Here is a scenario. I have a Grails application that depends on multiple plugins.
Say App depends on pluginMain, pluginA and pluginB. i.e the looks like
pluginMain version1
pluginA versionX
pluginB versionX
pluginB is a custom plugin written by me.
pluginA is a 3rd party plugin. I dont have control over the source code.
both pluginA and pluginB depend on pluginMain.
So when the application loads, depending on the load order of these plugins, Each of pluginA and pluginB try to install pluginMain. The problem is if pluginA loads first it installs version2 of pluginMain and if pluginB loads first then it installs version1 of pluginMain. The app is using version1 of pluginMain. In this case both versions of the pluginMain are installed.
due to multiple versions, the app blows up after starting up. To be precise, it leads to infinite redirects on the login page.
So I was wondering if there is way to specify the load order of the plugins, so that in the app I can say load pluginMain version 1. and all the remaining plugins would use this version of pluginMain.
You may be able to force your app to use the desired plugin version in configuration.
Plugin Dependencies
I had a similar situation but wound up just updating my custom plugins to use the newer version of the depended-on plugin.
I have literally tried every possible combination that I can think of to install weceem as a plugin into an existing sample application that I'm practicing grails development on, nothing has worked. I've tried all the recommended repositories in various combinations and that did not work. I have tried several versions of grails between 2.3.7 to 2.4.2 and cannot get it to work. I followed the documentation on the site for installing the plugin and was not able to get it to successfully work.
Is there another CMS that runs in grails applications that's worth looking at?
Yes, there is one (indeed a new one) called spud cms which can be used. BTW, what was the error you were getting while using weceem plugin?
The plugin should be defined in the plugin section in BuildConfig.groovy as:
plugins {
compile ":weceem:1.2"
The plugin should work for version of grails-2.3.x (version 2.3.7 should be ok -- the demo application for weceem you can find there ); the version of grails-2.4 is not supported yet in weceem-1.2 (but should be supported in new release that is planned in month or two). Please, provide the error stack-trace, to see the problem.
After some help from July Antonicheva, this is what I did to get it working:
1) Switched to NetBeans IDE
2) I downloaded version 7 of Java (Oracle)
3) Created a brand new project based on Grails 2.3.7
4) Added weceem plugin and made some adjustments to Datasource.groovy to add MySQL support
Everything is working fine now without errors. The current version of weceem needs Grails 2.3.7 and Java 7 in order for it work. I mentioned that I switched to NetBeans IDE, I found it to be a little easier to work with than eclipse and for some reason it seemed to run a little faster.
I am using Grails 2.4.0.RC1 (and JDK 1.7.0_55) and whenever I browse to any app view that makes use of javascript files from the web-app folder, the java process seems to lock those files.
So I cannot work on any of those javascript files any more since when I try to save changes Windows 7 will not let me do it.
I used Process Explorer to check which process is locking the files and it's the java process running the grails app indeed.
At first I thought that this problem could be related to the new asset-pipeline:1.8.7 plugin which I am using. So I uninstalled it to check if the problem was still there... and it was.
The same app was running on Grails 2.3.5 just fine (although we were using an older JDK too... I must check with JDK 1.7.0_55).
By the way, something similar happened with a much older version of Grails:
Is Anyone experiencing the same problem?
I have tested this problem running the app on different versions of java and these are my results:
Win7-64bits, grails2.4.0.RC1, jdk1.7.0_55 -> PROBLEM OCCURS
Win7-64bits, grails2.4.0.RC1, jdk1.7.0_25 -> PROBLEM OCCURS
Win7-64bits, grails2.4.0.RC1, jdk1.6.0_18 -> OK
I created a blank app (which uses Tomcat by default) and everything works fine.
The same blank app using jetty-plugin (with Jetty8) DOES present the problem.
I am further investigating this now.
I found the problem.
It had to do with the jetty-plugin indeed.
On the official version of the plugin 2.0.3 which uses Jetty7, the locking problem is NOT present. But this plugin uses a very old version of Jetty, so it's no use.
On the branch of the plugin created to run Jetty8:
... the problem is there.
Also, on the new grails jetty plugin version 3.0.x (which uses Jetty 9.0.x), the problem is there too!
Have a look at:
Jetty locking static files in Windows
Apparently the "useFileMappedBuffer" init-param of Jetty has to be set to false to prevent file locking.
You can use a local version of the jetty plugin and modify the above-mentioned property on [jetty-plugin]/grails-app/conf/webdefault.xml
I recently installed SpringSource Tool Suite. And I want to start working with Grails projects. So, I went to the Dashboard -> Extension, where I saw two extensions: Grails (current production release) and Grails Support as in the image below.
But when I try to install them, I get the following errors :
Problems occurred while performing installation: Operation details
Operation details
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile (SharedProfile_com.springsource.sts.ide
Missing requirement: Shared profile (SharedProfile_com.springsource.sts.ide requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
What can I do to resolve this error ? Or are there any other options I can follow to install Grails extension?
Thank you!
I would switch to the new "Groovy/Grails Tool Suite" that was recently announced (see Go to the standard download page at and click "Other Downloads >". Download the version for your OS under "Milestone Version - Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.0.0.M2".
It is a beta/milestone release but I've been using it since it was released and it's as stable as a final release so far. It's convenient since the Groovy-Eclipse plugin and the Grails support are already configured for you, in addition to the latest Grails (2.0.4). Any other plugins that you need from the standard STS can always be installed using the standard install/update procedure.
Yes, what #BurtBeckwith said. You should move to the new GGTS.
However, to address your particular problem, you installed STS into a read-only directory (or in C:\Program files). You need to re-install it somewhere else.
The Eclipse p2 installer cannot handle installing feature patches into a read-only directory. Groovy-Eclipse ships with a feature patch to extend the JDT compiler. I believe that this problem was fixed in the Juno release of Eclipse (4.2), which came out last week.
Deleting corresponding application from Windows memory removed the problem (Grails extension in SpringSource Tool Suite errors). Double running applications (earlier and new) could also be reason why GGS or STS sometimes cannot save .groovy files (with error message or without).
How to update many plugins version when old plugin's version had manual changes in project?
Is there any tool available for doing this?
or tell proper method for updating ruby plugin version if some plugins may have manual changes done before in the older plugin's version.
Best method when a plugin is required or preferred *might be to copy out the old plugin to a dummy directory for reviewing later, then
uninstall the plugin, (script/plugin uninstall plugin_name)
install the old (but unmodified version) plugin (script/plugin install plugin_name_source_address) - likely either from rubyforge or github
review against the saved version you put in the dummy directory using an editor capable of differential display (that is, which allows you to compare two files for variations. Notepad++ is one freebie that will do this, but there are a ton of editors that allow diff views)
(this may or may not be something you can script. idk. I'm not that good, but I don't know of a tool that will do it all for you)
do another uninstall on the plugin to clear it out, since it's job is done,
install the new version of the plugin (script/plugin install plugin_name_source_address)
and finally edit the new plugin as necessary to accommodate any customization that was performed by you or some third party to the original utility.
I say as necessary because some of the customizations may not even be required in the newer version, although I can't say for sure...
finally, once all your patches are re-added to the new plugin and it's been tested and verified, either delete the dummy directory or archive it for future reference.
See, and I didn't even cop out with a bundler answer. You DID ask for assistance with a plugin, right? ;)
I'm not quite following you, but surely but that's what the Gemfile is for?
Take a look at Bundler
Try to run "$gem install rails"(it will install the newer version of rails) and then install watever the gem it asks finally run "$bundle install"
I have an example Grails application (from Grails in Action) that was created a while ago under version 1.1.1 on a different PC.
I am now loading Grails 1.2.0 and want to revisit the app. However, when I try to run it I get this message:
Application expects grails version [1.1.1], but GRAILS_HOME is version [1.2.0] - use the correct Grails version or run 'grails upgrade' if this Grails version is newer than the version your application expects.
After reading around a bit I cleared out the 1.2.0 folder under .grails in my home directory (from previous attempts while exploring the issue), ran "grails clean" and "grails upgrade" (answering "y" where prompted).
However, I consistently get "Invalid duplicate class definition" conflicts between classes in \grails\qotd\src\java and \grails\qotd\grails-app{controllers,services,conf}.
Are there any additional manual steps that I need to perform?
I understood your problem.
The solution is just modify the grails vesion to 1.2.0 in file in your application
If, as you pointed out in the comments, your /src/java contains .groovy files - that could definitely cause unexpected behavior. I haven't hit your particular issue, but any time I had a .groovy file mismatched with the class name inside it, I'd get strange compilation issues - so I guess you could be having a similar issue.
If you have files / classes with the same names in two locations, that's the likely culprit. If you have .groovy files in /src/java, that's another potential source.
Also, putting BootStrap, Config, DataSource and URLMappings into /src/java, that's another potential source of issues. I'd clear out your /src/java by making sure all the files are in their appropriate places under grails-app.
You can upgrade grails version with 5 steps
Project -> Clean -> Change app.grails.version
Your project -> Properties -> Grails -> Change grails installation
to new grails version.
Your project -> Grails tools -> Refresh Dependencies
I think this may be help you