How to start developing Ruby on Rails applications with heroku? - ruby-on-rails

What is the best way to get familiar with the heroku environment? What are the first steps? I want to start programming with it next week, using Ruby on Rails.

If you want to get started on ruby on rails using Heroku one of the best things you can do is actually work through the Rails tutorial. It is designed and written with Heroku (and Git which you will be using to deploy) in mind. You can check it out at
I don't know if you already know Ruby or not, but the tutorial is designed in such a way that you don't actually need to know Ruby to follow it.

One very nice thing (among many) about Heroku is that they maintain solid documentation. Specifically for your question, you should start with Getting Started with Heroku.


Can I use my web server to host my rails application?

I have now build my first Ruby on Rails site and I want to publish/deploy/show it to the world on internet. I have access to space on a web server trough a university that I am associated with. But after some searching I realized that publishing a Rails site is slightly more complicated than publishing a regular html production.
Is there any way to use the space I have? How can I know if the server I have access to is up for the task? Is there any guides on how to do this via SSH or git or whatever? I have search a lot but not found anything useful. It doesn't have to be easy, I just have to work. And it's good if I can learn and understand what I am doing.
I have tried quite extensively to make it work with Heroku (everybody claims it to be so easy) but failed since it will not accept my push. Probably because I use Rails 4.2.2 (I don't want to change this, too many things stopped working when I tried to update) and Paperclip which seems to be known issues.
Please, I'm getting desperate, any help pointing in the right direction is very appreciated.

Ruby on rails web application

If I want to build web application that the server side will be in ruby on rails, I need to learn ruby language in order to that?
I need to mentioned that I am new to ruby and to ruby on rails.
In addition I will be happy for a short explanation what I need to do first in order to do the right steps.
Well I just started learning Ruby on Rails and according to my experience I started with learning Rails using Micheal Hartl's guidelines book on Ruby on Rails. Along with that I learned Ruby from Peter Cooper's Beginning Ruby, this helped me learn both the language and Framework with hand on experience.
This should be good to get started with Ruby on Rails. Other than this there are other really good materials like Learn Ruby Hard Way. The best way is to start practicing.

how to use rails databases? guide?

I am having some trouble understanding how to use databases with ruby on rails. I know that my app works fine when i generate a scaffold and add/edit models. What i do not understand is if anything changes when i put my rails app online, does it still use the .sqlite3 file in the db folder? or do i connect it to my sites SQL server?
If you do switch and connect to a SQL server why is this?
Is there a guide or tutorial on this topic that you can point me to perhaps? my searching mostly came up with migrating tutorials. I just want to figure out how Rails works when it is live on a website.
You can use SQLite on production with no problems, although it is not the ideal option.
On production is more recommendable to use a more powerful solution. You can see at the official guide how to switch:

Setting up Rhodes environment with Ruby on Rails already installed

I am learning and have already set up a Ruby on Rails environment based on Hartl's book. I would also like to set up a Rhodes environment for mobile app development.
How would I set up Rhodes after having set up Ruby on Rails, without messing up my Ruby on Rails environment? Also, will I still need RhoSync if I have SQLite3 (or MySQL) with WEBrick (or Apache)?
I am running Ubuntu 11.04 (I will use RhoHub for the compiles)
NOTE: I have found these instructions on the Ubuntu Forum but they are not exactly what I'm looking for, as I am using ruby with RVM
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
After much searching and reading the Rhomobile book that was just released, if you have a Ruby on Rails environment, all you need to do is:
install the "Rhodes" gem
install the "Rhosync" gem
the SDK of the phone you wish to develop for (this also depends on your dev machine)
RhoSync is a server on the phone which talks to whatever backend you need, whether it is your own server/DB or another like Heroku (the book gives a Heroku example). This means your DB and Server are not an issue.
A friendly note to all, I am a beginner so I could stand under correction. I only answered with my findings as not many people had answered this questions, so I assumed not many people knew the answer.
Hope this helps other beginners, and feel free to correct my findings if it's needed.

When Rails require mod_rails, what about Django, TurboGears, Symfony, CakePHP? Can they deploy using mod_python and mod_php?

When Rails applications seem hard to deploy (or used to be), what about Django, TurboGears, Symfony, CakePHP -- can they be simply deployed using mod_python or mod_php? Actually, won't it need something like a mod_django so that the code can run in a "Django" environment? (Just like Rails' script/console or Rails 3's rails console)
Django applications can certainly be deployed with minimum fuss using mod_python.
That said, experienced people will tell you to use the more lightweight and efficient mod_wsgi instead of mod_python. This too can be done with minimum effort. I have done it on multiple occasions and app deployment was always the least of my worries.
#Rebus has it right:
mod_python is not being actively developed anymore, use mod_wsgi
There are a number of ways to deploy a Django site. See the Django Docs or the Django book. As mentioned mod_python is dead and mod_wsgi is the recommended method. Another method which has been making more noise lately is gunicorn. You can see Eric Holscher's blog post about how easy the deployment can be with it.
For CakePHP if you have a standard PHP installation, you probably, at most, only need to load mod_rewrite. This module is often included in the build, though.
