Call a Split View from another view - ios

I am a beginner in iOS programming..
I have created two iPad based projects, where one is a view based application and other one is a split view based application.
Now, I want to integrate the splitview application in to my first project.
I have read in Apple's documentation that a split view needs to be in root view.
How can integrate the split view such that my home screen (from my first project) is shown first, and then on tapping a button, opens the split view..?
Thanks for helping me here..

One way to do this is to use UITabBarController...

As per apple documentation, if you want to use split view it must be a SplitView based application. And Split view must be the root view controller.
A split view controller must always be the root of any interface you create. In other words, you must always install the view from a UISplitViewController object as the root view of your application’s window. The panes of your split-view interface may then contain navigation controllers, tab bar controllers, or any other type of view controller you need to implement your interface.

You have read it so you know you can't do it using Apple's UISplitViewController. I suggest you check out MGSplitViewController or APSplitViewController. It provides additional customization as well.


Can I change the template after creation of project in xcode?

I am creating an iOS article reading application which contain multiple headings,images and multiline text using platform Xcode(5.1) and chose template Empty application.
I'm in the middle of project to complete.
Now , Is it possible to change Empty application to Master Detail application.
I'm in the middle of project to complete. Now , Is it possible to
change Empty application to Master Detail application
You can achieve the Master Detail application template dynamically/while running your app using UISplitViewController.
The UISplitViewController class is a container view controller that manages the presentation of two side-by-side view controllers. You use this class to implement a master-detail interface, in which the left-side view controller presents a list of items and the right-side presents details of the selected item. Split view controllers are for use exclusively on iPad devices. Attempting to create one on other devices results in an exception.
By default, the split view controller displays both of its view controllers when in a landscape orientation. However, in a portrait orientation, the split view controller displays only the detail view controller by default.
No, you cannot change the template after creation of project in xcode. The only thing you have to change before the creation of project.
The template does not restrict what can and can't be done in your app. It just sets out a boilerplate set up of your initial app.
"Changing the template" makes no sense.
The master detail template just uses a uinavigationcontroller as the main navigation. You can just add this to your storyboard.

Best practice to develop common header view across all controllers/windows in iOS app

I'm keeping on developing an iPhone app (rigth now native one) and I would need to use a common "header" for all views but I don't want/need a UINavigationBar and prefer much more have a common "partial view". It will have some actions to perform but always the same ones (showing notifications panel, basically). It should be something like you can see in the screenshots.
I don't need (I feel) delegation because the controller's view can handle notifications and show them when user clicked the customize button.
I don't mind to use a Nib o make the view hardcoded but I'm not sure how I must make an instance of the view or the controller that handles it within each app tab (I'm using UITabBar as navigation control).
From my point of view it doesn't exist a way to get a common controller to call wherever needed; you just can use some method to present new controller as modal o push it out and I think that is not what I'm looking for.
Any idea is welcome. Thanks
Create a custom view controller with 2 subviews. Subview 1 is the header. Subview 2 is the container view where child view controllers are displayed (your tab bar controller in this case).
Your custom view controller could be the delegate of the tab bar controller if you want, so it can be notified when the tabs change and update anything on the header view.
Well, finally is have used the solution I found on the link
I have created a Nib with a view controller and then, in the main window I have added two view, the top one subclasses the view controller for the Nib view and it is rendered automatically when app is launched without a single line of code within "main" controller. See the screenshots for more detail:
Thank you very much for your help

SplitView with multiple ViewControllers - Storyboards - iOS

I have finished iPhone version of my app and want my app to support iPads as well. I used a tabbar controller for iphone.. I could use the same for iPad, however, I would have too much free space on iPad if I use a Tabbar. so I have decided to use Split View Controller. Left part(table view) should be visible all the time even if it's not in landscape mode. And every time a cell is clicked, the corresponding view should be loaded to the right hand side.. By the way I am using storyboards.. Seems like it makes everything more difficult. Are there some examples of it? Thanks..
I have faced a similar situation recently. Basically you can use the split view project template to generate the basic code. After that, I created a DetailedViewControllerContainer interface and used it as the view controller for the right side view of the split view, replacing the generated DetailViewController.
After that I created several view controllers, each of them corresponds to a selection in the left side view(master view controller). And add these view controllers as the child view controllers for the DetailedViewControllerContainer.
The catch is that you will need to use code to load the child view controllers. The benefit is that the child view controllers do not need to be modified from the iPhone version. The DetailedViewControllerContainer remains the only SplitView delegate.
Take a look at the sample code I wrote on github:

iPad master detail app - change detail view controller's content

I started to explore the UISplitViewController class with a new master detail project in XCode, and I would like to replace the detail view's content with another UIViewControllers. I wrote it in this way (self is the detail viewcontroller and controller is the uiviewcontroller which I want to replace the first one with):
self.view = controller.view;
My question is: is it a proper way, will Apple accept it? If it is not, how could I do it better?
I am also building an iPad app with Master - Detail View Controllers in a UIIntelligentSplitViewController. As UISplitViewController doesn't support well while changing to different orientations, using UIIntelligentSplitViewController solves the issue with orientation change. See more here.
I have read on one of apple documentation and also a in best practices that we should use Only one MasterView and DetailView Controllers in entire app, and write code in such a way that all data are loaded in these two views according to the object selected.
But loading all data in same detail view might be a lot of code. So, I am also in search for answer for efficiently writing code to load in same detail view controller. However currently I am implementing only two views to show net data.
If there is any other efficient way to accomplish it, please do mention. Thanks.
You could replace the detail view controller where it is setup in your app delegate "didFinishLaunchingWithOptionsMethod". Your method would probably also work but is creating unnecessary overhead. The auto generated code they provide default's to a navigation controller on the left and a view controller on the right but you can change that to whatever you need. I have a project where I have two navigation controllers.

iPad Navigation Patterns

I've been working on an iPad application that has about 15 view controllers. Some of the view controllers are full screen, others are embedded inside the other view controllers (think split view controller).
On the iPhone navigation is very straight forward. Even if you have a ton of view controllers, you are using one of Apple's root view controllers (tab or navigation). The navigation is handled by the root view controllers and you are pretty much free to focus on your views.
On the ipad the split view and tab view controllers are not always useful, and for the app I'm working on they do not cut it. I have created separate navigation controller objects to handle hiding/show view controllers based on notifications that get posted when the user performs actions.
Anyone else have experience with solving the navigation problem on the iPad?
have you checked out MGSplitViewController by Matt Gemmell?
I'm not claiming it'll solve all your navigation problems, but it's an interesting idea and may help you in finding more/better ways of handling view controllers.
With iOS 5 Apple has added the concept of Container View Controllers. This makes adding and removing children easy, allowing their methods for rotation/appear/disappear to be called automagically. Cool stuff!
Also, be careful using multiple view controllers for views which don't fill the full screen. Apple's documentation explicitly states that you shouldn't use view controllers for partial-screen views:
Note: You should not use view controllers to manage views that fill only a part of their window—that is, only part of the area defined by the application content rectangle. If you want to have an interface composed of several smaller views, embed them all in a single root view and manage that view with your view controller.
Although some things might work when you have multiple view controllers managing different sub-views, other things won't work. For example, only one of your view controllers will be informed when the device is rotated. Likewise, not all your view controllers will be sent 'viewWillAppear' 'viewDidUnload' etc messages that you might expect.
