In the expert system D3WEB, it is possible to insert\develop\use Ontology. However, I cannot get the point what's the purpose to introduce ontology in D3WEB?
The nice example on this page, , shows how to develop an ontology in D3WEB. In my opinion, it can be more efficiently developed using Protégé. If the contents shall be changed with a real application, for instance, an ontology about 'dog', in the real application there could be instance dog A, B, C, D. It might be not feasible to 'insert' the instances into the D3WEB knowledge base. However, if the ontology changes over time, how to use the ontology in D3WEB then?
In my opinion, the best way is to develop an ontology outside of D3WEB using Java code. However, I believe the designer of D3WEB would have a nice reason to introduce ontology in D3WEB. I will appreciate it if someone let me know.
This is a somewhat common question we get regarding d3web-KnowWE, one reason might be, that our naming is somewhat misleading. So let me explain.
First there is d3web the java framework to run knowledge bases with strong problem solving knowledge, including rules, decision trees, flow-charts, covering lists, cost-benefit dialog strategies, time based reasoning, and so on. This framework in its core does not provide any GUIs, but is meant to integrate problem solving capabilities in other applications/expert systems. It also does not provide a way to properly create/author the knowledge bases it runs, aside maybe from doing it in the Java code on an API level.
To also provide proper means to author and develop a knowledge base, including some basic dialogs to run, demo, test, and debug the authored knowledge bases, we began working on the wiki system KnowWE, which today is basically a heavily extended JSPWiki. The page itself for example is also just a build of KnowWE with specific content.
While we were working on and with KnowWE, we began to really like the approach to edit and author large knowledge bases in this 'wiki way', were you automatically support multiple distributed users to work on the same knowledge base, have automatic versioning, can add nice documentation directly beside the actual formal knowledge, can generate knowledge using script (because it's all just simple text markup), and so forth. Also, the underlying architecture of KnowWE became quite good and mature over the years.
So after some time of this, we found ourselves in the need to also author large ontologies. And yes, Protégé is a nice tool to develop ontologies, but for our use cases, it was just not well suited and we also found it to not scale very well. So we began to implement some simple markups to also allow to also develop ontologies in KnowWE. After then recognizing, that authoring ontologies the 'wiki way' indeed works pretty nicely, we decided to again also share these tools with everybody else on And that is why today you can author/develop both d3web knowledge bases and ontologies in KnowWE, although there is no actual connection/interoperability between both as of now. That would be nice of course and maybe we add this in the future, but for KnowWE is just a development environment for these two knowledge representation.
Maybe you can see KnowWE similar to an IDE like eclipse or IntelliJ, where the same application can be used to develop many different programming languages. KnowWE does the same for different knowledge representations.
A problem is maybe, that historically, we didn't differentiate very well between KnowWE and d3web, because KnowWE was narrowly used to build d3web knowledge bases. We also like to call KnowWE and its distribution package d3web-KnowWE for example. But maybe this should change...
Thanks for pointing this out, I will try to correct/clarify this on
in the early phase of design of erlang small app - how do you do prototyping?
Is it better to first prototype without OTP just to prove all main mechanics in plain erlang and in further elaboration add what OTP offers with refined requirements / aspects or use OTP from the beginning?
(The answer below is not trying to plug my instructional, it just happens to apply directly to the OP's question; were it possible I would just send the OP a private message or email. At the time of this answer my demonstration system is only barely worth even reading, aside from basic architecture concepts.)
I start with a slew of function stubs. I do this in most languages (even something like this in assembler). The special thing about this in Erlang is that my initial stubs represent supervisors or logical managers, not one-off solutions to elements of my fundamental problem.
Beyond that, I like to do something most people abhor these days: talking the problem out in prose to discover inconsistencies in the way I view the problem. I've just started on an example of this here (as in, I'm still working on this before and after work daily as of today, 2014.11.06):
Some system stubs (conceptual, not OTP -- which is integral to the idea I'm trying to demonstrate in the project, actually) are here: for example. Over the next few days they will change significantly until there is a prototype system that works instead of just stubs. If you're really curious about this, follow the commits from the one I linked over the next two weeks or so (paid work schedule permitting, of course).
One positive thing I've noticed about prototyping with stubs and not jumping straight into OTP behaviors is that very often the behavior that is assumed to be a proper fit for a component turns out not to be. There are many cases where I anticipate I will want a gen_server, but after writing some stubs and messing around a bit I find myself beginning to manually implement an FSM. Sometimes that happens in reverse, too, I think I need an FSM and wind up writing a server, or realize I could benefit from a proper gen_event. Once you've ironed out what you're doing it is pretty easy to convert pure Erlang into OTP. It is much less easy to edit your mental model of how a component works once you've written a gen_fsm or gen_server, because you start to feel invested in the idea of thinking of it in OTP terms prematurely.
Remember: typing is the easy part, the real battle is figuring out what to type. So begin boldly by writing executable stubs and toy with them.
There is no special recipe to do prototypes in Erlang. How would you do a prototype in Java, C#, Scala, (put any language here) ?
When prototyping, you need to achieve your proof of concept as fast as possible and deliver a minimal vital project.
In your case, does OTP helps you to deliver your minimal vital project or not?
If yes, then use it. And of course don't use it if it isn't.
Are you familiar with OTP concepts in the first place? If not, then you need to learn them. And thats mean that you need to invest more time in learning OTP. Is that ok for your prototyping purpose?
I'm only trying to highlight the fact that prototyping in Erlang isn't different from any other language.
I'm potentially interested in exploring a stack-based language like Forth (or Factor). What I'd like to see is how an application might be built from the ground up, step by step. The tutorials I've found are rudimentary and are not helping me to understand the bigger picture. It's confusing to think of how one might manage the stack when dealing with lots of parts.
I've always thought (maybe wrongly) that a good way to learn a language would be to use it to write a Roguelike game. I'm having trouble trying figure out how one would juggle a lot of things on a stack: a maze, dozens of creatures, treasures, character stats, etc.
In some sense, all languages are equivalent; you write a program by breaking a problem down into smaller pieces, then you code up those pieces and make them all work together. Forth has unusual syntax features, but it's still a programming language.
In fact, Forth places a great deal of power at your fingertips, much as Lisp does. In Lisp, using "macros", you can write your own control structures that are just as good as anything built-in; in Forth, you can do the same.
If you are interested in finding out more about Forth, I suggest you get the classic books Starting Forth and Thinking Forth by Leo Brodie.
Oh! Google just told me that both books are available free online now:
I'd point you to Factor rather than pure Forth; there are plenty of sample apps, GUIs, web apps, etc. If you're specifically interested in a web framework, look at Furnace.
Ultimately I don't understand the question; what does being stack-based have to do with getting anything done? Back in the old days it was the language of choice for embedded systems; I wrote everything from cereal boxing robots to calculators to... well, mostly everything.
I attempt to directly answer all of your questions at the bottom of this answer. But before that, here are 7 points or aspects of learning stack-based Forth, or generally about stack-based-languages, or ways to proceed with your goals:
1: Here is a key way to think about this: The stack is not the place where you keep your data -- just the way that you pass parameters from one function (or method) to another.
2: There is a "Basic Language" interpreter written in Forth. This would be one way to write an application in Forth -- write your own Basic interpreter (or type in one you find), then write the Roguelike game in the Basic language you just created.
3: If you go through the old "Forth Dimensions" magazine, several different object-oriented extensions to Forth were created and presented (including source code). Type one of those in, and use it to write your rogue-like game in one of those object-oriented ways. If you're still stuck, write it in your favorite C language -- C++, C#, or Java, and here's the key... write it as primitively as you can. Then take your own application apart -- each method, enum, constant, etc. constitutes part of a Domain Specific Language that you created in order to implement the game. Write down those parts, and figure out how to do it in Forth, ideally using only the idioms of Forth. You may have to work in Forth a while to get to that stage.
4: Learn how to program in assembly language, an assembly language for which a Forth exists that has an embedded assembler for the same microcontroller or CPU. This is where Forth really crushed the competition when computers were just becoming more widely available -- bringing a completely new microcontroller up, creating the BIOS and the OS. Once you've done this in pure assembly language, then go into the Forth that has the same assembly language and program the same application, but using the Forth assembler to build the building blocks (the DSL's) and then writing the BIOS and the OS in those DSL's. Forths happen to be both low-level and high-level at the same time, and the best-written applications are written in multiple DSL's, not in stack-based primitives. Once you've written in assembly language, when you try to learn Forth, you will find that it is easy -- the basic mechanisms are simple, but the combination of basic mechanisms is simple, powerful and elegant.
5: Look at either C# or Java, and realize that they are both based on Virtual Machines, which is a specific kind of DSL. But also realize that both Virtual Machines are stack machines, and the language that powers both of them are stack based languages. But if you program in Java, or if you program in C#, you really don't think at all about the stack foundation upon which you are running -- and that's a really good thing! You want to follow the same pattern. A. Realize what basic mechanisms / tools you need, B. Build the tools you need, C. Build your application with the tools you built. You may have to translate your own infix pseudocode to the postfix VM you've created. Do you need Object Orientation?--You can build it with Forth. Do you need multiprocessing?--You can build it. Do you need an Erlang kind of light multithreading?--You can build it. Do you need a Basic, a Pascal, a C#, a Java, a Lua?--You can build it. Build your Roguelike game in your favorite language, then perhaps a different language, then assembly language. Then build it in Forth.
6: At this link, there is a way to make a microprocessor that natively runs CIL (Common Intermediate Language -- the stack based language of both .NET and Mono, which used to be MSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language, before Microsoft Open Sourced the specification). You buy the IP logic block and then program it into an FPGA. Here is the Abstract of a paper that describes the object-oriented stack-based language and implementation of CIL:
Embedded systems and their applications are becoming ubiquitous and
transparent. Nowadays, the designers need to implement both hardware
and software as fast as they can to face the competition. Hence tools
and IPs became an important factor of the equation. In this paper, we
present a synthesizable core similar to the microarchitecture of
Tanenbaum's (2006) JVM processor. The core is an implementation of a
subset of Microsoft's CIL (Common Intermediate Language). We seek to
accelerate the development of embedded software by providing a
platform onto which the whole .NET framework (C#, Visual Basic.NET...)
(along with its object-oriented approach) could execute. We used a
Xilinx Virtex II Pro as the prototyping platform.
7: Go to the current work-place of Charles Moore, the father of Forth, GreenArrays, Inc. and look under Features for "Implements the colorForth instruction set", -- and you will find that he, too, has taken his virtual machine, having optimized Forth his entire life, and reduced it to an insanely fast 144 core microchip with a claimed capability of 100 BIPS. Here, you should be able to look at the "colorForth instruction set" and the description of it -- he has removed any fluff and bloat, and reduced it to an extremely spartan instruction set. We should learn from this genius before it is too late (he is advanced in years, and Covid19 currently threatens many of our patriarchs).
Below, I try to more directly handle each aspect of your question:
How would one code an application in Forth (or Factor)?
Same way as you would with any other application, learn the building blocks, and build the simplest thing that could possibly work, then grow it from there.
I'm potentially interested in exploring a stack-based language like Forth (or Factor).
There are a multitude of stack-based languages around. They seem to be the foundation, not only of most processors, but also of most virtual machines, as in Java and the JVM, and C# and the CIL.
What I'd like to see is how an application might be built from the ground up, step by step.
That's a great idea for a Forth book... Anybody game? I know there are a lot of Forth people out there, and because of Covid19, a lot of you are at home, too. What kink of application would you like to see? Just looking at FPC teaches a lot.
The tutorials I've found are rudimentary and are not helping me to understand the bigger picture.
There are higher level tutorials out there. But widen your search -- include JVM, CIL, and even LUA (because I think it has a VM, too). Write an app in Lisp. Then take the primitives you built in Lisp, and implement them in Forth, or Factor, or CIL, or JVM instructions.
It's confusing to think of how one might manage the stack when dealing with lots of parts.
That's why I said that you should learn an assembly language -- because most stack-based languages are a micro-step up from that. You have to learn the basic levers, springs, latches, and other primitive mechanisms out of which all of our software is ultimately made. But you only think in terms of stacks to make the primitive mechanisms -- once you have those made, in general, don't even touch the stack stuff -- think only in terms of the basic mechanisms, then build progressively higher layers, even progressing to object orientation, as exemplified in the CIL and JVM. The better applications are layers of implicit DSL's, each DSL targeted at a step up from the previous one. The layers are: Assembly-Language, CIL or other VM, BIOS, Operating-System, Library, Business-Language, Application. Most people only think of the Business-Language layer as a DSL, but every single layer is its own DSL, and really, every class, method, object, config-file, and specialized language, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. -- they are ALL DSL's, either explicitly (formally specified) or implicitly (created by the programmer as things are built.) Understanding gained from book "Code Complete" second edition -- read over and over is my suggestion.
I've always thought (maybe wrongly) that a good way to learn
a language would be to use it to write a Roguelike game.
Sure... but pick anything you like, really. But perhaps try getting an Arm-based Arduino, programming it, disassembling that, then writing your own assembly language -- then get a Forth for that Arm chip, and program it in that. Then implement your Roguelike game in the Arm-Forth.
I'm having trouble trying figure out how one would juggle a lot of
things on a stack: a maze, dozens of creatures, treasures, character
stats, etc.
Build your "Rogue" Domain-Specific-Language, make that into a VM, then implement the VM instructions first in a high level stack language, like CIL, then try to figure out how to do it in one of the low-level stack-languages. There are many flavors of object-orientation implemented in Forth -- spelunk the old Forth Dimensions articles
and some of the old Forth conference presentations to find them. Google, and the "Internet Archive", or Way-Back Machine, are your friends for this.
Hopefully this question won't be too convoluted or vague. I know what I want in my head, so fingers crossed I can get this across in text.
I'm looking for a language with a syntax of my own specification, so I assume I will need to create one myself. I've spent the last few days reading about compilers, lexers, parsers, assembly language, virtual machines, etc, and I'm struggling to sort everything out in terms of what I need to accomplish my goals (file attached at the bottom with some specifications). Essentially, I'm deathly confused as to what tools specifically I will need to use to go forward.
A little background: the language made would hopefully be used to implement a multiplayer, text-based MUD server. Therefore, it needs easy inbuilt functionality for creating/maintaining client TCP/IP connections, non-blocking IO, database access via SQL or similar. I'm also interested in security insofar as I don't want code that is written for this language to be able to be stolen and used by the general public without specialist software. This probably means that it should compile to object code
So, what are my best options to create a language that fits these specifications
My conclusions are below. This is just my best educated guess, so please contest me if you think I'm heading in the wrong direction. I'm mostly only including this to see how very confused I am when the experts come to make comments.
For code security, I should want a language that compiles and is run in a virtual machine. If I do this, I'll have a hell of a lot of work to do, won't I? Write a virtual machine, assembler language on the lower-level, and then on the higher-level, code libraries to deal with IO, sockets, etc myself, rather than using existing modules?
I'm just plain confused.
I'm not sure if I'm making sense.
If anyone could settle my brain even a little bit, I'd sincerely appreciate it! Alternatively, if I'm way off course and there's a much easier way to do this, please let me know!
Designing a custom domain-specific programming language is the right approach to a problem. Actually, almost all the problems are better approached with DSLs. Terms you'd probably like to google are: domain specific languages and language-oriented programming.
Some would say that designing and implementing a compiler is a complicated task. It is not true at all. Implementing compilers is a trivial thing. There are hordes of high-quality compilers available, and all you need to do is to define a simple transform from your very own language into another, or into a combination of the other languages. You'd need a parser - it is not a big deal nowdays, with Antlr and tons of homebrew PEG-based parser generators around. You'd need something to define semantics of your language - modern functional programming langauges shines in this area, all you need is something with a support for ADTs and pattern matching. You'd need a target platform. There is a lot of possibilities: JVM and .NET, C, C++, LLVM, Common Lisp, Scheme, Python, and whatever else is made of text strings.
There are ready to use frameworks for building your own languages. Literally, any Common Lisp or Scheme implementation can be used as such a framework. LLVM has all the stuff you'd need too. .NET toolbox is ok - there is a lot of code generation options available. There are specialised frameworks like this one for building languages with complex semantics.
Choose any way you like. It is easy. Much easier than you can imagine.
Writing your own language and tool chain to solve what seems to be a standard problem sounds like the wrong way to go. You'll end up developing yet another language, not writing your MUD.
Many game developers take an approach of using scripting languages to describe their own game world, for example see:
Also see: for using existing languages (Pythong and LUA) in this case for in-game scripting.
Since you don't know a lot about compilers and creating computer languages: Don't. There are about five people in the world who are good at it.
If you still want to try: Creating a good general purpose language takes at least 3 years. Full time. It's a huge undertaking.
So instead, you should try one of the existing languages which solves almost all of your problems already except maybe the "custom" part. But maybe the language does things better than you ever imagined and you don't need the "custom" part at all.
Here are two options:
Python, a beautiful scripting language. The VM will compile the language into byte code for you, no need to waste time with a compiler. The syntax is very flexible but since there is a good reason for everything in Python, it's not too flexible.
Java. With the new Xtext framework, you can create your own languages in a couple of minutes. That doesn't mean you can create a good language in a few minutes. Just a language.
Python comes with a lot of libraries but if you need anything else, the air gets thin, quickly. On a positive side, you can write a lot of good and solid code in a short time. One line of python is usually equal to 10 lines of Java.
Java doesn't come with a lot of frills but there a literally millions of frameworks out there which do everything you can image ... and a lot of things you can't.
That said: Why limit yourself to one language? With Jython, you can run Python source in the Java VM. So you can write the core (web server, SQL, etc) in Java and the flexible UI parts, the adventures and stuff, in Python.
If you really want to create your own little language, a simpler and often quicker solution is to look at tools like lex and yacc and similar systems (ANTLR is a popular alternative), and then you can generate code either to an existing virtual machine or make a simple one yourself.
Making it all yourself is a great learning-experience, and will help you understand what goes on behind the scenes in other virtual machines.
An excellent source for understanding programming language design and implementation concepts is Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs from MIT Press. It's a great read for anyone wanting to design and implement a language, or anyone looking to generally become a better programmer.
From what I can understand from this, you want to know how to develop your own programming language.
If so, you can accomplish this by different methods. I just finished up my own a few minutes ago and I used HTML and Javascript (And DOM) to develop my very own. I used a lot of x.split and x.indexOf("code here")!=-1 to do so... I don't have much time to give an example, but if you use W3schools and search "indexOf" and "split" I am sure that you will find what you might need.
I would really like to show you what I did and past the code below, but I can't due to possible theft and claim of my work.
I am pretty much just here to say that you can make your own programming language using HTML and Javascript, so that you and other might not get their hopes too low.
I hope this helps with most things....
Let's say that you have to implement some functionality that is not trivial (it will take at least 1 work week). You have a SDK/API/library that contains (numerous) code samples demonstrating the usage of the part of the SDK for implementing that functionality.
How do you approach learning all the samples, extract the necessary information, techniques, etc. in order to use them to implement the 'real thing'. The key questions are:
Do you use some tool for diagramming of the control flow, the interactions between the functions from the SDK, and the sample itself? Which kind of diagrams do you find useful? (I was thinking that the UML sequence diagram can be quite useful together with the debugger in this case).
How do you keep the relevant and often interrelated information about SDK/API function calls, the general structure and calls order in the sample programs that have to be used as a reference - mind maps, some plain text notes, added comments in the samples code, some refactoring of the sample code to suit your personal coding style in order to make the learning easier?
Personally I use the prototyping approach. Keep development to manageable iterations. In the beginning, those iterations are really small. As part of this, don't be afraid to throw code away and start again (everytime I say that somewhere a project manager has a heart attack).
If your particular task can't easily or reasonably be divided into really small starting tasks then start with some substitute until you get going.
You want to keep it as simple as you can (the proverbial "Hello world") just to familiarize yourself with building, deploying, debugging, what error messages look like, the simple things that can and do go wrong in the beginning, etc.
I don't go as far as using a diagramming tool sorry (I barely see the point in that for my job).
As soon as you start trying things you'll get the hang of it, even if in the beginning you have no idea of what's going on and why what you're doing works (or doesn't).
I usually compile and modify the examples, making them fit something that I need to do myself. I tend to do this while using and annotating the corresponding documents. Being a bit old school, the tool I usually use for diagramming is a pencil, or for the really complex stuff two or more colored pens.
I am by no means a seasoned programmer. In fact, I am learning C++ and I've been studying the language primarily from books. When I try to stray from the books (which happens a lot because I want to start contributing to programs like LibreOffice), for example, I find myself being lost. Furthermore, when I'm using functionality of the library, my implementations are wrong because I don't really understand how the library was created and/or why things need to be done that way. When I look at sample source code, I see how something is done, but I don't understand why it's done that way which leads to poor design of my programs. And as a result, I'm constantly guessing at how to do something and dealing with errors as I encounter them. Very unproductive and frustrating.
Going back to my book comment, two books which I have ready from cover to cover more than once are Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2010 and Starting Out with C++: Early Objects (7th Edition). What I really loved about Ivor Horton's book is that it contained thorough explanation of why something needs to be done a certain way. For example, before any Windows programming began, lots of explanation about how Windows works was given first. Understanding how and why things work a certain way really helps in how I develop software.
So to contribute my two pennies towards answering your question. I think the best approach is to pick up well written books and sit down and begin learning about that library, API, SDK, whatever in a structured approach that offers real-world examples along with explanations as to how and why things are implemented as they are.
I don't know if I totally missed your question, but I don't think I did.
This was my first post on this site. Don't rip me too hard. (: