CustomListField using VerticalFieldManager - blackberry

My requirement is to create a customlistfieldmanager by extending verticalfeildmanager, I am not able to figureout how to do this?
I am not able to understand why my manager has asked me to use this method.
any sort of help is welcomed!

It's possible that he's asked you to do this because of the most limiting factor of a normal ListField: you're stuck with uniform heights.
What you'll need to do is have a parent container that is a scrolling VerticalFieldManager. Inside of that will be custom Managers that can handle the same functionality as the row would in a ListField. It needs to accept focus and fire off an event when it's clicked. You'll also need to keep track of what item number it is, so that when it's clicked it knows how to notify any listeners about which one was selected. Also, the parent VFM will need to be able to keep track of which "row" is currently selected -- in this case which one has focus.
Edit for comment
If you add a NullField into each of them it can accept focus but won't actually show up as anything. To determine if a "row" (the Manager) has focus, you can use getFieldWithFocus() on that Manager and the one that doesn't return null is the row that is selected. You will probably also have to do some custom painting to draw the selection highlight

You will have to dynamically add and remove custom elements from your CustomListFieldManager as you add and remove elements from a VerticalFieldManager.
Your manager asked that because he want you to learn how to handle custom object to understand how to use managers.


VoiceOver : is 'accessibilityActivationPoint' really useful?

I tried and understood what could be the purpose of the accessibilityActivationPoint but in vain.
When a focused accessible element is activated, that property should indicate VoiceOver the specific area it's going to activate when a user double-taps the element (Apple reference) : for me, it's always the selected element itself.
I understood the selected element is considered as a block by VoiceOver, whatever the other elements inside. Once a double tap occurs to activate this block, VoiceOver calls accessibilityActivate to know what to perform (Apple reference).
1/. I've written many tests by creating a custom view including a switch control. Whatever the value of accessibilityActivationPoint inside (or outside on another switch control), the value of the switch control never changes. Is it a proper use case or am I totally wrong ?
2/. When we gather many elements inside one accessible element, how is VoiceOver able to activate one of them while they aren't accessible by definition ? Pointing one of them thanks to the accessibilityActivationPoint should work ?
Personally, I couldn't make it work and think that I'm really confusing accessibilityActivationPoint and accessibilityActivate.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Yes, you have the right idea with accessibilityActivate and accessibilityActivationPoint. Note that, in order for it to work, the accessibilityActivationPoint needs to be a point within the Control that you are trying to activate in on-screen coordinates (use the convert function!).
I think the short answer is "yes" to answer your second question, but, just to clear up confusion about when Accessibility Activation Point is useful, I'll go into more detail about it.
By default (aka, the default behavior for AcessibilityActivate()), when any view is activated by VoiceOver, VoiceOver will send a "tap gesture" to the center of the view. The position of this "tap gesture" can be changed by updating the accessibilityActivationPoint attribute on a view. Below, I have an example for how this property can be used.
Let's say you have a blank button (in the image below, the button is the gray box) next to some text:
For the purpose of accessibility, you may want to make the entire view that holds the button and text an Accessibility Element (so that VoiceOver users can easily understand that the button is associated with the text "Worldspace Attest"). In the image below, I am using Accessibility Inspector to show that the view holding both of these elements is an Accessibility Element.
Notice in these images that the button is not in the center of the view, but rather, it is to the right. When you activate this view using VoiceOver, the view will not select the button; instead, it will send a "tap" to the center of the view (which is the same as tapping the text, which does not do anything). In order to select the button, you have to set the view's accessibilityActivationPoint to be the on-screen coordinates of the button:
view.accessibilityActivationPoint = self.convert(, to:
This should make it so that this button is usable by a VoiceOver user.
I hope this information clears up any confusion about the Accessibility Activation Point property. The example I used above can be found in this repository in the "Active Control Name" demo.

Positioning of custom list box item components in Delphi XE5, Firemonkey

I've customised the style of a Firmeonkey list box item in such a way that now it can consist of 4 TLables in it. Each of the lable has Alignment as alNone.
I'm setting position of each of them in my code whenever i need to add any item. I've observed that when my list has scroll bar and if first component is not visible (i.e. i've scrolled down enough) at that time if i re-add all the items again in list box, then the position of TLabels in first items (or items which are not shown) get distorted.
For setting positions I am using below code :
(tmpListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('txtCol2') As TLabel).Position.X :=
(tmpListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('txtCol2') As TLabel).Position.X + (tmpListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('txtCol2') As TLabel).Width;
Any suggesstions, how can i overcome this issue.
Padam Jain
Firemonkey styles are repeatedly 'applied' and 'freed' as components appear and disappear from screen.
It is not enough to simply set properties of style objects once and expect those values to be remembered. What you need to do is either listen to the OnApplyStyleLookup event or override the ApplyStyle method of a custom component and use the same you have above to set the properties again.
This means you'll need somewhere to store the values you are going to set.
I would suggest for your situation that you subclass TListBoxItem so you can add suitable properties or fields and put your code in ApplyStyle.

BlackBerry - arrange checkboxes into a tree view

I am trying to achieve something like this BlackBerry 7.1:
But so far I couldnt find or come up with a way to achieve something like this. All I could find was "BlackBerry - TreeField with Checkboxes?" but this really is not what I want since selecting the parent checkbox does not select all of the child checkboxes and whenever I want to select a checkbox I have to deal with an extra menu. Is there any other way to achieve this ?
The indentation is feasible, and the logic, you'll have to craft it on your own.
You could set a FieldChangeListener on every checkbox field so that you can detect when a checkbox have been checked/unchecked. If the parent is checked or unchecked, manually call setChecked over each children field to check/uncheck them. For the children, when one is unchecked, uncheck the parent.
This is the basic logic for a single nesting level (parent and children) Make sure to check in the listeners that the event firing the update of the binded checkbox fields is user generated (not programmatic), because the change listener is also called back when you programmatically call setChecked. If not taken into consideration, you'll run into undesired propagation and infinite loops. Of course, if you had more than one level of nesting, then you'll need to care about programmatically fired events.

Movieclip: Attatching/Removing a Movieclip VS Hiding and Showing a Moveclip

I have this tool tip that is created every so often. What is the appropriate actionscript etiquite?
A. To Create and remove the tooltip moveclip when needed?
B. To hide and show the tooltip movieclip when needed?
With these A and B, the answer is B, because creating and then removing an object a lot of times creates a lot of garbage in the memory, which eventually leads to garbage collector calls, that slow your SWF's performance. You can easily go with a single tooltip MC, just fill it with information that corresponds to the new mouse coordinates before you show it.
There is another question, not so straightforward as yours, about how to hide and show a movie clip, either via visible property or via addChild() and removeChild() (AS3 only). If you are using AS2 or AS1, use visible property to hide and show your tooltip.
There are three ways to hide something in Actionscript : Alpha, visible and remove child.
Apha: If you turn the alpha zero the renderer always comes to this displayObject and renders it at alpha zero. So the object is always rendered you just cannot see it.
Visible == false In this case the object still exists in your displaylist. So the renderer comes to the object. Sees it's property is false and leaves it but it still exists in the display list.
removeChild This means that you're removing the object from the display list. This means that the renderer never had to even check for it. Which makes it the fastest option.
addChild doesn't take that much computing power as visible check. I'm sure you can find benchmarks on this.
If you don't have a lot of objects on yours screen and the tooltip is there every second I'd go with visible is false. In all other cases go with the third option.
On a side note, I've found it always easier to manage them with a toolTipManager. A class that makes sure that you have one tooltip on the screen because usually users only use one tooltip. So that makes things easier for me. I just always create the necessary tooltips and add them to the displaylist when required and remove them. (Not recreate them) At the same time have only one tooltip on stage.

Blackberry list field without canvas

Is it possible to create a customized list field in BB, where each row will have 4 different labels, and a bitmap field, without implementing the drawListRow method?
Since drawListRow uses canvas I want to avoid it. Because, I need to display a browser field in list row. Or is it possible to add label fields in list row?
You probably aren't going to be able to implement this the way you want - try putting more than one BrowserField on a screen at once and you'll soon run into multiple issues. I'd suggest creating a custom Field to act as a row instead, or try and get the desired look n feel using Field Managers.
