Delphi logging with multiple sinks and delayed classification? - delphi

Imagine i want to parse a binary blob of data. If all comes okay, then all the logs are INFO, and user by default does not even see them. If there is an error, then user is presented with error and can view the log to see exact reason (i don't like programs that just say "file is invaid. for some reason. you do not want to know it" )
Probably most log libraries are aimed at quickly loading, classifying and keeping many many log lines per second. which by itself is questionable, as there is no comfort lazy evaluation and closures in Delphi. Envy Scala :-)
However that need every line be pre-сlassified.
Imagine this hypothetical flow:
Got object FOO [ok]
1.1. found property BAR [ok]
1.1.1. parsed data for BAR [ok]
1.2 found property BAZ [ok]
1.2.1 successfully parsed data for BAR [ok]
1.2.2 matching data: checked dependancy between BAR and BAZ [fail]
So, what can be desired features?
1) Nested logging (indenting, subordination) is desired then.
Something like highlighted in TraceTool - see TraceNode.Send Method at
2) The 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 lines are sent as they happen in a info sink (TMemo, OutputDebugString, EventLog and so one), so user can see and report at least which steps are complete before error.
3) 1, 1.2, 1.2.2 are retroactively marked as error (or warning, or whatever) inheriting from most specific line. Obviously, warning superseeds info, error superseeds warning and info, etc/
4) 1 + 1.2 + 1.2.2 can be easily combined like with LogMessage('1.2.2').FullText to be shown to user or converted to Exception, to carry the full story to human.
4.1) Optionally, with relevant setup, it would not only be converted to Exception, but the latter even would be auto-raised. This probably would require some kind of context with supplied exception class or supplied exception constructing callback.
5) Multisink: info can be just appended into collapsible panel with TMemo on main form or currently active form. The error state could open such panel additionally or prompt user to do it. At the same time some file or network server could for example receive warning and error grade messages and not receive info grade ones.
6) extra associated data might be nice too. Say, if to render it with TreeView rather than TMemo, then it could have "1.1.1. parsed data for BAR [ok]" item, with mouse tooltip like "Foo's dimensions are told to be 2x4x3.2 metres"
Being free library is nice, especially free with sources. Sometimes track and fix the bug relying solely on DCUs is much harder.
Non-requiring extra executable. it could offer extra more advanced viewer, but should not be required for just any functionality.
Not being stalled/abandoned.
ability to work and show at least something before GUI is initialized would be nice too. Class constructors are cool, yet are executed as part of unit visualization, when VCL is not booted yet. If any assertion/exception is thrown from there, user would only see Runtime error 217, with all the detail lost. At least OutputDebugStreen can be used, if nothing more...
Stack tracing is not required, if needed i can do it and add with Jedi CodeLib. But it is rarely needed.
External configuration is not required. It might be good for big application to reconfigure on the fly, but to me simplicity is much more important and configuration in code, by calling constructors or such, is what really matters. Extra XML file, like for Log4J, would only make things more fragile and complex.
I glanced few mentioned here libraries.
TraceTool has a great presentation, link is above. Yet it has no info grade, only 3 predefined grades (Debug/Error/Warning) and nothing more, but maybe Debug would suit for Info replacement... Seems like black box, only saving data into its own file, and using external tool to view it, not giving stream of events back to me. But their messages nesting and call chaining seems cool. Cools is also attaching objects/collection to messages.
Log4D and Log4Delphi seems to be in a stasis, with last releases of 2007 and 2009, last targeted version Delphi 7. Lack documentation (probably okay for log4j guy, but not for me :- ) Log4Delphi even had test folder - but those test do not compile in Delphi XE2-Upd1. Pity: In another thread here Log4delphi been hailed for how simple is to create custom log appender (sink)...
BTW, the very fact that the only LOG4J was forked into two independent Delphi ports leaves the question of which is better and that both lack something, if they had to remain in split.
mORMot part is hardly separated from the rest library. Demo application required UAC escalation for use its embedded SQLite3 engine and is frozen (no window opened, yet the process never exits normally) if refused Admin grants. Another demo just started infinite stream of AV exceptions, trying to unwind the stack. So is probably not ready yet for last Delphi. Though its list of message grades is excessive, maybe even a bit too many.
Thank you.

mORMot is stable, even with latest XE2 version of Delphi.
What you tried starting were the regression tests. Among its 6,000,000 tests, it includes the HTTP/1.1 Client-Server part of the ORM. Without the Admin rights, the http.sys Server is not able to register the URI, so you got errors. Which makes perfectly sense. It's a Vista/Seven restriction, not a mORMot restriction.
The logging part can be used completely separated from the ORM part. Logging is implemented in SynCommons.pas (and SynLZ.pas for the fast compression algorithm used for archival and .map embedding). I use the TSynLog class without any problem to log existing applications (even Delphi 5 and Delphi 6 applications), existing for years. The SQLite3 / ORM classes are implemented in other units.
It supports the nesting of events, with auto-leave feature, just as you expect. That is you can write:
procedure TMyClass.MyMethod(const Params: integer);
// .... my method code
And adding this TSynLog.Enter will be logged with indentation corresponding to the recursive level. IMHO this may meet your requirements. It will declare an ISynLog interface on the stack, which will be freed by Delphi at the "end;" code line, so it will implement an Auto-Leave feature. And the exact unit name, method name and source code line number will be written into the log (as MyUnit.TMyClass.MyMethod (123)), if you generated a .map file at compilation (which may be compressed and appended to the .exe so that your customers logs will contain the source line numbers). You have methods at the ISynLog interface level to add some custom logging, including parameters and custom state (you can log objects properties as JSON if you need to, or write your custom logging data).
The exact timing of each methods are tracked, so you are able to profile your application from the data supplied by your customer.
If you think the logs are too much verbose, you have several levels of logging, to be customized on the client side. See the blog articles and the corresponding part of the framework documentation (in the SynCommons part). You've for instance "Fail" events and some custom kind of events. And it is totally VCL-independent, so you can use it without GUI or before any GUI is started.
You have at hand a log viewer, which allow client-side profiling and nested Enter/Leave view (if you click on the "Leave" line, you'll go back to the corresponding "Enter", e.g.):
If this log viewer is not enough, you have its source code to make it fulfill your requirements, and all the needed classes to parse and process the .log file on your own, if you wish. Logs are textual by default, but can be compressed into binary on request, to save disk space (the log viewer is able to read those compressed binary files). Stack tracing and exception interception are both implemented, and can be activated on request.
You could easily add a numeration like "1.2.1" to the logs, if you wish to. You've got the whole source code of the logging unit. Feel free to ask any question in our forum.

Log4D supports nested diagnostic contexts in the TLogNDC class, they can be used to group together all steps which are related to one compound action (instead of a 'session' based grouping of log events). Multi-Sinks are called Appenders in log4d and log4delphi so you could write a TLogMemoAppender with around twentyfive lines of code, and use it at the same time as a ODSAppender, a RollingFileAppender, or a SocketAppender, configurable at run time (no external config file required).


Access Violation when pressing a button that uses a separate form for validation [duplicate]

What tips can you share to help locate and fix access violations when writing applications in Delphi?
I believe access violations are usually caused by trying to access something in memory that has not yet been created such as an Object etc?
I find it hard to identify what triggers the access violations and then where to make the required changes to try and stop/fix them.
A example is a personal project I am working on now. I am storing in TTreeView Node.Data property some data for each node. Nodes can be multiple selected and exported (the export iterates through each selected node and saves specific data to a text file - the information saved to the text file is what is stored in the Files can also be imported into the Treeview (saving the contents of the text files into the
The issue in that example is if I import files into the Treeview and then export them, it works perfect. However if I add a node at runtime and export them I get:
"Access Violation at address 00405772 in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of address 00000388."
My thoughts on that must be the way I am assigning the data to created nodes, maybe differently to the way I assign it when they are imported, but it all looks ok to me. The access violation only shows up when exporting, and this never happens with imported files.
I am NOT looking for a fix to the above example, but mainly advice/tips how to find and fix such type of errors. I don't often get access violations, but when I do they are really hard to track down and fix.
So advice and tips would be very useful.
It means your code is accessing some part of the memory it isn't allowed to. That usually means you have a pointer or object reference pointing to the wrong memory. Maybe because it is not initialized or is already released.
Use a debugger, like Delphi. It will tell you on what line of code the AV occurred. From there figure out your problem by looking at the callstack and local variables etc. Sometimes it also helps if you compile with Debug DCUs.
If you don't have a debugger because it only happens on a client side, you might want to use MadExcept or JclDebug to log the exception with callstack and have it send to you. It gives you less details but might point you in the right direction.
There are some tools that might be able to find these kind of problems earlier by checking more aggressively. The FastMM memory manager has such options.
"Access Violation at address 00405772
in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of
address 00000388."
So your problem results in a AV at addresss 00405772 in module 'Project1.exe'. The Delphi debugger will bring you to the right line of code (or use Find Error).
It is trying to read memory at address 00000388. That is pretty close to 00000000 (nil), so that would probably mean accessing some pointer/reference to an array or dynamic array that is nil. If it was an array of bytes, it would be item 388. Or it could be a field of a rather large object or record with lots of fields. The object or record pointer/reference would be nil.
I find that the really hard-to-find access violations don't always occur while I'm running in a debugger. Worse yet, they happen to customers and not to me. The accepted answer mentions this, but I really think it should be given more detail: MadExcept provides a stack traceback which gives me valuable context information and helps me see where the code fails, or has unhandled exceptions (it's not just for access violations). It even provides a way for customers to email you the bug reports right from inside your program. That leads to more access violations found and fixed, reported by your beta testers, or your users.
Secondly, I have noticed that compiler hints and warnings are in fact detecting for you, some of the common problems. Clean up hints and warnings and you might find many access violations and other subtle problems. Forgetting to declare your destructors properly, for example, can lead to a compiler warning, but to serious problems at runtime.
Thirdly, I've found tools like Pascal Analyzer from Peganza, and the audits-and-metrics feature in some editions of Delphi, can help you find areas of your code that have problems. As a single concrete example, Pascal Analyzer has found places where I forgot to do something important, that lead to a crash or access violation.
Fourth, you can hardly beat the technique of having another developer critique your code. You might feel a bit sheepish afterwards, but you're going to learn something, hopefully, and get better at doing what you're doing. Chances are, there is more way than one to use a tree view, and more way than one to do the work you're doing, and a better architecture, and a clean way of doing things is going to result in more reliable code that doesn't break each time you touch it. THere is not a finite list of rules to produce clean code, it is rather, a lifetime effort, and a matter of degrees. You'd be surprised how innocent looking code can be a hotbed of potential crashes, access violations, race conditions, freezes and deadlocks.
I would like to mention one more tool, that I use when other tools fail to detect AV. It's SafeMM (newer version). Once it pointed me to the small 5 line procedure. And I had to look more than 10 minutes at it, in order to see the AV that happened there. Probably that day my programming skills wasn't at their maximum, but you know, bad thing tend to happen exactly at such days.
Just want to mention other debugging or "code guard" techniques that were not mentioned in previous answers:
"Local" tools:
* Use FastMM in DebugMode - have it write zeros each time it dealocates memory. This will make your program PAINFULLY slow but you have a HUGE chance to find errors like trying to access a freed object.
* Use FreeAndNil(Obj) instead of Obj.Free. Some, people were complaining about it as creating problems but without actually providing a clear example where this might happen. Additionally, Emarcadero recently added the recommendation to use FreeAndNil in their manual (finally!).
* ALWAYS compile the application in Release and Debug mode. Make sure the Project Options are correctly set for debug mode. The DEFAULT settings for Debug mode are NOT correct/complete - at last not in Delphi XE7 and Tokyo. Maybe one day they will set the correct options for Debug mode. So, enable things like:
"Stack frames"
"Map file generation (detailed)"
"Range checking",
"Symbol reference info"
"Debug information"
"Overflow checking"
"Debug DCUs"
Deactivate the "Compiler optimizations"!
3rd Party Tools:
Use MadShi or EurekaLog (I would recommend MadShi over EurekaLog)
Use Microsoft's ApplicationVerfier

Recurrent exception in Delphi TService on W10 and Server 2012r2

I am working on a Delphi application using the TService functionalities.
It is a large project that was started by someone else.
The application uses several separate threads for processing, communicating with clients, database access, etc. The application’s main job is to poll regularly (every 2-300ms) certain devices and, a couple times a day, execute specific actions.
Now somewhere there is an unhandled exception for which I cannot seem to find the cause:
According to the debugger, the faulting method is System.Classes.StdWndProc.
This also seems to be confirmed by analyzing the crash dump file with WinDbg.
After numerous tests and debugging, I noticed that the crash happened on my dev computer every day at almost the same time.
I looked at the windows log and found this event:
This, coupled with the fact that the stack trace from Delphi indicates that a message with ID=26 (WM_WININICHANGE) was processed, made me believe that there might be something wrong with my usage of FormatDateTime() or DateTimeToStr() when regional settings are reloaded.
I checked every call and made sure to be using the thread-safe overload with a local instance of TFormatSettings.
However today the service crashed again.
A few points that I think are worth mentioning:
The application is also installed on a Windows 2008 server and has
been running OK for over a month.
On 2012r2 I tried forcing DEP off, but it didn’t change anything.
The service’s OnExecute() method is not implemented. I create a base thread in TService. ServiceStart() which then in turn creates the main data module and all the other threads.
The service is not marked as interactive and is executed with the Local System account.
All data modules are created with AOwner=nil.
With a special parameter, the application can be started a normal windowed application with a main form (which is created only in this case). The exception does not seem to happen when running in GUI mode.
Almost all threads have a message pump and use PostThreadMessage() to exchange information. There are no window handle allocations anywhere.
I have checked the whole project and there are no timers or message dialogs or other graphical components anywhere.
I have activated range as well as overflow checking and found no issues.
I am a loss for what to do here. I have checked and re-checked the code several times without finding anything that could explain the error.
Looking online I found several reports that seem to be pertinent to my situation, but none that actually explains what is going on:
Before taking everything apart I would like to know if anyone experienced anything similar or has any tips.
Edit: looking at the call stack and the first method executed I am thinking of the TApplication instance that is used in TService.
LPARAM is always 648680.
LPARAM is a pointer to a string (you can cast it to PChar).
You could try to catch WM_SETTINGS_CHANGE and log anytime it's processing.
I think you could use TApplicationEvents component. The component has OnSettingsChange event. The event provides a setting area name (section name) and a flag that points to changed parameter.
Have a look at doc-wiki.
There is a full list of possible parameters.
I did not test it, but maybe you can use Abort procedure in OnSettingsChange event handler to stop the message distribution. Of course it's not a solution, but it may work.

Access violation, Delphi 2005 TADOQuery [duplicate]

What tips can you share to help locate and fix access violations when writing applications in Delphi?
I believe access violations are usually caused by trying to access something in memory that has not yet been created such as an Object etc?
I find it hard to identify what triggers the access violations and then where to make the required changes to try and stop/fix them.
A example is a personal project I am working on now. I am storing in TTreeView Node.Data property some data for each node. Nodes can be multiple selected and exported (the export iterates through each selected node and saves specific data to a text file - the information saved to the text file is what is stored in the Files can also be imported into the Treeview (saving the contents of the text files into the
The issue in that example is if I import files into the Treeview and then export them, it works perfect. However if I add a node at runtime and export them I get:
"Access Violation at address 00405772 in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of address 00000388."
My thoughts on that must be the way I am assigning the data to created nodes, maybe differently to the way I assign it when they are imported, but it all looks ok to me. The access violation only shows up when exporting, and this never happens with imported files.
I am NOT looking for a fix to the above example, but mainly advice/tips how to find and fix such type of errors. I don't often get access violations, but when I do they are really hard to track down and fix.
So advice and tips would be very useful.
It means your code is accessing some part of the memory it isn't allowed to. That usually means you have a pointer or object reference pointing to the wrong memory. Maybe because it is not initialized or is already released.
Use a debugger, like Delphi. It will tell you on what line of code the AV occurred. From there figure out your problem by looking at the callstack and local variables etc. Sometimes it also helps if you compile with Debug DCUs.
If you don't have a debugger because it only happens on a client side, you might want to use MadExcept or JclDebug to log the exception with callstack and have it send to you. It gives you less details but might point you in the right direction.
There are some tools that might be able to find these kind of problems earlier by checking more aggressively. The FastMM memory manager has such options.
"Access Violation at address 00405772
in module 'Project1.exe'. Read of
address 00000388."
So your problem results in a AV at addresss 00405772 in module 'Project1.exe'. The Delphi debugger will bring you to the right line of code (or use Find Error).
It is trying to read memory at address 00000388. That is pretty close to 00000000 (nil), so that would probably mean accessing some pointer/reference to an array or dynamic array that is nil. If it was an array of bytes, it would be item 388. Or it could be a field of a rather large object or record with lots of fields. The object or record pointer/reference would be nil.
I find that the really hard-to-find access violations don't always occur while I'm running in a debugger. Worse yet, they happen to customers and not to me. The accepted answer mentions this, but I really think it should be given more detail: MadExcept provides a stack traceback which gives me valuable context information and helps me see where the code fails, or has unhandled exceptions (it's not just for access violations). It even provides a way for customers to email you the bug reports right from inside your program. That leads to more access violations found and fixed, reported by your beta testers, or your users.
Secondly, I have noticed that compiler hints and warnings are in fact detecting for you, some of the common problems. Clean up hints and warnings and you might find many access violations and other subtle problems. Forgetting to declare your destructors properly, for example, can lead to a compiler warning, but to serious problems at runtime.
Thirdly, I've found tools like Pascal Analyzer from Peganza, and the audits-and-metrics feature in some editions of Delphi, can help you find areas of your code that have problems. As a single concrete example, Pascal Analyzer has found places where I forgot to do something important, that lead to a crash or access violation.
Fourth, you can hardly beat the technique of having another developer critique your code. You might feel a bit sheepish afterwards, but you're going to learn something, hopefully, and get better at doing what you're doing. Chances are, there is more way than one to use a tree view, and more way than one to do the work you're doing, and a better architecture, and a clean way of doing things is going to result in more reliable code that doesn't break each time you touch it. THere is not a finite list of rules to produce clean code, it is rather, a lifetime effort, and a matter of degrees. You'd be surprised how innocent looking code can be a hotbed of potential crashes, access violations, race conditions, freezes and deadlocks.
I would like to mention one more tool, that I use when other tools fail to detect AV. It's SafeMM (newer version). Once it pointed me to the small 5 line procedure. And I had to look more than 10 minutes at it, in order to see the AV that happened there. Probably that day my programming skills wasn't at their maximum, but you know, bad thing tend to happen exactly at such days.
Just want to mention other debugging or "code guard" techniques that were not mentioned in previous answers:
"Local" tools:
* Use FastMM in DebugMode - have it write zeros each time it dealocates memory. This will make your program PAINFULLY slow but you have a HUGE chance to find errors like trying to access a freed object.
* Use FreeAndNil(Obj) instead of Obj.Free. Some, people were complaining about it as creating problems but without actually providing a clear example where this might happen. Additionally, Emarcadero recently added the recommendation to use FreeAndNil in their manual (finally!).
* ALWAYS compile the application in Release and Debug mode. Make sure the Project Options are correctly set for debug mode. The DEFAULT settings for Debug mode are NOT correct/complete - at last not in Delphi XE7 and Tokyo. Maybe one day they will set the correct options for Debug mode. So, enable things like:
"Stack frames"
"Map file generation (detailed)"
"Range checking",
"Symbol reference info"
"Debug information"
"Overflow checking"
"Debug DCUs"
Deactivate the "Compiler optimizations"!
3rd Party Tools:
Use MadShi or EurekaLog (I would recommend MadShi over EurekaLog)
Use Microsoft's ApplicationVerfier

AV after successful close of applications

I am getting this AV message about 3 to 5 seconds after the applications close as expected:
Exception EAccessViolation in module rtl160.bpl at 00073225. Access violation at address 500A3225 in module 'rtl160.bpl'. Read of address 00000004.
These (20) applications are very similar in that they are IBX business applications. About half of them did not cause the AV to occur.
These applications were ported from Delphi-xe and they worked flawlessly for a long time. No changes were made to the projects in the port. Both 32 and 64 bit builds gave the same results.
Is this a bug in some library's finalization section freeing a resource or something?
I am using Delphi-XE2 Update 3.
Would appreciate the help.
Try using madExcept / EurekaLog etc. - they give you detailed stack trace on AV. This is not always a panacea, but can point you to the problem.
Access Violations are by their nature already very troublesome beasts since they deal with invalid pointers in memory. One that occurs a while after an application shuts down is even worse because that's when your app is in "cleanup" mode. You're could be dealing with something that went wrong much earlier in the application, but is only exposing itself at shutdown.
General Tips:
Try to always undo things in the reverse order you did them. E.g.
Create A, Create B ... Destroy B, Destroy A
Connect to Database, Open Dataset ... Close Dataset, Disconnect from Database
Even making sure you've done all the above before shutting down can help tremendously.
Any threads that are still running while your application is running can cause problems.
Preferably ensure all your child threads are properly terminated before final shutdown.
Refer back to Closing datasets above. Depending on what you're doing, some database components will create their own threads.
If you're using COM, try ensure ComObj is high up in the initialization sequence (I.e. place it as high as possible in your DPR).
Delphi finalizes units in the reverse order that they were initialized.
And you don't want ComObj to finalize before other things that are dependent on ComObj have also done so.
If you're using interface references, make sure you resolve circular reference issues.
Some of these problems can be tricky to find, but you can do the following:
Setup a source-code "sandbox" environment (you're going to chuck all your changes as soon as you've found the problem).
Figure out the simplest set of steps required to guarantee the error. (Start app and immediately shutdown would be ideal.)
Then you're going to comment-out delete wipe out chunks of code between tests and basically follow a divide and conquer approach to:
rip out code
if the problem persists, repeat. Else roll-back and rip out a different chunk of code.
eventually your code base will be small enough to pinpoint likely problems which can be tackled with targeted testing.
I've had this kind of access violation problem on occasion with old Delphi or C++Builder projects. Today I had it with C++Builder. At the time of the crash, by looking in the Debug -> Call Stack window, I can see that it's happening inside a call to fflush, called by __exit_streams and _exit.
I'm not sure what is causing it, since it's so deep in the Borland library code, but it seems to come and go at random when the code changes. And it seems to be more common with multi-form applications.
This time the error went away when I just added a new button on the main form. A button which is just there, has no event handlers and does not do anything. I think that any random change to the code, classes, variables etc rearranges the memory layout when you relink the application, and that either triggers or untriggers the error.
For now, I just leave the new button on the form, set it to "not visible" so that there's no visible change. As it seems to work, it's good enough solution for me at this time.

Nesting datasets with TClientdatasets in more than two levels?

I would like to know if it is possible to nest a dataset within a dataset and then nest this data set with in another dataset. Therfore 3 levels of nesting. Currently I only manage to nest one dataset with in the other. When attemting to nest the third level the database manages to run successfully the first time I compile my program and I am able to enter data. When I then attempt to run the program the second time I an execption raised by EDBClient with message "mismatch in datapacket".
So I would like to know is it possible to nest 3 levels of datasets within each other?
Kind regards
Short story:
Try it with Delphi XE... for my nowadays main project this resolved the bug.
Long story:
I faced the same problem you have with 3 or more levels of nested datasets when there's any error on the database side with Delphi 2010.
The previous last version I heavily used was Delphi 2007 without problems, so there's a chance the bad behavior was introduced in Delphi 2009 or Delphi 2010.
I traced this problem down to midas.dll on the client side, and it happens no matter if you're linking midas statically using MidasLib. Midas "thinks" the packet it receives from the server is malformed, and raises the exception. This exception breaks the "normal" error reconcile process, so there's no way to try to recover from an error: OnReconcileError never fired and the process is aborted due to the lack of try/except blocks inside this part of the VCL.
I'm sure it was a bug, but not if it happens on the server or on the client side, When I was working to produce a project to put a support ticket, while trying to reduce it to the minimum possible, it happens Delphi XE was released and I'm under SA, so I get it the last minute.
Download, Install, configure... then, I compiled my to support project and everything worked fine. I compiled my main project: the one where I was facing real problems with the users because of this and the fact I use to raise exceptions in database triggers and stored procedures due to last second validations or state/condition changes. Everything worked fine. The user is receiving meaningful error messages and the application recovered his ability to perform data-transformations and retries on the fly, or to ask the user what to do in some circumstances.
Sorry, I found no workaround during my efforts to diagnose and report this problem to Embarcadero, maybe someone else can help you better without suggesting to upgrade.
Simple answer is yes, you can have three levels of datasets nested within each other. I have examples of ClientDataSets where the nesting goes down 6 levels. In fact, I do not think there is a limit to the depth of nesting, other than that imposed by memory constraints.
