Blackberry OS 7 - blackberry

I have an App. that was built for BB OS 6. Wanted to know if it will work on the new OS 7 without any glitches.
If not, can it be ported without re-doing the entire thing.

It will work but as the devices probably will have different resolutions maybe you will have to made some code changes so de fields adapt better to the screen even if the code behave dinamically.
You can see it if you try your app in the simulator.

It will work without making any changes, as Blackberry 7 has backward compatibility for the builds. You might get some regulations issues, if your program is coded to behave dynamically then no issues.
Also, You don't really need to build again. Just go ahead and install on Blackberry 7. It will work.


Building IDE for iPadOS 16 - Limitations?

I'm considering a side project of making a simple IDE that can compile and run code locally on the iPad. How possible is this?
Is there any iPadOS limitations that would prevent me to access the hardware on the iPad?
Can I fully utilize the M1 chip on the iPad Pro for large scale projects?
Would building a terminal along with the IDE be possible?
File management is a whole other thing I'm also concerned about.
There are applications like 'Pythonista' and 'Termius' that look like they are able to do this, but I wanted to ask how doable this is before I dedicate any time on it.
I would really appreciate any resource/information on this.

Is there a way to just apply changes in iOS simulator without rebuilding the whole app?

I'm asking because this is a feature of android studio and was wondering if xcode or an external thing had something similar?
Yes, there is: or from here Also, I think you can get it through Alcatraz too if you have it on your XCode
Also, another tip if you have not made any changes and just want to attach the debugger and run the app without building you can do: CMD+Control+R which will run the app instantly without building.
It's would be very useful feature for development, if the same would be possible with upcoming version.
But unfortunately, as of now, with current latest version of Xcode, it is not possible to apply source code changes without rebuilding an application.
Nice question, it deserves space in Apple Bug Reporter...

Test code on older iOS version

I have a piece of code that has a specific behavior under iOS9. However, I know that it didn't always behave in the manner it does under iOS9. I wanted to run it on previous versions, so I could discover when the behavior was fixed.
Unfortunately, Xcode 7 seems to only support simulators back to iOS 8.1.
Short of reinstalling previous iOS versions on an actual device, is there any way to install and run simulators for earlier iOS versions? Or, is there another method to accomplish my goal?
This edit is to explain why I do not think this post is a duplicate, as indicated in the close request. Hopefully, in explaining why it is not a duplicate, it also better explains the issue and hopefully results in a solution.
#JeremyHuddlestonSequoia - Thanks for the input. That post has really good information. However, I don't consider this a duplicate for several reasons.
I already knew that information, and it didn't keep me from asking this question. So, for whatever reason, it does not give me what I'm looking for.
I don't consider questions to be duplicates if one is talking about the behavior of a beta release and the other is talking about the behavior oaf a production release.
I don't want to know how to install older simulators. I want to know if there is another way to run the simulators outside of the Xcode preferences. I think it is completely absurd that Apple have determined that nobody in the world needs to run older simulators with newer versions of Xcode. Thus, I'm looking for some alternative to the solutions in the possible duplicate question.
If there is no other way to install the simulators, maybe there is some online resource that has simulators available going back to iOSx.y that may be accessed, even if that access is for-pay. Or, maybe there is some online resource that runs stuff on actual devices, and I can submit my code to that resource.
Maybe there is some other way I haven't thought of for me to get the answers I am looking for. Basically, I want to know in which exact release of iOS a specific behavior changed. Thus, I want to run a small piece of code on different iOS versions until I witness the difference.
The fallback is to reinstall each OS on a device. Maybe someone knows of a way to do this programmatically so I can kick off the process and have it run on it's own. There are a bunch of possibilities, but I am unaware of what's out there to deal with this issue.
I was hoping that there was some way to install older simulators. The first paragraph of the original post explained my ultimate goal. The last sentence of the original post summed up the difference between this post and that post.
I'm not just looking for a way to install older simulators. That would be a WONDERFUL way to accomplish my goal. I'm looking for a way to test code on older iOS versions. Using the simulator is one possibility... if there is some way to convince Xcode to do it on something older than 8.1.

Blackberry OS 5,6,7

I have to build a app that should support Blackberry OS 5,6,7. My question is would one app would be enough or do I have to build 2 separate apps?
i.e 1 compatible with OS 5 and 2nd with OS 6 and 7.
Also I would like to know if there are any open source graph API's for Blackberry 5,6,7 or not!
Please guide me!
You may build for 5, 6 and 7 at one time. Use pre-processor directives to avoid compilation problems for multiple OS's. Then you would need to check separately for UI items depending upon the screen resolution and OS version. One quick check can be Display.getWidth().

What do you need to do to create a single package for blackberry OS5 and OS6 devices?

A newb question and one I haven't been able to see much advice on, but is it possible to create a single package that will install and run on both blackberry OS5 and OS6 devices?
I want to avoid preprocessing or creation of two different COD files.
I am not using anything special that differs between the two OS's (afaik!)
Yes, absolutely. So far, RIM has made all of it's OS revisions backwards-compatible. So anything you write against any given OS version will work on that version and all newer versions.
That's not to say that you won't run into funny quirks when moving to newer OS versions, but your code will execute without recompilation. You just can't take advantage of any of the newer OS's API changes without doing preprocessing.
Basically in this case you just should not use APIs which were added in OS6.
