How do I use custom fields in Mantis' Roadmap? - mantis

I'd like to have an effort estimate for upcoming versions of my software in its Roadmap in Mantis Bug Tracker.
I could figure out easily how to add a custom fields (integer type, called "days to complete") to issues, and how to show it on the "view issues" page. But I couldn't find out how to add something to the roadmap showing the sum of days to complete for non-resolved issues.
Is there a built-in way to do this?
My guess is no, that would take some php coding inside Mantis. But maybe someone did that already?
Edit: I had a look at the Time Tracking feature. It doesn't look like what I want.

The display of the Roadmap is driven by a Custom Function, which you can override in any way you see fit (and yes that means writing some PHP code, but without altering the MantisBT core).
To achieve what you want, you should override custom_function_default_roadmap_print_issue().
Please refer to the MantisBT documentation for further details.


Lidars in Drake

I want to simulate lidars. I saw that a class DepthSensor was mentioned in the documentation, but I have not found its actual implementation. For now, I am planning on using the RgbdSensor class and use only the height I need of the depth point cloud I receive to simulate my lidars.
Just to get your input on that, maybe I missed something, but is there a specific class for lidars, and how would you go about adding lidars to a simulation?
Thanks in advance,
You've discovered an anchronism in the code. There had previously been a lidar-like sensor (called DepthSensor). The extant documentation refers to that class. The class's removal should've been accompanied by a clean up of the documentation.
The approach you are taking is the expected approach given Drake's current state.
There has always been an intention to re-introduce a lidar-like sensor in Drake's current architecture. It simply hasn't been a high priority.
I'd recommend you proceed with what you're currently doing (lidar from depth images) but, at the same time, post an issue requesting a lidar-like query with specific focus on the minimum lidar-properties that you require. A discussion regarding how that would differ from what you can actually get from the depth images would better inform of us your unique needs and how to prioritize it. (You can also indicate more advanced features that you need less but would be good to have, of course).
As for the question: how would you go about adding lidars?
That's problematic. Ideally, what you would need is ray-casting ability. The intent is for QueryObject to support such a query, but it hasn't happened yet. (It's certainly the underlying technology we'd have used to implement a LidarSensor.) In the absence of that kind of functionality, you'd essentially have to do it yourself in the most horrible, tedious way imaginable. I'd go so far as to suggest that it's not feasible with the current API.

Automatic text / HTML annotation / highlighting

Nowadays there are softwares which, when provided a text or a html document page, will output a summary.
I wonder if there exist anything to automatically annotate (or at least highlight) the same documents.
The idea is to be able to keep the full text, but highlight the most meaningful parts (somehow like a summarisation tool would do I guess). And maybe provide additional inferred insights (?)
Also I would like to know how it works if it exists :) Would it really be very different of summarization, or is it just the same principles with a different "output format"?
I'm looking for something to annotate HTML documents, like AnnotatorJS is designed for, looking like this:
This is not a complete answer, but it can lead to what you want. The first suggestion is looking at GATE. It provides a great annotation framework and as long as you don't want to program anything for it, it is easy to use. The second thing is to search for summarization plug-ins for GATE. GATE has been around for such a long time that I am sure someone has already implemented a summarization plug-in for it.

Custom text field autocorrection

Is it possible to customize the autocorrection of the keyboard when entering text into a text field?
In my app, I have a text field where rather long technical terms have to be entered. If I could provide an additional dictionary with frequent terms, it would incredibly help my users.
I've searched the documentation of the current iOS version and had a peek at the new iOS 8 documentation. QuickType seems similar to what I'm looking for. But is it configurable?
I hope it's doable without creating a custom keyboard. I don't think that's the way to go.
No, at the moment of writing it is simply not possible to add or alter the autocompletion or autocorrect library that Apple uses in combination with it's keyboards. Apple just doesn't allow "tampering" with it's autocompletion/correction and probably for good reason since they are context aware and self learning.
Alternatives you can consider:
1. Create your own keyboard with your own "quick type"
Probably not the best option, since you don't want to alter the keyboard but only autocompletion.
2. Add some kind of autocompletion in your app
There are some autocomplete libraries you could look into like HTAutoCompleteTextField and there are probably other CocoaPods you could look into. I think this would be your best option.
You could also write some sort of autocomplete yourself that shows the options while you type in a table or other kind of UI if you can't find a library that suits you. Not trivial, but could be worth it for your users.

Existing iOS form framework

Hello I am building forms over and over in iPhone and iPad apps:
Custom UITableViewCells for labels with input
Localization for labels, placeholder text and section headers
Validation that marks the cells red or something and does not allow "Submit" if form is incomplete
Clicking in the cell activates the editable text box
Next / previous buttons
Reliable across devices, orientations, iOS versions
I can't imagine I'm the only one doing this. Is there a mature framework or something that can drop in and use? Could you please comment on how you use this library with designs other than vanilla UITableViews with your own colors etc.?
Take a look at IBAForms - an open source project from from Itty Bitty Apps. I haven't used it yet myself, however I believe it does most of what you want, except for validation. Here is the github page: IBA Forms
It hasn't been maintained in a while, but if you're looking for a forms library - it's mature and works. At the very least, it could be the starting point for something you take further.
Update: There is also Chris Miles' EZForm library, which is very nice.
Update #2: Have also started checking out QuickDialog, which seems to be very popular.
Update #3: Nick Lockwood has created one called FXForms
Update #4: Martin Barreto has created one called XLForm
I don't know if this counts as an answer, but i use Sensible Cocoa - Sensible TableView (STV) for this purpose a lot. It's not a "forms" framework (on top of UITableView) as such, but it can be used for this purpose in a very flexible way. It still requires some coding to build a full-fledged form but the UITableView/UITableViewController boilerplate code is reduced to a minimum. Unfortunately the developers bumped the price tag quite high with version 3.0, so i'm actually looking for a STV replacement right now. (I'd stick with STV if it wasn't for the price!)
I don't know of anything that combines all those features, but I recently open-sourced my validation library PMValidation on github, which I used developing the iPhone app Imprints. PMValidation comes with many basic types suitable for validating forms, and in fact that's what I originally built it for.
Using the PMValidationManager class you can easily listen to UITextViews or UITextFields, and update whatever graphical widgets you want via notifications. It's very modular and easily extendable, should you have more unique needs. It's under the MIT license.

Creating own iOS-controls with Flex

I was looking into creating iOS-apps (especially for the iPad) with the Adobe-Flex framework. It looks very promising to code apps this way.
Is it possible to create own controls/widgets? In the far future I might want to create my own kind of gantt-calender or whatever. Is something like this possible and are there any good tutorials/book out there?
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: I want to create iOS Components that I can use in Flex. Controls, that are not aviable by default in Flex. Is that possible? By derivating or something?
UPDATE 2: In the meanwhile I found FlexLib to be useful. How hard is it to create stuff like this on your own? Especially for mobile devices. Are there any good tutorials, books, etc. out there?
Yes, you can create your own Controls in Flex. They are commonly called Components. I suggest you start by reading the Flex Docs on how to do so. There are also plenty of other resources out there. One is a screencast series that I created for The Flex Show. Here is episode 1.
You had asked:
How hard is it to create stuff like this on your own?
It depends on what the component wants to do. The commercial components we've built at have taken from three to twelve months to build. Our Calendar is built from scratch, but most of the other components extend existing Flex Framework components.
The Flextras stuff are architected for reuse. A "single use" component for a specific app can be built in 1 hour [and up].
Once again, the purpose of a component will affect how long it takes to build.
Ok, maybe I am guessing wrong but "iOS controls" makes me think not to "flex controls".
Anyway with Flex 4.5.1 you can add any controls you want, the only thing that you must count (and this counts a lot) is performance.
Read especially about item renderers since scrolling list is not so fast on iOS and how you can make use of cacheAsBitmap.
Also keep in mind to always use light controls when needed if not extend base controls like UIComponent or Sprite and not Button if you just need a rectangle.
Here are some links
