Perlin noise for motion? - xna

I'm successfully using Perlin noise to generate terrain, clouds and a few other nifty things. However, I'm now trying to animate a group of flying insects (specifically fireflies), and it was suggested to me to use Perlin noise for this, as well. However, I'm not really sure how to go about this.
The first thing that occurred to me was, given a noise map like so:
Assign each firefly a random initial location, velocity and angular acceleration.
On frame, advance the fly's position following its direction vector.
Read the noise map at the new location, and use it to adjust the angular acceleration, causing
the fly to "turn" towards lighter pixels.
Adjust angular acceleration again by proximity of other flies to avoid having them cluster around local maximums.
However, this doesn't cover cases where flies reach the edge of the map, or cases where they might wind up just orbiting a single point. The second case might not be a big deal, but I'm unsure of a reliable way to have them turn to avoid collisions with the map edge.
Suggestions? Tutorials or papers (in English, please)?

Here is a very good source for 2D perlin noise. You can follow the exact same principles, but instead of creating a 2D grid of gradients, you can create a 1D array of gradients. You can use this to create your noise for a particular axis.
Simply follow this recipe, and you can create similar perlin noise functions for each of your other axes too! Combine these motions, and you should have some good looking noise on your hands. (You could also use these noise functions as random accellerations or velocities. Since the Perlin noise function is globally monotonous, your flies won't rocket off to crazy distances.)
If you're curious about other types of motion, I would suggest Brownian Motion. That is the same sort of motion that dust particles exhibit when they are floating around your room. This article gets into some more interesting math at the end, but if you're at all familliar with Matlab, the first few sets of instructions should be pretty easy to understand. If not, just google the funcitons, and find their native equivalents for your environment (or create them yourself!) This will be a little more realistic, and much quicker to calculate than perlin noise
Happy flying!

Maybe you're looking for boids?
Wikipedia page
It doesn't feature Perlin noise in the original concept, maybe you could use the noise to generate attractors or repulsors, as you're trying to do with the 'fly to lighter' behavior.
PS: the page linked above features a related link to Firefly algorithm, maybe you'll be interested in that?


Terrain Generation with Realistic Height Map

I am having troubles finding out the best way to add realism to a terrain generator. At this point I have a flood fill that works perfectly, however if I want to add any sort of realism I will need to add in height variables. I have seen the following methods attempted to make heightmaps:
Tectonic Plates
Simplex/Perlin Noise
Diamond-Square Algoritm
Right now I am generating plates through my flood fill, but I am not sure where to go from there.
I am not sure about using a noise function just due to the fact that I would need to generate biomes within a continent to make it look realistic (A continent with just mountains would be unrealistic). The diamond square algorithm probably isn't going to work for my needs because I would like to be flexible in sizing.
What is my best option for generating a height map if I have square tiles to give some realism, not very resource intensive, and keep the code I have?
Here is an image of the generation, and the generation code is in the Github project:
tldr: I would use a perlin noise generation with some tacked on biomes.
This article/tutorial goes over code snippets and their implementation methods. Suggesting the best algorithm for your task depends entirely on your skill and end result goals.
However a brief description of perlin noise and using it with realistic aims in mind...
As with most terrain generation, noise functions are your friend -
Perlin and/or simplex noise in particular. I've implemented some
planetary terrain generation algorithms and although they are in 2d,
the resulting height / "texture" map could be projected to a sphere
rather easily. I assume conversion to hex format is not an issue
My technique has been creating multiple noise layers, e.g. temperature
and humidity. Temperature is fused with a latitude coordinate, in
order to make the equator more hot and poles cold, while the noise
makes sure it's not a simple gradient. The final terrain type is
selected by rules like "if hot and not humid then pick desert". You
can see my JavaScript implementation of this here:
As for the water percentage, you can just adjust the water level
height as noise functions tend to have a constant average. Another
option is to apply an exponent filter (useful also when generating
clouds, see my implementation here).
Another way to generate spherical terrain that came into mind (haven't
tested) is to use 3d noise and sample it from a surface of a sphere,
using the resulting value as the ground height at that point. You can
then weight that according to amount of water on planet and the
latitude coordinate.
I'll end with a link to one practical implementation of 3d planetary
terrain generation:
To generate any random style of realistic terrain you are going to have to use noise of some kind. In past projects I myself have used the diamond square algorithm. However that was to simply generate heightmaps.
For some more light reading I would check out this article about realistic terrain techniques.

PARABOLIC (not panoramic) video stitching?

I want to do something like this but in reverse-- so that the cameras are outside and pointing inward. Let's start with the abstract and get specific:
1) Are there any TOOLS that will do this for me? How close can I get using existing software?
2) Say the nearest tool is a graphics library like OpenCV. I've taken linear algebra and have an undergraduate degree in CS but without any special training in graphics. Where should I go from there?
3) If I really am undergoing a decade-long spiritual quest of a self-teaching+programming exercise to make this happen, are there any papers or other resources that you aware of that might aid me?
I think the demo you linked uses a 360° camera (see the black circle on the bottom) and does not involve stitching in any way.
About your question, are you aware of this work? They don't do stitching either, just blending between different views.
If you use inward views, then the objects you will observe will probably be quite close to the cameras, while standard stitching assumes that objects are far away. Close 3D objects mean high distortion when you change the viewpoint (i.e. parallax & occlusions), which makes it difficult to interpolate between two views. Hence, if you want stitching, then your main problem is to correctly handle parallax effects & occlusions between the views.
In my opinion, the most promising approach would be to do live stereo matching (i.e. dense 3D reconstruction) between the two camera images closest to your current viewpoint, and then interpolate the estimated disparities to generate an expected image. However, it's not likely to run in real-time, as demonstrated in the demo you linked, and the result could be quite ugly...
You can also have a look at this paper, which uses a different but interesting approach, however maybe not directly useful in your case since it requires the new viewpoint to be visible in the available images.

Finger/Hand Gesture Recognition using Kinect

Let me explain my need before I explain the problem.
I am looking forward for a hand controlled application.
Navigation using palm and clicks using grab/fist.
Currently, I am working with Openni, which sounds promising and has few examples which turned out to be useful in my case, as it had inbuild hand tracker in samples. which serves my purpose for time being.
What I want to ask is,
1) what would be the best approach to have a fist/grab detector ?
I trained and used Adaboost fist classifiers on extracted RGB data, which was pretty good, but, it has too many false detections to move forward.
So, here I frame two more questions
2) Is there any other good library which is capable of achieving my needs using depth data ?
3)Can we train our own hand gestures, especially using fingers, as some paper was referring to HMM, if yes, how do we proceed with a library like OpenNI ?
Yeah, I tried with the middle ware libraries in OpenNI like, the grab detector, but, they wont serve my purpose, as its neither opensource nor matches my need.
Apart from what I asked, if there is something which you think, that could help me will be accepted as a good suggestion.
You don't need to train your first algorithm since it will complicate things.
Don't use color either since it's unreliable (mixes with background and changes unpredictably depending on lighting and viewpoint)
Assuming that your hand is a closest object you can simply
segment it out by depth threshold. You can set threshold manually, use a closest region of depth histogram, or perform connected component on a depth map to break it on meaningful parts first (and then select your object based not only on its depth but also using its dimensions, motion, user input, etc). Here is the output of a connected components method:
Apply convex defects from opencv library to find fingers;
Track fingers rather than rediscover them in 3D.This will increase stability. I successfully implemented such finger detection about 3 years ago.
Read my paper :)
I have done research on gesture recognition for hands, and evaluated several approaches that are robust to scale, rotation etc. You have depth information which is very valuable, as the hardest problem for me was to actually segment the hand out of the image.
My most successful approach is to trail the contour of the hand and for each point on the contour, take the distance to the centroid of the hand. This gives a set of points that can be used as input for many training algorithms.
I use the image moments of the segmented hand to determine its rotation, so there is a good starting point on the hands contour. It is very easy to determine a fist, stretched out hand and the number of extended fingers.
Note that while it works fine, your arm tends to get tired from pointing into the air.
It seems that you are unaware of the Point Cloud Library (PCL). It is an open-source library dedicated to the processing of point clouds and RGB-D data, which is based on OpenNI for the low-level operations and which provides a lot of high-level algorithm, for instance to perform registration, segmentation and also recognition.
A very interesting algorithm for shape/object recognition in general is called implicit shape model. In order to detect a global object (such as a car, or an open hand), the idea is first to detect possible parts of it (e.g. wheels, trunk, etc, or fingers, palm, wrist etc) using a local feature detector, and then to infer the position of the global object by considering the density and the relative position of its parts. For instance, if I can detect five fingers, a palm and a wrist in a given neighborhood, there's a good chance that I am in fact looking at a hand, however, if I only detect one finger and a wrist somewhere, it could be a pair of false detections. The academic research article on this implicit shape model algorithm can be found here.
In PCL, there is a couple of tutorials dedicated to the topic of shape recognition, and luckily, one of them covers the implicit shape model, which has been implemented in PCL. I never tested this implementation, but from what I could read in the tutorial, you can specify your own point clouds for the training of the classifier.
That being said, you did not mentioned it explicitly in your question, but since your goal is to program a hand-controlled application, you might in fact be interested in a real-time shape detection algorithm. You would have to test the speed of the implicit shape model provided in PCL, but I think this approach is better suited to offline shape recognition.
If you do need real-time shape recognition, I think you should first use a hand/arm tracking algorithm (which are usually faster than full detection) in order to know where to look in the images, instead of trying to perform a full shape detection at each frame of your RGB-D stream. You could for instance track the hand location by segmenting the depthmap (e.g. using an appropriate threshold on the depth) and then detecting the extermities.
Then, once you approximately know where the hand is, it should be easier to decide whether the hand is making one gesture relevant to your application. I am not sure what you exactly mean by fist/grab gestures, but I suggest that you define and use some app-controlling gestures which are easy and quick to distinguish from one another.
Hope this helps.
The fast answer is: Yes, you can train your own gesture detector using depth data. It is really easy, but it depends on the type of the gesture.
Suppose you want to detect a hand movement:
Detect the hand position (x,y,x). Using OpenNi is straighforward as you have one node for the hand
Execute the gesture and collect ALL the positions of the hand during the gesture.
With the list of positions train a HMM. For example you can use Matlab, C, or Python.
For your own gestures, you can test the model and detect the gestures.
Here you can find a nice tutorial and code (in Matlab). The code (test.m is pretty easy to follow). Here is an snipet:
%Load collected data
training = get_xyz_data('data/train',train_gesture);
testing = get_xyz_data('data/test',test_gesture);
%Get clusters
[centroids N] = get_point_centroids(training,N,D);
ATrainBinned = get_point_clusters(training,centroids,D);
ATestBinned = get_point_clusters(testing,centroids,D);
% Set priors:
pP = prior_transition_matrix(M,LR);
% Train the model:
cyc = 50;
[E,P,Pi,LL] = dhmm_numeric(ATrainBinned,pP,[1:N]',M,cyc,.00001);
Dealing with fingers is pretty much the same, but instead of detecting the hand you need to detect de fingers. As Kinect doesn't have finger points, you need to use a specific code to detect them (using segmentation or contour tracking). Some examples using OpenCV can be found here and here, but the most promising one is the ROS library that have a finger node (see example here).
If you only need the detection of a fist/grab state, you should give microsoft a chance. Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Interaction contains methods and events that detects the grip / grip release state of a hand. Take a look at the HandEventType of InteractionHandPointer . That works quite good for the fist/grab detection, but does not detect or report the position of individual fingers.
The next kinect (kinect one) detects 3 joint per hand (Wrist, Hand, Thumb) and has 3 hand based gestures: open, closed (grip/fist) and lasso (pointer). If that is enough for you, you should consider the microsoft libraries.
1) If there are a lot of false detections, you could try to extend the negative sample set of the classifier, and train it again. The extended negative image set should contain such images, where the fist was false detected. Maybe this will help to create a better classifier.
I've had quite a bit of succes with the middleware library as provided by They provide several gestures (including grabbing, pinching and pointing) and 6 DOF handtracking.
You might be interested in this paper & open-source code:
Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking
YouTube Video:
Paper PDF:

Feature Detection in Noisy Images

I've built an imaging system with a webcam and feature matching such that as I move the camera around; I can track the camera's motion. I am doing something similar to here, except with the webcam frames as the input.
It works really well for "good" images, but when taking images in really low light lots of noise appears (camera high gain), and that messes with the feature detection and matching. Basically, it doesn't detect any good features, and when it does, it cannot match them correctly between frames.
Does anyone know a good solution for this? What other methods are used for finding and matching features?
Here are two example images with very low features:
I think phase correlation is going to be your best bet here. It is designed to tell you the phase shift (i.e., translation) between two images. It is much more resilient (but not immune) to noise than feature detection because it operates in frequency space; whereas, feature detectors operate spatially. Another benefit is, it is very fast when compared with feature detection methods. I have an implementation available in the OpenCV trunk that is sub-pixel accurate located here.
However, your images are pretty much "featureless" with the exception of the crease in the middle, so even phase correlation may have some trouble with it. Think of it like trying to detect translation in a snow storm. If all you can see is white, you can't tell that you have translated at all, thus the term whiteout. In your case, the algorithm might suffer from "greenout" :)
Can you adjust the camera settings to work better in low-light conditions. Have you fully opened the iris? Can you live with lower framerates? Setting a longer exposure time will allow the camera to gather more light, thus giving you more features at the cost of adding motion blur. Or, if low-light is your default environment you probably want something designed for this like an IR camera, but those can be expensive. Other than that, a big lens and long exposures are your friend :)
Histogram equalization may be of interest in improving the image contrast. But, sometimes it can just enhance the noise. OpenCV has a global histogram equalization function called equalizeHist. For a more localized implementation, you'll want to look at Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization or CLAHE for short. Here is a good article on it. This page has some nice examples, and some code.

An algorithm for a drawing and painting robot - any tips?

Algorithm for a drawing and painting robot -
I want to write a piece of software which analyses an image, and then produces an image which captures what a human eye perceives in the original image, using a minimum of bezier path objects of varying of colour and opacity.
Unlike the recent twitter super compression contest (see:, my goal is not to create a replica which is faithful to the image, but instead to replicate the human experience of looking at the image.
As an example, if the original image shows a red balloon in the top left corner, and the reproduction has something that looks like a red balloon in the top left corner then I will have achieved my goal, even if the balloon in the reproduction is not quite in the same position and not quite the same size or colour.
When I say "as perceived by a human", I mean this in a very limited sense. i am not attempting to analyse the meaning of an image, I don't need to know what an image is of, i am only interested in the key visual features a human eye would notice, to the extent that this can be automated by an algorithm which has no capacity to conceptualise what it is actually observing.
Why this unusual criteria of human perception over photographic accuracy?
This software would be used to drive a drawing and painting robot, which will be collaborating with a human artist (see:
Rather than treating marks made by the human which are not photographically perfect as necessarily being mistakes, The algorithm should seek to incorporate what is already on the canvas into the final image.
So relative brightness, hue, saturation, size and position are much more important than being photographically identical to the original. The maintaining the topology of the features, block of colour, gradients, convex and concave curve will be more important the exact size shape and colour of those features
Still with me?
My problem is that I suffering a little from the "when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail" syndrome. To me it seems the way to do this is using a genetic algorithm with something like the comparison of wavelet transforms (see: used by retrievr (see: to select fit solutions.
But the main reason I see this as the answer, is that these are these are the techniques I know, there are probably much more elegant solutions using techniques I don't now anything about.
It would be especially interesting to take into account the ways the human vision system analyses an image, so perhaps special attention needs to be paid to straight lines, and angles, high contrast borders and large blocks of similar colours.
Do you have any suggestions for things I should read on vision, image algorithms, genetic algorithms or similar projects?
Thank you
PS. Some of the spelling above may appear wrong to you and your spellcheck. It's just international spelling variations which may differ from the standard in your country: e.g. Australian standard: colour vs American standard: color
There is an model that can implemented as an algorithm to calculate a saliency map for an image, determining which parts of the image would get the most attention from a human.
The model is called itti koch model
You can find a startin paper here
And more resources and c++ sourcecode here
I cannot answer your question directly, but you should really take a look at artist/programmer (Lisp) Harold Cohen's painting machine Aaron.
That's quite a big task. You might be interested in image vectorizing (don't know what it's called officially), which is used to take in rasterized images (such as pictures you take with a camera) and outputs a set of bezier lines (i think) that approximate the image you put in. Since good algorithms often output very high quality (read: complex) line sets you'd also be interested in simplification algorithms which can help enormously.
Unfortunately I am not next to my library, or I could reccomend a number of books on perceptual psychology.
The first thing you must consider is the physiology of the human eye is such that when we examine an image or scene, we are only capturing very small bits at a time, as our eyes dart around rapidly. Our mind peices the different parts together to try and form a whole.
You might start by finding an algorithm for the path of an eyeball as it darts around. Perhaps it is attracted to contrast?
Next is that our eyes adjust the "exposure" depending on the context. It's like those high dynamic range images, if they were peiced together not by multiple exposures of a whole scene, but by many small images, each balanced on its own, but blended into its surroundings to form a high dynamic range.
Now there was a finding in a monkey brain that there is a single neuron that lights up if there's a diagonal line in the upper left of its field of vision. Similar neurons can be found for vertical lines, and horizontal lines in various areas of that monkey's field of vision. The "diagonalness" determines the frequency with which that neuron fires.
one might speculated that other neurons might be found and mapped to other qualities such as redness, or texturedness, and other things.
There's something humans can do that I've not seen a computer program ever able to do. it's something called "closure", where a human is able to fill in information about something that they are seeing, that doesn't actually exist in the image. an example:
* *
is that a triangle? If you knew that it was in advance, then you could probably make a program to connect the dots. But what if it's just dots? How can you know? I wouldn't attempt this one unless I had some really clever way of dealing with that one.
There are many other facts about human perception you might be able to use. Good luck, you've not picked a straightforward task.
i think a thing that could help you in this enormous task is human involvement. i mean data. like you could have many people sitting staring at random dots (like from the previous post) and connect them as they see right. you could harness that data.
