mqsicreatebar "cannot be added to the BAR file because it does not contain any input nodes" - messagebroker

I'm using Websphere Message Broker Toolkit 7 and am trying to create an automated bar build.
whilst running the following command I'm getting the following error:
mqsicreatebar -data C:\temp -b -cleanBuild-p "CDC Adaptor" -o "C:\temp\UpdateQueryTime.msgflow"
ERROR: Resource UpdateQueryTime.msgflow cannot be added to the BAR file because it does not contain any input nodes.
I've seen this mentioned elsewhere however I've not yet found a solution. I can see that this flow contains an Input Terminal node.

Are you using an input node besides the one named "Input node" inside the group "Construction"? If not, you must.
Each top level flow (as opposed to sub-flows) requires an input node that is able to start its execution, allocating the execution instance to a thread in the Execution Group process. Examples of nodes able to do that are: MQInput, SOAPInput, HTTPInput and JMSInput nodes. The top level flow could also be deployed if it contains at least one sub-flow with one of the aforementioned nodes.


In Fish, how do you tweak things around to match special key bindings?

So I finally give a try to Fish, and as one would expect I encounter some frictions due to differences with my usual routines.
The most astonishing for me, as for many other, was the absence of the bang operator. I'm fine with the lose of sudo !!, as the suggested function replacement seems even better to me, I named it gar which means "To make, compel (someone to do something); to cause (something to be done." However I'll need a replacement for !<abc><enter> which grab the last history line starting with <abc> and run it without further ado, suggestions are welcome.
Now, for the more personal things:
- I use a Typematrix 2030 keyboard
- I use a bépo layout
- I like to configure default finger position keys with the most used actions
As on my keybord <enter> is well positioned and is semantically relevant for that, ideally I would like to achieve the following key binding:
ctrl-enter: accept the whole suggestion and run it without further confirmation
ctrl-tab: accept the whole suggestion and wait for further edit
alt-enter: redo the last command without further confirmation
But according to xev it appears that, at least with Gnome-terminal, this combinations are not recognized. Are they terminal that supports it? For now I remapped these three to <ctrl>-i, <alt>-i and <alt>-I respectively:
bind --preset \ci forward-char execute
bind --preset \ei forward-char
bind --preset \eI forward-word
This works as expected, but it seems that now the tab key will also map to the first item. I guess that tab map to <alt>-i at some point in the shell stack. I wasn't aware of that, so I don't know yet if it will be possible for Fish to separate each of them.
To manage jobs, I also came with
bind --preset \es fg
bind --preset \eS bg
The first works as expected, but the second one doesn't. With application like vim, the binding should be operated in the application configuration itself of course. But for things as trivial as yes, <alt>-S won't work as expected while <crl>-z continue to operate normally.
I also would like to bind some commands like ls -alh and git status --short to a directly executed command, showing the result bellow the currently edited line, allowing to further type seamlessly, but didn't find the way to do it yet.
Summary of remaining question
So here are my more precise questions summarised:
how do I bind the sleep signal to <alt>-S?
is there a terminal I can use where <alt>-<enter> and <ctrl>-<enter> works?
how to seamlessly run command while maintaining the current line edition in place?
can you bind something to <alt>-i without altering <tab>?
how do I bind the sleep signal to -S?
What you are doing with bind \es fg is to alter a binding inside the shell.
But when you execute yes, the shell isn't currently in the foreground, so shell bindings don't apply.
What you'd have to do instead is change the terminal settings via stty susp \cs,
but fish resets the terminal settings when executing commands (so you can't accidentally break them and end up in an unusable environment), so there currently is no way to do this in fish.
can you bind something to <alt>-i without altering <tab>?
Sure. You bind \ei. Which is escape+i, which is alt-i (because in a terminal alt is escape).
Your problem is with ctrl-i, which in the way terminals encode control+character is tab. The application receives an actual tab character, and at that point the information has been lost.
is there a terminal I can use where - and - works?
Most terminals should send \e\r for alt-enter. ctrl-enter again is unencodable with the usual code (because \r is ctrl-m), just like ctrl-tab is.
Any fix to this requires the terminal to encode these combination differently.
how to seamlessly run command while maintaining the current line edition in place?
I don't know what you mean by this. I'm guessing you want fish to remain open and editable while a command also runs in the foreground. That can't work. There's no way to synchronize output from two commands to a terminal, not with cursor movement being what it is.

Jenkins is replacing text in a build step with other text

I would not have believed this if I had not seen it with my own eyes. In any sort of build step (we have tried multiple types) the term http(s):// is replaced with
We have verified the behavior on two different computers (one Mac, one Windows 10).
Both and are valid domain names. is used in other jobs.
It occurs at the time of saving with any job that we create or edit. If we create a job and add a build step that should print it prints
It occurs with any type of build step.
The text is modified in the configuration of the job build step.
The job does not have to be executed. It occurs when it is saved at the time of creation or when it is edited. =>
But when we join the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to the domain name, we do not experience the issue.
'https://' + '' =>
Changing the domain extension does not change the string. =>
I was intimately involved in setting up the system and I have not created anything that to my knowledge would cause this to occur.

WMBT msg flow class inherit error

I'm trying to build websphere message broker however I've stumbled into weird issue. When using mqsicreatebar to create BAR file the build returns following error trice (three times, with different problem number):
Problem 22: Resource - /ErrorHandlingLib/error/handling/ErrorHandler.subflow; Error message - Class should inherit from MbJavaComputeNode..
I have found solution for this in one of the forums which stated that adding full class path to MbJavaComputeNode (as in: extends the problem should be solved. However it was older wmbt version and neither this, neither any of the new IBM released wmbt fixes helped.
The error printing three times is probably because Java compute node in the sublfow is used in three different routes.
Websphere message broker toolkit used is v8.0.0.5
The classes, that you assign to the Java Compute nodes in your flows must extend the MbJavaComputeNode class.
This error says that you have some Java Computes that are not referencing such classes.
I suggest creating the classes for the Java Compute nodes with the wizard, which starts when you double click a newly inserted Java Compute node which has no class assigned to it.

Failure on CSV import into Neo4j 2.2.0-RC01

I'm having some weird issues when using the batch load into Neo4j 2.2.0-RC1. I am trying to import 10 different node sets (for different labels) along with 12 relationship files. The data sets vary in size - some node types have ~200-300k records, some are small (50-100 records). For most node types I have a separate file with a header and separate file with data for each of the sets (the data is generated from the DB and I want to be able to regenerate the dump files without worrying about preparing the :ID columns, describing data types etc.)
I am re-running the import task a number of times (with options --processors 1 --stacktrace) and I keep getting different errors (not a single change in the actual dataset) which makes me think it might be something concurrency-related. Sometimes import simply hangs with a message like this:
[>:36.75 MB/s------------------------|*PROPERTIES-----------------------------------------|NOD|] 0
In most cases, it crashes with an error like below, except the number of nodes that it manages to import fine differs from run to run.
[>:27.23 MB/s-------------|*PROPERTIES--------------------------|NO|v:19.62 MB/s---------------]100kImport error: Panic called, so exiting
java.lang.RuntimeException: Panic called, so exiting
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.StageExecution.stillExecuting(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.anyStillExecuting(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.finishAwareSleep(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.supervise(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisors.superviseDynamicExecution(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.ParallelBatchImporter.executeStages(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.ParallelBatchImporter.doImport(
at org.neo4j.tooling.ImportTool.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Panic called, so exiting
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.AbstractStep.assertHealthy(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ProducerStep.process(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ProducerStep$
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Nodes for any specific group must be added in sequence before adding nodes for any other group
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.put(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.NodeEncoderStep.process(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.NodeEncoderStep.process(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutorServiceStep$
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutorServiceStep$
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.executor.DynamicTaskExecutor$
I managed to run it successfully once, which, again, seems to imply that some sort of timing issue is at play.
Unfortunately I cannot provide the datasets as they contain confidential data.
The weirdest thing of all is that if I split the load into 2 different sets (the datasets are almost separate subgraphs, they have only 2 relationships in common) then all works fine (so not likely to be data related), but even loading just nodes doesn't work if I put them all into a single command. And because it's not possible to force a load into an existing database, loading it in 2 steps is sadly not an option.
1) Is that a known issue and if so, any ETA on a fix / issue that I could follow?
2) If not, is there any troubleshooting I can do to get to the bottom of it? The messages.log file in the target DB directory contains VERY little output, it would be nice if I could get some more details on what's going wrong.
I've spotted the problem. Thanks for reporting/asking. The next release will include this fix. I see an additional set of integration tests for the import tool. I'll provide link to commit once it's in.

Xpdf pid missing in Awesome

I'm trying to do some magic with Awesome, generally I suffer from missing Xpdf pid. When I have any other window I'm testing, the field is OK, and contains the window's pid. However with Xpdf this field is always set to 0.
Is there any way to get Xpdf's windows pid in Awesome, so I could find this window in the clients list?
The window manager learns about a client's PID because the client tells it about it.
For example, when I run the following command and click on a random window, I get:
$ xprop _NET_WM_PID
However, it seems like Xpdf does net set the _NET_WM_PID property. There is nothing that a window manager can do about this.
(xprop without any arguments gives you a complete list of all the properties that a window has. It looks like xpdf does not set many properties on its windows.)
