Is it possible to have a session recorded programmatically in Adobe Connect Pro? - adobe-connect

I need to show a link to a session recording after the session is over. But this should be handled programmatically rather than clicking on session recording by the session creator while being on session. I have read something about forced recordings, but I am unable to get it working. Any help would be highly appreciated.

It's difficult to discern exactly what you're asking for. I read it as this: you need to discover the URL of your recording and include that URL in some content you're presenting.
This can be done programmatically with the Connect API:
Execute API action sco-contents
Include a sco-id parameter set to the meeting room's SCO ID.
Include parameter filter-icon=archive to limit the results to recordings
Walk the XML results. This XPath: //sco[#icon='archive'] will select recordings (recordings are also referred to as archives in Connect.)
Select the recording of interest according to your criteria (e.g. most recent) and extract the URL from the entry.
Each recording will be a <sco> element in the results
The URL path will be defined in a child <url-path> element.
Append the URL path to the FQDN of your Connect service to construct the full URL.
Insert URL into your content.


How to share URL with UTM parameters on WhatsApp

I have given an option to my users to share my website on whatsapp. And I want to know how many users land back on the website using the shared link. Hence, the shared button opens this link:
But this URL considers the end &utm_medium=share as a part of the URL, and shares only on WhatsApp. So instead I did this:
which shares the correct URL on whatsapp:, but when I open it, the UTM params are not captured by GA.
What is the way out of this loop?
There's a more elegant way of doing it than utm params. Have something like:
See how now it's shorter and more elegant to a user? Now you have two good options.
Make a conditional redirect on your site from any url that has a t=we query param to whatever utm param you want with no restriction.
And even more elegantly: use GTM to parse pageviews where there's a t query parameter set, then make a neat lookup table where the input would be the value of t and the output - whatever you want to name it. Then use that lookup table's value to set your session-level custom dimension in pageviews.
Why a custom dimension and not UTM? Because when using UTMs, you're affecting your attribution. And sessions. You can easily override organic or paid attribution with some meaningless whatsapp attribution. Well, yes, if you don't use attribution at all and you don't care about GA session breakpoints, then sure, UTMs are just easier.
Also, try escaping the &, but not much hope there.

Ziggeo - what data is passed to webhook url?

I'd like to create a webhook that is notified when a video transcription occurs. I'm storing some of the video data on my end, and part of that is the transcription text of the video.
I have it set up to be passed as JSON
The only problem is that I don't know what that data structure looks like, this is the only information in the docs about it:
What data gets passed when the event occurs? Is it just the Video Data that you can see in the Admin view of the video?
Ziggeo have a detailed Page that shows how to use the webhooks here
And the site have a sandbox to generate code that will retrieve the webhook data (right now, it's only for PHP and NodeJS though)
Furthermore, you can use service like this that would retrieve the webhook and you can inspect the sent data. Make sure you put your own unique URL created for you on the Ziggeo dashboard.
Ibnu (from Ziggeo)

Is there a way to check when the Recording was last accessed?

I could not find a way to get last_access_date for a recording. The following API call returns dateCreated/dateUpdated
Is there a way to get lastAccessDate for a recording?
Twilio evangelist here.
Last accessed date is not something we currently include in the Recording resource details. If you are sending the Twilio recording URL direct to your customers then there is isn't a way to tell when they last accessed the file. You could put an arbitrary lifetime on the file (eg we delete it after X days), but that may not be the best use case.
A better approach might be to, instead of giving them the direct URL, give them a URL that goes through your own web application and them redirects them to the recording URL. This would allow you to track when the customer has last accessed the file (because they would have to go through your URL).
Of course with using a redirect, it would not be hard to find out the URL you have redirected them to and go around your app if they wanted to. In that case you might have to consider downloading the recording into your system and having your customers download it directly from you.
Hope that helps.

How to Check Youtube URL in ASP.Net?

I am working on ASP>Net site and my client wants when any user insert a youtube URL in his/her profile at that time my c# code or any JQuery Code or any youtube API code check this URL that it is exist on or not. I have found many things but most of them give us string matcher or URL pattern checker code but my requirement is check this URL i.e. exist on and this video is show for public video.
Can anyone help me out.....
Match pattern of URL against known pattern of YouTube video See Stack Overflow example
Use AJAX call to your server to screen scrape the entered URL and check for 404 header or typical text resulting in "The video you have requested is not available." using the HTML Agility pack for c#.
I can write this for you but it will cost you. :)

Customize YouTube Embed URL

Is it possible to modify the URL used to embed YouTube videos in an iframe ( For example, adding the channel name.
My organization blocks YouTube so I need to create a rule on our proxy server to allow users to access our channel only.
Thank you.
Yes, if you load the videos directly from the user's channel, it'll look like this:
So you'd be on the user's channel homepage.
"/user/username" is your golden ticket, and #videoid will point to the video if you want to link directly to it.
Multiple other varibles are passed in the url that you can make exceptions for, most notably a playlist. This string will appear somewhere in the url, generally tacked onto the end:
"&list=PLAYLISTIDHERE" ex. "&list=PLE126C843377DCE64"
One of those should do the trick as long as the admins are willing to play nice!
Best of luck!
