Passing user information down to data access - dependency-injection

I'm working on a desktop application that has generated code for database access and uses static objects for user identification.
Now we need to expose some of the logic by webservice and we are looking for the least intrusive form to push the user information down the pipe to the database access classes.
What we came up with was to pass a delegate to the Insert / Update methods that looks like this:
public delegate string GetLogin();
public class BaseEntity : BaseNotifiableEntity, System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo
public GetLogin Login { get; set; }
public static class BaseEntityHelper
public static SqlCommand buildUpdateCommand(BaseEntity entity)
UpdateDefaultValues(entity, false);
public static void UpdateDefaultValues(BaseEntity entity, bool affectCreationFields)
if (entity.Login == null && AppServer.RunningApplication.CurrentUser == null)
throw new Exception("Something went wrong");
So in our logic will would have something like this:
public class Service
T_DIST_Service record;
public bool Update(DataAccess.Base.GetLogin login)
record.Login = login;
This of course involves changing a lot of methods in the application.
So i was wondering if there's a seamless way to accomplish this using dependency injection (for example).
Probably some of you have already go down this road and have some insights to share.
Thank you for your time.
Using .NET

On an architectural level it sounds like me that you are attempting to put logic in the data access layer that doesn't belong there. A data access component should be nothing but an anti-corruption layer, so any logic should ideally be implemented in the calling layer.
However, if you want a more immediate fix here and now, it would be most recommendable to use the built-in Thread.CurrentPrincipal Ambient Context.
If you have special information that your user object must carry around, you can use a custom implementation of IPrincipal to create a custom User Context.


Model Ownership Checking

In my Controller before a Model is modified (updated or deleted) I am trying to verify that the User performing the action actually owns the object they are trying to modify.
I am currently doing this at the method level and it seems a bit redundant.
public ActionResult Edit(Notebook notebook)
if (notebook.UserProfileId != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId) { return HttpNotFound(); }
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(notebook).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(notebook);
Is there a generic way of doing this that could be reusable across various models?
Is it possible to do this with an ActionFilter?
A filter approach might look like:
public class VerifyOwnership : IActionFilter
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
foreach(var parameter in filterContext.ActionParameters)
var owned = paramter.Value as IHaveAnOwner;
if(owned != null)
if(owned.OwnerId != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId)
// ... not found or access denied
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
That assumes models like Notebook implement a specific interface.
public interface IHaveAnOwner
int OwnerId { get; set; }
Blowdart has a good point that a user could tamper with the OwnerId in a post. I'm sure they could tamper with their auth ticket, too, but they'd have to know the other user's ticket and tamper with both to get the IDs to match for another user, I believe.
I can see one problem with what you have - you are relying on user input to perform the security check.
Consider your code
if (notebook.UserProfileId != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId)
Notebook has come from model binding. So UserProfileId has come from model binding. And you can quite happily fake that - for example I use Firefox's TamperData to change the value of the hidden UserProfileId to match my login and away I go.
What I end up doing (in a service, rather than the controller) is on a post pulling back the record from the database based on the unique id passed (Edit/2 for example would use 2), and then checking User.Identity.Name (well, the passed identity parameter) against the current owner field I have in my returned database record.
Because I pull back from the database (repository, whatever) an attribute isn't going to work for this, and I'm not sure you could be generic enough in an attribute's approach anyway.
The filter sounds like an ok approach, but it's somewhat limited. It would be nice if you could have a filter like this:
[RequireOwnership<Notebook>(n => n.UserProfileId)]
...but Attributes are limited in which data types are allowed, and I don't think that generics are allowed either. So you could have a [RequireOwnership] attribute that works by inspecting model properties using reflection, or you could create a custom validator instead, where your model looks like this:
public class Notebook
public int UserProfileId { get; set; }
Then your ModelState.IsValid check should suffice.
Another option occurred to me. You could use a filter in conjunction with an attribute on your model (doesn't have to be a ValidationAttribute). The filter could inspect your request models and check for properties with [MatchesCurrentUserId], comparing with the current user ID.
When I have done things like this in the past it really hasn't been much better. For our projects we would have a method that would accept a Notebook object and check it against the currently logged in user.
You could overload this method with all of your different object types and use a consistent method for checking access. Sorry, that's the best way I know of.
public ActionResult Edit(Notebook notebook)
return HttpNotFound();
//Other code...
P.S. SessionUser is a custom class we had basically just to manage whoever is logged in at the time. You could write something similar but don't expect it to be in .NET by default.

Using Linq To SQL to update a record from a MVC3 ViewModel

I'm trying to update a record in a database with the values in a ViewModel via Linq To SQL. I had it working but it has since stopped (more on this later).
I have a Customers domain object mapped to a table. I don't need all the fields so I use AutoMapper to map it to a ViewModel (CustomerEditVM) that has a subset of the Customer fields. I do this in my service layer:
public CustomerEditVM GetCustomerEditVMById(int custId)
var domainCustomer = _repository.GetCustomerById(custId);
Mapper.CreateMap<Customer, CustomerEditVM>();
CustomerEditVM customer = Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerEditVM>(domainCustomer);
return customer;
I send the CustomerEditVM ViewModel to my view and the user edits the record. In my service layer I map it back to a Customer object and call the Update method in my repository:
public void SaveCustomer(CustomerEditVM customer)
Mapper.CreateMap<CustomerEditVM, Customer>();
Customer newCust = Mapper.Map<CustomerEditVM, Customer>(customer);
Here is my repository and Update method:
namespace AuctionAdmin.Models.Repositories
public interface ICustomerRepository
Customer GetCustomerById(int custId);
void Update(Customer customer);
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
private AuctionAdminDataContext _dataContext;
public CustomerRepository()
_dataContext = new AuctionAdminDataContext();
public Customer GetCustomerById(int custId)
var customer = _dataContext.Customers.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CustomerID == custId);
return customer;
public void Update(Customer customer)
_dataContext.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, customer);
The Update used to work fine but now fails with this error:
Unable to refresh the specified object. The object no longer exists
in the database.
I'm not sure why this worked so well before and now doesn't but clearly I'm not using Linq to update the database properly. How should I be doing this?
So my understanding is that Automapper wasn't really designed to work this way. It flattens objects like you are doing to get your view model but it doesn't really do things the other way. I believe this is by design because Jimmy & Crew are using more of a command pattern with messaging to save things back into the database.
However, I know that doesn't solve your problem. So here are a few things.
With Linq2Sql You need to pull the object out, then update it, then save it. This is
because linq2sql is tracking the changes of the object. However, between requests you no longer have the linq2sql object.
public void SaveCustomer(CustomerEditVM customer)
//Get the customer from repo
var domainCustomer = _repository.GetCustomerById(customer.Id);
Mapper.CreateMap<CustomerEditVM, Customer>();
Customer newCust = Mapper.Map<CustomerEditVM, Customer>(domainCustomer);
However, that most likely won't work because of the way linq2sql and automapper work. Even if the mapping does work, linq2sql might not show that changes have been made to the object. You are going to be better off mapping this by hand.
Also, there is really no such thing as Update in Linq2Sql.
public void Update(Customer customer)
_dataContext.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, customer);
All you need to do is get the object from linq2sql update it and call SubmitChanges(); on the _dataContext. It takes care of it for you. I have seen some repository interfaces include a Update method but it doesn't do anything in a Linq2Sql implementation. Also, its probably not the best idea to call SubmitChanges in the update method as you may want to update may items then submit all the changes at once, which is kind of the purpose of submitchanges (ie unit of work)

How to use a DI / IoC container with the model binder in ASP.NET MVC 2+?

Let's say I have an User entity and I would want to set it's CreationTime property in the constructor to DateTime.Now. But being a unit test adopter I don't want to access DateTime.Now directly but use an ITimeProvider :
public class User {
public User(ITimeProvider timeProvider) {
// ...
this.CreationTime = timeProvider.Now;
// .....
public interface ITimeProvider {
public DateTime Now { get; }
public class TimeProvider : ITimeProvider {
public DateTime Now { get { return DateTime.Now; } }
I am using NInject 2 in my ASP.NET MVC 2.0 application. I have a UserController and two Create methods (one for GET and one for POST). The one for GET is straight forward but the one for POST is not so straight and not so forward :P because I need to mess with the model binder to tell it to get a reference of an implementation of ITimeProvider in order to be able to construct an user instance.
public class UserController : Controller {
public ViewResult Create() {
return View();
public ActionResult Create(User user) {
// ...
I would also like to be able to keep all the features of the default model binder.
Any chance to solve this simple/elegant/etc? :D
A couple of observations:
Don't inject dependencies just to query them in the constructor
There's no reason to inject an ITimeProvider into a user just to invoke Now immediately. Just inject the creation time directly instead:
public User(DateTime creationTime)
this.CreationTime = creationTime;
A really good rule of thumb related to DI is that constructors should perform no logic.
Don't use DI with ModelBinders
An ASP.NET MVC ModelBinder is a really poor place to do DI, particularly because you can't use Constructor Injection. The only remaining option is the static Service Locator anti-pattern.
A ModelBinder translates HTTP GET and POST information to a strongly typed object, but conceptually these types aren't domain objects, but similar to Data Transfer Objects.
A much better solution for ASP.NET MVC is to forego custom ModelBinders completely and instead explicitly embrace that what you receive from the HTTP connection is not your full domain object.
You can have a simple lookup or mapper to retrieve your domain object in your controller:
public ActionResult Create(UserPostModel userPost)
User u = this.userRepository.Lookup(userPost);
// ...
where this.userRepository is an injected dependency.
How about instead of using an ITimeProvider try this:
public class User
public Func<DateTime> DateTimeProvider = () => DateTime.Now;
public User()
this.CreationTime = DateTimeProvider();
And in your unit test:
var user = new User();
user.DateTimeProvider = () => new DateTime(2010, 5, 24);
I know that this is not very elegant but instead of messing with the model binder this could be a solution. If this doesn't feel like a good solution you could implement a custom model binder and override the CreateModel method where you would inject the dependencies in the constructor of the model.
Another option is to create a different class to represent users that haven't been persisted yet that doesn't have a creation date property at all.
Even if CreationDate is one of User's invariants, it can be nullable in your view model - and you can set it farther downstream, in your controller or domain layer.
After all, it probably doesn't matter, but should the creation date attribute really represent the moment you construct a user instance, or would it be more appropriate for it to represent the moment a user submits their data?

Inject different repository depending on a querystring / derive controller and inject the repository depending on the controller type / ASP.NET MVC

I have a search form that can search in different provider.
I started out by having a base controller
public SearchController : Controller
protected readonly ISearchService _searchService
public SearchController(ISearchService searchService)
_searchService= searchService;
public ActionResult Search(...)
// Use searchService to query and return a view.
And child controllers
TwitterController : SearchController
NewsController : SearchController
I use StructureMap to insert all my dependencies in the controller. With this setup, I was able to change the SearchService depending on the type of the controller being instanciated.
x.For<ISearchService>().ConditionallyUse(o =>
o.If(c => c.ParentType == typeof(TwitterController))
That even allowed me to set different Views for each controller, (just putting the corresponding folder (Twitter, News...) and the Parent controller is still handling all the Search, with a simple
return View(results)
which is displaying the correct view specific to twitter, news, or other
Now that was cool and looked great, I a single form and the different views are displayed in tabs on the same page. That's where it starts to get complicated with this approach. The form has to post to /Twitter to search in twitter, to /News to search in news... which means I should change the action parameter of the form depending on which tab I am and display the correct tab on when the form returns depending on.. the url? craziness follows.
If you have built something like this already or know what's the best approach to this, please advices are welcome.
Now I think I would have less pain using a parameter in the form and posting to a single controller. I am thinking of injecting the correct SearchService depending on this parameter. What would be the best approach? I thought of using a model binder,
So I would have my ActionMethod that look like this:
public ActionResult Search(ISearchService service, Query query)
var results = service.Find(query);
But I think would need to make a call like this in the ModelBinder
Based on the querystring parameter that describe which provider to use, and that doesn't seem more elegant to me. I feel stuck, help :(.
Whenever you need to vary a dependency based on a run-time value, Abstract Factory is the general solution.
Instead of injecting ISearchService into your Controllers, inject an ISearchServiceFactory:
public SearchController : Controller
private readonly ISearchServiceFactory searchServiceFactory;
public SearchController(ISearchServiceFactory searchServiceFactory)
if (searchServiceFactory == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("searchServiceFactory");
this.searchServiceFactory = searchServiceFactory;
public ActionResult Search(...)
// Use searchServiceFactory to create an ISearchService based on
// run-time values, and use it to query and return a view.
It is not entirely clear to me which run-time value you need to vary on, but assuming that it's the Query, ISearchServiceFactory might be defined like this:
public interface ISearchServiceFactory
ISearchService Create(Query query);
I was trying to figure out how to use the abstract factory pattern and still let structuremap resolve all the dependencies of my components.
I believe that is the way I am going to implement it, but I submit this here to get some feedback if someone would read this.
As explain in the previous answer, I do not want to build the whole object graph depending on which provider I need in the Abstract factory.
ie :
class StatServiceFactory : IStatServiceFactory
public IStatService Create(string provider)
case "blog":
return new StatService(IFacetRepository,ISearchManager,IConfigManager,BooleanQueryBuilder);
//How to resolve the Config, the SearchManager, and BooleanQueryBuilder?
//Add more abstract factories? It starts to get messy in my opinion...
What I can do is have the abstract factory use my container to create an instance of my search managers depending on a parameter (coming from the querystring in my case)
Structuremap allows to create named instances this way :
I need a way to inject the container in my Abstract factory.
I would probably wrap the container in a wrapper defined like this. That would keep me from leaking Structuremap into my project. I dont need more that those 2 features within the abstract factory anyway, but it is not necessary:
public interface IContainerWrapper
object GetInstance<T>();
object GetNamedInstance<T>(string key);
and the implementation :
public class ContainerImpl : IContainerWrapper
private readonly Container _container
public ContainerImpl(Container container)
_container = container;
And setup StructureMap to resolve dependencies to my abstract factory like that :
x.For<IContainer>.Use(new ContainerImpl(this));
My factory would be then much simpler and would create my instance like that :
public class SearchmanagerFactory
private readonly IContainerWrapper _container;
public SearchmanagerFactory(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
_container = containerProvider;
public ISearchManager Create(string provider)
//eed to handle the bad input for provider.
return (ISearchManager)
That seems pretty clean this way :).
This is more an extensive comment than an answer to explain why an AbstractFactory seems complicated. Here is something that looks closer from the reality:
class StatServiceFactory : IStatServiceFactory
public IStatService Create(string provider)
case "blog":
return new StatService(IFacetRepository,ISearchManager,IConfigManager,BooleanQueryBuilder);
//How to resolve the Config, the SearchManager, and BooleanQueryBuilder?
//Add more abstract factories? It starts to get messy in my opinion...
The FacetRepository is the same for any provider, but the SearchManager changes, the ConfigManager changes, and the BooleanQueryBuilder is an abstract class with different implementation for different provider (because every API doesnt use the same keyword for their queries) All those dependencies are currently resolved by structuremap, based on the type of the controller.
I would really like to keep the benefit of StructureMap here, rather than using factories all the way, for each different pieces.'
Please see my edit at the end of my question for another suggestion to my problem.

Where should be the validation in a ASP.Net MVC scenario having Repository, Service Layer and using Model Binder?

Related: What’s the best way to implement field validation using ASP.NET MVC?
Let's suppose a solution with the following projects:
Foo; // the MVC web project
Foo.Models is the domain of the application with all the entities, doesn't matter if using EF, NH, POCO or whatever. Here's an example:
public class User
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
In Foo.Repositories there is a UserRepository and in Foo.Services there is a UserService.
In the web application let's consider a model binder like following:
public class UserBinder : DefaultModelBinder
I see three different options on where to put the validation:
In Foo.Models like the following:
public class User
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ValidateErrors()
//Validate if Username, Email and Password has been passed
In Foo.Services like:
public class UserService
public ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ValidateErrors()
//Validate if Username, Email and Password has been passed
In Foo inside the model binder:
public class UserBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override void OnModelUpdated(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var user = (User)bindingContext.Model;
// validate everything here
base.OnModelUpdated(controllerContext, bindingContext);
Another thing to notice is that considering the first 2 options [Model and Service] there is another decision to make: ValidateErrors method can be called directly on the controller or inside the Binder.
I have 2 questions on the scenario:
Should the validation be:
In the Model being called from the controller?
In the Model being called from the binder?
In the Service being called from the controller?
In the Service being called from the binder?
Directly in the Binder?
Any other idea?
All the above scenario discuss about the User creation. But what about User logon?
Let's say user uses the username and password to login in the application, so it won't need to validate the e-mail.
Where this validation should be?
In the Model being called from the controller?
In the Service being called from the controller?
Any other idea?
Check out the ASP.NET MVC Contact Manager Sample Application it has a very good architecture im my opinion'>
I'm a big fan of putting calling the validation from the controllers and having the validation routine return an ActionResult so the controller can know what to do with the result.
For what it's worth, here's what I have scrounged up in my current project:
I have Models, Repositories (you can call them Services if you like), and ViewModels. I try to avoid writing custom model binders because (a) it's boring and (b) a strange place to put validation, IMHO. To me, a model binder is just taking items from the request and shoving them into an object. PHP, for example, doesn't do any validation when plucking items from a header into the $_POST array; it's the thing we plug the array into that cares about its contents.
My Model objects generally never allow themselves to enter an invalid state. This means that required parameters are passed in during constructors and properties will throw exceptions if they're attempted to be set with invalid values. And, in general, I try to design my Model objects to be immutable. For example, I have an Address object for mailing addresses that is constructed with an AddressBuilder object with looks at the field requirements for a given country by inspecting an AddressScheme that can be retrieved from the AddressSchemeRepository. Phew. But I think it's a good example because it takes something conceptually simple ("validate a mailing address") and makes it complicated in real world usage ("we accept addresses from over 30 countries, and those formatting rules are sitting in a database, not in my code").
Since constructing this Model object is kind of a pain--as well it should be, since it's being quite particular about the data that gets loaded into it--I have a, say, InputAddressViewModel object that my view binds to. The InputAddressViewModel implements IDataErrorInfo so that I get ASP.NET MVC's DefaultModelBinder to add errors to the ModelState automatically. For simple validation routines that I know ahead of time (phone number formatting, first name required, e-mail address format), I can implement these right in the InputAddressViewModel.
The other advantage of having a view model is that because it is shamelessly tailored to a particular view, your real model is more reusable because it doesn't have to make any weird concessions to make it suitable for UI display (e.g., needs to implement INotifyPropertyChanged or Serializable or any of that mess).
Other validation errors about the address I won't know about until I interact with my AddressScheme in my actual Model. Those errors will be there controller's job of orchestrating into the ModelState. Something like:
public ActionResult InputAddress(InputAddressViewModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// "Front-line" validation passed; let's execute the save operation
// in the our view model
var result = model.Execute();
// The view model returns a status code to help the
// controller decide where to redirect the user next
switch (result.Status)
case InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult.Saved:
return RedirectToAction("my-work-is-done-here");
case InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult.UserCorrectableError:
// Something went wrong after we interacted with the
// datastore, like a bogus Canadian postal code or
// something. Our view model will have updated the
// Error property, but we need to call TryUpdateModel()
// to get these new errors to get added to
// the ModelState, since they were just added and the
// model binder ran before this method even got called.
// Redisplay the input form to the user, using that nifty
// Html.ValidationMessage to convey model state errors
return View(model);
The switch may seem repulsive, but I think it makes sense: the view model is just a plain old class and doesn't have any knowledge of the Request or the HttpContext. This makes the logic of the view model easy to test in isolation without resorting to mocking and leaves the controller code left to, well, control by interpreting the model's result in a manner that makes sense on a Web site--it could redirect, it could set cookies, etc.
And the InputAddressViewModel's Execute() methods looks something like (some people would insist on putting this code into a Service object that the controller would call, but to me the view model will do so much finagling of the data to make it fit the real model that it makes sense to put it here):
public InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult Execute()
InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult result;
if (this.errors.Count > 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Don't call me when I have errors");
// This is just my abstraction for clearly demarcating when
// I have an open connection to a highly contentious resource,
// like a database connection or a network share
using (ConnectionScope cs = new ConnectionScope())
var scheme = new AddressSchemeRepository().Load(this.Country);
var builder = new AddressBuilder(scheme)
if (!builder.CanBuild())
this.errors.Add("Blah", builder.Error);
result = new InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult()
Status = InputAddressViewModelExecuteStatus
var address = builder.Build();
// save the address or something...
result = new InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult()
Status = InputAddressViewModelExecuteStatus.Success,
Address = address
return result;
Does this make sense? Is it a best practice? I have no idea; it's certainly verbose; it's what I just came up with in the past two weeks after thinking about this problem. I think you're going to have some duplication of validation--your UI can't be a complete imbecile and not know what fields are required or not before submitting them to your model/repositories/services/whatever--otherwise the form could simply generate itself.
I should add that the impetus for this is that I've always kind of detested the Microsoft mentality of "set one property -> validate one property" because nothing ever works like that in reality. And you always end up getting an invalid object persisted because someone forgot to call IsValid or some such on the way to the data store. So another reason for having a view model is that it tailors itself to this concession so we get a lot of CRUD work of pulling items from the request, validation errors in the model state, etc quite easily without having to compromise the integrity of our model itself. If I have an Address object in hand, I know it's good. If I have an InputAddressViewModel object in hand, I know I need to call it's Execute() method to get that golden Address object.
I'll look forward to reading some of the other answers.
After a lot of research I think I got the answers to my question so i decided to share.
The validation code should be on Model.
As per the idea of "thin controller, fat model" AND considering that a model would know what it needs to validate or not.
For example, let's say I decide to user the Foo.Models in other solution but I decide NOT to use any other project and the validation is in other project.
I'll have to re-code the entire validation in this case what is a total waste of time, right?
OK. The validation code must be in the model but where should it be called?
This validation must be called where you're saving it to your database or file.
As in the proposed scenario I'm considering the repository as a domain, then we should consider putting the validation just before the change saving [in this example I'm using Entity Framework but it's not necessary, it's just to show]:
public class UserRepository : IRepository<User>
public void Create(User user)
var db = dbFooEntities();
As per MS recommendation, the model validation should raise an exception and the controller must populate the ModelState with the errors found [I'll try to update this answer with a sample code on that as soon as I finish my app].
With that we have an answer for question #1.
What about question #2, regarding the login validation?
As login is not a situation where you're persisting your data, the validation should stay on the Service since logging in is a service in this case.
So, the answers for the question are:
In the Model being called from the REPOSITORY [that is called by the controller]
In the Service being called from the controller
This is very interesting and it helps me a lot in deciding where to put validation.
currently I feel the most for each model implementing a "Validate" method, which is called from a Repository or a Service.
However, what about validating if a chosen username is unique?
Should that code be inside the User model, or inside the UserService class, or in the UserRepository class?
If the uniqueness validation should be inside the User model, then the User model should have access to either the UserService or the UserRepository class. Is that OK, or is that against any "best practice" pattern?
For example:
class User
string Username { get; set; }
string Email { get; set; }
string Password { get; set; } // hashed and salted of course :)
IEnumerable<RuleViolation> Validate()
List<RuleViolation> violations = new List<RuleViolation>();
IUserService service = MyApplicationService.UserService; // MyApplicationService is a singleton class, especialy designed so that the User model can access application services
// Username is required
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username) )
violations.Add(new RuleViolation("Username", "Username is required"));
// Username must be unique: Should uniqueness be validated here?
else if( !service.IsUsernameAvailable(Username)
violations.Add(new RuleViolation("Username", "Username is already taken!"));
// Validate email etc...
return violations;
interface IUserRepository
void Save(User item);
interface IUserService
IUserRepository UserRepository { get; }
void Save(User item);
class UserService : IUserService
public UserService(IUserRepository userRepository)
this.UserRepository = userRepository;
IUserRepository UserRepository { get; private set}
public void Save(User user)
IEnumerable<RuleViolation> violations = user.Validate();
if(violations.Count() > 0)
throw new RuleViolationException(violations); // this will be catched by the Controller, which will copy the violations to the ModelState errors collection. But the question is, should we validat the user here, or in the UserRepository class?
class UserRepository : IUserRepository
void Save(User item)
IEnumerable<RuleViolation> violations = user.Validate();
if(violations.Count() > 0)
throw new RuleViolationException(violations); // this will be catched by the Controller, which will copy the violations to the ModelState errors collection. But the question is, should we validate the user here, or in the UserService class?
My guess would be that validation should be as close to the model as possible. So I'd say that the UserRepository should be the one responsible for validating it's model being added.
The most important queston for me is: Should the User model know about the IUserService / IUserRepository interfaces so that it can validate the Username uniqueness?
Or should the IUserService service validate uniqueness?
I'm curious about your views on this!
I'm using the DataAnnotations attributes in combination with a MVC model binder to do my validation and its pretty awesome. Since I treat User input as Command View Models its the cleanest way to keep domain clean from outside concerns.
This also allows me to take advantage of AutoForm by
And I expect the client side validation tools in MVC 2, VS 2010 to take advantage of these attributes as well.
So I'm whipping out user input view models, commands, at a furious pace right now and tying them into not only the AutoForm functionality but my own custom UI templates to get AutoGrid and AutoOutput from these attributes as well.
Nothing is better than saying:
And getting validation and html generation in a very DRY and orthogonal way. My controllers are light, my domain pristine, and my time is unoccupied by writing the same if( string.IsNullOrEmpty() ) method on every object with a FirstName property.
For me the approach was not as "philosophical" as others have written about. I'm trying to be very pragmatic about MVC development and I get a ton of bang for the buck out of these bits.
