DotNetNuke URL's After Menu Change - url

I am not particularly familiar with DotNetNuke, so please correct me if I am using any wrong terminology.
I have a client who has a bunch of links that are hardcoded in an HTML module. The URL's looks like the following:
So the URL for the page is basically made from how the menu is constructed. When I change any order in the menu, this breaks the hardcoded links. Is there a way to use something like an ID instead for the URL so no matter what my menu looks like, the page will be resolved properly?

You could use an ID for the pages, linking to where ## is the ID for each page.
Now the key will be to find the proper IDs which you could do by looking at the HTML source of the Admin/Pages page.
That being said, the proper thing to do, would be to not MOVE or RENAME pages, this breaks all the old URLS (as you're experiencing) as well as those pages/urls in any search indexes.
A better way, though more work, would be to create a new page at the new PATH (where you move things to) and then redirect the old page to the new page (in the page settings). This requires quite a bit of work, but is the best way currently to handle old URLs, I have a video example of this at


include the page id in a url on my umbraco site

I have a site running on Umbraco 7, that uses the default Url scheme, a url might look like this:
As the content creators likes to "optimize" the pages on the website, they often change the page titles, and in the process change the url of the page, breaking all links linking to the page (google links, ad-words campaigns, partner sites ect.)
I would like to keep the page title in the url, for SEO purposes, and not be stuck with one URL when a page was first created, for this i was thinking of adding the id to the url of the page. I have seen many sites have a url that looks like this: or
And then lookup the page based on the id instead of the name
Is it possible to achieve this with Umbraco?
I'd agree with Pekka on this one, it's super easy to create separate field(s) for page header/navigation title/browser title. In my opinion it's a better solution than adding ids to the URL, but that's just my two cents.
You should be able to make a custom URL handler like this: - the article is from 2014, so some stuff may have changed. But the concept should still be relevant.

Opencart: Remove page ID path from URL

I'm trying to make my site more SEO friendly and I' noticing that whenever I go to an product through either a tag or a different page (2,3,4 ect) that it adds it to the URL.
For example:
I would like to remove ?page=2 from the path
Opencart 1.5.4
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: My main goal is to have one URL for each page instead of multiple paths. For example:
The first URL is a direct link, the second comes from clicking from a category, the third (not shown because I can only post 2 links) comes from clicking from a subcategory and the fourth (also not shown) from a manufacturer list.
I need to have them all either redirect to the first URL or just go directly to the first URL without redirecting, along with any other URLS such as the ones that have the page ID path or tag path.
I recognise that theme :-)
Where is the ?page=2 coming from as the link works perfectly without it. You need to trace the source of the link. First try the template views and see if it is a simple link edit in the layout that will accomplish what you need.
If not you may find the information is coded in the controller if it is being dynamically generated. Again you should be able to edit the code that generates the link there.
If not you may find that it is in a model that is being called. Again, just find the model and edit the link structure you find there.
The url on your page will only be a reflection of the url you generated somewhere else in order for the link to be followed in the first place.
Usually when I am building with opencart I find the theme modules are often not coded very well in terms of SEO. Fortunately with opencart these things are usually very easy to remedy.
Top trick -> I often stick additional bits into my urls that have no impact on the page generated but Google picks up on as keywords anyway.
If you post your code if you are having problems reformatting the link formats I will have a look for you,
Hope that helps,

Joomla - Wrong url path from google results

I have a strange problem in one Joomla website.
If i access from homepage and then navigate into the site it works correct, but if i go in some internal page from google results it shows uncorrect page layout, because the url is not correct.
This is the correct url
Correct page from homepage
and this the uncorrect url that Google finds Uncorrect page from Google
in this second page is showed rating module (that i never used) instead of an article, as you can see in links.
Someone can help me?
EDIT: I'm using Joomla 2.5 version. Every menu item is category blog type, and must show all articles of one category. Each category have 2 articles. In the uncorrect link seems that it access to single article, adding the rating that i have hidden in each article
Which version are you using?
if you can turn on SEF option in the global settings in joomla admin. Then you need to make sure all your articles are in menus. then if you link them on different pages it should keep the url the same.
The way you have it at the moment with all the x=123&... get params pages will show for what ever ids you change the menu to.
The reason you are seeing an uncorrect layout is the two different Itemid parameters (the right url has 127 while the wrong one has 104). The rest of the difference in the urls will be ignored by Joomla.
Solution: Find your menu item with id 104 (look at the menu ids on the right of the menu items view), then check which modules appear on the page from there. There may be modules in non-visible positions.
One of these modules is publishing the links with the wrong ids. If it's a Joomla core (like a search module) you can usually force the Itemid either in the module or in the component's configuration. Else you need to fixsome third party code.
Only once you have solved the multiple-itemid should you turn on SEF, otherwise you'd get the same problem only more difficult to trace.
sh404 could help you with this, I'd give it a try on a test site to see if it gets you out of trouble faster.

How to have a link that does not overwrite the URL

I have a link that I typically would have href="#". I would like the url to stay the same when it is clicked, but it seems like backbone copies and pastes the link to the URL no matter what it is. I even put
<a href="javascript:alert('true')>Link</a>
and the browsers URL was "localhost:5000/javascript:alert('true').
How can I get backbone to refrain from copy and pasting the link to the broswers URL
This is one of those "it's a feature not a bug" type of things. Backbone does that on purpose, for (at least) two reasons:
it gives a URL that users can copy/paste, email to each other, etc. and still take them to the correct place in your site; without such URL manipulation that's impossible
it allows for browser-based back/forward functionality (in browsers that don't yet support the history API)
There's probably other reasons too, but that's all I can think of at the moment. The point is, this is what the Backbone router is supposed to do. Using it, and then wondering how to make it not manipulate the URL is somewhat akin to using an <span> on the page and asking how to get let the user edit its text.
If you don't want that functionality, don't use the Router at all; just have your views invoke each other.

How is this URL modification possible?

Could anyone please tell how the site is working in such way? Modifying the url without loading/reloading the page. I think this is not done by html5. Because it works in IE6 which doesn't support html5.
I created that site. The commenter is correct, it uses Javascript to change the URL. There's nothing about how that navigation works that is different for IE6 - that browser supports the necessary client-side functionality to do this kind of thing. The basic functionality involves:
capturing click events on the nav, and loading the inner content via AJAX
update the URL to reflect a working direct URL to target.
The links also are valid anchor links that, in the absence of Javascript, would go to the same page (but load the whole thing). This is your basic AJAX web site setup with one minor difference. It's common practice to use a URLs like this in AJAX/single page web sites:
or even just
Where the hashtag part represents the actual page a user has navigated to. If someone accessed that url directly, e.g. from outside the site, the site would use Javascript to load the correct content based on the hashtag, after the page had loaded. This means that there might be a little delay for the inner content to reflect the correct page, since it has to run another request after the initial page has loaded from the browser to get the inner content via AJAX.
I was trying to avoid that by creating a setup that worked completely with and without Javascript. If you go directly to a URL within the site such as you will notice it loads the content directly. This URL will work even if Javascript is disabled. You can't actually do this using hashtags, since hashtag content is not sent to the server. Only the client knows what's after the hashtag in a URL. That's why I was using query strings to represent inner pages.
This site architecture was sort of an experiment at the time. It works pretty well but the code isn't fantastic, I didn't really do anything else with it, and I'm sure there are other better-fleshed-out/tested/full-featured frameworks out there to do much the same thing.
But it might not be a bad example of the nuts and bolts of creating a basic AJAX navigation setup, as a learning tool, since it's pretty concise, and also does HTML5 history navigation (e.g. so the back button works on modern browsers).
