Rails: How to disable asterisk on form's required fields? - ruby-on-rails

When I add the 'Required' attribute
to html input fields, Rails pre-pends an asterisk (*) before the label.
Does anyone know how to prevent this?
For some reason Rails transforms this:
<%= f.input :Company, :input_html => {:value => "", :id => "company_name"}, :label => "company name" %>
into this:
<div class="input string required">
<label for="company_name" class="string required">
<abbr title="required">*</abbr> company name</label>
<input type="text" value="" size="50" required="required" name="lead[Company]" id="company_name" class="string required">
I don't like that it wraps everything in a DIV and adds an ABBR element to the party.
How can I prevent this?

You can just set the required mark to empty value in simple_form's locale file:
text: 'required'
mark: '*'
Or use CSS to hide it.

In config/initializers/simple_form.rb add this line:
config.label_text = lambda { |label, required| "#{label}" }

I'm using Rails 3.1, and I have the following view code in my _form.html.erb for a given model:
<%= f.label :full_name %><br/>
<%= f.text_field :full_name, :required => true %><br/>
The label does not show an asterisk if you do it this way. Unless you post code I can't be sure of what your approach is and if my solution would fit said approach.
Updated Answer:
It sounds like you've inherited this code from someone. At any rate, after reading your code sample, you are most definitely using the simple_form gem. Information about that gem can be found here https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form. To answer your question though, if you change your code the following:
<%= f.input :Company, :input_html => {:value => "", :id => "company_name"}, :label => "company name", :required => false %>
That should turn off the asterisk.
I would add, based on your disgust for the HTML generated from simple_form, it sounds like you should just do away with the gem and re-write your form code using the Rails default form helpers, which can be read about here http://guides.rubyonrails.org/form_helpers.html. Depending on the size of the code base, you might be better off just sucking it up and learning how to use the simple_form gem for the sake of saving time, but if you think you have the time to change it all, go for it.

The simplest way is to hide it with this css:
abbr[title="required"] {
display: none;

It isn't rails at all. It's the simple_form gem. So, if you don't want all the wrapping elements don't use simple_form. Use Rails form helpers. It would be more simple than customize something you don't like.

For anyone using Formtastic and having this issue, you can remove the asterisks by editing the config file, which is typically app/config/initializers/formtastic.rb.
Change this line: # Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder.required_string = "(required)"
to be: Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder.required_string = ""
More info here.

Code that has helped me solve the asterisk issue:
abbr[title="required"] {
display: none;
The chosen answer and the other suggestions asking to change the HTML in locales file dint help me with the latest Simple_form gem.

Aside from the global config suggested in the accepted answer, you can pass required: false as an input option, or defaults: { required: false } to set it for the whole form.

You can remove it from the whole form:
<%= simple_form_for #form, defaults: { required: false } do |f| %>

I found out that if you only want to remove the asterisk(*) behind it then all you have to do is to go to this file file /config/locales/simple_form.en.yml
once again is not a good practice to change your configuration files for gems and something your using for some reason, it always a question of why do you really use simple_form!
But for example I found out about that because there is great things about simple_form we use but nowadays is a better usability practice to have the asterisks on none required fields then required ones.

you can used form_for, and override method def label in config/initializer to add asterisk for mandatory fields as the following:
def label(object_name, method, content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block)
if content_or_options.is_a?(Hash)
content_or_options.each do |key, val|
options[key] = val
content_or_options = method.to_s
content_or_options ||= method.to_s
presence_validations = [ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator, ActiveRecord::Validations::PresenceValidator]
class_obj = options[:object].class if options[:object]
class_obj ||= object_name.to_s.camelize.constantize
validations = class_obj.validators_on(method.to_s).map(&:class)
if (presence_validations.map { |pv| validations.include?(pv) }).any?
content_or_options += "*"
Tags::Label.new(object_name, method, self, content_or_options, options).render(&block)
This method puts asterisk after all mandatory fields, if you used normal form_for, and used validates_presence_of


Rails 6 create custom formtastic input based on existing one

Inside of my ActiveAdmin Rails6 app I've got below partial which replaces the standard input by editor.js (there is some JS magic behind, not relevant to this question). The partial and render look like below:
# _editor.html.erb
<%= f.input field, as: :hidden, input_html: { id: :editor_field } %>
<div style='width: 100%; background: white;' id="editorjs"></div>
# example of a parital call for field :body
<%= render 'admin/editor_js', f: f, field: :body %>
Because ActiveAdmin is based on formatic gem instead of this partial I want to create and use custom input based on :text field. I was trying to do something like below.
module CustomInputs
class EditorJsInput < Formtastic::Inputs::TextInput
def input_html_options
super.merge(input_html: { id: 'editor_field' }).merge(as: :hidden)
(as: :hidden) is not working and no idea how to add this empty div at the end <div style='width: 100%; background: white;' id="editorjs"></div> which is quite crucial.
as: :hidden is not an input_html_option, it's an input style/type that maps the input to the Inputs::HiddenInput type; all it really does is render the input field as a hidden list item. Additionally, the way you're overriding input_html_options is not correct:
# Let's say this is a line in your form input:
input_html: { value: 'Eat plants.' }
# Your code is changing `input_html_options` to be the same as if you'd
# included this in your form input declaration, which doesn't make sense:
input_html: {
value: 'Eat plants.',
input_html: { id: 'editor_field' },
as: :hidden
Please review the docu and source on the methods you are trying to override:
An overridden input_html_options method would be something like this if you're looking to override the existing ID:
# Don't recommend
def input_html_options
# Note: this is dangerous because the 'id' attribute should be unique
# and merging it here instead of passing it in the field's `input_html`
# hash forces every input of this type to have the same id
super.merge(id: 'editor_field')
Presuming that you're really looking to reliably know the ID so some JS can find the element and swap it out, you could either specify it in the input_html hash when declaring your form input or, more cleanly, simply use the autogenerated ID. Generally the ID is the the underscore-separated form object root key + the attribute name; so if your form object is coffee: { name: 'Goblin Sludge', origin_country: 'Columbia' }, I believe the default is for f.input :name to render with id='coffee_name' and f.input :origin_country to render with id='coffee_origin_country'. This is stuff that you can easily figure out by using the devtools inspector on the rendered form.
It seems like you really are looking to override to_html. You need something like this:
# app/input/editor_js_input.rb
class EditorJsInput < Formtastic::Inputs::TextInput
def to_html
input_wrapping do
builder.hidden_field(method, input_html_options)
# Variation that creates a div
class EditorJsInput < Formtastic::Inputs::TextInput
def to_html
input_wrapping do
style: 'width: 100%; background: white;',
id: "#{input_html_options[:id]}_editor"
) << builder.hidden_field(method, input_html_options)
# Example of what this would generate:
# "<div style=\"width: 100%; background: white;\" id=\"coffee_name_editor\"></div><input maxlength=\"255\" id=\"coffee_name\" value=\"\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"coffee[name]\" />"
# This will render the div you have above:
div style: 'width: 100%; background: white;', id: 'editorjs'
# This (or a similar variant of form declaration) will render the form
active_admin_form_for resource do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :name,
input_html: { value: f.object.name },
as: :editor_js
f.input :origin_country,
input_html: { value: f.object.origin_country },
as: :editor_js
This should build the input for f.object.name as something like <input id="coffee_name" type="hidden" value="Goblin Sludge" name="coffee[name]"> (see FormBuilder#hidden_field
Additional thoughts:
Try using something like Pry to put a binding inside these methods to get a better understanding of what they look like and how they work. Note that you will need to reboot your server for it to load changes to overridden methods in custom input classes.
Read the documentation referenced above and the Formtastic README; there is a lot of really accessible info that would have helped you here. You could also have learned how to render a div from ActiveAdmin's docu here (as well as other pages at activeadmin.info that give examples of styled elements)
Evaluate whether you need to implement a Custom FormBuilder

Can collection_select be used against yaml files?

My Rails application currently uses collection_select to select lookup values for drop downs etc. This has two advantages:
The values are consistent
The id of the selected value is stored in the database, not the text value
For example:
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :course_type %><br />
<%= f.collection_select :course_type, Lookup.find(:all,:conditions => ["model_name = 'course' and field_name = 'course_type'"]), :id, :lookup_text, include_blank: false,:prompt => "Course Type" %>
def get_lookups
#course = Course.find(params[:id])
#course_type = Lookup.find(#course.course_type).lookup_text
<b>Course type:</b>
<%= #course_type %>
My application will be multi-lingual, and Rails handles this by using locale files.
The question is: Is it possible (and sensible) to populate lookup values from yml files, rather than model/tables, and can this be easily extended to handle multiple languages? How could the above code be replaced with yml-based code?
One solution would be to keep translations in the DB, perhaps with our Traco lib. I suspect it would work with collection_select.
If you want to pull options from your translation YML files, I suggest options_for_select. All in all something like:
one: "Option 1"
two: "Option 2"
select_tag :foo, options_for_select(t("my_options").invert)
Rails i18n gives you a hash if you translate a non-leaf key, like "my_options". You need the invert because options_for_select expects the text before the value, and a translation hash is the other way around.
To translate your collection_select, you simply create a new model method (let's say, "name_translated") which returns your translation from the YAML file:
<%= f.collection_select :product_id, Product.all, :id, :name_translated %>
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
def name_translated
YAML file:
name1: "Hammer"
name2: "Plastic sheets"
name3: "Duct tape"
I use select:
<%= f.select :role, MAIN_CONFIG['manager_roles'].map { |s| [s.last, s.first] }, selected: #manager.role %>
And my yaml file main_config.yml:
admin: 'Суперадмин'
partner_admin: 'Администратор'
manager: 'Менеджер'

How to set a field read only in rails 3.1.0 views?

My question is how to set a field in rails form read only. The following is a selection box in quotes controller. Users are not allowed to change the selection.
<% #quote.test_items.each do |t| %>
<%= f.association :test_items, :label => false, :selected => t.id %>
<% end %>
The app uses simple_form. Thanks so much.
I've encountered a similar problem, thankfully, there is a simple resolution.
The basic issue is that if you use :disabled => true with simple_form you will not see that value back in the controller. When you pass an object from HTML form to later bind it to the model - you need all of those attributes. The :disabled => true however does not pass any such attribute.
The solution to this is to use :readonly => true - it will protect the field from user entry and it will still pass the param value back to the controller so you can bind everything to your model.
Good luck.
See https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/pull/367
I believe you'd just pass in :disabled => true. It's been my experience that options 'just work' with simple_form. So in your case:
<% #quote.test_items.each do |t| %>
<%= f.association :test_items, :label => false, :disabled => true, :selected => t.id %>
<% end %>
From the simple_form github repo:
It is also possible to give the :disabled option to SimpleForm, and it'll automatically mark the wrapper as disabled with a css class, so you can style labels, hints and other components inside the wrapper as well.
Yes, what #gk0r said, as it is documented here:
NOTE: The HTML options disabled, readonly, and multiple can all be treated as booleans. So specifying :disabled => true will give disabled="disabled".
*disabled will have slightly different behavior than readonly.
The top answers above are all wrong.
disabled attribute has a different behaviour than readonly.
read and compare them:
Tip: Disabled elements in a form will not be submitted.
The right answer is to use
:readonly => true
something like this:
<%= f.association :test_items, :label => false, :readonly => true, :selected => t.id %>
It's not clear to me if the association method accepts HTML options or not, but if it does, you can pass disabled: 'disable' to make it read-only with a fixed value.
I think you might be able to choose the fixed value by passing association as block, as shown in the association docs:
f.association :company do |c|
c.input :name, selected: 'selection'
c.input :type
As to whether or not the entire list can be read-only and still drop-down, the only solutions I see from google involve JS, for example:

nested forms problems on edit, unwanted hidden fields

I'm working in Rails2, the helper creates a hidden_field which is not helping me...
I load the input like this:
- remote_form_for([:admin, #user]) do |f|
// [...]
- f.fields_for :account_user do |a|
= a.collection_select :id, #accounts, :id, :name}, { :style => "width:330px;"}
and I get a result like this:
<select style="width: 330px;" name="user[account_user_attributes][id]" id="user_account_user_attributes_id">
<option value="20">public</option>
<option value="21">Test Account</option>
<option value="73">ggg</option>
<input type="hidden" value="175" name="user[account_user_attributes][id]" id="user_account_user_attributes_id">
when I reach the controller my params hash is this:
(rdb:228) y params
--- !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess
commit: Save booker
_method: put
action: update
id: "50"
controller: admin/users
user: !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess
user_role: agent
password_confirmation: ""
username: ERIK
account_user_attributes: !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess
id: "175"
password: ""
email: e#visrez.com
The value 175 in the hash refers to #user.account_user.id, the old value, but I don't have the #user.account.id of the new selection.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
I commented out the collection_select, and the hidden_field was still there, therefore... I need to change the title.
If I comment out f.fields_for the hidden_field disappears.
As pointed out by #jaydel, this is (very) probably the reason why I don't get the right value in the hash. - And the quest goes on...
Actually it's not my code, so now I'm checking for any overriding, as looks like it's not the standard behavior
So we found out that the hidden field was originated by
- remote_form_for([:admin, #user]) do |f|
- f.fields_for :account_user do |a| # <------- here
= a.collection_select :id, #accounts, :id, :name
A better look to the api unvealed the problem, and here is the correct use of fields_for:
- remote_form_for([:admin, #user]) do |f|
- f.fields_for #user.account_user do |a|
= a.collection_select :id, #accounts, :id, :name
So the method instead of the symbol.
Note: This code answers the question, but in my case I don't really need any fields_for in this relationship.
This is just a guess, but you're using user[account_user_attributes][id] in two places: the select itself, and the hidden input below it...is that something you put in?
When I use collection_select I don't see the hidden input in the source...
If this is indeed something you are putting in, it's possible that the hidden input is what's being picked up, rather than what the user selected in the dropdown.

Forcing "humanized" names of fields to be lowercase in Rails 3

As far as I know, the accepted way to set the "humanized" names of fields in Rails 3 is to use locales:
# config/locales/en.yml
username: 'username' # rather than 'Username'
However, I simply want Rails 3 to use lowercase versions of its default humanized names. Is there an easy, built-in way to do this?
An example to help clarify: When inside of a form_for, <%= f.label :username %> displays "Username" by default. I want it to display "username".
I had the same problem.
I solved it via css:
In foo.html.erb:
<%= f.label :username, :class => "my_class" %>
In bar.css:
label.my_class {
text-transform: lowercase;
I would prefer a different solution, too. But that's the only one I've been able to find, so far.
The label helper defaults to using human_attribute_name to turn an attribute into a human name. If you look at the source, human_attribute_name tries a few things before falling back to attributes.to_s.humanize. It tries the translation first, and then it looks for a :default option in the options hash.
So, the simplest/best way to get the functionality you want is to override human_attribute_name with your own that provides a :default option and then calls the original. Rails provides a reasonable way to do this sort of thing with alias_method_chain, so...
I've heard enough, just give me the answer!
Put the following in any file in config/initializers and restart your app:
module ActiveModel
module Translation
def human_attribute_name_with_foo attribute, options = {}
human_attribute_name_without_foo attribute, options.merge( :default => attribute.humanize.downcase )
alias_method_chain :human_attribute_name, :foo
