If I have a field and it already has had a migration to set :null => false and I then do another migration to add :unique => true - do I now need to list the existing :null => false also in the new migration?
If I do not list it in the new migration does that imply it actually gets removed?
all migration changes are relative to current database state, you don't need to list all existing changes from the beginning.
Good way to became sure is simply perform a test. gl
How do I add data to a table in Rails?
So far I have created a Rails app that pulls in data from an API. Next, I have ran the command
rails generate model order
and I have /db/migrate/timestamp_create_orders.rb
class CreateOrders < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :orders do |t|
t.string :email, null: false
t.string :order_date, null: false
t.string :total_price, null: false
t.string :order_number, null: false
t.string :cust_name, null: false
t.string :zip_code, null: false
t.timestamps null: false
Next, I believe I need to run db:migrate and that will create the table.
My question is, how do I add data to this table? I want the user to visit the app, it pulls in the data, and stores it in this table.
I have found conflicting advice..
Should I just use the advice from here
But other advise seems to say not to do this here and here. Though they are all pretty old
You do not create database entries in migrations, you usually create schema or specify changes in the schema in migration files. You use seeds for creating seed data in the database.
To create new data in database through rails you can use either create or new method but you need to save the data as mentioned in other posts in your links when you are using new method.
While creating or migrating a new database table, table row is not automatically added. You need to add them manually. One way to populate the newly created database table is using seeds.rb file which is located in your application db folder. You can add Faker gem to your application for creating fake table attribute elements. An example using faker:
(1..3).each do # it'll create 3 new order
Order.create(email: Faker::Internet.email, order_date: Faker::Date.between(2.days.ago, Date.today))
Then run rake db:seed in your project folder console.
If you have some validation in your order.rb file, then you can create new instance of that order and then save it like:
order = Order.new(....)
order.save(validate: false)
On my ruby on rails app i added following code in schema.rb file to create a new table in database
create_table "label_info", :force => true do |t|
t.text "body"
t.string "title"
t.integer "label_id"
and then run rake db:migrate command but nothing is happening. I thought it would create a new table in database .
If you read the first line of your schema.rb file you will see:
# This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead
# of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to
# incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition.
I would recommand to do rails g model label_info
May be delete :force => true, because since you haven't created the table it keeps to create first.
:force Set to true to drop the table before creating it. Defaults to false.
Either you have to destroy the model and recreate it or you have to change the migration number and rename the file, for the older schema version. You can use current time stamp. like 20150808114518_abc_xyz.rb
I am just curious,
Suppose I create this migration:
def change
create_table :pages do |t|
t.string :title
t.text :content
and then I run the migration.
Now after a couple of hours I remember that I should have added a slug column too.
Now (supposing I haven't created any other migrations after this one), should I rollback and add the new field here (in this migration), or should I create a new migration and add the filed there?
If you haven't pushed it out to production, I'd say just roll back and add it into the existing migration. If you have deployed it to production, then I'd make another migration.
This is, however, mostly a matter of preference, if there's no data that will be lost as a result. I just like to get into the habit of doing things the safer way in production.
I'm just figuring out my way around rails but I need a little help with the rails generate scaffold command.
Here's the command that I'd like to use
rails generate scaffold Expense user:??? name:string description:text
I'd like the description field to be nullable and the users field to be linked to another Model — in this case I'd like to create a foreign key to the Users. I'm using the devise authentication framework.
I've read that many RoR developers try and avoid the scaffolding method and opt for the manual approach instead but my web-app is quite simple and I've thought of going the scaffolding way.
Scaffolding only generates the migration that you then run. Once the file is generated simply crack open the generated migration and adjust any of the values you need specific constraints on. By default columns are set to null unless you specify otherwise e.g.:
create_table "slugs", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "sequence", :default => 1, :null => false
t.string "sluggable_type", :limit => 40
t.string "scope", :limit => 40
t.datetime "created_at"
This is the code generated by the friendly_id plugin as you can see they have specified that the sequence column cannot be null while the other fields have other constraints.
I would like to confirm that the following analysis is correct:
I am building a web app in RoR. I have a data structure for my postgres db designed (around 70 tables; this design may need changes and additions during development to reflect Rails ways of doing things. EG, I designed some user and role tables - but if it makes sense to use Restful Authentication, I will scrub them and replace with whatever RA requires. ).
I have a shellscript which calls a series of .sql files to populate the empty database with tables and initial data (eg, Towns gets pre-filled with post towns) as well as test data (eg, Companies gets a few dummy companies so I have data to play with).
for example:
id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval ('towns_seq'),
Proposition 0: Data lasts longer than apps, so I am convinced that I want referential integrity enforced at the DB level as well as validations in my RoR models, despite the lack of DRYNESS.
Proposition 1: If I replace the script and sql files with Migrations, it is currently impossible to tell my Postgres database about the Foreign Key and other constraints I currently set in SQL DDL files within the migration code.
Proposition 2: The touted benefit of migrations is that changes to the schema are versioned along with the RoR model code. But if I keep my scripts and .sql files in railsapp/db, I can version them just as easily.
Proposition 3: Given that migrations lack functionality I want, and provide benefits I can replicate, there is little reason for me to consider using them. So I should --skipmigrations at script/generate model time.
My question: If Proposition 0 is accepted, are Propositions 1,2,3 true or false, and why?
Proposition 1 is false in at least two situations - you can use plugins like foreign_key_migrations to do the following:
def self.up
create_table :users do |t|
t.column :department_id, :integer, :references => :departments
which creates the appropriate foreign key constraint in your DB.
Of course, you might have other things that you want to do in your DDL, in which case the second situation becomes more compelling: you're not forced to use the Ruby DSL in migrations. Try the execute method, instead:
def self.up
execute 'YOUR SQL HERE'
With that, you can keep the contents of your SQL scripts in migrations, gaining the benefits of the latter (most prominently the down methods, which you didn't address in your original question) and retaining the lower-level control you prefer.
Proposition 1 is mistaken : you can definitely define referential integrity using migrations if only by using direct SQL inside the migration, see this post for more details.
Proposition 2: The touted interest of migrations is to be able to define your database model incrementally while keeping track of what each change added and be able to easily rollback any such change at a later time.
You have to be careful with the order you create/modify things in but you can do it.
One thing to keep in mind : rails is better suited for application-centri design. in the Rails Way(tm) the database is only ever accessed through the application active record layer and exposes data to the outside using webservices
1: You may want to try out this plugin. I didn't try it myself though, but it seems to be able to add foreign key constraints through migrations.
2: The real benefit of migration is the ability to go back and forth in the history of your database. That's not as easy with your .sql files.
3: See if the above-mentioned plugin works for you, then decide :) At any rate, it's not a capital sin if you don't use them!
Since you are using Postgres and may not want to install the foreign_key_migrations plugin, here is what I do when I want to use both migrations and foreign key constraints.
I add a SchemaStatements method to ActiveRecord::SchemaStatements called "add_fk_constraint".
This could go in some centralized file, but in the example migration file below, I have just put it inline.
module ActiveRecord
module ConnectionAdapters # :nodoc:
module SchemaStatements
# Example call:
# add_fk_constraint 'orders','advertiser_id','advertisers','id'
# "If you want add/alter a 'orders' record, then its 'advertiser_id' had
# better point to an existing 'advertisers' record with corresponsding 'id'"
def add_fk_constraint(table_name, referencing_col, referenced_table, referenced_col)
fk_name = "#{table_name}_#{referencing_col}"
sql = <<-ENDSQL
ALTER TABLE #{table_name}
FOREIGN KEY (#{referencing_col}) REFERENCES #{referenced_table} (#{referenced_col})
CREATE INDEX fki_#{fk_name} ON #{table_name}(#{referencing_col});
execute sql
class AdvertisersOrders < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :advertisers do |t|
t.column :name, :string, :null => false
t.column :net_id, :integer, :null => false
t.column :source_service_id, :integer, :null => false, :default => 1
t.column :source_id, :integer, :null => false
create_table :orders do |t|
t.column :name, :string, :null => false
t.column :advertiser_id, :integer, :null => false
t.column :source_id, :integer, :null => false
add_fk_constraint 'orders','advertiser_id','advertisers','id'
def self.down
drop_table :orders
drop_table :advertisers
I hopes this helps someone. It has been very useful to me since I need to load a lot of externally supplied data with SQL "COPY" calls, yet I find the migrations system very convenient.