Blackberry Sound Graphic Analyser - blackberry

In my BB application I need to play/record sound and simultaneously show a Sound Graphic Analyser(as shown in image attached) within the application.I have searched forums but have found nothing significant.
I want to show graphics as shown when playing or recording music dependending upon the pitch of the sound. Is this possible?

As far as I know there is no API in RIM SDK to obtain such data upon playing a media file. But you can analyze the sound file contents by yourself, draw diagram and implement "cursor" (vertical green line on your image) that will be based on the time passed after start of the sound playing.


AudioKit, create eq from reference file

I'm working with an audio app and Im using the amazing AudioKit.
Now, I want to color my app sounds with the eq-curve of an old speaker cabinet. I have this reference audio file which contains white noise that was played back through this speaker cabinet and then recorded with a mic.
I´ve manually analyzed the file in a music DAW and created a parametric eq with 60 AKEqualizerFilter, but it must be a better way..?! Both time wise and performance wise.. Ive also tried the AKConvolution by sending it a very short clip of the filtered white noise, but its most hearable on the very short slap back it produces..
Any tips would be great! Thanks

SoundCloud waveform generation mechanics and display

I am developing an app for iOS devices that is supposed to have a waveforms of music files like on SoundCloud. The problem is that I have achieved generation of waveform of fully downloaded file, how to generate a waveform of streaming audio during its playback? If someone's aware of how SoundCloud presents its waveforms please reply.
If we are talking about SoundCloud, for displaying an audio waveform, what I think is that they are -somehow- working with metadata for each specific audio to draw its desired waveform; Why it might be right? that's because the waveform will be drawn for each audio even before playing it (without waiting for streaming it). Applying the previous approach might be suitable solution for your issue.
However, I suggest to checkout this library, it might contains what are you looking for (drawing the waveform while streaming the audio file).
Also checking this Q&A might be helpful to your case.
Hope this helped.

Effect to audio and video file

In my app I want to give effect to audio and video file like it is given to Pheed Application. I want to mix audio recorded sound with predefine clips. And also want to give sound different effect like echo , surrounding Normal , And with video file I want to add different effects like sepia,.. I don't know which class library I have to use to implement6 this . Can any one suggest me any library for that or any way how to do that?
Here are a pair of libraries you can try:
For audio filters and effects you can try with The Amazing Audio Engine. It is build on top of Core Audio.
For video effects try GPUImage. I haven't tried it but it is supposed to work better than Core Image when handling videos.

ios overlaying alpha channel video on another video

I have been trying to create a video template which uses alpha channel video overlayed on the mp4 videos and images.
This is how I need to create a video
For overlaying alpha video on another videos, I have used AVAnimator, I was succeeded for playing a preview using AVFoundation, AVSynchronizedLayer and AVAnimator.
When rendering video from composition, frames of alpha channel videos renders very slowly.
I need to create a video with alpha channel video on top of another video.
Can any one please suggest me what are the possible ways to render a video like ?
You mention that you have looked at AVAnimator, did you download the KittyBoom example project and try it out? The specifics of how it works are detailed in this post. One thing to note is that when you build and run on the device, you need to turn Debug mode off otherwise it will not execute quickly because a number of extra checks are done in debug mode. Also, you have to make sure to test on the actual device, the simulator is not a good measure of performance on a real device. Performance is a key problem with video that contains an alpha channel as iOS does not support video with an alpha channel by default.

Load video from iPhone library, modify frame and play it in real-time

I'm looking for a tips to develop an application for iPhone/iPad that will be able to process video (let's consider only local files stored on the device for simplicity) and play it in real-time. For example you can choose any movie and choose "Old movie" filter and want it like on old lamp TV.
In order to make this idea real i need to implement two key features:
1) Grab frames and audio stream from a movie file and get access to separate frames (I'm interested in raw pixel buffer in BGRA or at least YUV color space).
2) Display processed frames somehow. I know it's possible to render processed frame to OpenGL texture, but i would like to have more powerful component with playback controls. Is there any class of media player that supports playing custom image and audio buffers?
The processing function is done and it's fast (less than duration on one frame).
I'm not asking for ready solution, but any tips are welcome!
Frame grabbing.
It seems the only way to grab video and audio frames is to use AVAssetReader class. Although it's not recommended to use for real-time grabbing it does the job. In my tests on iPad2 grabbing single frame needs about 7-8 ms. Seeking across the video is a tricky. Maybe someone can point to more efficient solution?
Video playback. I've done this with custom view and GLES to render a rectangle texture with a video frame inside of it. As far as i know it's the fastest way to draw bitmaps.
Need to manually play a sound samples
AVAssetReader grabbing should be synchronized with a movie frame rate. Otherwise movie will go too fast or too slow.
AVAssetReader allows only continuous frame access. You can't seek forward and backward. Only proposed solution is to delete old reader and create a new with trimmed time range.
This is how you would load a video from the camera roll..
This is a way to start processing video. Brad Larson did a great job..
How to grab video frames..
You can use AVPlayer+ AVPlayerItem, it provide you a chance to apply a filter on the display image.
