Cascade dynamic rendering selectOneMenu doesn't work - jsf-2

My problem I thougth is simple but I can't find a clear solution.
I have three selectOneMenu, and I want that the first one is always rendered, the second one is rendered if the first one has some value selected and the third one is rendered if the second has some value selected.
The relation between the first one and the second works well, but doesn't work between the second and the third.
When I change the value for the first selectOneMenu the second selectOneMenu is diplayed or hidden correctly.
But when I change the value for the second nothing happened to the third selectOneMenu, like if the f:ajax render isn't fired.
Bellow the jsf code:
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputText value="Type Paiement" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="" itemLabel="Choix typePaiement" />
<f:selectItems value="#{typePaiementBean.typesPaiement}" var="vtp"
itemLabel="#{vtp.libelle}" itemValue="#{vtp.idTypePaiement}" />
<f:ajax event="change" render="gmodp" />
<h:panelGrid id="gmodp">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{employeurBean.idTypePaiement == 2}">
<h:outputText value="Mode Paiement" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="" itemLabel="Choix mode Paiement" />
<f:selectItems value="#{modePaiementBean.modesPaiement}" var="vmp"
itemLabel="#{vmp.libelle}" itemValue="#{vmp.idModePaiement}" />
<f:ajax event="change" render="grib"/>
<h:panelGrid id="grib">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{employeurBean.idModePaiement == 1}">
<h:outputText value="Compte" />
<h:inputText value="#{employeurBean.compte}">
Is there any idea to achieve that.
Many thanks for your help

This construct will fail if the bean is request scoped and/or you're doing business actions (such as preloading the list) in getter methods instead of action listener methods. Ensure that the bean is been placed in the view scope and that you're doing business actions in action listener methods.
If that doesn't solve the problem, then you really have to post the backing bean code along the view code in your question.


ValueCangeListener work on second try in JSF 2.0

I have two selectOneMenu elements which their id's make difference only.
valueChangeListener works on second try.
At first try, page is refreshing, but does not go the valueChangeCode, thefore no value changes. At second try it goes valueChangeCode and it gets new value and both of selectOneMenu show new value.
<h:selectOneMenu id="changeCurrency" value="#dataBean.showCurrency}" valueChangeListener="#myBean.changePaymentCurreny}"
<f:selectItems value="#{my.currencyList}" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="changeCurrency2"
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.currencyList}" />
In ValueChangeListener code.
When i remove the line which ends with getChidren.clear, and i change value of one them, changeListener called and changes the value at first try.
On view, only one selectmenu which i changed, shows new value. Other selectOnemenu still show the old value.
dataBean and myBean are in sessionScope. When i myBean put on requestscope, ajax request which works on page load, does not cath the mybean cause of being null.
Could anyone make clear this station.
Thanks very much.
try change the valueChangeListener for an ajax event tag like this.
<h:selectOneMenu id="changeCurrency" value="#dataBean.showCurrency}" valueChangeListener="#myBean.changePaymentCurreny}" onchange="submit()">
<f:selectItems value="#{my.currencyList}" />
<f:ajax event="change" listener="#{myBean.changePaymentCurreny}" process="#this" partialSubmit="true" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="changeCurrency2" value="#{dateBean.showCurrency}" onchange="submit()">
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.currencyList}" />
<f:ajax event="change" listener="#{myBean.changePaymentCurreny}" process="#this" partialSubmit="true" />

ignoreValidationFailed doesn´t work inside ui:repeat

I´m using o:ignoreValidationFailed, but it doesn´t work inside the ui:repeat. When I do the same outside, it works! I tried with mojarra ans MyFaces... I´m using primefaces. If there is another way to skip the validations only for one button...
<o:form id="rateplanEditByPeriod" prependId="false">
<p><p:messages id="mensagensDlg"/></p>
<p:tabView id="tabs">
<p:tab title="Cancelamento" id="tabCanc">
<h:panelGrid id="cancelationsTable" columns="2" cellpadding="10px" columnClasses="alignTop,alignTop">
<ui:repeat id="repeat" var="rest" value="#{rateplanByPeriodManaged.rateplanByPeriod.restriction.restTypeCancelation.restTypeCanConfs}" >
<h:panelGrid columns="8">
<p:inputText id="penaltyValue_#{loop.index}" value="#{rest.penalityValue}" style="width:28px" label="Valor" title="Valor" disabled="#{rest.noCancel}" required="true"/>
<p:commandLink id="add_#{loop.index}" actionListener="#{rateplanByPeriodManaged.addCancConf}" update=":rateplanEditByPeriod:tabs:cancelationsTable" partialSubmit="true" process=":rateplanEditByPeriod:tabs:cancelationsTable" value="+">
<o:ignoreValidationFailed />
<p:commandLink actionListener="#{rateplanByPeriodManaged.removeCancConf(rest)}" value="-" update=":rateplanEditByPeriod:tabs:cancelationsTable" partialSubmit="true" process=":rateplanEditByPeriod:tabs:cancelationsTable">
<o:ignoreValidationFailed />
<p:commandLink styleClass="button" onclick="dlgEdit.hide()" immediate="true" update=":msgsPanel">#{msgs['inventory.editByPeriod.cancel']}</p:commandLink>
<p:commandLink styleClass="button" actionListener="#{rateplanByPeriodManaged.editByPeriod(loginManaged.hotelSelected)}" oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed) {dlgEdit.hide(); updateAllSearches(); updateAllNotifications();}" update="mensagensDlg, tabs" >#{msgs['inventory.editByPeriod.confirm']}</p:commandLink>
I have faced the same issue but with p:datatable
I solved it with
1- add a condition to the required field to know if the ajax come from submit button or not
as #Camilla said.
required="#{!empty param['trans_desc_form:savetransid']}"/>
trans_desc_form is the entire form id and savetransid is the submit button save id
2- I removed #NotNull from my JPA entity which force the validation
#JoinColumn(name = "ITEMNO", referencedColumnName = "ITEMNO")
#ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Item item;
I have created a question for this issue
ignoreValidationFailed doesn´t work inside p:dataTable
I don´t know if it´s the best aproach but it worked for me...
<h: inputText id="text1" value="" required="#{!empty param['formName:btnSave']}" />
This is not the right way to have a "Cancel" button.
Just put process="#this" in the <p:commandLink>, or if you don't need to do any business logic, make it a normal <h:link> which reloads the page (and thus implicitly recreates the request/view scoped bean).
As to <o:ignoreValidationFailed> the failure in <ui:repeat> on its own, please create an issue.

Constructor of a viewScoped class invoked twice

I've been struggling with this for two days with no success and I think it's already time to ask for your help. But first of all, this is what I'm using:
JSF 2 Mojara 2.1.1
Primefaces 3.4.2
Netbeans 7.1.1
Tomcat 7.0.37
And now, the problem: I have a main page which is composed by several other pages using several <ui:include .. /> tags, like this:
<ui:composition template="/resources/templates/template1.xhtml">
<ui:define name="appData">
<p:panelGrid columns="1" id="contenidoAplicacion" styleClass="noborder">
<h:form id="fNewPerson">
<p:panel header="New employee" style="min-height:40em">
<ui:include src="./forms/personal.xhtml" />
<p:accordionPanel styleClass="noborder" activeIndex="3">
<p:tab id="tabSomeData" title="Identidad profesional" >
<ui:include src="./forms/formSomeData.xhtml" />
The personal.xhtm file looks like this:
<p:column >
<h:outputLabel value="Field1"/>
<p:inputText label="Field1" id="field1" value="#{dataBacking.selectedPerson.field1}" tabindex="1"
required="true" size="10" >
<f:convertNumber for="field1" integerOnly="true" groupingUsed="false"/>
<p:inputText id="field2" value="#{dataBacking.selectedPerson.field2}" tabindex="2" required="true" size="1" maxlength="1" >
<p:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{dataBacking.check}"
process="field1 field2" partialSubmit="true"
update="field1 field2 photo"/>
<p:column rowspan="5" >
<p:graphicImage id="photo" value="#{}" width="90" />
The check() method in the dataBacking class is irrelevant because it only checks if the field1 and the field2 meet some rules and it works properly. The problem comes when the main page is loaded for the first time. In that case, the <p:ajax /> component in personal.xhtml doesn't work. I have to reload the page (simply by pressing the F5 key) and this time it works as it would be expected.
I've been changing some attributes of the component, but nothing seems to work. I really don't know what else to do. Any kind of help will be apreciated.
EDITED. After one more day, I think the problem has nothing to do with Primefaces ajax component, as the title of the question suggested. I've come to this conclusion through these two facts:
The behaviour with the <f:ajax .../> component remains the same.
I've figured out that the view relative to the first time I load the page is not persisted. I'll try to explain myself.
The DataBacking class has defined its scope as view so that the page can "see" all the attributes and methods during the time it's been shown to the user. However, I've noticed that the constructor is called twice: the first time the page is loaded (and then, none of the methods of the class are successfully invoked) and when I refresh the page. In this last case, the behaviour of both the page and the class is the expected one.

update value: radio-button values togglig back and forth

I'm trying to update a a radio-componet, which is triggered by a onchange-event of a select-box. I see the radio-button toggling as desired after the onchange, but it automatically toggles back the next second.
<h:selectOneMenu id="selectId" value="#{someBean.someSelectValue}"
onchange="this.form.submit()" valueChangeListener="#{someBean.someChange}" immediate="true">
<p:ajax update="radioId"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{someBean.availableSraTitel}" />
<h:selectOneRadio id="radioId" value="#{someBean.someRadioValue}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Yes" itemValue="true" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="No" itemValue="false" />
What am I missing here?
Remove onchange="this.form.submit()" (the f:ajax will submit the value to the server)
Also remove immediate="true" (I don't think you really planning to skip any validations here)
Last thing, change <p:ajax update="radioId"/> into <f:ajax render="radioId"/>
p:ajax is from primefaces and you are using plain JSF components
As suggested by BalusC : You also better replace the valueChangeListener="#{someBean.someChange}" by adding listener="#{someBean.someChange}" to your f:ajax (you should change teh signature of the method too)

h:selectOneMenu's f:selectItems not rendering on pop-up display

I have pop-up with h:selectOneMenu. This pop-up will be displayed on a4j:commandLink click.
h:selectOneMenu has "value" attribute is not getting called on pop-up render (I debugged it using System.out.println()).
Because of this value is not being updated on pop-up display, I am seeing last operation value, even though I want to see empty list on new operation.
Any suggestions?
Note: Another observation is, if "add" some button in pop-up which refreshes the h:selectOneMenu, then it is working fine.
My code looks something like this:
<rich:popupPanel id="CModalPanel"
moveable="true" domElementAttachment="parent">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Select list"/>
<h:form id="cListID">
<a4j:outputPanel id="panelID">
<h:selectOneMenu id="cListMenu"
value="#{myBean.currvalue}" >
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.plistItems}" />
<a4j:commandLink id="refreshButton"
render=":cListID" >
You need to update the content of <rich:popupPanel> before opening it.
<a4j:commandLink ... render=":cListID" oncomplete="#{rich:component('CModalPanel')}.show()" />
here's a related bug
