JQM/Phonegap native app stuck at splash screen when run on Iphone simulator from xcode - ios

This guy seems to have a similar problem, except mine doesn't work at all, not just on the first try. Today I installed xcode 4.2/ios simulator 5.0 hoping that would fix the problem, but it hasn't helped. The app has consistently run on actual devices, but all the developers who own Iphones are out of the office today and the company ipod is in use elsewhere.
I've tried closing both xcode and the ios simulator, changing between 5.0 and 4.3, changing between regular iphone and iphone retina, trying with simulator running first and trying with simulator closed first. It just sits there on the loading screen. As far as I know the simulator has never worked, I'm not the one who setup xcode or any of the devices (he doesnt work on Mondays and didn't know how to fix it on Friday anyway). Any help would be appreciated.

Turns out adding "localHosts" to ExternalHosts fixed the Simulator, but the simulator doesn't like the ajax call to our services site, so it still isn't working, but now at least we have an acceptable reason for it. (Devices work correctly, so it isn't that big of a deal) Hope this helps someone.
If anyone can think of a way for the simulator to work with the reference to external calls I'll transfer the answer to their answer :P.

Like Luke said in a comment to you: just use JSONP.
It's not the simulator's fault, that's just how browsers work. They don't allow cross-domain ajax requests. That's why there is a solution to this problem, namely JSONP. In essence, the response must be a regular JSON object that is enclosed in a function call, something like callback_function({json: 'object'}).


iOS universal link does not work on one device (although works on other iOS devices)

I'm facing a strange issue with universal links on iPhone - iOS 12.2.
I'm trying to open the APP using a registered universal link (the same link works on other devices using both - the same and different version of iOS), using identical application (the same version).
What's strange is that I can't even find the option to open the link in a native app when holding the link for a while on this device, although I found it in other devices.
It used to work, but then suddenly stopped to open the APP. I tried rebooting and reinstalling the app.
Did anyone face similar issue? Any suggestion in debugging? I'd really like to avoid factory reset of the phone.
You might be running into either of these two bugs:
I just ran into this. Deleting the app, reboot the device, wait an hour or so (unsure of time needed to wait) then reinstall the app. That seems to force it to re-check the AASA.
Seems like there could be a process running after reboot blocking swcd from running.
Have you tried to delete the app and restart the phone to check if this is not a apple-app-site-association problem?
So after upgrading to the newest iOS the problem still remained in Chrome.
I was able to open the contextual menu and open the app through the Open in... item from Safari, and since then it works as expected across all the browsers. This doesn't explain the origin of this issue, but I hope this will help you as well.

How to use UIWebView and WKWebView intermittently

I am building an application that uses WKWebView. My problem is that I want older devices (IOS 9.0 +) to use the application properly.
Unfortunately WKWebView works in an unreliable way on old devices so I think the only solution to this is to identify when running on which IOS I run and change to WKWebView or UIWebView accordingly.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the first developer to come across this problem but I have not found anyone who has solved it. Maybe someone else has realize how to solve it or how to solve the problem in a more professional way?
thank you

Iphone device software

I'm not sure this question can be asked here, but I dont really know where I can get information. I've been doing some research and nothing obvious came out.
So here is the thing, I've developed a functionnality.
It works fine on computer.
It works fine on the Android Api.
But there is some bugs on the Iphone Api.
The thing is: I don't have any Iphone, so I can't see what's happening. Jus know what people said to my boss.
So, I'm looking for a piece of software to be able to test the API like if I was using an Iphone. I'm not just looking for something that will simulate sizes like the view from navigator development functionnality.
Do you know something like that ? It will be really helpfull thank you.
You need an apple computer.
Open up the project in Xcode which has an emulator.
If your windows, you could try an app like Smartface: https://www.smartface.io/ios-and-android-emulator-on-windows/
Google iOS Emulators for Windows for Development and you should have lots of options to review for yourself.
The iPhone simulator in xcode should be exactly what you need.
This should get you started:

Cannot download On Demand Resources contents after iOS 10

After upgrading some of my devices to iOS 10, I am unable to download ODR contents anymore within my app. Devices which still have iOS 9 are still working without a problem.
Does anyone currently suffering from this problem? Any suggestions on how to fix this?
I logged an Apple Developer Technical Support Issue (DTI) on this as I could not find anything that could fix the issue. After a lot of back and forth I got this from them:
In iOS 9, the ODR was handled by the OnDemandD daemon inside the OS. However in iOS 10, we switched ODR to now be handled under the AppStoreD daemon. There were some issues that arose from this transistion, including this specific issue. Also, this issue was on our side of the table, so it’s nothing you or your users did.
I cannot get into the details of the issue, because I honestly don’t know what they changed, but as far as I know, it is stemmed from the daemon transistion above.
Now that iOS 10.2 is out, and will be updating across the iOS fleet, hopefully we'll see and end to this issue. In the meantime my game has been getting bad reviews and feedback from players experiencing a black screen instead of our game levels. :-(
I had the same problem after updating some devices to iOS 10.
I solved it by setting the loadingPriority of the NSBundleResourceRequest to 1.

iOS 8 GameCenter Not Working on Device

I have a GameCenter enabled app which has been setup correctly with iTunes Connect, it works perfectly on the simulator, but when trying on the iPhone 6 it doesn't work.
After doing some debugging I discovered that, even though I'm not signed into GameCenter and Sandbox more is enabled in settings, that the viewController in the authenticationHandler is nil.
Is this a common issue? Any ideas?
Having spent a bit of time - I did end up "answering" this a while ago (forgot I'd posted a question here).
I don't fully understand what happened - but around the time that the 8.1 beta came out - I installed that on my phone (which wiped it, annoyingly) but I figured every cloud has a silver lining and tried it again and it seemed to work straight away.
So although its not a direct answer to the question it did fix it. My advice though - Make a backup of your phone before restoring if you ever get this issue.
