:onchange in form not working, in rails 3.1 app - ruby-on-rails

This is exactly my problem. In my case the :onchange function is not working, though I have added the jquery in the application.rb.
in the form, I need to alert the users
<%= telephone_field(:user, :phone_country_code, :size => 1, :onchange => "if $('user[phone_country_code]').length > 2 { alert('Your firstname needs to be shorter!'); }") %>
in application.html.rb
<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery" %>
in the console I am getting
Started GET "/assets/application.js?body=1" for at 2011-09-27 12:36:39 +0530
Served asset /application.js - 304 Not Modified (1ms)

I think you have a syntax error in your javascript. Add parentheses:
if ($('user[phone_country_code]').length > 2) { alert('Your firstname needs to be shorter!'); }")
Also: strange alert for a country code..


Simple_form_for not using AJAX?

I got a weird problem with my form:
= simple_form_for([#item, #item_comment], :remote => true, id: "new_item_comment", :url => item_item_comments_path(#item)) do |f|
= f.input :comment, :label => false
= f.submit "Save", :class => "btn_save left"
Which in my opinion should call:
Started POST "/de-de/items/20150423/item_comments" for at 2015-04-23 12:29:33 +0200
Processing by ItemCommentsController#create as JSON
but instead I get it as HTML:
Started POST "/de-de/items/20150423/item_comments" for at 2015-04-23 12:29:33 +0200
Processing by ItemCommentsController#create as HTML
It used to work but without changing these parts, it only uses HTML.
Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this?
--- Update 1 ---
I added these lines to my coffeescript:
$('form[data-remote]').submit (e)->
$.rails.handleRemote $('form[data-remote]')
And it works but I'm not really satisfied with this solution since I don't know what caused the problem.
Usually it happened to me in 2 cases:
I had a file input on the form (which forces ruby to skip remote: true option)
I had troubles with jquery-ujs javascript file (which actually processes rails html attrs)
So please check your generated html if it has <form .... data-remote='true'..> and check that jquery-ujs (or whatever handler you want to use) is included in a page javascripts.
If you are still having troubles after this, you can put a breakpoint somewhere in jquery-ujs

rails form action missing route

Ruby 1.9.3 and using HAML.
Trying to build a form to go to a specific action, but having problem with routing. The code on the form is
%form#feedback_form{:action=>"give_feedback_account_path", :method => 'post', :style => "padding: 0 5px;"}
%input{:name => "authenticity_token", :value => form_authenticity_token, :type => "hidden"}
blah blah blah
%input#feedback_submit{:type => "submit", :value => "give feedback"}
When I try to submit the form I get a 404 response, and looking at the server log gives me...
Started POST "/give_feedback_account_path" for at 2014-06-03 10:07:12 +0100
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/give_feedback_account_path"):
When I run rake routes to get the details I get
give_feedback_account POST /account/give_feedback(.:format)
{:action=>"give_feedback", :controller=>"accounts"}
What am I missing?
Your url is /give_feedback_account_path, which is not good. To fix it, you can use form_tag helper:
= form_tag give_feedback_account_path, method: 'post', style: 'padding: 0 5px;' do
// your form goes here
change this
to this
:action => give_feedback_account_path
give_feedback_account_path is a method. You want to call it, to get the actual path.

Rails 3.2.1 simple JQuery ajax example doesn't work

I'm just trying to learn a bit of jQuery with Rails at the moment. I'm following the example here:
Ideas on simple 'Hello World' Rails-Ajax Example?
My view looks like this:
<div id="div_msg">
<%= link_to "Wow",
{:controller=>"main" , :action=>'ajax_msg' , :id=>'1'},
:remote => true,
:class => 'link1',
:update => "div_hello",
:id => 'link1'
<div id="div_hello">
My controller looks like this:
def ajax_msg
#msg1 = "Buenos Dias!"
respond_to do|format|
My javascript file looks like this:
jQuery('#div_hello').html("<%= #msg1 %>");
My /views/layouts/application.html.erb begins like this...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
My application.js contains...
//= require jquery
//= require jquery-ui
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require_tree .
My console log shows me this:
Started GET "/main/ajax_msg?id=1" for at 2013-07-09 21:44:57 +0100
Processing by MainController#ajax_msg as JS
Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
Rendered main/ajax_msg.js within layouts/application (1.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 19.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
I have tried many different combos by looking at other people's problems on related issues but nothing seems to work. I have tried the following:
- using $ instead of jQuery in the javascript file
- putting the javascript in application.js
- switching the order between stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag
Am I missing something quite basic here?
Try renaming /views/main/ajax_msg.js to /views/main/ajax_msg.js.erb so that file can handle embedded Ruby?
For debugging and to make sure it's rendering embedded ruby you can just try doing any other string in there:
jQuery('#div_hello').html("<%= puts 'blah' %>");
I think that is the problem.
1) File should be called js.erb, because, obvioulsy, if you are using Ruby variable inside, it should be extended ruby
2) From Jquery API:
Get the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements or set the HTML contents of every matched element.
That means, that string should be wrapped with tags, if you are trying to set page element.
$('#div_hello').text("<%= #msg1 %>")
Also, if this doesn't work, try to escape javascript:
$('#div_hello').text("<%= j #msg1 %>")

Ajax calls in rails when jquery.js included don't work

I'm using Rails 2.3.8.
In my application.rhtml I have:
<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery.js"%>
And in my index.rhtml which uses application.rhtml for a layout I have:
<div id="search_residential"> <%= link_to "Residential",
"javascript:residentialSearchForm()", :onclick=> remote_function(:url => {:propertyType => 'residential', :controller => 'site', :action => 'searchform'}, :update => 'search_form', :method => :get)%></div>`
In my partial that should be rendered I have:
<%logger.debug "Residential Form Partial Rendered"%>
When I click the link my log outputs:
Processing SiteController#searchform (for at 2012-10-05 11:11:02) [GET]
Parameters: {"controller"=>"site", "propertyType"=>"residential", "action"=>"searchform", "authenticity_token"=>"Iw3ID/4Lh5IReUwOnhhSUXfn2IIVUnYpqG1N7DE4BHg="}
Rendering site/searchform
Residential Form Partial Rendered
Rendered site/searchbar/_search_residential (5.2ms)
Rendered site/searchbar/_search_form (5.9ms)
Completed in 9ms (View: 7, DB: 0) | 200 OK [http://localhost/site/searchform?propertyType=residential&authenticity_token=Iw3ID%2F4Lh5IReUwOnhhSUXfn2IIVUnYpqG1N7DE4BHg%3D]
But nothing is shown on the website. If I remove the include for jQuery then the partial is rendered.
remote_function is a prototype helper and depends on prototype.js
Jquery would be conflicting at the $ namespace. Its advisable to not use prototype helpers.
Or You should initialize jquery in a noConflict mode.

Multiple files upload with Rails 3 and paperclip on heroku

I need an interface on my Rails 3 app to upload multiple files to Amazon S3 (because i'm on heroku), possibly with progress bars.
I've easily managed how to set up paperclip and upload single files, but i'm really lost now on how to go ahead.
Please can you give me some advices? It's 2 days i'm searching across all the internet, but i can't find a working solution
** EDIT **
I really can't understand... I'm going mad 'cause I'm losing too many hours on this... please help me.
If I try to open the example app cited by Johnny I only get this (and in my app it is the same):
Where is the UI?
Is there something wrong on my browser?
** EDIT 2 **
Here on GitHub you can find my testapp... please can you explain me why the damn upload UI is not showing up? Thanks!
** EDIT 3 **
Thank you very much Johnny, i wasn't aware of the fact that jquery and prototype can't live together.
Now the plugin is showing up correctly, but as a try to upload something it creates a new "upload" record, but its attachment field is blank, and the files are not on s3.
This is what the console is saying:
Started POST "/uploads" for at 2011-06-27 16:17:22 +0200
Processing by UploadsController#create as JSON
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"GesRBTiZR1f2LV/bAeAdxWqF++gxcDJw4pPGStYGsH8=", "upload"=>{"attachment"=>[#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x000001032834b8 #original_filename="animal-tiger-66550.jpg", #content_type="image/jpeg", #headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"upload[attachment][]\"; filename=\"animal-tiger-66550.jpg\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n", #tempfile=#<File:/var/folders/Qj/QjEqvUUNGTmuki5SXOaaG++++TI/-Tmp-/RackMultipart20110627-1818-1syiex9>>]}}
AREL (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "uploads" ("attachment", "created_at", "updated_at", "attachment_file_name", "attachment_content_type", "attachment_file_size", "attachment_updated_at") VALUES (NULL, '2011-06-27 14:17:23.049136', '2011-06-27 14:17:23.049136', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
[paperclip] Saving attachments.
Completed 200 OK in 64ms (Views: 4.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)
You can look at jQuery-File-Upload. Demo here and rails 3/Paperclip setup here.
Edit: As #apneadiving mentioned, the library has been updated to version 5. The script you have is for verison 4. You should try modifying this to work with PaperClip. Copy-pasting the majority of the example code into my app (with a few modifications) worked for me:
$(function () {
// Initialize the jQuery File Upload widget:
// Load existing files:
$.getJSON($('#fileupload form').prop('action'), function (files) {
var fu = $('#fileupload').data('fileupload');
.appendTo($('#fileupload .files'))
.fadeIn(function () {
// Fix for IE7 and lower:
// Open download dialogs via iframes,
// to prevent aborting current uploads:
$('#fileupload .files a:not([target^=_blank])').live('click', function (e) {
$('<iframe style="display:none;"></iframe>')
.prop('src', this.href)
def create
#upload = Upload.new(params[:upload])
if #upload.save
render :json => [{
:pic_path => #upload.attachment.url.to_s ,
:name => #upload.attachment.instance.attributes["picture_file_name"]
}], :content_type => 'text/html'
render [:json => { :result => 'error'}], :content_type => 'text/html'
%link#theme{:href => "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.13/themes/base/jquery-ui.css", :rel => "stylesheet"}
= stylesheet_link_tag 'jquery.fileupload-ui'
= form_for Upload.new, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f|
%span Add files...
= f.file_field :attachment, :multiple => true
%button.start{:type => "submit"} Start upload
%button.cancel{:type => "reset"} Cancel upload
%button.delete{:type => "button"} Delete files
%script#template-upload{:type => "text/x-jquery-tmpl"}
%tr{:class => "template-upload{{if error}} ui-state-error{{/if}}"}
%td.name ${name}
%td.size ${sizef}
{{if error}}
%td.error{:colspan => "2"}
{{if error === 'custom_failure'}}Custom Error Message
%button Start
%button Cancel
%script#template-download{:type => "text/x-jquery-tmpl"}
%tr{:class => "template-download{{if error}} ui-state-error{{/if}}"}
{{if error}}
%td.name ${name}
%td.size ${sizef}
%td.error{:colspan => "2"}
{{if error === 1}}File exceeds upload_max_filesize (php.ini directive)
{{if thumbnail_url}}
%a{:href => "${url}", :target => "_blank"}
%img{:src => "${thumbnail_url}"}/
<a href="${url}"{{if thumbnail_url}} target="_blank"{{/if}}>${name}
%td.size ${sizef}
%td{:colspan => "2"}
%button{"data-type" => "${delete_type}", "data-url" => "${delete_url}"} Delete
Had a quick look at your app, the problem is that you are mixing prototype with jquery. The easiest way around this is to switch to jQuery using jquery-rails.
gem 'jquery-rails'
Next, run bundle install and then rails g jquery:install.
Then change your app/views/layouts/application.erb to this:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag :all %>
<%= csrf_meta_tag %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.min' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.min' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.tmpl.min' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.iframe-transport' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.fileupload' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.fileupload-ui' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery_ujs' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>
Note that I removed the
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
So that I can specify the order in which jquery, jquery_ujs, and application are loaded.
I've begun with a very similar task recently, and the swf plugin (at least the more recent one) will indeed let you update paperclip's record. It has callbacks for just about everything you'd need to extend.
:onUploadComplete (upload_options,event)
Here's Nathan Colgate's gist on the matter. He just makes a remote call to the rails server once the upload is finished telling it of the locations for the paperclip attachment.
from his uploadCompleteHandler
var uploadCompleteHandler = function(upload_options,event){
url: '<%= notify_rails_of_successful_upload_path(:format => :js)%>',
global: false,
type: 'POST',
data: ({
'authenticity_token' : '<%= form_authenticity_token %>',
'upload' : {
'file_file_name' : upload_options.FileName,
'file_file_size' : upload_options.FileSize,
'file_content_type' : upload_options.ContentType
dataType: 'script'
I'm not sure if this exact callback gets triggered for each file; it definitely looks like it would. But he passes everything paperclip needs back through an ajax request. filename,size,content-type. This way all that gets sent to heroku is some text about the file, sparing your app a good amount of work by giving it to the client.
edit: flash is the only way I've found to avoid sending a lot of data through heroku to s3. There are a few html5/js-only uploaders that might be able to get the job done, but the ones I have found are still pretty ripe on the dev tree.
As per Heroku support, see this.
Paperclip & multiple files upload, although not S3 specific.
View: (notice the array blog_post[avatars][])
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/blog_posts" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="new_blog_post" method="post">
<div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline">
<input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓" />
<input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="<%=form_authenticity_token %>" />
<p><input id="blog_post" name="blog_post[avatars][]" type="file" multiple /></p>
<p><input name="commit" type="submit" value="Upload" /></p>
# POST /blog_posts
# POST /blog_posts.json
def create
#blog_post = BlogPost.new(params[:blog_post])
#blog_post.avatars.each do |avatar|
each_blog_post = BlogPost.new
each_blog_post.avatar = avatar
if each_blog_post.save
class BlogPost < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :avatar, :avatars
has_attached_file :avatar
attr_accessor :avatars
