annoying Grails console view in IntelliJ - grails

When developing a Grail app in IntelliJ there's a console view:
Whenever I make changes to the app outside IntelliJ, this view grabs the focus and lots of building messages start appearing. This also happens on occasions when making changes within the IDE.
I would like to hide, delete, disable or remove this view if possible?
(FYI, this view has nothing to do with the Grails console that appears when you run the grails console command)

You can't disable it in the current version, however this problem will be addressed in the future builds, our developers are aware of it. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Grails application doesn't automatically start in browser with grails run-app

For some reason my grails application no longer starts a browser with the webpage displayed when doing a grails run-app. It always did before. There is no errors or anything, it just no longer auto-starts the application. I haven't changed any code unless git corrupted something. Anyone know what could cause this?
Grails does not start a browser - usually your IDE takes care of this.
On IntelliJ you can enable this behaviour (Launch Browser) under your Run Configuration.
Click on Edit Configurations… here
Enable Launch Browser

Advanced Installer: Custom Logic behind Installation Progress Dialog (ProgressDlg)

We have a bug in our Advanced Installer that I have been tasked to track down. It happens while the Progress Dialog (ProgressDlg) is being displayed. I am pretty sure I know what is causing the error, but... I really don't know anything about Advanced Installer. Where, how do I find the logic that is happening while this dialog is being displayed?
Meaning... as a user is doing the install, on this dialog, the status bar moves along, and the name / title of each task it's doing being the scenes is displayed (setup IIS, install web files, install the database, etc etc etc).
But, inside the Advanced Installer interface, I am just not seeing where or how to find the code that is executed while the Progress Dialog is displayed.
From what I know the functionality you are referring to is controlled by the Windows Installer service.
All the Windows Installer actions inserted into your MSI setup have an action description text you can configure from ActionText table of the Table Editor view of your setup project.
Each custom action (defined by you in the project) that modifies the system also has an action text which you can configure from Custom Actions view of your setup project.
During installation when an action is executed the Windows Installer service fetches its action text from ActionText table and display it on progress dialog.
If you found a bug in this functionality I think it would be better post your question on Advanced Installer forums.
Hopefully this was helpful for you.

IntelliJ Grails view always dissapearing

When I open my grails project I always get something like this:
Then to get to "grails view" I have to click it, then double click on my project root and then View --> Tools Windows --> Grails View to get this:
Anyone knows how to fix this, so I don't have to do this every time ?
It appears to be a bug since other modes of the project view do persist, I've submitted it to YouTrack, please follow for updates:
IDEA-168623 Grails mode of the Project View doesn't persist

smartgwt offline-caching with no GWT module

I'm using Eclipse 4.2, appengine-java-sdk-1.8.9, gwt-2.5.1, smartgwt-4.0p
I'm trying make the simple project like this -
but offline.
When I save page (as html page) it doesn't work offline and I receive alert - "GWT module may need to be (re)compiled".
My question is: how to change project to save it as html page (plus project_name_nocache.js file).
You might be getting this error message because you might be trying to run/debug your application in compiled mode. In order to do so, you need to re-compile your application for GWT after every single change in code.
To avoid this, you should run/debug your application in developer mode.
See this link, to have idea on how to run GWT application in dev mode.

Cannot put breakpoint in an ASP.NET MVC view when running in IIS7

I'm forced to use IIS7 because Casini is only x86 and we are running with x64 ELMAH.
Something I've noticed since I've switched is that I cannot set breakpoints in ASP.NET MVC views anymore. I'm not totally sure it's because of IIS7, is it? Does it happen to you as well?
The Visual Studio (2008) project is configured to use the local IIS7. I normally run the project by pressing F5, which actually doesn't run anything. It compiles the code and attaches itself to the corresponding IIS7 process.
The limitation of breakpoints is very hard into my environment now. If I right click a piece of code in a view there's a "Breakpoint" sub-menu, like before, with the Insert Breakpoint. But when I try to insert a breakpoint I get a blue message at the bottom of Visual Studio saying:
This is not a valid location for a breakpoint.
and no breakpoint is set. Setting breakpoints in the compiled code, like the controller presents no problem.
Is there any way to solve put a breakpoint in the view?
You need to make sure you are breaking on something that is actually server side!
You obviously won't be able to break on:
And perhaps surprisingly, you can't break on:
#SomeCode here
But you can break on:
You can try attaching the process (Ctrl+Alt+P) to w3wp.exe and running it from there. If there are more than one w3wp.exe process running, consider using the tips from InfoPath MSDN blog.
That said, being "forced to use IIS7" over Cassini is like being forced to choose ice cream over raw sewage.
Try running VS as the administrator, I ran into this problem trying to attach to the IIS7 w3wp.exe. I started mine as admin and has worked just fine.
I had the same issue then I installed ASP.NET 5 RC1 Update 1, things got worst.
I solved the problem deleting the ComponentModelCache folder out of the %appdatalocal%/Microsoft/VisualStudio/14.0 folder.
Can you set break points anywhere else in your code?
I've never personally set a break point in one of my views, have you tried setting the break point in the controller on the line which returns the view and then tried stepping into the view from there?
What are your trying to debug in your view? It should be kept clean and simple with no logic. That is why I've never needed to debug one.
Enable line numbers for HTML here
Tool -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML -> General
