; this seems like extra work. (And there are HelpKeyword-related VCL bugs like this and this.)
I could set HelpKeyword, set an Application.OnHelp handler to convert HelpKeyword requests to HelpJump requests so that I can assign help by topic ID instead of keyword lookup, and add code such as my own help viewer (based on HelpScribble's code) that fixes the VCL bugs and lets HelpJump work with anchors. By this point, though, I feel like I'm working against the VCL rather than with it.
Which approach did you choose for your app?
When I first started researching how to do this several years ago, I first got the "All About help files in Borland Delphi" tutorial from:
In that document, the section "Preparing a help file for context sensitive help" (which in my version of the document starts on page 28). It describes a nice numbering scheme you can use to organize your numbers into sections, e.g. Starting with 100000 for your main form and continuing with 101000 or 110000 for each secondary form, etc.
But then I wanted to use descriptive string IDs instead of numbers for my Help topics. I started using THelpRouter, which is part of EC Software's free Help Suite at:
But then I settled on a Help tool that supported string ID's directly for topics (I use Dr. Explain: so now I simply use HelpJump, e.g.:
I hope that helps.
We use symbolic constants. Yes, it is a bit more work, but it pays off. Especially because some of our dialogs are dynamically built and sometimes require different help IDs.
I create the help file, which gets the help topic ID, and then go around the forms and set their HelpContext values to them. Since the level of maintenance needed is very low - the form is unlikely to change help file context unless something major happens - this works just fine.
We use Help&Manual - its a wonderful tool, outputting almost any format of stuff you could want, doc, rtf, html, pdf - all from the same source. It will even read in (or paste from rtf (eg MSWord). It uses topic ID's (strings) which I just keep a list of and I manually put each one into a form (or class) as it suits me. Sounds difficult but trust me you'll spend far longer hating the wrong authouring tool. I spent years finding it!
