how to check the value of a property in Ant - ant

I want to use Ant script to check if a property's value contains only [a-Z] and [0-9]? If not then exit with an error.
Is it possible to do that in Ant?

You can check a property using the condition task, then use the fail task to exit. Here's a = slightly modified - example from the Ant manual. Use a matches condition. The regular expression will match any non-alpha, non-numeric character.
<condition property="nonalphanumeric">
<matches pattern="[^A-Z0-9]" string="${}" casesensitive="false"/>
<fail message="String contains non-alpha non-number" if="nonalphanumeric"/>


How to update Jenkins config.xml, with value that did not previously exist

We upgraded from Jenkins 1.609 to 2.106. When we do a release we want to start a job build number with 1 (Number of builds since the start of the project). We were doing this using a ant script to update the config.xml file, but it does not work in Jenkins 2. The XML file layout has changed some since v 1.0.
While I am think that I no longer want to do a 'replace' (because there is nothing to replace, and I have tried multiple variations of this), I am not sure of the syntax and arguments that I want to use here, to place a value '1' here. I think that I should be using Insert, but with what arguments.
This is the ant code...
<target name="replace.builds.all.time">
<copy file="${BuildConfigPath}" tofile="${BuildConfigPath}.bak" overwrite="true" force="true" />
<xmltask source="${BuildConfigPath}" dest="${BuildConfigPath}">
<replace path="/project/buildWrappers/" withText="${VersionNumberString}"/>
<replace path="/project/buildWrappers/" withText="${BuildsAllTime}"/>
The second 'replace' line, is where the problem is.
The 1.0 config.xml code looked like this. You can see that oBuildsAllTime had an actual value...
< plugin="versionnumber#1.4.1">
<projectStartDate>1969-12-31 05:00:00.0 UTC</projectStartDate>
<EnvInjectPasswordWrapper plugin="envinject#1.92.1">
The 2.0 config.xml is different in that there is no value for 0BuildsAllTime...
<hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper plugin="timestamper#1.8.9"/>
< plugin="versionnumber#1.9">
<projectStartDate>1969-12-31 05:00:00.0 UTC</projectStartDate>
I want to be able to insert the new build number into the config.xml file, using ant code.

ANT - Conditional execution of macro within target

I'm attempting to implement what I believe should be pretty basic conditioning but am not having any success. I have a target (deploy.DEVELOPMENT) and within this target I call two macros that backup/restore an ini file we using for configuration. The outline is this:
<target name="deploy.DEVELOPMENT" description="Deploy to DEVELOPMENT">
<echo>START: Deploy to ${}</echo>
<echo>SOURCE: ${dir.source}</echo>
<macroBackupSourceConfigFile />
<macroCopyFiles dirSource="${dir.source}" dirTarget="${dir.devdevweb11}"/>
<macroRestoreSourceConfigFile />
<echo>END: Deploy to ${}</echo>
In certain projects an ini file is not required, therefore I would not need to run either of the two macros, just the macroCopyFiles would run. I'd like to just set a property at the top of my ant file to specify whether these macros should be executed.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
I think this is what you need... It will perform a check. If file abc.txt is available, abc.present property will exist. Other target will call check-abc and check wether the property abc.present exists. If so, it will execute, else it will not.
<target name="check-abc">
<available file="abc.txt" property="abc.present"/>
<target name="do-if-abc" depends="check-abc" if="abc.present">

ant-testng task for passing multiple test class names(passing through cmd line args)

I want to invoke an ant task which should accept multiple test classes for testng and run(not suite xml),
very similar to but comma separated list of test classes. I could not find any clue when I checked the documentation.
Is there a possibility, Please let me know.
This is my ant task to run a single test:
<target name="run-class"
description="run a specific test class. Requires property set to fully-qualified name of class">
<some properties />
<testng classpathref="lib.path"
<jvm params/>
I would invoke this as : ant run-class -DParallel=true
I would like to provide another ant task as above which should accept multiple test classes(but not as a suite xml file)
Please refer to TestNG Ant Task documentation and look at the classpath and
classpathref attributes and classfileset element.

Get reference to the list of modifications from within Ant task

I'm try to develop a cruise control step which will process database migration scripts and apply them.
I'd like to be able to get hold of a list of the modifications from the SourceControl (to see if any new database changes need to be applied).
Any ideas how I can achieve this? I know that this information is written into the log xml but I was wondering if there is an easy mechanism to get a reference to this from with an Ant builder.
I have investigated writing a custom CC Listener or Builder plugin but neither supply this in the interface.
We have "svn update" as one of the steps in ant builder, and later we use output redirected to the file (ant property also could be used):
<exec executable="svn" dir=".">
<arg line="up"/>
<redirector output="svnup.log" alwayslog="true" append="true"/>
<property name="svnup.log" value="svnup.log"/>
this creates file named "svnup.log" in the build folder with output of "svn up" command.
I think I'm going to try to write a custom plugin implementing Publisher
public void publish(Element cruisecontrolLog) throws CruiseControlException { XMLLogHelper xmlHelper = new XMLLogHelper(cruisecontrolLog);
Set<Modification> modifications = xmlHelper.getModifications();
for (Modification modification : modifications) {
Or another idea is to use the timestamp flag in the sscm ant task combined with the cclastbuildtimestamp property supplied to the ant builder to produce a list of files changed since last build.

How to get Ant to ignore error from one target?

I have a target, comprised of several steps, that sometimes fails. All this target does is report to Sonar so if it fails, it's not catastrophic. How do I get the build to succeed even if this specific target fails?
I've tried some combinations of 'condition', 'or', 'true', and 'sequential', but Ant hasn't liked any of them.
Following is what I have more or less:
<target name='sonar'>
<!-- do some stuff -->
<sonar:sonar key='key' version='version'/>
The only way I can see this could work is using the slightly outdated yet still useful antcontrib extension. Then you can use a try/catch directive and just echo your error.
