Possible to send automated email? - ios

The iOS SDK class MFMailComposeViewController can be used to let the user compose an email message.
What I'd like to do, is for the iOS app to send an email in the background, with no user interaction. Is this at all possible/allowed in the iOS SDK?

Nope. There isn't any API available to do this. You'd need to roll your own SMTP client and have the user enter credentials into your application. On top of that Apple may not approve this.

Unfortunately, I don't think Apple would ever allow this because (for example) then you could just get everyone's email address by auto-sending mail to yourself. :(

I actually wanted to implement something like this for the express purpose of alerting me when a critical error happens on an app in the app market.
Best solution would be to create an API (just ping a php file or something), and have it send the relative alert message to your email).


How to send user input to designated e-mail?

I am developing an iOS app targeting iOS 9 and above using Swift 3 and xCode 8.
I have a "Contact ViewController" which contains multiple forms where user enters its data to submit. Collected data also contains users' e-mail address. I am validating all the information that entered by the user correctly.
So, what I would like to do is my "send" button to send the user's all data to an e-mail address.
Is this possible without using Mail App or its interface? Do I need additional framework for such functionality?
I appreciate your time and sharing your thoughts.
This is not possible secretly. You can't send an email from the users device via the Apple Mail app because the system will not allow that. You can prepare an email with all the data that opens and let the user send it to you by tapping "Send" in the NavigationBar. So yes, you would need another framework to do that.
But I would not use emails to do that. Just use a server you send the data to or a service like Firebase.
If you really have to send E-mails, and just pushing the data to a backend API is not enough:
This is not possible using built-in functionality, but you could leverage an external mail delivery service like Mailgun to send your mails. (From a security standpoint, this should be handled by a server and not by the app itself however.)

How to send SMS on the iPhone without pressing send button? (If just for demo, not for the Appstore)

I am working on an app that can automatically send a message to some specific ones (either emails or SMS) under some dangerous circumstances.
When someone is in danger, he or she has no time to press the send button. Is it possible for the user to approve sending messages in the app in advance, so the app can automatically send emails or SMS to others without telling the user?
I searched in StackOverflow, but found no similar answers.
This is just for a demo. It does not need to be approved by Apple.
Thanks in advance!
Take a look at the ChatKit framework.
It uses iOS private APIs to do what you want to achieve. Don't try to submit it to Apple though.
With this framework, you can programmatically compose and send text messages through iMessage/SMS.

Is it possible to send mails periodically from iOS app

I'm developing an app that creates a simple document with basic information created by the app. It won't contain any personal information, but it will contain data created and requested by the user. I want the user to be able to send this to themselves via email. I would also like to add the option for the user to have this file (which updates daily) to be able to send to them automatically every week/month, so they won't have to think about it. The user can set the intervals themselves.
Is this possible? The user will set up this option themselves from a menu, so it's not like they won't know it's happening. Every automatic mail will also contain information on how to turn the option back off again.
Is this possible and is it allowed by Apple?
Thanks for your reply
It is not possible from within the app. A user has to explicitly send the email through the MFMailComposeViewController.
If you want this functionality, you should build a backend for your app.
To clarify, if you want to use the users configured accounts; i.e. the account they use with Mail, then no you cannot do this automatically. The other answers rely on the fact a user enters their POP/IMAP settings, which personally I would never do.
You could use an email service as mandril or mailgun, to send emails "from your app".
Take a look at this: https://github.com/rackerlabs/objc-mailgun
There's a library called MailCore that's incredibly powerful. You can use it to send mail in the background of your app without needing to present the built in mail composer view

MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail - Exchange Active Sync

I'm writting an iOS application, and I allow users to send e-mail from my application.
To detect if they are able to send email, I use the method [MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail].
It works well except if I have an Exchange Active Sync account register. In this case, the canSendMail method returns false !
Anybody know why it seems that MFMailComposeViewController does not recognize my Exchange account as an email account? And what I could do?
Thank you for your help.
Do you have the ability to test with a phone that has an Exchange Active Sync account right now? If not try to get one.
Then see what happens if you just ignore that flag and try to send mail anyway. If in the end you can send email, then at least for the time being you could pop an ActionSheet that says "If you are using 'Exchange Active Sync', tap Continue, otherwise you should Cancel and configure a Mail account". This would at least let you continue working til Apple fixes it.
In any case you should enter a bug on this with Apple (bugreporter.apple.com).
It was a problem with my MobileIron configuration. The certificate I received from the MDM does not allow me to send email from another application than Mail.
So: All works fine with Exchange and MFMailComposeViewController.

Is there a way to force an email received by a blackberry to open directly in a certain URL?

Let me explain:
There are some apps (like the Facebook app) that send emails to the BB device, but when I open the said email, it opens directly in my facebook app. How is that possible? Is there an API or something I need to know about to be able to program that on my own app?
On another topic, could I do the same thing, but simply force the email to open a certain url in the BB browser?
Hope I explained myself.
Short answer, yes.
Take a look at the Message List Demo Sample application and the net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist.* apis. That will handle the "injecting my own stuff into the message list" component of what Facebook does.
Secondly as for "grabbing incoming emails and doing things with them" you need to use FolderListener from net.rim.blackberry.api.mail.* APIs
