Can TeamCity check out code to more than one machine - tfs

Can I have TeamCity Build server check out code to another server or machine, in addition to itself? What I am asking is can I run build configurations that automatically checks out, udpates source code from TFS into multiple servers. Each Build configuration handling a different server?

I didnt try it myself, but waht you could try is to set the "Checkout directory" in the "Version Control settings" to an network dir. for example
or "map" a network drive on the TeamCity Build server


TFS 2015 vNext build directory is not empty error

I've recently started to encounter a problem with a new build agent that I have added to my TFS agent pool. The agent runs my build the first time without any problem. However, all subsequent builds fail with this error "##[error]The directory is not empty". This occurs on the initial startup of the build when it is trying to download files from TFS.
Keep in mind that I have set the "clean" option to true for the build and also set the Build.Clean variable to "all"
I've done searches online for this error and most of the info I am finding states that the directory is in-use and that is why it cannot be deleted. The strange thing is that I can manually delete the folder using Windows Explorer and there is no error reported of files in-use. Once I do that, the build will work again, but only on the first run. Why is it that the TFS vNext build cannot delete this folder? Is there a log that I reference that provides more details other than "directory is not empty"?
You could set system.debug=true to enable verbose Debug Mode for TFS vNext Build.
In addition, you could also check the agent log under agent path\_diag path here.
If there are more information for troubleshooting.
Back to your issue, please try to stop you build agent service and restart again. Also update your build agent to latest version.
Besides, you could also choose another driver such as D:\ or E:\ if you are using c:\agent\ which may do the trick.

Is there a way to generate an Intellitrace file from a TFS Build?

I currently have an on-premises TFS 2017, a TFS build and a test that fails on the build agent but not when running locally. I heard about historical debugging but I couldn't find instructions on how to enable it on a TFS build, if that's even possible.
Is it possible to configure my build so that it generates an intellitrace file for me to debug the test run afterwards?
For intellitrace which related to the old testsettings file and could add some variables to configure this.
You could also manually enable such option in the VS on your build agent.
Also find a link mentioned it seems also work with Msbuild arguments. Even not documented anywhere in Msbuild command doc. I wonder whether IntelliTrace is still running even though it's not explicitly specified to do so
However, looks like you just want to find the root cause why your tests failed on tfs build even it passed locally.
To narrow down the issue, suggest you directly remote to your build agent. Instead of through TFS build, manually build your project, run the tests in the Visual Studio on build agent.
It will come out whether it's an environment issue. You must make sure it's the same environment for build agent and your local.
TFS is just using build service account to invoke msbuild/vstest command in build agent to run build/test.
Also make sure build service account have appropriately permission if your tests required some permission.

Can I host the code on TFS cloud and build locally

I want to use existing TFS build scripts but move my code to the TFS cloud.
Can this be done?
Is it as simple as changing the "Source Control Folder" in the Build Definition? (I doubt it).
We have a local build machine which I want to use as it has custom installations required for the build to succeed.
You can. If you install and configure a TF Build Controller locally you can connect it to VSO. Add some agents and you can build hapily locally with all you code safe and secure in the cloud.

Run deployment script from TFS build workflow on remote system using MSTest agent only

My Question: How can I run a deployment script from the TFS 2010 build template on a remote system that has only a MSTest agent running?
I know this can be done by activating the Deployment section in the test settings configuration file, but this is not flexible enough. At night a build runs. When the build is successful, a deployment script is placed at a drop location. The drop location is date, project and build definition specific. These parameters are available in the TFS build template we use.
I do not have Lab Management available, just a physical server. I would rather not spoil the physical server with an additional build agent to only do the deployment. The MSTest agent is apparently capable of running deployment scripts, but how do I use that functionality from the TFS build workflow. For example, can I use the RunDeploymentScript activity without having Lab Management?
PSExec is a great tool for running scripts on remote computers. I use this in Team Deploy that allows you to install MSIs on remote computers from Team Build. You can also run PowerShell on remote computers but it is a little more complicated to set up. Another option is to use MSDeploy. There is a command option that you can run any command on a remote computer. I usually use an InvokeProcess activity to call a PowerShell script on the build server. From the PowerShell script I have called MSDeploy to run a remote PowerShell script on a target server. It sounds bad but worked good.
You can't run the RunDeploymentScript on the target machine. You can use a modified template to deploy to a physical environemnt. Here is a good post on doing this.. The options I mentioned above do not need any agent on it. You can use the ExecuteRemoteTestRun lab management activity without Lab Management to run the MTM Tests with the Test Agent with a Test Controller that is registered to the project collection (Test Manager).
Let me know if you have any questions on any of these options.

TeamCity with TFS - workspace problems

We have been using CC.NET as our CI server for a month or so now, which has worked ok with TFS. In the config we were able to specify the TFS server, username, password, project and workspace which is all good.
Now we are moving over to TeamCity mainly because it just seams more solid and is much nicer to use. The problem is getting it work with TFS.
For the purpose of this, both the workspace and machine name are "BuildMachine", username is "BuildUser" TFS project is "$/Project/Dev/Website"
I seam to have set it up correctly, I think, as when testing the connection it is successful. When I run a build I get a TFS error: "RunBuildException when running build stage UpdateSourcesFromServer."
It goes on to say: "No matched workspaces were found. Will recreate workspace and perofming clean checkout."
It then tries to create a new workspace something like this: TeamCity-S-sqa9qe2aulx22gz4rzkogl5kr/BuildUser
It tries to set up some mappings and then fails because: "The working folder C:\ is already in use by the workspace BuildMachine;BuildUser on computer BuildMachine".
This seams ok as this is the workspace that was using, and c:\project\dev\website is the path to the project. The problem is, why didn't TeamCity pick this up and use this workspace? Why does it try to create its own new one? Any idea how I can fix this?
I seem to have fixed this by simply changing the path for the BuildMachine workspace to c:\BuildMachineWorkspace\ instead of just c:\.
I guess this means that the whole of c:\ is no longer a workspace therefore other workspaces can be created on c:\.
