Grails: derived fields in domain classes - grails

Suppose I have a domain class branch which has several members:
static hasMany = [ members:Member ];
Now suppose I want to have the number of members of that branch readily available, to have it displayed in the list and view actions, so perhaps storing that information into a variable in the domain class itself would be a good idea?
Integer memberCount = members.size();
static constraints = {
(Is this the correct syntax?) Edit: This is not the correct syntax. I cannot assess the size of the members list, as it doesn’t exist yet and grails will complain about size() not being applicable to null objects. What else could I try?
However, as memberCount is now a variable in the domain class, it is possible to assign a value to it upon creation of the Branch (which is contra-intuitive) and it will not be updated automatically once a new Member is added.
It is of course possible to reach the desired result in a different way. I could manipulate the view.gsp and list.gsp in the /Branch directory, add some additional <td>s there etc. But that does not seem very elegant to me.
Basically, I think what I am looking for is some way to tell grails that a certain variable is derived, should not be setable by the user, but update whenever necessary. Is there such way?

You can add any property you don't want persisted to the transients static list:
static transients = ['memberCount']
See this page in the manual
Also, this StackOverflow question answers the same question
Also, a better way to do derived properties may be to use the Derived Properties feature of GORM


Grails findAll not finding values in a set

I've got a domain called Planning that has a hasMany of another domain called Employee included in it. I'm trying to do a findAll of these plannings where the plannings contain a particular employee and I can't get it to work.
I'm trying to do it like so, my print statements do print the contains as true
plannings = plannings.findAll{planning->
if(employee) {"find plannings with employee ${employee} ${planning.employees.contains(employee)}")
I'm not doing this as a Hibernate query as this broke the application in another weird way. This code is executed in a for each and for whatever reason that causes some weird behavior with Hibernate.
The closure must return a boolean value - see
This should work (not tested):
plannings = plannings.findAll{planning-> planning.employees?.contains(employee)}
BTW: I wouldn't assign the filtered list to the origin plannings list. Extract a a new expressive variable like planingsOfEmployee or something similar.
Without more relevant details around your problem (what's the weird behavior? log traces? hibernate mappings?, etc.) all we can do is to speculate; and if I have to do so, I would say that most likely:
The employee object you are using for comparison is a detached one.
The employee object does not override meaningfully equals and hashCode
You use using this detached employee to do comparisons against against persisted employees (using planning.employees.contains(employee)) found inside planning
Under these circumstances the comparisons will never be true even when they may represent the same objects. If this is your case, you must either:
Use a persisted employee object to do the comparisons.
Or, implement equals and hashCode semantically meaningful for Employee
Hope this helps.

Grails dynamic "inList"

This is almost identical to this old question: Dynamic define the inList constraint using database query which was essentially unaddressed, perhaps there have been advances in the years since that was asked.
I'd like to populate the inList parameter of a domain attribute with values from another domain. Due to auto-generated views (scaffolding, filterpane), this needs to come from inList rather than a custom validator.
class MyDomain {
String someValue
static constraints = {
someValue(nullable: true, maxSize: 50, inList: SomeOtherDomain.list()*.name)
This gives the following error on startup:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Either class [thepackage.SomeOtherDomain] is not a domain class or GORM has not been initialized correctly or has already been shutdown. Ensure GORM is loaded and configured correctly before calling any methods on a GORM entity.
I know, the "correct" way to handle this is to make someValue an instance of SomeOtherDomain instead of just storing the name, but that doesn't quite fit. We want to be able to delete an instance of SomeOtherDomain without breaking the saved value of the owning domain... the domain with the deleted value will be invalid going forward, and would have to be updated before saving, but archived/locked records will still exist and can be displayed.
You can specify value lists for filterpane like this:
<filterpane:filterPane domain="MyObject" filterPropertyValues="${['someValue':[values: SomeOtherDomain.list().collect{}]]}" />
And then just use a custom validator to actually validate. I'm not sure what scaffolding might use the inList but easy enough to get around that if you're OK with replacing a few scaffolded pages with static ones.

Grails: Collection in domain object without hasMany

I have two domain objects A and B.
A can be associated with many Bs but I do not want any save cascade from A to B.
I'm thinking of defining the hasMany relationship form A to B, but then setting a cascade behavior. Any ideas?
This is an example of my domain objects:
class A{
static hasMany = [bees:B]
class B{
If you do not wish for GORM to manage the save/updates for your collection simply don't use hasMany. Instead treat it as a simple HashSet property.
Why not use 'belongsTo' on B, and don't declare anything on A? This way you'll get the foreign key to 'A', but operations on 'A' won't affect 'B'. You lose a bit of convenience, but can still easily look up all 'B' by 'A'. I actually prefer this because I don't need to worry about lazy loading gotchas and hibernate going and loading all the 'B's when I'm just trying to add one (assuming you don't need that functionality).
class A{}
class B{
static belongsTo = [your_a:A]
//get your B's for a given A
B.findAllByA(your_A_instance, ...paging, etc...)
You can define your own cascading behavior in the static mappings block of your Domain class.
See here:
If you are saying what I think your are saying then what you are talking about is not cascading. A simple outline of your classes would be helpful. If you have an instance of A which is associated with many instances of B, then all instance of B which reference the instance of A in question are referencing the exact same object. I had the same problem and asked a similar question here. Basically your options are:
1.) Clone the instance of A whenever it changes or whenever you deem appropriate.
2.) Create new fields in your B class which will hold the values of A you are concerned with.
Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, but for me option 2 proved to be the better choice.

groovy, grails: high level questions on extraneous properties and command objects / data binding

Just a few high-level, hopefully very quick questions:
1) If I have a class A with a single field x, is constructing it
def A = new A(x:someVal, y:someVal)
totally fine?
2) Related, is the following a good way to copy relevant parts of a command object into a domain object?
def domainObject = new DomainObject(
Where command object has extra properties. Or should it be done instead:
def domainObject = new DomainObject()['prop1', 'prop2', ...] =
or ?
For the first question, it's important to distinguish between a vanilla groovy object, and a grails domain object. Groovy objects with throw a MissingPropertyException. Grails domain objects will silently ignore extra properties.
Regarding the second question, initializing grails domain objects with a command object is a common pattern, and generally ok. Params can be a little bit more dangerous. A malicious user can put anything into params so it's best to explicitly spell out what properties you want to assign. Otherwise, things like timestamps and users, or even non-mapped columns like injected spring beans could be affected.

add user define properties to a domain class

i have a requirement to allow the user to define some custom field in one of the system entities. do you have any suggestion/pattern/plugin that will help me add this feature to my application.
You can add a Map property to your domain class and store arbitrary data there. It's rather limited though. It will generate a table with varchar(255) keys and values, so you need to manage any type conversions yourself, e.g.
class Thing {
String name
Map extraProperties = [:]
int age = 123
def thing = new Thing(name: 'whatever')
thing.extraProperties.age = age.toString()
def thing = Thing.get(thingId)
int age = thing.extraProperties.age.toInteger()
See section "5.2.4 Sets, Lists and Maps" at for the brief online docs.
Sounds like you want your application to be an infinitely adjustable wrench that users can modify at will. Is that fair?
I don't think it's possible or desirable. Think about what happens when you add an attribute to an existing domain object in Grails. The attribute is added to the ORM mapping, which means the tables have to be modified. The UI has another text box added for data entry; the list page has another column added to its table.
There's a lot going on when you add an attribute. How will you manage multiple users modifying the app all at the same time? What happens when one user is modifying a table while another is accessing the old version?
You ask too much. I don't think it's a reasonable requirement. Grails' sweet spot is rapid development of web-based CRUD applications. I don't think that includes modification by users at runtime.
