Setting ActiveRecord model attribute - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to override a initialize in a ActiveRecord model, I just saw one thing that I could not understand what was happening there. I wrote this initialize method:
def initialize params={}
super params
#data = Date.strptime(params[:data], '%d/%m/%Y') if not params[:data].nil?
self.number = generate_contract_number(params[:unit]) if not params[:unit].nil?
Given the generate_contract_number works and Date.strptime works as well. My question is: Why when I do self.number= the number is set and when I do #number= the number is not set. But when I do just the same with #contract_date= it works, and the self.contract_date= is set automatically?

Don't override ActiveRecord's initialize; use an after_initialize callback.
For more details, see this SO post.
I don't see anything about #contract_date, so I'm not sure what you mean. Without the model definition it's tough to say more, we don't know what #data or #contract_date is, or what "working" means. Bear in mind that an ActiveRecord's DB attributes aren't simple #-style attributes.


Rails - Returning all records for who a method returns true

I have a method:
class Role
def currently_active
klass = roleable_type.constantize
actor = Person.find(role_actor_id)
parent = klass.find(roleable_id)
return true if parent.current_membership?
I would like to return all instances of Role for who this method is true, however can't iterate through them with all.each as this takes around 20 seconds. I'm trying to use where statements, however they rely on an attribute of the model rather than a method:
Role.where(currently_active: true)
This obviously throws an error as there is no attribute called currently_active. How can I perform this query the most efficient way possible, and if possible using Active Records rather than arrays?
Thanks in advance
It seems impossible, in your case you have to do iterations. I think the best solution is to add a Boolean column in your table, so you can filter by query and this will be much faster.
After seeing your method after edit, it seems that it's not slow because of the loop, it is slow because Person.find and klass.find , you are doing alot of queries and database read here. (You better use associations and do some kind of eager loading, it will be much faster)
Another work-around is you can use ActiveModelSerializers , in the serializer you can get the attributes on the object based on condition. and after that you can work your logic to neglect the objects that have some kind of flag or attribute.
See here the documentation of active model serializer
Conditional attributes in Active Model Serializers
Wherever possible you better delegate your methods to SQL through activerecord when you're seeking better efficiency and speed and avoid iterating through objects in ruby to apply the method. I understand this is an old question but still many might get the wrong idea.
There is not enough information on current_membership? methods on associations but here's an example based on some guess-work from me:
roleables = roleable_type.pluralize
roleable_type_sym = roleable_type.to_sym
Role.joins(roleables_sym).where(" ? BETWEEN #{roleables}.membership_start_date AND #{roleables}.membership_end_date", DateTime.current).or(Role.joins(:person).where(" ? BETWEEN persons.membership_start_date AND persons.membership_end_date", DateTime.current))
so you might have to re-implement the method you have written in the model in SQL to improve efficiency and speed.
Try the select method: { |r| r.currently_active? }
The above can be shortened to

Where should method go (model?, somewhere else)

I've got a method in one of my models which returns data which will be fed into a charting gem.
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def ownership_data
I need to guarantee that the data return always has 2 values in the result. Something like this:
{ "yes" => 4, "no" => 2 }
In order to do this, I've written another method which is used in the first method:
def format_data(values)
values[false].nil? ? values = values.merge({ "no" => 0 }) : true
values[true].nil? ? values = values.merge({ "yes" => 0 }) : true
return values
My question is, where should this method go and how can I unit test it using rspec? I've currently got it in the model, however in trying to test it with rspec, my specs look like this:
let(:values) { { "yes" =>2 } }
it "it will return 2 values" do
result =
expect(result.keys.count).to eq(2)
I'm not too happy about having to instantiate an instance of the model to test this. Any guidance is appreciated.
As AJ mentioned in the comment, we probably need more information to go on to give more specific advice. I'll give some anyway...
If you have a object that isn't necessarily depending on the model itself, you should consider moving it to a plain old ruby object or a service object. Those can live in a separate folder (lib/services) or in your models folder without inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base.
Your method could also be a class method def self.method_name(values, values_2) instead of a instance method (if you don't need specific values from the model).
When it comes to data manipulation for reporting for my projects, I've built specific folder of ruby service objects for those under 'lib/reports' and they take raw data (usually in init method) and return formatted data from a method call (allowing me to have multiple calls if the same data can be formatted in different output options). This makes them decoupled from the model. Also, this makes testing easy (pass in known values in expect specific values in method outputs.

How to assign to Rails ActiveRecord conditionally?

Hey I wasn't quite sure what to call this but here's the deal.
I'm trying to only assign things to my database value if
There isn't a value in the database already, and
The value I'm assigning isn't blank.
The rudimentary version of this code is:
venue.address = venue_json['address'] if venue.address.blank? && !venue_json['address'].blank?
where venue is my ActiveRecord result.
This is what I have now (a little better). With the init_value in the Venue.rb class.
Venue.init_value(venue.address, venue_json['address'])
def self.init_value(record, value)
if record.blank? && !value.blank?
record = value
I'd like to get to this point, but really have no idea how.
especially since I'd like it it work with any attribute of the ActiveRecord class not just the address value.
Separating it into a method sounds like a good idea, but in this case it makes more sense to use an instance method rather than a class method.
def init_attribute(attribute, value)
self.update(attribute => value) if self.send(attribute).blank? && value.present?
venue.init_attribute(:address, venue_json['address'])
Some quick comments on the snippet above:
Using direct assignment won't persist the database value. You could go with something else like update or update_column. Or you can use assignment and then call #save on the object.
Whenever you need something not to be blank, you can use the more readable Object#present? which is part of ActiveSupport.
You'll need to call the method with the same name as the attribute on the database object. For this you'll want to use Object#send from Ruby.

How to determine a const in some model class?

There is the following model for 'delivery_types' table:
class DeliveryType < ActiveRecord::Base
I want to determine a special delivery type, for example, "DELIVERY_BY_TIME", and I want that this const returns DeliveryType.first (I'll put info about this type in my table later). Is it possible? How can I do it? Thanks.
I don't think you can do this, as this is no "real const". What you could do though, is creating a class method, called "by_time", which returns your "by_time" object. I would also not rely on the fact that this is your "first" object. Rather I would use a "find_or_create_by_name("BY_TIME"), which always makes sure you deliver the right object. Combined, something like
def self.by_time
##by_time||= find_or_create_by_name!(name: 'BY_TIME')
def by_time?
self == DeliveryType.by_time
If you read "Rails anti-patterns", they discourage you from making separate classes for "status" fields. They recommend to just use a string for that in your parent object, with some validators that limit the list of values though...

How can I refactor this Rails 3 code?

Can anybody figure a way to refactor this further?
#hourly_pay = {}
HourlyPay.all.each { |hp| #hourly_pay[t("hourly_pay.#{hp.amount}")] = hp.amount }
Edit: based on the answers I've received, here's how I refactored { |hp| t("hourly_pay.#{hp.amount}") }
Placing this into my model directly, this becomes
def self.get_options { |hp| I18n.t("hourly_pay.#{hp.amount}") }
However, I'm not sure if this is more calculation intensive, since I'm calling map on the values returned from the database, and then calling index_by on that.
Since my HourlyPay model only includes an id and an amount, I'm not worried about selecting everything. However, if I had a lot more fields, I would do the following instead:
def self.get_options
select(:amount).map(&:amount).index_by { |hp| I18n.t("hourly_pay.#{hp.amount}") }
So only the amount field is selected
Thanks for the responses!
The intention is not very clear here but I suggest that you look at using the index_by method in enumerable class. You'll get the complete HourlyPay object as the value in the hash though and can get the hash in one line.
Consider putting this code in the model if not already there.
