restricting access to staticcontent, urls in grails web-app - grails

I tried looking up any tips for restricting access to static content/partial urls on a web server for my grails web-app but getting confused about using element in web.xml, since right now I am using the grails default jetty server (doesn't use web.xml) and the images, css, js etc are all accessible without any authentication. how do I go about restricting access to
1) all static content directories - only accessible in a valid user session.
2) all intermediate url paths not displaying content in the appropriate format/incorrect content.
It should say like not available/forbidden if the user tries to access above 2 by hitting urls.

Implement your own filters (by URI) in grails-app/conf. For more details see section 6.6 Filters in grails documentation

... off the top of my head I'd try the spring-security plugin, it has options for restricting access on per url basis. Good start is here the screencast


Mapping swagger page to APIM

I have an existing site which I want to use APIM with and I have successfully mapped my APIs across to APIM. However, I have a swagger page which I just want to be available in the same domain as APIM. How can I do this? The swagger page is:
I want this to come across as something like
My apis in APIM are of the form so I want the swagger to match the same domain
This can be done with a few caveats depending on how complex your web page is:
Create an API with URL suffix of "swagger"
Optionally uncheck "Require subscription" from that API to make it anonymous
Create inner operation with URL template of "/" and GET method
Add policies to operation inbound:
<set-backend-service base-url="" />
<rewrite-uri template="/api/swagger/index.html" />
Test and adjust
That will take care of the page itself. There will be problems if page uses cookies or references external scripts/images via relative URIs. Cookies will be a problem because they'll come with domain set to "", so you need to take care of this in policies.
Resources with relative URLs are problem because browser will make additional requests to your APIM service with those URLs, so you'll need to create additional operations to cover those requests. Using * in operation template might help cover multiple resources.

Can I build part of my website in Ruby on Rails?

I have an existing website written in jsp. I want to rewrite a part of the website. The url for that section can either be or
Will it be possible to rewrite this new part in Ruby on Rails? How does the routing works for both the url options.
Yes, you can use ROR for a portion of your site.
If your using a webhost they will route the domain to a folder on your server.
The way you worded your question, it seems as if your "newpart" will be a separate interface than the rest of the code for your site. You can act as if they are on different servers basically.
Yes you can do that.
For your options:
If you point the whole subdomain at rails:, then all you have to do is tell apache (or whatever you use) to redirect that URL to your RoR app - and the app will happily continue from there without any changes to routing.
It would be more complex if you wanted to use: ... so if you have a choice, I'd go with the subdomain.

TYPO3: Howto share session / cookies between domains (one for each language )?

I wonder if there's a way to tell TYPO3 to share the sessions / cookies between different domains?
We wrote an Extbase extension on a multi language / multi domain site.
We store search words from a search form in the user session. If the user switches the page language, he should get the same results as before - Without the need to re-fill the search form.
One way would be to tell the browser to store several cookies at the same time - one for each domain/language. How can this be achieved with TYPO3 / Extbase?
By default, there is no way to set cookies for a different domain - not with or without TYPO3. This is a security measure implemented in every browser (or do you want me to set / read your cookies from when you visit my web site? ;-))
You have to create some helper script that does this for you. One way could be: is loaded
this page includes an iframe to a PHP script (or TYPO3 site, e.g. with eID) on with a GET parameter storing being the session id
the script loaded from reads the GET parameter and sets a cookie with that session id (or whatever parameter you want to transfer).
afterwards the cookie is also available when browsing
I have never tried this, but I'm pretty sure it will work with PHP. Maybe it's even possible with pure JavaScript, but I'm not so sure. In every case, think about what security holes you get with the explained script. In doubt sign the parameters (or require a token)!

Username in url but following context path with '/'?

I am developing an Online Recruitment System in Java EE using Servlets and I want to give each user his own unique url by adding username to context path using '/'.
Simply put I want to rewrite my url from /main to /main/username so when people login they can see their username in address bar(just like at stackoverflow or facebook).
Eg. Currently I am redirecting to "/main?username="+username (works fine) using Jquery Ajax but I want to redirect to /main/username.
I tried encodeURL method but '/' makes search for into subdirectory. If anybody think it should work, please give me the syntax.
I have done url mapping in web.xml.(Eg. signin.jsp is mapped to signin uri)
If I understand your question, you want to have a Java EE site like where you can redirect a user to<username>. When a request is made to, or, you'd want the request to go to the same servlet, and you'd like to know which username was requested.
Java servlet mappings don't directly support complex routing patterns in the way that many modern web frameworks do. You can't configure the web.xml to send a request from<username> to the user profile servlet and<username>/contact to the contact servlet. You can do wildcard mappings, but all the routing decisions after that you'll have to do outside of the web.xml.
Alternately, you can do URL rewriting (typically with servlet filters) such that the URL requested by the browser is not the final one interpreted by the servlet mapping layer. There are frameworks for this, or you can do it yourself.
Basically, you need to configure the servlet mapping's url pattern with a wildcard, and then query getPathInfo() to find out what the rest of the wildcard was. That alone is pretty simple.
If you're using any one of a wide array of Java web frameworks, there will be facilities for routing and quite possibly a front controller servlet that does what you need already. In that scenario, you'll need to look at the framework's documentation for more information.
On the other hand, if you're doing it yourself using servlets (or even servlets + jsp), you can either just do a wildcard mapping to a single servlet that will grow larger and larger as you add more features to it, or more likely, you'll need to develop your own micro-framework where the servlet acts as a Front Controller servlet and does the routing work and delegates all the subsequent work to plain old java objects (POJOs).
By way of example, your routing servlet could maintain a mapping between url patterns (perhaps specified in java regular expressions) to objects of your own creation that either mimic the servlet interface or another interface of your own creation. That way, you have a servlet that's responsible for the routing decisions bound in the web.xml, and a network of little classes that are responsible for the specifics of a particular request. It's work, but it's not terrifically difficult.
Usually this is achieved using url rewrites on the server. For IIS that means creating a web.config or in apache creating a .htaccess file. You'll need to find the equivalent for your server and it can then be made to parse the directory structure type /username/ into a HTTP GET variable for your application.

Using Varnish in a Symfony Application?

My goal is to use Varnish to cache my static assets with my Symfony 1.4 site (
I can write a VCL file that strips out cookies on all static files while leaving the user authentication cookie on the php file -- but the user authentication is failing. I cannot log into my application.
I am looking for an answer that describes how to use Varnish to cache static files while allowing my Symfony application to log in and support user authentication.
Currently I am using something like this:
if (req.url ~ "\.(png|gif|jpg|swf|css|js)$") {
unset req.http.cookie;
A different, but perhaps better, approach would be to serve your static content from a different domain or subdomain that has no cookies set. If your website is "", then instead of setting cookies for "" you would set them for ", and put static content on "".
As well as making your set up easier to manage, this would make the client's HTTP requests for static items smaller, which is one of the YSlow recommendations.
