What is the best way to implement skinning in a Rails app - ruby-on-rails

Using Rails, I am building several sites which are very similar. I want to implement these as one Rails app answering to multiple domains, and change what is presented and the processing logic based on the domain name. The areas I need to change/skin per site are:
Views: The fields on a page differ slightly by site. Some sites have more/different fields than others, but there are some that are common across all
Models (which seems best to do this by defining a super class for the main model which varies and implement a subcalss for each site)
Controller logic. There is a lot of similarity but a few small processing differences, including which Model subclass to deal with
CSS (which seems fairly straight forward)
I have already implemented a mechanism which makes the current domain/app name visible to the views, controllers and models.
I was thinking of defining a view partial per site and using ERB logic to include the right one. The controllers seem like the least obvious part.
Any suggestions very much appreciated.

I have implemented something similar for our application, HiringThing (http://www.hiringthing.com)
To do so, we use a before_filter on the application controller that parses request.host and determines what website the request is for. That then sets a variable #site that we reference in views, controllers and models to determine versioning requirements at runtime.


How to present actions from multiple modules on one page in ZF2?

I'm rewriting an app to ZF2 and I got stuck on problem of aggregating views from many modules on one page. What I want to achieve is to separate functionalities into modules, but still be able to display their views/actions (not sure how to name it) on one page. Let's say I'd layout a page with 4 containers and each of them would display some view from 4 different modules. Is it possible, if yes then how? Or maybe my though process is wrong here (I'm set on separating those functionalities though).
I've tried defining same or similar routes (eg. Module1: /boo/[:yah], Module2 /boo/[:whatever]). It didn't work because first module loaded was apparently served. And it looks like a mess too.
I've read a little about view helpers, but seemed to be aimed at a different purpose of providing common functionalities across many views. Whereas what I need if something like a layouting helper, view aggregation or something. I've worked with a home-made framework before that had this concept of site controllers, that would fire up different controllers actions. I can't find a way to emulate this in ZF2.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
I've been applying forward plugin for this purpose as described in the blogpost suggested by Sam. It doesn't look elegant, but then I can't think of anything better myself.

Does this approach to fat model/skinny controller take it too far?

I am afraid that I might be getting lazy.
I am developing a ruby on rails application involving about 8 models relating to two types of users: physicians and patients. Most of the logic is inside the models allowing my controller actions to be very short and concise. Plus, it makes the testing fairly straightforward.
I currently envision at least two controllers and the tests that I am writing lead me to believe that most of my user-facing features can be handled by these two controllers. Sure, I can break this into more sensible compartments-like tests for a patients-controller, physicians-controller, patient-medications controller, patient-lab-results-controller and so on. But it seems to me that the only advantage here is more discreet organization.
On to the question, asides from compartmentalization, what are the reasons NOT to use as few controllers as possible, pack them with lots of actions [disadvantage], but keep the actions skinny [advantage]? Or...to take it to an extreme: Why not with MVC, have a bunch of fat models, and one skinny [albeit long] controller rather than a patient controller/model/views+tests for EACH, physician controller/model/views+tests for EACH, etc?
There's organization, as making everything inside a single controller is possible, it's going to be harder to understand and change. Instead of being able to open a file in your editor and finding the action you're looking for right away, you would be scrolling down the file to find what you're looking for.
This also leads to the God object pattern where everything happens inside a single object that's responsible for everything and everyone working at the project will be changing this same object, leading to an eternal merge hell.
And, on Rails itself, there's the RESTful-ness of the framework. Rails embraces the idea of being RESTful and one of the pillars of this idea are the resources and they can only be easily organized in separate controllers. If you try to place two different resources at the same controller you'll probably end up with crazy routes or crazy controller logic to find out which model is being represented.
If you think your controllers have a lot of repeated code, you can DRY them out using some metaprogramming magic or conventions, but it's really better to have them separated, not only for organization but also to simplify your own future maintenance.
If there's a lot of common controller logic, you might consider abstracting it out into a plugin or module that you can mix in when needed. Or the controllers could inherit from a common base controller (much as all controllers inherit by default from ApplicationController, rather than ActionController::Base).
I would advise against having one gigantic controller; a controller should manage the set of actions which pertain to a single type of resource (or the closest analog possible). This idea is even stronger if you are trying to create a RESTful design, in which each controller typically has nothing other than the basic seven actions (index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy).
So if you want to have URLs like /patients/52394802/lab_results, I think it makes complete sense to have a LabResultsController. If these controllers are lightweight, awesome. I'm of the opinion that their existence is still justified. This shouldn't stop you from trying to make your code DRY; rather, I would simply try to abstract away the common functionality differently.
That's an impossible question to answer. Controllers are about routes and user interactions and views not business logic. Have as many controllers and actions that it makes sense to have for your links and views!
If your business logic is all in your models then it's simple enough. The main difficulty with logic in controllers is that you can't re-use the logic.
Nothing much more to say really. It's up to you to do what makes sense in your app. e.g. have a search controller to search for stuff rather than adding a search action to your existing controllers is not really about anything more than separation and clarity

What is the advantage of using multiple Controller classes in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm just learning the basics of ASP.NET MVC and am wondering what the benefit is in breaking up website logic amongst multiple controllers versus just having a single Controller class that runs the whole website, besides simply organizing code better. (In my opinion, just the latter benefit should not be enough to affect the end user via the url due to separation of concerns: the implementation details of the site should not be being reflected in the urls the site uses, no?)
Some examples on Controllers I've been reading show different controllers for things like "Product" or "User" or "Post". These clearly correspond to classes of objects followed by actions that can be taken on those (looking at the url right now I see stackoverflow.com/questions/ask).
Is there an advantage of splitting up the website into separate controller classes like QuestionsController versus just having a single default controller and handling these actions within it, for example stackoverflow.com/ask-question (besides it looking slightly uglier).
I ask because I'm not particularly interested in making my website RESTful (I looked into it a bit but deemed it too limiting) and instead favour query string parameters to pass information about a request. Therefore, the concept of splitting a url up into controller and action doesn't make sense to me, since the action and class information will be represented in the query string.
Finally, I much prefer the simpler look of urls like www.mysite.com/about versus www.mysite.com/home/about (what does that even mean?), again leading me to wonder what the point of multiple controllers really is.
You can achieve practically any url scheme you desire with ASP.Net MVC Routing. What controllers you have and where your actions live has nothing to do with your urls. Only routing defines your url's. Therefore, there is no reason whatsoever to sacrifice code clarity and organization for the sake of a particular url scheme.
Furthermore, in most ASP.Net MVC applications I've seen, the controllers are already unwieldy, and combining them all into a single controller would increase the disorganization exponentially.
Even small sites have a handful or two of controllers. Significant sites have dozens, very large sites could have hundreds. Do you really think it is in any way at all feasible to combine dozens of controllers into a single one?
The beauty of ASP.NET MVC comes from the fact that it makes separation of concerns so simple. Unlike ASP.NET Webforms where each page is essentially the View and the Controller, in ASP.NET MVC you can abstract your model logic into separate concerns or 'feature groups'. It makes sense to have a ProductsController that handles everything to do with Products because then you can isolate each set of related functionality in your application into uniform groups that are independently testable and maintainable.
Having a DoEverythingController fundamentally defeats the reasoning behind MVC because it clumps all of the model logic together into one giant spaghetti bowl of code, as opposed to keeping it neat and organized. Furthermore, having a Controller that does everything is not especially object-oriented and resembles a more procedural approach to development like many (older) PHP websites which have some central "functions.php" or similar that does everything. It's messy and disorganized.
In regards to your final point, the routing engine in MVC allows you to construct your routes to given controller actions however you want. The About() action of ControllerX and the Contact() action of ControllerY can both have root URLs like /about and /contact so long as you define the routes accordingly.
Edit (too long for comment)
Generally speaking, the controller classes will be pretty thin as far as code and logic is concerned. Well designed controllers will often hand off more complex operations like retrieving data from the data store to some kind of service so that the surface area for failure remains small. Despite the 'thinness' of most controllers, the larger your site is, the more operations will need to occur and the bulkier your universal controller is going to become. Even in non-MVC scenarios, huge code files suck to maintain and update (like "functions.php" above, for example).
If the site you're developing with MVC is small and limited to only a few more-or-less static pages, then using a single controller for all of them might be a reasonable approach, but if you are constructing a scalable application that will change over time it would be truly defeatist to forgo the use of multiple controllers.
Is like to have all files in the same directory or keep files separated in different folders.
Keeping the application organized in separate controller help in many cases:
1) memory performances
Different from Java Servlet where the controller is shared betwen many request, in asp net mvc the controller is created for each request.
Each time the user make a request, the application need to create the controller.
Think at performances comparison betwen create in memory an instance of a fatcontroller of 100k VS one instance of a light controller of 1k.
2) OO benefit
Controllers are classes. Each time you create a new controller you extend the base controller.
In a complex application you can create yours own controrres (can be more than one) and extend the more appropriated.
For example you can create a controller for "products" and extend from it to create a controller for "vegetables products" and so on..
3) Security.
Suppose that in your application you have a page that execute the CRUD actions on a given item of your db:
- display
- edit
- update
- delete
You want to make this page reserved for registered user only.
If you put all this method in one separate controller you can put the annotation [Authorize] on the controller and by default all the methods inside the controller will be protected.
If you put all the application in one fat controller you have to be careful to place the [Authorize] on each method (what happe if you forgive to put the annotation on the delete method?)
public class ProductController
public ActionResult Index(String id) {
public ActionResult Update(String id) {
public ActionResult Delete(String id) {
4) Security again.
Suppose you write a classic CRUD (Create Read Update Delete).
Now you want to delete the whole CRUD.
If you keep code separate in different controller you simply delete the controller that belog the CRUD.
If you keep all together in a fatcontroller you have to search for the methods that belog to the CRUD in the whole code.
Again: what hapen if you forget to delete the Delete method?
5) practicality
If you put all together you will have methods like this:
If you organize code in separate controller you will have
This is good for many reason: want to modify product in item? simply refactor and rename the productController in itemController.
i think this topic has the potential to illustrate (from the answers) the true benefits of using the controllers to do their own 'lightweight' tasks. one of the many benefits that immediately spring to mind is the fact that each controller can have pretty much the 'same' named actions irrespective of the task at hand (create, edit, delete, list etc).
couple this with a good repository pattern for the data access and some nifty T4 templates and you more or less get an easily understood 'plumbing' job created for free.
this is what makes mvc a pure joy for me - the discreet segmentation of related operations into a unified structure. as previously mentioned, what could become unweildy and cumbersome is instead rendered (no pun intended!!) familiar and focussed.
I guess if you like spaghetti, you would only have one controller.
Complexity, complexity, complexity, that is the question. Software is all about breaking a problem down into manageable units.
Hence multiple controllers.

In MVC (Asp.Net MVC specifically), should a model be represented by a single view?

To me, this seems to make little sense, but after reading the information in the following:
http://blog.stevensanderson.com/2010/02/19/partial-validation-in-aspnet-mvc-2/#comment-35397( specifically some of the comments)
It appears that the idea behind Asp.Net MVC is that you have a one-to-one relationship between models and views. This seems to go against the DRY principle and several other standard programming practices.
For example, lets say you have a user account model and there are two views available to edit it - one for the user himself to edit it and one for the site admin to edit it. The admin has access to an additional field for something internal, required but the user cannot view/edit it. Per the model binding functionality and the beliefs described in the posts referenced above, I would need to create two separate user models, one for each page, and the only difference would be that additional field. This is just a simple example as well, I've got a few that I've seen where it would potentially mean 5 or 6 different models for the exact same object, just a few fields different between each view. That really doesn't make any sense to me.
I did not read the posts you mentioned, but there is nothing wrong with having one Model for a couple of views.
I would just have this one UserModel and use it in all Views, even if there are some fields that are not used.
If things get a bit more complicated but Users still have a lot in common you can either use aggregation for the usermodel (User.Address) or use Interfaces (User has fields street , and city and implements IAddress).
Both methods have their pros and cons - with aggregation used in the majority of situations.
After reading the posts I saw that they deal with validation. This is a different story.
If you want to use DataAnotations you have to have different classes if validation varies. I dont use DataAnnotations - so I guess your class design might be different.
If you're using annotations, I'd strongly consider one "model" and multiple "viewmodels." We went with a viewmodel approach on our current app and have been reaping the benefits, because our basic model needs to be shown in a couple different views.
There is no official requirement to have only one view per model in ASP.NET MVC. In many cases that would lead to duplication of code.
I personally like to split model-view dependencies, that is, one view per model. It comes down to the fact that you never know how, say, a couple of very similar model-view pairs are going to evolve in the future. If they're separate, you just introduce changes in one and you don't have to "fix" the other views that were dependent on this model, or worse, to take extra work to create own models for them all at once.
TL;DR: Make many view models. They are cheap and flexible.
"This seems to go against the DRY principle and several other standard programming practices."
[Citation Needed]?
MVC doesn't change the fact that in any language or pattern you need to make a view model definition for each separate screen. Whether via attributes, via XML, via toggling web form controls, whatever.
The DRY principal usually pertains to repeating business logic. Repeating a FirstName property across a CRUD screen section really isn't a big deal. Even 5-6 times, whats that? 40 seconds?
If you mistake your view models for object oriented classes and not homoiconisticish screen representations you run the risk of filling them up will all sorts of inheritance and or business logic.
Your not really programming when you make dumb view definitions. This work could easily be done in an Access GUI or defined in XML. The fact that your screen-view-models are in C# just makes it easier to fill them up with data and ship them around and work with tools like WCF and Automapper.

"inheriting" ASP.NET MVC sites from a common template app? (multi-tenancy)

We're building about 10 ASP.NET MVC sites which have a common set of features (and corresponding URLs, Routes, Controllers, Actions, and Views). The sites will also all share a base set of domain objects (e.g. users, companies) and base attributes on those objects (e.g. name, address, etc.).
But each site will also be highly customized and extended from the base. For example, our site for large, public companies will have "Subsidiary" and "Stock Symbol" fields on the Company domain object, while our site for startups will have a "Venture Firm" and and "Funding" attributes. Look and feel will also vary considerably, although we're trying to keep HTML as consistent as possible (modulo extra form fields for extra domain object attributes, etc.). We'll also be overriding images sparingly, so we can, for example, re-use the same button graphics across sites.
Anyway, we're trying to figure out how best to factor and architect things so that we can reuse as much code and as many tests as possible without limiting our freedom to add per-app attributes and vary the UI between apps.
I'm familiar with how to handle limited-customization multi-tenancy like you find in StackOverflow/SuperUser/ServerFault (or MSDN/TechNet for that matter), where the UI is a little different and the data model is more-or-less identical. But when the models and UI are very different (but inherit from a common base), I'm less sure how to proceed.
I'm less worried about operational issues, since we'll probably be running each site in a separate appdomain and hosting them on separate databases. I'm more worried about reducing long-term code maintenance costs, increasing agility (e.g. easy to add new features to the base without breaking derived apps), and realizing short-term dev-/test-cost savings as we build our 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. site.
I'm looking both for high-level guidance and suggestions, but also concrete suggestions for how to make that guidance real using modern ASP.NET MVC practices.
I realize this is a very general question, but for starters I'm looking for both high-level guidance as well as concrete tips-n-tricks for how to apply that guidance with ASP.NET MVC, including things like:
recommendations where to split base/derived across Visual Studio projects
source control tips to avoid forking
database schema tips (FWIW, our databases are all small-- under 10K rows per table, so dev/test cost is more of an issue than DB perf)
tips about re-using Controllers/Views/etc. corresponding to the "base" model attributes, especially re-using UI for things like "new customer" forms which will have a mix of base and derived attributes.
Anyone have good advice for how to architect a multi-tenant app like this?
Here's what we do, and it works pretty well for about 8 sites currently.
Define a core MVC project for your Controllers, ViewModels, HttpApplication, routes, etc. This will compile into a DLL and compromise the bulk of your site.
Create a basic set of default views, scripts, images, etc. for your site. These will server as defaults for your individual sites.
Per client, create any custom controllers, routes, etc that you'll need in a project that compiles to another dll.
Also per client, recreate any views, scripts, images that you'll want to use.
To make the above steps work together you'll need to write a little glue. The first piece of glue is a custom view engine. You'll want to customize the standard view engine to first look for views in your client-specific folder, and then the default folder. This lets you easily override the default layout per client.
The second method of getting everything working is to have your core application load the routes, controllers, etc from your client specific assembly. To do this I use the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) to expose a single Register method. Calling this method on my client assembly code registers the routes and any other client-specific needs.
Here's a general view of what my site folder structure looks like, with SiteContent being checked for views first:
- AppContent
- AppContent/Static
- AppContent/Static/Images
- AppContent/Static/Scripts
- AppContent/Static/Styles
- AppContent/Views
- AppContent/Views/Shared
- SiteContent
- SiteContent/Static
- SiteContent/Static/Images
- SiteContent/Static/Scripts
- SiteContent/Static/Styles
- SiteContent/Views
- SiteContent/Views/Shared
- web.config
- Global.asax
I have helpers that I can use like SiteImage and AppImage for use in my views. Also, I make each of my client sites use certain specific names for their master pages, that I don't ever define in my AppContent defaults.
I realize this is a rough overview, but it is working well enough for us right now.
I'm involved in a similar type of "suite" of projects currently which is focused on allowing customers to apply for products online but have very similar requirements for what information to collect, where the only differences are around product specific pieces of information or slightly different legislative requirements.
One thing that we have tried to do is create pages (model, view and controller combinations) that are reusable in themselves, so any application can use the page to capture information but redirect to the next page which may be different depending on what type of product is being applied for. To achieve this we are using abstract base controllers in the form of the template method pattern that contain basically all the required controller logic (including action methods with their applied action filters) but then use abstract methods to do the specific stuff such as redirecting to the next page in the process. This means that the concrete implementation of the controller used by specific application page flows may contain only one method which returns a RedirectToActionResult corresponding to the next page in the flow.
There is also quite a bit of other stuff that handles going backwards and those kinds of navigational things, but with the help of action filters you can get it set up that you don't have to worry about it once you get it up and working.
There are also base model objects which contains common functionality, be it validation logic or state persistence logic.
The data captured during the application process is persisted in database as xml serialized model objects which can then be pulled out and de-serialised once the application is completed and spat out in whatever format to whatever system the backend operations staff use to process applications.
The implications of this is that we have a project structure that consists of a base dll that contains top level abstract classes, interfaces and utility classes as well as html helpers, action filters etc. Then we have mvc projects which contain the concrete implementations of the base controllers, models etc as well as the views and masterpages.
The hardest thing is sharing views and I don't think we have properly got this sorted yet. Although with MVC 2.0 containing Areas I think this will become less of an issue but I haven't had a good play with it yet. (see Scott Gu's post on 2.0: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2009/07/31/asp-net-mvc-v2-preview-1-released.aspx)
One thing I have POCed that looks like it will work is using a base MVC project to contain common views and then extending the default view engine to search that project on the web server when looking for a view to render (which is quite easy to do). Areas though is a far nicer solution.
As for source control, we are using svn and I think you are reasonable in being concerned about branches. It is not something that we have had to deal with yet, but we are probably going to go with git as it seems to make the process of branching and merging much less painful.
Not sure whether this helps you much but I would definitely recommend keep in mind abstract controllers and models, and also look at how you can use html helpers and and partial views to group similar pieces of functionality.
Mike Hadlow goes into good detail on how to accomplish this:
One way to do this is to use branching in a source control system.
The main branch is for the common functionality. You then have a branch for customization and can merge changes out to the customization or back to the main branch.
