How to create screen form in Informix SQL? - informix

I am new to Informix-SQL. I am trying to create form in Informix. I referred to some resources online
This is how I am accessing my database at the moment dbaccess database_name. I can't see the 'form' menu for me to create the form. I am an absolute beginner. I would appreciate it if someone could guide me to the right direction (correct commands that I should run and documentations that I can refer to). Thanks in advance.

The DB-Access program is not ISQL. Indeed, the main distinguishing feature of DB-Access compared with ISQL is precisely that DB-Access does not support reports or forms.
To create forms, you need the development version of Informix SQL, and you either run the isql program (choose the Forms option, and then Generate, and follow the prompts), or you run the sformbld program with options to create a default form:
sformbld -d formname database table1 ...
Either way, you normally end up editing, often extensively, the form source file (.per extension, for the Perform (aka sperform) program which will run it). Use the plain text editor of your choice (vim, emacs, pico, etc - anything that's OK for C code will work for ISQL too.
What is the difference between isql and sformbld?
$ ls -il isql sformbld sperform saceprep sacego
212302 -rwxr-xr-x 5 informix informix 844005 2010-09-17 11:24 isql
212302 -rwxr-xr-x 5 informix informix 844005 2010-09-17 11:24 sacego
212302 -rwxr-xr-x 5 informix informix 844005 2010-09-17 11:24 saceprep
212302 -rwxr-xr-x 5 informix informix 844005 2010-09-17 11:24 sformbld
212302 -rwxr-xr-x 5 informix informix 844005 2010-09-17 11:24 sperform
Different names for the same executable. However, the executable behaves differently depending on the name it is invoked by. When invoked as sformbld, it compiles forms; with the -d option, it generates a form and then compiles it. When invoked as sperform, it runs a form. When invoked as saceprep, it compiles an ACE report; when invoked as sacego, it runs a report. (The 's' prefix indicates the SQL version of ACE and Perform (and FormBuild); when it was first released in 1985, there was also a non-SQL product called Informix 3.30 with these programs as part of the suite.)
When invoked as isql, the program behaves as an interactive menu IDE for creating and running forms and reports - unless invoked with options to make it run a form or compile a report or whatever.
isql -fc form # Compile form
isql -fr form # Run form
isql -rc report # Compile report
isql -rr report # Run report
isql dbase [-|script] # Runs SQL script, rather like DB-Access does
(Actually, once upon an evening back in the very early 90s - or perhaps very late 80s - DB-Access was created by stripping unneeded code from ISQL. So, DB-Access behaves like ISQL does, rather than vice versa.)


neo4j DatabaseNotFoundError, with status "offline"

I had a neo4j database on my personal computer(window 10). When I try to migrate this database to the server(centos7).
I use script like this to export the database:
neo4j-admin dump --database=neo4j --to=<someplace>/neo4j.dump
I copy the dump file to server, and try to import it to neo4j on my server:
neo4j-admin load --from=/var/lib/neo4j/data/dumps/neo4j.dump --database=neo4j --force
When I start neo4j, and enter the neo4j browser, it says that
Database "neo4j" is unavailable, its status is "offline".
The version of neo4j on my computer and server are both 4.4.3.
How can I restore my database?
In the web console select the system db and run the query show databases
It will show if there are any errors
Then check the debug.log of neo4j for the reason
In my case the issue was, I had used the root user load the dump. I had to manually change file permissions
I had a similar problem and had to first drop the database DROP DATABASE neo4j then create a new database CREATE DATABASE neo4j.
You're describing an issue where the browser lost connection to the database (since you stopped the database in order to reload from file). To connect anew, close the browser and open a new window (example: http://localhost:7474/browser/); this should prompt you to connect again. It is possible to reconnect an old browser window after database shutdown+start, but close+open is easier to explain.
Also, to confirm your other steps, they look fine for taking the dump and loading it. The following works for me with neo4j Community 4.4.5:
first, stop the database:
% ./bin/neo4j stop
Stopping Neo4j....... stopped.
run dump, saving to a new file named "export.dat":
% ./bin/neo4j-admin dump --database=neo4j --to=export.dat
Selecting JVM - Version:11.0.14+8-LTS-263, Name:Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Vendor:Oracle Corporation
Done: 40 files, 334.5MiB processed.
run load to put "export.dat" back to the same "neo4j" database:
% ./bin/neo4j-admin load --from=export.dat --database=neo4j --force
Selecting JVM - Version:11.0.14+8-LTS-263, Name:Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Vendor:Oracle Corporation
Done: 40 files, 334.5MiB processed.
start the database again:
% ./bin/neo4j start
Directories in use:
Starting Neo4j.
Started neo4j (pid:3852). It is available at http://localhost:7474
There may be a short delay until the server is ready.

Run virtuoso ISQL commands in .Net application for importing data

I'd like to import (or automate the import function in Virtuoso) some RDF files on a .Net application to my local Virtuoso by using some commands in ISQL workspace.
The commands in PowerShell are:
>ld_dir_all('PATH', '*.rdf', 'ONTOLOGY');
>set isolation='uncommitted';
It means that, the isql command must finished and then I have to run the next.
I've tried to use PowerShellInstance in .net but when I combine all commands in this form : PowerShellInstance.AddScript("ISQL;ld_dir_all('PATH', '*.rdf', 'ONTOLOGY');set isolation='uncommitted';rdf_loader_run();"); there is an error.
So I need your help or ideas for automation import data to Virtuoso in .Net application. (Maybe there will a solution in dotNetRDF!)
Your combined command is telling PowerShell to execute 4 commands on the OS commandline. Instead, you need to tell PowerShell to run iSQL, which must then be told to execute 3 statements.
Note that none of these statements is iSQL-specific; you're just executing them through iSQL. You can actually execute these statements through any data connection to Virtuoso, including ADO.NET (or ODBC, JDBC, etc.). I do not have specific advice for doing so with dotNetRDF.

Erlang - Is it possible to make the messages that appear on erlang shell appear on linux shell too?

I have created a small test application and when on a linux machine I would like to see the messages that appear on the erlang shell to appear on the linux as well. I am not sure how it could be done, but is it possible?
I am running the application in detached mode(erlang shell).
I meant the message passing to the linux shell.
When I start my application using,
test application <start/stop>
I would get a message on the Linux shell Test Application has successfully started
But if I was like copying files, I would like the progress of the file copy to be displayed on the Linux shell like,
Copy successful. Number of files copied : 1
Copy successful. Number of files copied : 2
So is it possible to do the above using the message passing from Erlang to Linux?
I believe you can use some logger for this purposes. For example lager can redirect logs to several facilities at the same time, e.g. file and erlang console.
Other option is to use "run_erl", utility which comes with erlang distribution and allows "redirect the standard input and standard output streams so that all output can be logged".
Try erl -man run_erl or you can see can generate "release" with rebar, it will generate startup scripts which use "run_erl".

java database installation directory location & database location

java database installation directory location & database location
I am trying to get my Java DB setup correctly with NetBeans 6.9.1 to start building databases.
When I right-click on Java DB every option is greyed out except for Properties. There is no sample databases or anything else
when selected, a popup appears requesting
Java DB Installation:
Database Location:
and an info line saying
Please enter the Java DB installation directory.
can anyone tell me where the installation directory (and driver associated with it) is located and how to get past this screen and begin database creation.
Normally JavaDB should be installed as part of the JDK, in a subdirectory called db of the JDK installation directory. However, I just noticed that the JDK6 I have here doesn't have this directory, but the JDK7 installation does. And Netbeans is using the JavaDB installation that came with a Glassifsh appserver I have as well...
You could look for a file called ij (the command line tool that comes with JavaDB, and apparently even on Windows system the shellscript call ij is installed) somewhere on your system, that name is unique enough to avoid false positives.
If you don't find any JavaDB installation, as you can point Netbeans to any Derby install you can find, you could install a fresh copy of Apache Derby, they're a number of versions ahead of the official JavaDB distribution.

Delphi 2009 command line compiler using dcc32.cfg?

In Delphi 2009, how can I build a project using command line. I tried using the command line compiler and supplying -a -u -i -r in dcc32.cfg file. But compiler is not recognizing the paths and throwing the error required package xyzPack is not found.
and on command line i execute the command :
dcc32 "C:\MyProj\MyProject.dpr" -B -E"c:\MyProj\Output\EXE"
What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks & Regards,
Instead of invoking the compiler directly, consider using MSBuild on your .dproj, since that's what the IDE uses. Delphi MSBuild Build Configurations From Command Line might help you with that.
From the related answer (as shown below) ie:
Compiling with Delphi 2009 from a command line under Windows Vista 64-bit
I notice that you should be able to build a single package from the command line this way. I have used batch files (buildall.cmd) to launch dcc32, and have not yet used msbuild.
I have ultimately found both approaches frustrating, and have instead decided to opt for building a little GUI shell (a lite version of Final Builder, if you like) that basically works as a semi-graphical semi-command-line way of automating my builds and filtering the compiler output to produce results. I would be highly interested in anyone else's experiences with "tinder box" (daily or even continuous build) operations with Delphi.
You may end up where I'm heading... just buy Final Builder. :-)
