Routing error for GET] "/firstapp" - ruby-on-rails

I was trying to write my first program after installation, but I got an error like below:
Routing Error
No route matches [GET] "/firstapp"
I've tried to change my config/routes.rb file but nothing changed. This is my config/routes.rb
Firstapp::Application.routes.draw do
resources :apptables
# The priority is based upon order of creation:
# first created -> highest priority.
# continues with default `config/routes.rb` explanations...
How can I configure the config/routes.rb to make it run properly?

Just saying resources :apptables sets up the standard seven routes:
GET /apptables
GET /apptables/new
POST /apptables
GET /apptables/:id
GET /apptables/:id/edit
PUT /apptables/:id
DELETE /apptables/:id
There is no /firstapp in that list so that route won't work. If you want a GET on /firstapp to work then you can set up that route manually:
match '/firstapp' => 'firstapp#some_method', :via => :get
That would route GET /firstapp to FirstappController#some_method.


Rails route appears in routes but throws a 404

I'm trying to add a simple route to an existing controller/action but strangely I'm getting a 404 error even though the route appears to exist.
Here's the relevant section of my routes.rb:
# Wines
scope 'wine' do
get '/', to: 'wines#index', as: 'wine_index'
get '/:collection', to: 'wines#collection_detail', as: 'collection_detail'
get '/:collection/:slug', to: 'wines#wine_detail', as: 'wine_detail'
get '/:style', to: 'wines#style_detail', as: 'style_detail'
It seems correct because here's what I see when I check:
$ rake routes
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
wine_index GET /wine(.:format) wines#index
collection_detail GET /wine/:collection(.:format) wines#collection_detail
wine_detail GET /wine/:collection/:slug(.:format) wines#wine_detail
style_detail GET /wine/:style(.:format) wines#style_detail
GET|POST /*path(.:format) pages#error404
I also see an expected response in the console:
2.3.1 :003 > app.style_detail_path('semi-dry')
=> "/wine/semi-dry"
Yet, when I try to visit /wine/semi-sweet/ (Semi-sweet is a style "slug" which I use to search in the action) I get a 404 error.
What could I me missing? I've searched dozens of similar questions on S.O. and none of the solutions apply to my situation.
It seems you need to specify constraints. When you say 'wines/semi-sweet', how would the router decide whether it's a style_detail path or a colletion_detail path? They both have the same mask '/wines/:something'
It should be something like:
scope 'wine' do
get '/', to: 'wines#index', as: 'wine_index'
get '/:style', to: 'wines#style_detail', as: 'style_detail', constraints: proc { |r| Style.include?(r.params[:style]) }
get '/:collection', to: 'wines#collection_detail', as: 'collection_detail'
get '/:collection/:slug', to: 'wines#wine_detail', as: 'wine_detail'
This way the router will match predefined words (could be an array too) with wine styles, all the other strings will be considered as wine collections.
But it would be best to change the mask for these two paths, just to be safe, for example:
get '/:style', to: 'wines#style_detail', as: 'style_detail'
get '/c/:collection', to: 'wines#collection_detail', as: 'collection_detail'

Error: `Couldn't find Course with 'id'=` when visiting `/courses/show`

I'm new to Rails, and I'm setting up models/controllers for Course and some other models.
When I visit the /courses/show URL in my browser I get the following error:
Couldn't find Course with 'id'=
Screenshot here.
Here's the relevant line from my rake routes and routes.rb:
rake routes
courses_show GET /courses/show(.:format) courses#show
get 'courses/show'
You have specified the four routes without any :id parameter, I don't know why you would expect them to have an :id parameter.
I'd recommend that you read the Rails guide on routing and also read the comments in the generated config/routes.rb, in that file you'll see comments like this:
# Example of regular route:
# get 'products/:id' => 'catalog#view'
So, extrapolating that to your example you might end up with:
get 'courses/:id' => 'courses#show'
The example that follows that one shows how to add a named route helper using the :as option:
get 'courses/:id' => 'courses#show', as: :courses_show
Something you'll also see when you read the guide or the comments is that you can use the resources helper to create standard restful routes.

Rails 3 add new routes to resources

I have the following problem:
I created one entity "Film" with the command "scaffold" and automatically added in my routes file "resources: films", and then I try to added an autocomplete via ajax, but always the calling ajax calls the "show" action instead of call the route that I added "autocomplete_term"
My routes files (routes.rb)
resources :films
I tried the following possibilities (routes.rb)
match 'films/autocomplete_term' => "films#index", :via=>:get
match "films/autocomplete_term/:term" => "films#autocomplete_term", :controller=>"films", :action=>"autocomplete_term", :as => :films_autocomplete, :via => :get
resources :films do
collection do
get 'autocomplete_term'
The route
Couldn't find Film with id=autocomplete_term
app/controllers/films_controller.rb:28:in `show'
When I run the command rake routes
GET /films/autocomplete_term/:term(.:format) films#autocomplete_term
GET /films/autocomplete_term/:term(.:format) films#autocomplete_term
GET /films/autocomplete_term(.:format) films#autocomplete_term
Sorry for my English
And thanks in advance
The url to access this route
GET /films/autocomplete_term/:term
should be
if you do it will think it is the show action, it will ignore the ?term=a
GET /films/:id
Thanks to Anezio, solved the problem, basicament had two things wrong:
1 - The route
match "films / autocomplete_term /: term"
2: The order in my routes.rb file (Rails routes are matched in the order they are specified)
resources: films
match 'films / autocomplete_term /: term' => "films # autocomplete_term"
The Final Solution: (routes.rb)
match 'films / autocomplete_term' => "films # autocomplete_term"
resources: films

How to override Rails app routes from an engine?

I have a Rails app that I am trying to integrate a Rails engine in to.
The host app has some catch all routes:
# magic urls
match '/' => 'admin/rendering#show'
match '*path/edit' => 'admin/rendering#show', :defaults => { :editing => true }
match '*path' => 'admin/rendering#show'
It looks like the engine routes are loaded after the application catches all routes.
/sitemap.xml(.:format) {:format=>"xml", :controller=>"admin/sitemaps", :action=>"show"}
/(.:format) {:controller=>"admin/rendering", :action=>"show"}
/*path/edit(.:format) {:controller=>"admin/rendering", :action=>"show"}
/*path {:controller=>"admin/rendering", :action=>"show"}
engine_envs GET /engine/envs/:id(.:format) {:controller=>"engine/envs", :action=>"show"}
PUT /engine/envs/:id(.:format) {:controller=>"engine/envs", :action=>"update"}
jammit /assets/:package.:extension(.:format) {:extension=>/.+/, :controller=>"jammit", :action=>"package"}
So far, everything is hitting the /engine/envs routes are getting caught by the application catch all routes. However I see that the jammit route is loaded after the engine and I don't believe those are getting caught. Any way to override the app routes?
You could stick your engine routes in a method and then call that in your host app.
# engine routes.rb
module ActionDispatch::Routing
class Mapper
def engine_routes
engine_envs GET /engine/envs/:id(.:format)
# ...
# ...
and then in your host app add the method before the catch-all route
# host app routes.rb
MyTestApp::Application.routes.draw do
# ...
match '/' => 'admin/rendering#show'
match '*path/edit' => 'admin/rendering#show', :defaults => { :editing => true }
match '*path' => 'admin/rendering#show'
Routes are used in the order they are defined. The first routes to be read are the one of the host application, then of your engine.
As soon as a matching route is found, the search for a route is stopped.
As far as I know, there are no way (I may be wrong about this) to override this feature other than to change your "mag
UPDATE: So that means that the order you see them in "rake routes" is the order they are processed. As soon as a matching route is found, there you go.

Ruby on Rails 3: Change default controller and parameter order in routing

I have a Rails app that has a controller called domain which has a nested controller called subdomain and stats. I have defined them in routes.rb:
resources :domains do
resources :subdomains, :stats
I have changed the to_param of the domain and subdomain models to use the name of the domain, e.g.: the routing I get is http://site/domains/foo/subdomains/bar.
I would like to tidy it up to so that instead of using http://site/domains/foo/subdomains/bar I could access it with just http://site/foo/subdomains/bar. I have tried the following in routes.rb:
match "/:id/" => "domains#show", :as => :domain
Which works fine, but it only gives me the ability to use the path http://site/foo but for example http://site/foo/subdomains/bar doesn't. I could create match lines for every respective model and nested model but that does nothing to other helpers besides domain_url - i.e. edit_domain_url points to /domains/foo/edit/ instead of /foo/edit.
Is there a way to change the routing so that the resources generates helpers that point to the root url without the 'domains' part?
The single match in your routes creates only one route. Resource helpers create many routes at once. Luckily there are a lot of options for customisation. If you want to omit /domains/ from your paths, it's as simple as:
resources :domains, :path => "/" do
resources :subdomains, :stats
With the above in config/routes.rb, running rake routes says the following:
domain_subdomains GET /:domain_id/subdomains(.:format)
domain_subdomains POST /:domain_id/subdomains(.:format)
new_domain_subdomain GET /:domain_id/subdomains/new(.:format)
edit_domain_subdomain GET /:domain_id/subdomains/:id/edit(.:format)
domain_subdomain GET /:domain_id/subdomains/:id(.:format)
domain_subdomain PUT /:domain_id/subdomains/:id(.:format)
domain_subdomain DELETE /:domain_id/subdomains/:id(.:format)
domain_stats GET /:domain_id/stats(.:format)
domain_stats POST /:domain_id/stats(.:format)
new_domain_stat GET /:domain_id/stats/new(.:format)
edit_domain_stat GET /:domain_id/stats/:id/edit(.:format)
domain_stat GET /:domain_id/stats/:id(.:format)
domain_stat PUT /:domain_id/stats/:id(.:format)
domain_stat DELETE /:domain_id/stats/:id(.:format)
domains GET /(.:format)
domains POST /(.:format)
new_domain GET /new(.:format)
edit_domain GET /:id/edit(.:format)
domain GET /:id(.:format)
domain PUT /:id(.:format)
domain DELETE /:id(.:format)
Looks like all the routes you need!
