midi file parsing, unrecognised event type - parsing

I have a problem trying to parse a midi file. I am trying to parse the notes files used by the frets on fire game (it just uses midi files so i don't think this is relevent) if any of you are familiar with it, the problem i am having is a general midi problem. I have a file with a track called guitar part, the hex, as viewed in a hex editor is as follows:
4D 54 72 6B 00 00 1E 74 00 FF 03 0B 50 41 52 54 20 47 55 49 54 41 52 A9 20 90 61 40 9A 20 61 00 83 60 63 40 BC
My program parses this fine as follows:
4D M
54 T
72 R
6B K
00 < --
00 size of
1E track part
74 -- >
00 time of this event
FF event type (this is meta)
03 meta event type
0B length of data
50 "P"
41 "A"
52 "R"
54 "T"
20 " "
47 "G"
55 "U"
49 "I"
54 "T"
41 "A"
52 "R"
A9 time of event (variable length) 10101001
20 time of event (variable length) 00100000
90 event,channel (non-meta) 1001=note on,channel=0000
61 note on has 2 params this is the first
40 this is the second
9A variable time 10011010
20 variable time 00100000
This is where my problem lies, there is no event that has event type 0x6, since 0x61 is 01100001 we have to assume it's non meta, therefore the event type should be 6 (0110) and the channel is (0001) but the midi specification contains no identification for this event.. I've added a few of the bytes after this incase they are somehow relevent but obviously at the moment my program hits the next byte, doesn't recognise the event and bombs out.
If anyone thinks they could shed any light on where my parsing logic has gone wrong i'd be most appreciative, sorry for the formatting, i couldn't think of a better way to illustrate my problem.
I have been using this site: http://www.sonicspot.com/guide/midifiles.html as a reference and it hasn't led me wrong so far. I figured this might be something directly relating to frets on fire but it doesn't seem to be as i downloaded another notes file for the game and that file did not contain this event.
Thanks in advance.

It's called running status. If an event is of the same type as the previous event, the MIDI status byte can be eliminated. So if the first byte after the timing info is < $80, use the previous status. In the case of your $61 byte, the previous status was $90, so it's Note On, channel 0. Which makes sense since the previous event was note number $61 velocity $40. This event is note number $61 velocity 0 (releasing the previously played note). The next event is note number $63 velocity $40.


MavLink ArduPilot - Can’t parse PARAM_VALUE request

My friend and I are trying to communicate with a drone (APM 2.8 flight controller - ArduCopter V3.2.1 (36b405fb)) with MavLink. After several hours, we managed to handle messages and make ByteBuffers a little more meaningful but we're stuck on parsing one response that seems to didn’t fit with the documentation.
When performing a PARAM_REQUEST_LIST request, the APM sends back (a lot of) PARAM_VALUE (#22) responses, but the format of what we're receiving is really not what we’ve expected
The payload
<Buffer cd cc 4c 3f 32 01 36 00 45 4b 46 5f 43 48 45 43 4b 5f 54 48 52 45 53 48 09>
The expected object (doc)
param_id char[16]
param_value float
param_type uint8_t
param_count uint16_t
param_index uint16_t
So param_id = cd cc 4c 3f 32 01 36 00 45 4b 46 5f 43 48 45 43 = ÍÌL?2(soh)6(nul)EKF_CHEC
Although the 8 last characters are OK, it seems that the first 8 characters are absolutely everything but not the beginning of a char[16] - by the way the 8th is always (nul) … And it’s the same for a param_count = 17747 when param_index = 18441 (?!), the different param_count values in every response, or param_type=82 when this value must be 0 < x <= 10 (doc)
We already managed to parse other requests without any problem so we thought we’d understood the way MavLink works but I'm doubting right now … Did we miss something obvious ? Or is there a problem with the drone ?
For those who encountered the same problem, this page is the answer. According to this, my object looks more like that when reordered
param_value float
param_count uint16_t
param_index uint16_t
param_id char[16]
param_type uint8_t
So param_id = 45 4b 46 5f 43 48 45 43 4b 5f 54 48 52 45 53 48 = EKF_CHECK_THRESH

Finding guid in onenote onetoc2 binary file

According to the documentation provided by Microsoft the header structure of the oncetoc2 must be at the beginning of the file and must have the value
Characters Stripped
Looking through the file with a hex editor I am unable to find a match for this string, nor can I find it after stripping all the characters and flipping the string. (Endianess?)
Then I attempted to find a match with the hex equivalents of the string,
This can not be right, as it is much over 16 bytes.
I have been staring at this for a while and can't see what I am missing here. Not finding a pattern match with search tools.
What am I not doing right ?
OneNote onteoc2 file structure:
Interesting question. I just had a look at the doc, being completely perplexed by it last time.
Here's what seems to be going on.
The first 16 bytes of the fileA1 2F FF 43 D9 EF 76 4C 9E E2 10 EA 57 22 76 5FLets break it down like this A1 2F FF 43                    flip it 43 FF 2F A1D9 EF                               flip it EF D976 4C                               flip it 4C 76
9E E2                       dont flip it 9E E210 EA 57 22 76 5F dont flip it 10 EA 57 22 76 5FAnd we get{43F2FA1-EFD9-4C76-9EE2-10EA5722765F}
If you take bytes 48 to 633F DD 9A 10 1B 91 F5 49 A5 D0 17 91 ED C8 AE D8And apply the same formula we get{109ADD3F-911B-49F5-A5D0-1791EDC8AED8} - guidFileFormat (16 bytes)I hope this helps.

How to add filter to field in Wireshark

I'm trying to add a filter to a field in Wireshak.
My dissector name is: "basic".
it has 3 fields - field1, field2, field3.
each field can have a value of string.
I want that on Wireshark i'll be able to filter by a particular field, for example: basic.field1. (just the same as you look for tcp.len)
How can i do this?
You must declare the fields, assign them to your protocol and add them to the tree when appropriate. There are currently 2 different types of strings supported by Lua, those of type ftypes.STRING, which is used for strings of a known, fixed length, and type ftypes.STRINGZ, which is a NULL (zero)-terminated string, so how you declare the fields will depend upon which of the 2 types they are.
Unfortunately, despite the documentation listing ftypes.UINT_STRING as a supported type, it isn't as can be seen in the source code for wslua_proto_field.c. This type of string is applicable when a length field precedes the string to indicate the length of the string in bytes. In any case, it isn't currently available for Lua-based dissectors.
So, as an example, let's suppose your protocol uses UDP/33333 as its transport and port number, and its 3 fields consist of each of the 3 types of strings described above, namely:
field1: a fixed-length string of 12 bytes.
field2: a NULL-terminated string of arbitrary length.
field3: a counted string preceded by a 2 byte length field in big-endian (network) byte order.
Given these assumptions, the following will dissect the packets:
-- Protocol
local p_basic = Proto("basic", "Basic Protocol")
-- Fields
local f_basic_field1 = ProtoField.string("basic.field1", "Field1")
local f_basic_field2 = ProtoField.stringz("basic.field2", "Field2")
local f_basic_field3 = ProtoField.string("basic.field3", "Field3")
p_basic.fields = { f_basic_field1, f_basic_field2, f_basic_field3 }
-- Dissection
function p_basic.dissector(buf, pinfo, tree)
local basic_tree = tree:add(p_basic, buf(0,-1))
basic_tree:add(f_basic_field1, buf(0, 12))
local strz = buf(12):stringz()
local field2_len = string.len(strz) + 1
basic_tree:add(f_basic_field2, buf(12, field2_len))
local field3_len = buf:range(12 + field2_len, 2):uint()
basic_tree:add(f_basic_field3, buf(12 + field2_len + 2, field3_len))
-- Registration
local udp_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
udp_table:add(33333, p_basic)
If you want to test this, first save the above lua code to a file such as basic.lua in your personal plugins directory (Found via Help -> About Wireshark -> Folders -> Personal Plugins). You can then use the following hex bytes to test it:
0000 00 0e b6 00 00 02 00 0e b6 00 00 01 08 00 45 00
0010 00 37 00 00 40 00 40 11 b5 ea c0 00 02 65 c0 00
0020 02 66 82 35 82 35 00 23 22 32 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20
0030 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 48 69 20 74 68 65 72 65 00 00
0040 04 42 79 65 21
Save these bytes into a text file, e.g., basic.txt. Start Wireshark and import the file via File -> Import from Hex Dump... -> Filename:basic.txt -> OK. You should see the 3 fields dissected as part of the "Basic Protocol".
For further help with Lua dissectors, you might want to refer to one or more of the following:
Wireshark Lua (wiki page)
Wireshark Lua Examples (wiki page)
Wireshark Lua Dissectors (wiki page)
Wireshark Contributed scripts, macros, colouring rules and plugins (wiki page)
Chapter 10. Lua Support in Wireshark (Wireshark Developer's Guide)
https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/wsluarm_modules.html (Wireshark Developer's Guide)
Wireshark Lua API Reference Manual Addendum (wiki page)
Lua Directory
Sharkfest '15 presentation and accompanying YouTube video, by Graham Bloice

COM Port Commands CRC XOR

I have a check printer that I want to connect in Delphi 7 by COM port and operate.
I have a command that I extracted with Serial Port Monitor:
STX "PIRI(781" FS NULL ETX "0B" wich is 02 50 49 52 49 28 37 38 31 1c 00 03 30 42 hex
The manual says the following:
CRC (which is the last two digits after the ETX) - packet checksum. It
is calculated by the following algorithm: executing XOR for every
byte of the block including ETX by excluding STX. The data of the
checksum take up two bytes and are a symbolic representation of the
numeric in a hexadecimal calculation system.
I tried to an ONLINE CRC calculator and return a 1B result and a 27 numeric.
How to do it? For "PIRI(781" FS NULL ETX it should be 0B
The documentation incorrectly identifies the check value as a CRC. It is not. It is simply the exclusive-or of the noted bytes. The exclusive-or of 50 49 52 49 28 37 38 31 1c 00 03 is 0b. You then convert the 0b to hex (with an upper case B, i.e. 0B), and get 30 42.

Addressing memory data in 32 bit protected mode with nasm

So my book says i can define a table of words like so:
table: dw "13,37,99,99"
and that i can snatch values from the table by incrementing the index into the address of the table like so:
mov ax, [table+2] ; should give me 37
but instead it places 0x2c33 in ax rather than 0x3337
is this because of a difference in system architecture? maybe because the book is for 386 and i'm running 686?
0x2C is a comma , and 0x33 is the character 3, and they appear at positions 2 and 3 in your string, as expected. (I'm a little confused as to what you were expecting, since you first say "should give me 37" and later say "rather than 0x3337".)
You have defined a string constant when I suspect that you didn't mean to. The following:
dw "13,37,99,99"
Will produce the following output:
Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B
31 33 2C 33 37 2C 39 39 2C 39 39 00
Why? Because:
31 is the ASCII code for '1'
33 is the ASCII code for '3'
2C is the ASCII code for ','
39 is the ASCII code for '9'
NASM also null-terminates your string by putting 0 byte at the end (If you don't want your strings to be null-terminated use single quotes instead, '13,37,99,99')
Take into account that ax holds two bytes and it should be fairly clear why ax contains 0x2C33.
I suspect what you wanted was more along the lines of this (no quotes and we use db to indicate we are declaring byte-sized data instead of dw that declares word-sized data):
db 13,37,99,99
This would still give you 0x6363 (ax holds two bytes / conversion of 99, 99 to hex). Not sure where you got 0x3337 from.
I recommend that you install yourself a hex editor and have an experiment inspecting the output from NASM.
