How do I prevent double-clicking in ASP.NET MVC without using JavaScript? -

Yes others have asked similar questions, however, the end solution was using JavaScript. I have that working, my question becomes what happens when the user has JavaScript turned off? I would hope only advanced users would be turning off JavaScript and thus know to know click once on a button and can tell that the server is working. On the off chance they don't, how do I make sure that button is only clicked once?
I should note that this is on a payment form.

I'm afraid without JavaScript there is no way to prevent this. If the click results in a POST request, then you can try to make it idempotent on the server side.

You cannot make sure the button is only clicked once, as you have no control over user's browser. What you can do, though, is to add a hidden field, a token to your forms so that if you see a token you've already seen, you'll be able to return an already-calculated answer.
Update: In case of payment processing, it's not even a technique for preventing double submission—it's a technique protecting your clients from fraud. Check out OWASP's A5: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF):
Preventing CSRF requires the inclusion of a unpredictable token in the body or URL of each HTTP request. Such tokens should at a minimum be unique per user session, but can also be unique per request.
The preferred option is to include the unique token in a hidden field. This causes the value to be sent in the body of the HTTP request, avoiding its inclusion in the URL, which is subject to exposure.
The unique token can also be included in the URL itself, or a URL parameter. However, such placement runs the risk that the URL will be exposed to an attacker, thus compromising the secret token.
Basically, each time you receive a payment form, you want to make sure it's a legitimate response to the form you've shown. Handling double submission comes free with security—a rare case indeed! ;)

what happens when the user has JavaScript turned off?
The server is hit twice and there is not much you could do about it.
Now depending on what you are doing on the server there are different ways to react. For example in a RESTful application if you are using a POST verb which modifies some state on the server and is neither safe nor idempotent it is eventually the underlying data source that will detect the anomaly and simply throw an exception which will be gracefully reported to the user telling him that his request was already submitted.

For a simple and small ASP.NET MVC app, I find using the HttpRuntime.Cache is enough:
Function SomeAction() As ActionResult
Dim cachekey = "uniquecode"
If HttpRuntime.Cache(cachekey) IsNot Nothing Then
' wait until the other request is finished
Loop Until HttpRuntime.Cache(cachekey) Is Nothing
End If
cachekey, "", Nothing,
Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Low, Nothing)
' do stuff
End Try
End Function
The cachekey must be the same for requests that you consider double, and must be different from all the other requests. If you check that the cachekey is already in the cache, tell the thread that is processing the request to wait (or throw error).


Forging a Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token

I had a look at Rails' ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection module and couldn't find anything related to using secrets. Basically, it uses secure PRNG as a one time pad, xors, computes Base64 and embeds into HTML (form, tags). I agree that it is impossible for an attacker to guess what a PRNG generates, but nevertheless I can generate (or forge if you like) a similar token, embed it into my "evil" form and submit. As far as understand Rails compares ( verifies) it on the backend. But I can't fully understand why it is secure. After all, I can generate my own token exactly like Rails does. Could someone clarify how the security is achieved?
You might misunderstand what this protects against, so let's first clarify what CSRF is, and what it is not. Sorry if this is not the point of confusion, might still be helpful for others, and we will get to the point afterwards.
Let's say you have an application that allows you to say transfer money with a POST request (do something that "changes state"), and uses cookie-based sessions. (Note that this is not the only case csrf might be possible, but by far the most common.) This application receives the request and performs the action. As an attacker, I can set up another application on a different domain, and get a user to visit my rogue application. It does not even have to look similar to the real one, it can be completely different, just having a user visit my rogue domain is enough. I as the attacker can then send a post to the victim application's domain, to the exact url with all the necessary parameters so that money gets transferred (the action will be performed). The victim user need not even know if this happens in xhr from javascript - or I can just properly post a form, the user gets redirected, but the harm is done.
This is affected by a few things, but the point is that cross-origin requests are not prevented by the same origin policy, only the response will not be available to the other domain - but in this case when server state changes in the victim application (like money gets transferred), the attacker might not care much about the response itself. All this needs is that the victim user that visits the attacker's page while still being logged in to the victim application. Cookies will be sent with the request regardless of the page the request is sent from, the only thing that counts is the destination domain (well, unless samesite is set for the cookie, but that's a different story).
Ok, so how does Rails (and similar synchronizer token solutions) prevent this? If you lok at lines 318 and 322 in the source, the token received from the user is compared to the one already stored in the session. When a user logs in, a random token is generated and stored for that particular user, for that particular session. Subsequent requests that change state (everything apart from GET) check if the token received from the client is the same that's stored in the session. If you (or an attcker) generate and send a new one, that will be different and the request will fail validation. An attacker on their own website cannot guess the correct token to send, so the attack above becomes impossible. An attacker on a different origin also cannot read the token of a user, because that is prevented by the same origin policy (the attacker can send a GET request to the victim app, but cannot read the response).
So to clarify, CSRF is not a protection against parameter tampering, which might have caused your confusion. In your own requests, if you know the token, you can change the request in any way, send any parameter, the CSRF token does not protect against this. It is against the attack outlined above.
Note that the description above is only scratching the surface, there is a lot of depth to CSRF protection, and Rails too does a little more, with some other frameworks doing a lot more to protect against less likely attacks.

Filtering route parameters

So I have a route in routes.rb like:
get "example/:token" => "example#example"
and even though I have config.filter_parameters += [:token] in production.rb, I still get a log output like:
Started GET "/example/fjiaowevnieninr3"
Parameters: {"token"=>"[FILTERED]"}
where as you can see "token" is filtered in the Parameters, but still appears in the URL path. I'd always assumed filtered_parameters would filter it there as well but I guess not. Is there an official way to filter out named route parameters like this from the logs?
In general it depends on why do you need this kind of behaviour. allenbrkn answer is correct you can send it through query string and it will be filtered from the query string. That said there are more things to consider when you are trying to do this.
There are more type of logs
In the production environment you use some webserver like Apache or Nginx, they have their own access logs, in which they log some headers, paths with query strings and so on (it is configurable).
It means that even if you filter out URL token from the rails log, they will probably appear in the webserver access logs.
Also don't forget these parameters can be sent to external services eg. exception tracking or performance tracking softwares.
Things in the URL are public
Tokens in the URL should not be considered as a secret. Your user can see them manipulate them, send the url to anyone or randomly show it to someone.
I think there two main reasons to put the token into the URL
Hard to guess URL
User authorisation
Hard to guess URL
In this case token is always the same. It is not changed with every access of the URL. It can be usually used as an ID of some resource or something.
For example we are using it as public URLs for invoices so we can send just a link to our clients and they can download the PDF from our site and there are some things to help them with the payments. In the URL is some token so they cannot guess the URL and access invoices of other clients. The token is always the same, so they can access the invoice from the email several times. And the URL is still in the rails log and server access log and we are fine with it because we know the tokens anyway - they are part of the invoice ID.
In these cases it also helps you with the debugging. If some exception kicks in or if there is some issue with the resource it will be really hard to find out why.
User authorisation
This is a bit more complicated. When it comes to authorisation you shouldn't put your tokens into the URL. They should always be in the body and filtered out of the log or in the authorisation headers. Unfortunately sometimes you don't have much of a choice if you need to use it during the GET requests eg:
Single sign on (redirect flow)
Password reset
(Of course you can use request body even with GET requests but you are risking to loose the data eg if the user puts in the URL manually etc)
In these cases you should make possible exposition to valid tokens as short as you can:
Always issue new token on demand never reuse same tokens
Work with very short expiration times
Every token should be invalidated immediately after its use
With these rules it should not matter whether they appear in the logs or not.
For example we have single sign on implemented in our application. The valid token is issued only on demand with 1 minute expiration time and it is invalidated immediately when it is used. In this case it can appear in the log because at the time of appearance it is already invalid and useless.
With password reset it can be a bit more complicated you need token to be valid at least tens of minutes probably and it will appear in the log before it is invalidated. But there are probably not too many things you can do about it - btw if someone has some good ideas I will be very happy to read it.
You can filter the tokens from rails logs but they still probably appear in other logs or even other services if you use them. You should work with your tokens in the URL as if they can appear there and make it as safe as possible for you if they do. Rails log is just one piece of puzzle you have to consider.
As far I know, there is no in-built way of filtering the URL like GET /example/[FILTERED]. But you can create your own method to do that.
After a little examining of file, I found that filtering params will also filter the query_string of the path.
For example: In your case above, if you make a request to /example/fjiaowevnieninr3?token=fjiaowevnieninr3, the result in logs would be:
Started GET "/example/fjiaowevnieninr3?token=[FILTERED]"
Parameters: {"token"=>"[FILTERED]"}
So I would suggest you to send your token as a query parameter and do something like this:
In your routes add:
get "example/auth" => "example#example"
Then you can make a request like /example/auth?token=123456
You can catch this token in controller with params[:token]
This way your logs will show:
Started GET "/example/auth?token=[FILTERED]"
Parameters: {"token"=>"[FILTERED]"}
Also, config.filter_parameters is moved from config/application.rb to it's own file at config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb file.
Add the token symbol to your config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb:
Rails.application.config.filter_parameters += [:password, :token]
Also, don't forget to restart the server.

Why does HttpAntiForgeryException occur randomly even with a static Machine Key?

We have an ASP.NET MVC 2 (.NET 4) application running on Windows Azure (latest 2.x OS version) with two web role instances.
We use the anti-forgery token supplied by MVC for all POST requests, and we have set a static Machine Key in web.config, so everything works on multiple machines and across restarts. 99.9% of the cases it works perfectly.
Every now and then, however, we log a HttpAntiForgeryException, with message "A required anti-forgery token was not supplied or was invalid."
I know the problem might be cookies not being allowed in the browser, but we've verified that and cookies are enabled and being sent back and forth correctly.
The error occurs with a variety of browsers and obviously causes problems to the users because they have to repeat the operation or they can lose some data. Suffice it to say, we haven't been able to reproduce the problem locally, but it only happens on Windows Azure.
Why is that happening? How can we avoid it?
I ran into this recently as well and found two causes.
1. Browser restores last session on open for page that is cached
If you have a page that is cachable that performs a post to your server (i.e. antiforgery will be on) and the user has their browser set to restore last session on start up (this option exists in chrome) the page will be rendered from cache. However, the request verification cookie will not be there because it is a browser session cookie and is discarded when browser is closed. Since the cookie is gone you get the anti-forgery exception. Solution: Return response headers so that the page is not cached (i.e. Cache-Control:private, no-store).
2. Race condition if opening more than one tab on start up to your site
Browsers have the option to open a set of tabs at start up. If more than one of these hit your site that returns a request verification cookie you can hit a race condition where the request verification cookie is overwritten. This happens because more than one request hits your server from a user that does not have the request verification cookie set. The first request is handled and sets the request verification cookie. Next the second request is handled, but it did not send the cookie (had not been set yet at request time) so the server generates a new one. The new one overwrites the first one and now that page will get an antiforgery request exception when it next performs a post. The MVC framework does not handle this scenario. This bug has been reported to the MVC team at Microsoft.
The anti forgery token contains the username of the currently connected user when it is emitted. And when verifying its validity, the currently connected user is checked against the one used when the token was emitted. So for example if you have a form in which the user is not yet authenticated and you emit an anti forgery token, there won't be any username stored in it. If when you submit the form you authenticate the user, then the token will no longer be valid. Same applies for logging out.
Here's how the Validate method looks like:
public void Validate(HttpContextBase context, string salt)
string antiForgeryTokenName = AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName(null);
string str2 = AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName(context.Request.ApplicationPath);
HttpCookie cookie = context.Request.Cookies[str2];
if ((cookie == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie.Value))
throw CreateValidationException();
AntiForgeryData data = this.Serializer.Deserialize(cookie.Value);
string str3 = context.Request.Form[antiForgeryTokenName];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3))
throw CreateValidationException();
AntiForgeryData data2 = this.Serializer.Deserialize(str3);
if (!string.Equals(data.Value, data2.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw CreateValidationException();
string username = AntiForgeryData.GetUsername(context.User);
if (!string.Equals(data2.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw CreateValidationException();
if (!string.Equals(salt ?? string.Empty, data2.Salt, StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw CreateValidationException();
One possible way to debug this is to recompile ASP.NET MVC from its source code and log exactly in which of the if cases you enter when the exception is thrown.
I have a few MVC3 web apps that get this pretty regularly also. The majority of them are because the client doesn't send a POST body. And most of these are IE8 because of some bug with ajax requests preceding a regular form post. There's a hotfix for IE that seems to address the symptoms, which sort of proves that it is a client bug in these cases
There are a few discussions about the issue around the web, nothing too useful though, I definitely am not about to mess with keep-alive timeouts which is a suggested "solution" in some places...
I've never been able to reproduce it with a variety of attempts to reset connections between POSTS so I'm afraid I don't have a real solution for the case of the IE empty POST bodies. The way we've mitigated it a little bit is to make sure that we never use the POST method when just retrieving data via ajax.
If you log the full request, check to see if the POST body is empty, and if it is, it'll probably be an older IE. And I don't mean Content-Length: 0, it will usually have a Content-Length that seems correct in the headers but there will literally be nothing after the headers in the request.
The issue as a whole is still a mystery to me though because we still get the occasional exception where there is a complete POST body. Our usernames never change and our keys are static as well, I haven't tried adding debugging to the source, if I ever get around to that I will report my findings.
There are a couple of options for what you could try. You could try remoting into the machine and looking at the event log to see if you can get more information from that in regards to where this is happening. If that doesn't help, you can use DebugDiag or some other tool to capture a dump of the process (DebugDiag will let you capture one at the time of this specific exception). And then look at that to see what is going on.
If you can't seem to figure it out from there, you can always create a support case with Microsoft to help you investigate it.
I have encountered similar problems with my home-brewed anti-forgery code, which is conceptually very similar to the MVC mechanism. Mostly the problem seems to occur because modern browsers appear willing to display cached copies of pages specified as non-cached.
I have tried all combinations of page no-cache directives, but sometimes I still get cached pages displayed.
I have found that a better solution is to hook the onbeforeunload event for the page and explicitly clear the value of the hidden input field holding the token value in the DOM.
If a cached copy of a page is loaded, it seems to contain the cleared input field value. I then test for this in the document ready function and reload the page if necessary:
Seems to work quite effectively, and I suspect it might for the MVC anti-forgery code too.

RequestVerificationToken does not match

I have a problem with the anti CRSF MVC mechanism. The cookie and the form input returned does not match. I'm getting an error every single time, only in one specific page. In the rest of the application it works well.
The server is returning HTTP 500 Internal Server Error and I can see on the log this exception:
[System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException]: {"A required anti-forgery
token was not supplied or was invalid."}
This is the hidden input that the server is generating is:
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="QK8P7rjyZE6Vm5seY7Fr704YCOoFGdTIMzl1W7R0ZFpXSMjGKLG2T05DfFSYTxvtQCEx7DDT69DGsDB2+ZXFHY8oAjiKz0gw8BhDFywgmfIpoXnGpj7fONNzIIfvbrDrE9WJsMu6Io/0bDLM5WfKs0zktiNjyOWpfYrmnfINYmjW8NLOZFoz74xTcgTptAld">
And this is the Cookie returned:
Set-Cookie:__RequestVerificationToken_L2VGbG93=skmTAVI8HCbfxDS+xhioIMIISL3UOBI7qJM1JbHjTtAqKl4W70pDUcTKMm0p3R3mrHDziE8vXw0C0OO4HArzWO1/e6py+v/cFdbe9maFgjl4jMiZ9Wc4YIhC6+IUXkk6yqJDJ8dCIr8qtGaYcD9IX+m7/SlVhu521KQSWJYRcaY=; path=/; HttpOnly
When I examine what the server is sending, the cookie is exactly the same, but the payload has different encoding I think:
The differences are in two characters that appear encoded:
/ -> %2F
+ -> %2B
Those are the only differences I can find between the hidden input field, and the post payload.
What could be the problem that is causing that ValidateAntiForgeryToken fails in verify the token?
I've had and resolved several issues with ValidateAntiForgeryToken lately, so I'll share my findings with you.
Salt: Since you mention this only happens on a single page, my best guess is that you are using different salt values in your calls to Html.AntiForgeryToken(salt) and ValidateAntiForgeryToken(salt) calls.
AJAX: as another answer has said, using AJAX may require extra work to ensure the token is included in the POST. Here is my favorite simple, automatic solution to add the token to all AJAX POST requests.
In your question though, you state that you have verified that the token is sending. Have you verified that you're only sending the token once? I found out that an AJAX call of mine was sending the token twice, which combined the values, and caused it to fail.
Machine Key and Cookies: this issue is ugly, easy to spot (causes exceptions), but not very intuitive. The validation cookies and tokens are encoded and decoded using a unique "machine key". This means that if you have a server farm, or change your server, your cookie will no longer be valid. Closing your browser fixes the issue (because the cookie is a session cookie). However, some people leave their browser windows open in the background for a long time!
The solution is to set a "machine key" in your config file. This will tell MVC to use the same key on all servers, ensuring that the cookie will be decryptable everywhere.
Encoding Bugs: using a testing utility called jMeter, we attempted to load-test our pages, only to find out that it had a bug that caused our token to have 2 extra " around the value.
The solution is to lower your trust in your tools! Test in a browser, and if that works, create a test that extracts the token and cookie values, and set a breakpoint to verify the results.
If none of these things work for you, then I'd recommend taking a look at the MVC source code for ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute, specifically the OnAuthorization method. It will help you see the different steps where validation could fail. You might even inspect your error's Exception.StackTrace to determine which part is failing.
As a side note, I really dislike the implementation of ValidateAntiForgeryToken in MVC, because:
There are about 5 verification steps that can fail, but there is only one generic error message.
The class is sealed, so it cannot be extended with additional functionality.
The encryption method is weird - it initializes a Page and creates an artificial ViewState to encrypt the tokens and cookies. Seems overkill.
So, I grabbed the source code, and created my own specialized subclass, which also turned out to be very helpful in debugging its issues, because I could set breakpoints on the validation methods, and it was really easy to determine which validation step was failing.
If this is being sent as an Ajax request, then the current setup of the framework isn't build to do this naturally.
Luckly Phil Haak wrote a nice blog post on dealing with CSRF and Ajax -> Preventing CSRF With Ajax which goes into some good detail about how to use the existing framework and modify it to work for Ajax/Json.
From my recent findings ...
If you set content type as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" in the ajax request then you must put the AFRT in the data
If you set the content type to "application/json" then the token goes in the ajax "headers" property as described by haack.
On the server if you are checking for the form type token then using the vanilla AntiForgeryRequestTokenAttribute is ok but if you want to validate tokens sent in the header then you need to call the AntiForgeryToken.OnAuthorize ... or whatever, passing the token from the cookie (http context).
It aint easy but if it was everybody would be doing it :)

ASP.NET MVC Security checklist

There are tons of good papers about designing and developing for security (and even a bunch of posts on SO), but all of them seem to concentrate on what you should do.
What I'm after, however, is a think-like-a-hacker checklist. A list of simple actions you should to go through once you're done with development, to make sure the solution is secure.
(UPDATE: I'm mostly interested in a blackbox checklist - "go to a page, try this and that" kind of things, but a whitebox checklist might be of interest as well.)
Here's something I've come up with so far:
Security Blackbox Checklist
Submit incorrect/malicious data (examples here?) to make sure that input is validated for type, length, format and range by javascript.
Turn off client-side validation and repeat the step above, to make sure that
you don't only check with javascript but validate on the server side as well
input is validated on the server for type, length, format, and range
free form input is sanitized
output that includes input is encoded with HtmlEncode and UrlEncode
Insert extremely large amount of data in the query string as per to make sure you constrain inputs and do boundary checks.
Visit a POST action via GET, to make sure that "form submit" actions are restricted to be POST-only.
If applicable, upload a file of incorrect size/format (huge file, empty file, executable with renamed extension, etc) to make sure uploads are handled gracefully.
(how to check from UI?) ensure that absolute URLs are used for navigation.
Access the URL as a user without correct permissions, to make sure permissions are explicitly tested via action/controller attributes.
Access the URL providing non-existing details (like non-existing product ids, items you don't have access to, etc) to make sure a correct error (404 or 403 etc) is returned.
Access the sensitive page via HTTP, to make sure it's available via HTTPS only.
Security Whitebox Checklist
Web tier.
In debug mode, break the code so that it throws an exception, to make sure it fails securely. Make sure you catch exceptions and log detailed messages but do not leak information to the client.
If applicable, make sure MVC actions, are restricted on POST/GET only, particular user role, anything else?.
Make sure POST actions are accompanied with [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
Make sure Response.Write (either directly or indirectly) is never used to display user input.
Make sure sensitive data is not passed in query strings or form fields.
Make sure your security decisions do not rely on HTTP headers info.
Service tier.
In debug mode, break the code so that it throws an exception, to make sure it fails securely. Make sure you catch exceptions and log detailed messages but do not leak information to the client.
Ensure that if updating anything in the database you operate within a transaction.
Database tier.
Ensure that retrieval stored procs don't use SELECT * but always specify the list of columns explicitly.
Ensure that update/delete stored procs operate within a transaction (via ##TRANCOUNT, etc) and explicitly commit/rollback it.
Comments? Corrections? Missing steps?
Making it a community wiki, feel free to edit as much as you like.
To add to the list:
Black: DoS attacks - employ tinyget or similar to simulate DoS attacks, see what your app does.
Black: Canonicalization attacks. Mentioned a bit, may be special focus can be on a directory traversal attack in case of downloads.
White: Usage of cookies for the sensitive info? See cookies are not used for sensitive data and are not persisted locally over the intented interval.
Black: Sniff in the temp IE/XYZ folder for cookies.
Black: Again, use scripted tinyget or try manually to see if brute force password guess would work or if you app has smart delays/denials for a password guess attacks.
Black: Do any of the attacks and see if admin is notified automatically of the attack or it is only the attacker who knows about it.
"Make sure your security decisions do not rely on HTTP headers info" - http headers are used for ntml/kerberos authentication? May be just don't use them stupidly, don't invent or rely on referer, etc?
General: Employ a commercial black/white-box security scanner, can be expensive but can be hard to do security regression tests otherwise.
Sticking mostly to MVC-specific stuff:
In ASP.NET 4, understand <%: and MvcHtmlString.
Use HTML helpers when possible instead of raw HTML as it increases the chances you'll remember to encode (the helpers do it for you)
Analyze all uses of JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet to ensure it cannot return an array.
Don't reinvent anything security-related. Use proven, maintained, off-the-shelf implementations.
Don't leak security information in robots.txt
User credentials are validated on each request, either GET or POST or other, to confirm the user authentication
Check user authorization (after checking authentication) for each sensitive operation
Watch out output caching, especially if you implement your own membership system
Make sure you don't blindly bind form data to your model by always using TryUpdateModel<T> over TryUpdateModel.
