Team Foundation Server 2010 Project Collection and Project Permissions - tfs

I'm new to Team Foundation Server 2010 and I have a question about permissions.
Is it possible for a project to inherit permissions from a project collection? I want to setup a custom contributor group at the project collection level and add the developers to it. Each time they create a new project I want to inherit the permissions from the project collection. That means I don't have to explicitly add the developers to the project each time they create one.
Maybe there is some other way of doing this and not having to setup a custom contributors group? Any help would be appreciated!

I would recommend setting up some Active Directory Groups along the lines of:
TFS Contributors
TFS Administrators
TFS Project Managers
(You could also do this for specific projects. You get the idea.)
Give these AD groups the permissions you need, and simply add/remove the developers to the AD groups. If you can get the ability to manage the AD group, this will be much simpler that administering through the TFS admin tools.
Hopefully, you'll already have AD groups that fit these needs, saving you the trouble. Maybe a team-wide distribution list, for example?

You can create collection level roles (TFS Groups) and edit your process template to grant permissions to those roles so there are set by default in every new project.


TFS Customized security groups at collection level

We have group of developers, Testers & BA's who will work for more that 30 projects under collection, so instead of adding them for each project want to create security groups at collection level so everyone will have access to all the projects under collection.
On TFS, we want to have customized groups like Developers, Testers, BA's at collection level so they will have access to all the projects so that I don't need to add them for each project.
So instead of adding them for each project want to create security groups at collection level so everyone will have access to all the projects under collection? So how can I do that!!!
You can try to add the new customized groups as members of the "Project Collection Administrators" group. This will grant access to all projects in the collection, including the futures ones.

How to modify project admins group using TFS process template?

I have almost 400 projects to create in my TFS project collection in TFS 2017. I don't want to have to create and configure each project, one at a time. I'd like to create a custom process template, which seems easy enough to do, but I can't find how to add an AD group to the Project Administrators group.
The GroupsandPermissions.xml file allows the creation of new groups but doesn't accept the Project Administrators group as an option. I've read here where others have tested it. Also the macro for project administrators is reported not to work because the group already exists.
Any ideas how to add an AD group to project administrators in the process template or otherwise?

What is actually meant by 'collection' in Team Foundation Server?

I am new to Team Foundation server.
1)What is meant by collection in TFS?
2)How can me and my friends work on a project using TFS?
1)What is meant by collection in TFS?
Simply saying a team project collection is a group of team projects in TFS.
When your Team Foundation Server (TFS) hosts multiple team projects, you can manage them more efficiently by grouping them together and assigning the same resources to them. For example, you can group projects that have similar requirements or objectives, such as all team projects that access a particular code base. You can then manage the group of team projects as an autonomous resource with its own user groups, server resources, and maintenance schedule.
A group of team projects is called a team project collection. When you install TFS, a default collection is created to contain all team projects. When you create a collection, you specify the logical and physical resources that team projects within that collection can use. All the artifacts and data that those team projects use are stored in the single database of the collection.
See Manage team project collections in Team Foundation Server for details.
2)How can me and my friends work on a project using TFS?
Too much content for this question. Suggest you reading the Quickstarts documents first.
Basically you need to do following things first:
Create a team project
Add users to a team project or specific team
Add administrators, set permissions at the project-level or project
Connect to TFS --> Version Control --> Build/Release
Please refer to the Guide link for each related point :
Also here is a simple guide for your reference to Get Started with Team Foundation Server 2015

TFS 2015 - Setting permissions per area

I've recently completed the deployment of TFS 2015 Update 1, we have around 15 development teams in the UK and previously we have always structured our TFS projects as follows:
Default Collection
Application 1 (Team Project)
Application 2 (Team Project)
This caused issues with sharing work items across teams as it is difficult to move WI's across the project boundary.
Rather than create a new team project for each team, I want to manage things with a single team project and create separate areas\iterations\teams for each one. So:
Project Collection > Master Team Project > Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
in terms of permissions I would like to add in each of the standard TFS permission groups to each area. I would also like to create a root folder for source control for each area.
At the moment I can't work out how to do this? Can anyone help?
I suggest you to look at the some community suggestion on this topic.
One Team Project to rule them all
Why You Should use a Single (Giant) TFS Team Project
How to implement a multiple team strategy in Team Foundation Server 2013
In general it is a good practice (I won't say best practice as it is not the right thing to do in some cases).
Regarding you question, you should focus on Team to define developers access, and TFS groups for general (e.g. administrative) access.
I'd recommend you to use the multiple teams feature in TFS2015. It allows you to manage the team members, permissions, work items more easily. And you can track the entire project status from the team project page and track the individual feature team status from their own project page. The work items can be also moved between the teams easily (Just change the area path). Refer to this link for details: Multiple Teams

Developers can't see projects in Team Explorer/TFS 2010

For some reason our developers can only add projects that they've created to Team Explorer, even though they've all been given rights to the other projects. I created a top level group and added all of their AD users to it, and I assigned that group rights to access all of our projects.
They can see the projects in Source Control Explorer, and are able to do their work, but if they try to add a project to Team Explorer, the Connect to Team Project dialog box only shows their own projects.
Is there some other set of permissions?
If you want to make everyone can see and operate each others project, you need to put your team group into Project Collection Administrators in Collection level
If you don't want everyone have admin right,
you need to tell everyone to put the team group into Readers group in the team project they created.
Actually, I don't think there is a way to create a group in Collection level to access all team projects.
In fact, I think the best solution for you situation should be everyone use the same Team project and put everyone in the Reader group in that team project.
So everyone can create their own project under that team project instead of creating their own team project.
If you still want to let everyone create their own team project,
I suggest you use Team Foundation Server Administration Tool to manage group membership.
Permission right usually given on team project level basic. By "top level group" if you mean by giving permission at collection level. then i will suggest you try adding member at 'team project level' under any required group with necessary permission. if you cant add the member ask the admin of the team project to add separately.
you can directly access the security page through web access by.
[TFS web access url]/[Collection]/[team project]/_admin/_security
Under the "TeamExplorer - Connect" there is an option to "Select Team Projects..." When you click on this a box should pop-up titled "Connect to Team Foundation Server" that has a select dropbox, a "Team Project Collections" panel and a "Team Projects" panel. The latter has a list of projects in the collection and each has a checkbox next to them.
Make sure the projects you are interested in are in the list, and have the box checked. You can use the "Select All" checkbox to turn them all on at once.
