‘Cannot modify header information’ at the very first line - php-5.3

I'm getting this very weird error. I call it weird because the full error is
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [...]/user.php:1)
As you can see it says that the first line of the script prints something, therefore the header is already sent. The point is that the script is:
class User extends AppModel {
And nothing more! Not even a space or anything else.
I can't really understand what's wrong with it.
Additional information
The point is that the script works without any problem in my local webserver but not when I upload it to my hosting server.
I ran a shell script on my whole folder (with all my script) too look for whitespace at the beginning or at the end of the pages, but nothing was found.

In your code editor, save the file without BOM.


HttpContent.ReadAsMultipartAsync leaves behind a temporary file

I'm starting to go loopy on this one, which normally means I'm missing something obvious.
I have the following code in my .NET MVC controller:
var provider = new CustomMultipartFileStreamProvider("prefix", GetRepositoryTempFolder());
await request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider);
The CustomMultipartFileStreamProvider inherits from MultipartFileStreamProvider, overrides the GetLocalFileName method and returns an appropriate file name for a given ContentDisposition header. The HttpContent handled is normally a PDF file and a small JSON settings component.
Everything works wonderfully as far as getting the parts parsed, extracted and saved in the expected location. However, after parsing I end up with a temporary file left over in my C:\Windows\Temp folder. The file has a randomly generated name (e.g. zf0hk2h4.ks2). It has the same size and creation date as the PDF portion parsed and saved by ReadAsMultipartAsync.
I believe ReadAsMultipartAsync uses this temporary file during parsing and leaves it behind. Has anyone else experienced this? Any way I can prevent ReadAsMultipartAsync from leaving this temporary file behind and clogging up the Windows temp folder?
My apologies; I was missing something. The file was being moved after processing. This is an invalid question; there is nothing wrong with ReadAsMultipartAsync.

Jmeter doesn't save response data or headers

I'm building some simple load testing for my API, and to make sure everything is on the up and up I'd like to also review the response headers and data. But when I run my test using the command line and then re-open the GUI to add a View Results Tree listener and load the created file the response headers or response data is empty.
I entered the following values into user.properties (also tried uncommenting those values in jmeter.properties and changing them there, same result)
jmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=csv (tried xml, omitting it, jtl)
But still no luck when opening the result file. I tried declaring the file after the -l tag as results.csv, .jtl, even .xml but none of them show me the headers and data.
I'm running it locally on Mac OS X 10.10 using the following command, jmeter version is 2.12
java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar -n -t /Users/[username]/Documents/API_test.jmx -l results_15.jtl
I don't know if it's not even saving that data, or if the Listeners can't read it or if I've been cursed but any help is appreciated.
It works fine if I add a Listener and run it using the GUI, but if I try to run my larger tests that way, well, things don't end well for anyone.
So my question is:
How do I save the response header and data to a file when using the command line, and how do I then view said file in jmeter?
Add a Simple Data Writer (under Listeners) and output to a file (NB: different file than your log). Under the 'configure' button, there are all sorts of options of what to save. One of the check boxes is Save Response Header.
This file can get huge if you're saving a bunch of things for every request- one strategy is to check everything, but only save for errors. But you can do whatever works for you.
You can also turn on "Functional Test Mode" which will produce a large file but will contain pretty much anything you might need to debug your test.
Beware, this can create a very large JTL file, so don't forget to turn it off for your large test runs! See JMeter Maven mojo throws IllegalArgumentException with large JTL file
Alternatively use a Tree View Listener in the GUI for a small sample of the requests and check the request/response in the GUI (including headers) to debug or check your test.
Add Below lines in user.properties file
Restart cmd prompt.

Python kivy filechooser reads wrong path

I'm trying to use Kivy as a GUI for my python app, which needs to read a file from the filesystem.
However, in some cases the kivy filechooser read wrong path or nothing causing an IndexError while I'm trying to set the read path for a text of a textfield.
I use the default example for reading files learned from http://kivy.org/docs/api-kivy.uix.filechooser.html
The relevant part of my app is in this function, where an exception handling is added as a not a good approach to handle this :)
def load(self, path, filename):
this will load the file and dismiss the dialog
print "Loading file..."
print "filename:",filename
print "path:",path
self.selected_file = filename[0]
self.file_text_input.text = self.selected_file
except IndexError as ie:
print "Something made a boo-boo...try again"+str(ie)
self.show_popup("ERROR","Somehow I couldn't load the file:\nCheck the permissions or move it to other place")
self.show_popup() is just a helper function, which shows a popup with the set function params.
The basic error is that filename[0] will throw an IndexError since it does not read the correct path.
I'm using Linux with python2.7, and somethimes when I select a file in my home folder, the filename variable stores nothing, while path variable stores misteriously a random folder, for instance, /media, /opt, etc.
Did anyone meet this issue?
I found out why it was handled uncorrectly.
All the failures are caused by Kivy's
, which enables to click on folders and files via a list, but it also makes it possible to have a littel '>' sign at the beginning of every list element, which are directories.
I realized that when I used these '>' signs, then I get wrong path, but if I always clicks on the directories' list elements then everything works fine.
However, that little '>' cannot be disabled (for now), so the best and fastest alternate solution is using
Now everything is good :)

Running a system command (pdflatex) within my Rails Controller

So I have a Rails application that upon user submission should generate some kind of a .tex file based on the user input, compile it into a pdf, and deliver the pdf. Through process of elimination, I am pretty positive that everything is working except for one line; the one where pdflatex is called.
Here's the vital snippet of code:
(If it matters, its located in the Questions controller under the generate action, which is called after the form sends the relevant information. Though this may not be the best way, I'm pretty certain its not the cause of the error)
texHeader = 'app\assets\tex\QuestionsFront.txt'
texOut = 'app\assets\tex\Questions.tex'
#copy latex header to new file
FileUtils.cp(texHeader, texOut)
File.open(texOut, 'a+') do |fout|
# a loop writes some more code to fout (its quite lengthy)
#The problem line:
puts `pdflatex app/assets/tex/Questions.tex --output-directory=app/assets/tex`
filename = 'Questions.pdf'
filelocation = "app\\assets\\tex\\" + filename
File.open(filelocation, 'r') do |file|
send_file file, :filename => filename, :type => "application/pdf", :disposition => "attachment"
Here's my reasoning: It generates the .tex file correctly, and given a pre-created Questions.pdf file it sends it just fine. When the command in the puts is copied to the terminal, it runs without a hitch (the file begins with \nonstopmode so no worries about small errors). But for some reason, when I run the above script, not even a log file is created with an error.
What am I overlooking? Any ideas? Any way of seeing what output the puts line is creating?
Thanks so much in advance!
Figured out my own problem. The error is pretty interesting. You'll see I'm calling
puts `pdflatex app/assets/tex/Questions.tex --output-directory=app/assets/tex`
within the block
File.open(texOut, 'a+') do |fout|
where just a few lines prior
texOut = 'app\assets\tex\Questions.tex'
Basically, I'm trying to get latex to compile a document while the file is still open. So long as I'm in the File.open block, the file is open, and its automatically closed upon the end of the block.
Cutting and pasting the line of code down below the end of the block made it work just like I wanted. However, for the sake of clarity and the rare case where someone else has this problem, its actually better to open a separate system shell, navigate to the directory where the latex document is and do the compiling there. So, my updated code looks like:
system 'runlatex.bat'
where that batch file is as follows:
cd app/assets/tex
pdflatex Questions.tex
That way any additional files in the tex directory are found, the log file is created there, etc.
Reason why I never got a log file? The pdflatex never executed - the OS stopped it with a permissions error before it ever ran.
Hope this helps!
Backticks (and %x{}) provide the same parsing context as a double quoted string. That means that the usual backslashed escape sequences are interpreted inside backticks; in particular, \t is a tab so this:
puts `pdflatex app\assets\tex\Questions.tex --output-directory=app\assets\tex`
will end up with two tabs in and that breaks everything. You can start escaping your backslashes (I think you'll need two or three backslashes to get one down to the shell) or switch to normal slashes (which Windows usually accepts in paths):
puts `pdflatex app/assets/tex/Questions.tex --output-directory=app/assets/tex`
Alternatively, you could switch to open3 to avoid the escaping and quoting issues and also get better error handling capabilities.

How do I fix 'Setup project with custom action file not found' exception?

I am trying to create a setup project for a Windows Service. I've followed the directions at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/816169 to create the setup project with no trouble.
I want to be able to get a value during the installation in order to update the app.config with the user's desired settings. I added a Textboxes (A) dialog to retrieve the values. I set the Edit1Property property to "TIMETORUN", and in my Primary Output action's CustomActionData property I put in the following: /TimeToRun="[TIMETORUN]\". So far so good. Running the setup I can retrieve the TimeToRun value from the Context.Parameters collection without issue.
In order to locate the app.config I need to also pass in the value of the TARGETDIR Windows Installer Property to my custom action. This is where things begin to fall apart. In order to achieve this, the above CustomActionData must be altered like so: /TimeToRun="[TIMETORUN]\" /TargetDir="[TARGETDIR]\". Now when I run the setup I get the following error message:
Error 1001. Exception occurred while initializing the installation.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Files' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot
find the file specified.
If you google this problem you will inevitably find people having tremendous success by simply adding the trailing slash to the /TargetDir="[TARGETDIR]\" portion of the CustomActionData. This unfortunately does not solve my issue.
I tried so many different variations of the CustomActionData string and none of them worked. I tried logging to a file from my overridden Install method to determine where the breakage was, but no log file is created because it's not even getting that far. As the error indicates, the failure is during the Initialization step.
I have a hunch that it could be one of the dependencies that the setup project is trying to load. Perhaps somehow something is being appended to the CustomActionData string and isn't playing well with the TARGETDIR value (which contains spaces, i.e. "C:\Program Files\My Company\Project Name"). Again, this is another hunch that I cannot seem to confirm due to my inability to debug the setup process.
One further thing to mention, and yes it's another hunch, could this be an issue with Setup Projects on 64-bit version of Windows? I'm running Windows 7 Professional.
I'll provide names of the dependencies in case it helps:
Microsoft .NET Framework
As you may glean from the dependencies, the Windows Service is scheduling a call to a DTSX package.
Sorry for the long rant. Thanks for any help you can provide.
The answer is so maddeningly simple. If the last argument in the CustomActionData is going to contain spaces and thus you have to surround it with quotes and a trailing slash, you must also have a space following the trailing slash, like this:
/TimeToRun="[TIMETORUN]\" /TargetDir="[TARGETDIR]\ "
The solution and explanation can be found here.
Had a similar issue. In my case, it was odd because my installer had ran successfully once, then I uninstalled my app via Add/Remove Programs successfully, did some coding (did NOT touch my CustomActionData string), and rebuilt my project and setup project. It was when I re-ran my MSI that I got this error.
The coding I had done was to bring in more values of more parameters I had been specifying in my CustomActionData string. That syntax for getting the parameter values (i.e. string filepath = Context.Paramenters["filepath"]), which was in my Installer class, was actually fine, but as I found out, the syntax of the later parameters I was now trying to get from my CustomActionData string had not been correct, from the very beginning. I had failed to add a second quote around one of those parameters, so nothing else could be obtained.
I was using the "Textboxes (A)" and "Textboxes (B)" windows in the User Interface section. A has 1 box, EDITA1, where I get the path to a file, and B has 2 boxes, EDITB1 and EDITB2, for some database parameters. My CustomActionData string looked like this:
/filepath="[EDITA1]" /host="[EDITB1] /port="[EDITB2]"
It should have been:
/filepath="[EDITA1]" /host="[EDITB1]" /port="[EDITB2]"
(closing quote on [EDITB1])
