EF 4.1 Codefirst: Instantiate complex navigation properties - entity-framework-4

imagine having a simple POCO for EF 4.1 Codefirst:
public class Product
// Native properties
public Guid ID { get; set; }
// Navigation properties
public virtual Category Category { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
public Product()
this.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
// Do I have to instantiate navigation properties in the constructor or not???
this.Category = new Category();
this.Customers = new List<Customer>();
What I couldn't figure out so far is if I should instantiate complex navigation properties in the POCO's constructor or not?
Seems like all my current code is working if I don't instantiate, but I'm concerned that my code might cause problems in the future.
Are there any rules, best practices or any side effects?
Thanks for your ideas and tips!

You don't need to instantiate Category. Category is single entity which either exists or not - Product is not responsible for its creation. You can need to instantiate Customers to empty list.
The reason why it works now is because your context will wrap entities with dynamic proxy which will handle instantiation of you Customers collection. Because of that other code can access the collection without receiving NullReferenceException. This can change if you create instance of Product in your code without using EF. In such case there will be no dynamic proxy and your collection will be null = you will have to instantiate it yourselves.


Reuse DisplayAttributes with view model properties

Is there a way to use the DisplayAttribute values of an entity within a view model?
public partial class Catalog
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Resources), Name = "ID")]
public string ID { get; set; }
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Resources), Name = "CatalogName")]
public string CatalogName { get; set; }
public class CatalogViewModel
private readonly Catalog _catalog;
// I want reuse Catalog.CatalogName's display values.
public String CatalogName
get { return _catalog.CatalogName; }
I cannot access Resources from the view model.
Typically you wouldn't use domain objects within view models the way you do it here.
The explanation why is it not a good practice (although functionally it will work) is here.
What you would need to do is to define your view model from strings and ints (primitives)
and use something like AutoMapper to map between them. In real life web site it is rare that you will have domain model mapped one to one to view model, typically view model is tailored for specific view carrying all the required information from multiple tables.
Back to your question: having view model defined according to best practices I just described, you certainly can (and should) define all annotations and validations (using fluent validation or data annotation)
Hope this helps, please let me know if not.

MVC3 – ViewModels and controller functionalty: suggested design patterns

I have built a simple MVC3-based ticket entry site for a less-than-usable call center application and am attempting to refactor my prototype to better adhere to design patterns partly to make it more maintainable going forward but mostly as a learning exercise.
The user-facing view is a form consisting of basic user information in addition to a few panels allowing selection of various resource types. Each resource type (hardware, software, etc) is displayed in the same way: using dual, filterable listboxes with add/remove buttons, an optional “justification” textarea that conditionally displays if a requested resource requires justification, and general comments.
I have built the following ViewModel for the individual panels:
public class RequestableList
// list of requestable items ids requiring justification
private List<string> _restrictedItems = new List<string>();
public List<string> RestrictedItems
get { return _restrictedItems; }
set { _restrictedItems = value; }
// the key-value pairs from which to populate available items list
private Dictionary<string, string> _availableItems = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public Dictionary<string, string> AvailableItems
get { return _availableItems; }
set { _availableItems = value; }
// item ids requested by user
private List<string> _requestedItems = new List<string>();
public List<string> RequestedItems
get { return _requestedItems; }
set { _requestedItems = value; }
The main ViewModel is then comprised of multiple RequestableLists as necessary:
public class SimpleRequestViewModel
public UserInfo userInfo { get; set; }
public RequestableList Software {get;set;}
public RequestableList Hardware {get;set;}
public RequestableList Access {get;set;}
public string SoftwareAdditionalInfo { get; set; }
public string HardwareAdditionalInfo { get; set; }
public string AccessFileMailShare { get; set; }
public string AccessAdditionalInfo { get; set; }
public string SoftwareJustification { get; set; }
public string HardwareJustification { get; set; }
public string AccessJustification { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
I have created a strongly typed view for SimpleRequestViewModel (and its variant) and a strongly typed EditorTemplate for RequestableList that wires up the dual listboxes, filtering, and jquery. All renders well and is working but the code currently smells.
When posting to the controller, if the model is valid I must translate it into a readable text description in order to create a new ticket in in the call center app. It doesn’t feel right to have the controller performing that translation into readable text but I run into hurdles when trying to design another class to translate the viewmodels.
Only the selected item values are posted so before translating the request into text I must first lookup the appropriate text for the provided values (they are required in description). The controller is currently the only object that has access to the call center data model for this lookup query.
There are 2 similar ViewModels containing varying combinations of RequestableLists so any translator must be able to translate the various combinations. One has only Hardware and Software, another may have Hardware Software, and a few more RequestableLists.
I considered overriding ToString() directly in the ViewModel but didn’t like that business logic (conditional rendering) there, and again, once posted, the ViewModel doesn’t contain the text for the selected items in the listbox so it would need access to the data model.
The translation of posted values to text as it is currently handled in the controller smells as it’s handled in a switch statement. The controller takes each posted RequestableList and populates the original “Available” fields before it builds the new ticket description.
switch (requestCategory)
case RequestableCategory.Software:
itemList = sde.GetSoftware();
case RequestableCategory.Hardware:
itemList = sde.GetHardware();
case RequestableCategory.Access:
itemList = sde.GetAccess();
case RequestableCategory.Telecom:
itemList = sde.GetTelecom();
throw new ArgumentException();
So, my question(s):
What patterns are techniques would you recommend for performing the posted viewmodel to ticket description translation?
How do you typically handle the “only posts value” issue with select boxes when you need the text as well as the value?
Is there a better way for me to be approaching this problem?
Again, I am hoping this is a learning experience for me and am more than willing to provide additional information or description if needed.
A few suggestions:
Abstract the logic that does the call center submission into its own class. Provide (from the controller) whatever dependencies it needs to access the call center DB. Have different methods to handle the various types of view models using overloading. Presumably the descriptions come from the DB so you can extract the description from the DB based on the value in this class. This class could also take responsibility for building your view models for the display actions as well. Note that with this pattern the class can interact with the DB directly, through a repository, or even via web services/an API.
Use a repository pattern that implements some caching if performance is an issue in looking up the description from the DB the second time. I suspect it won't be unless your call center is very large, but that would be the place to optimize the query logic. The repository can be the thing that the controller passes to the submission class.
If you don't need to access the DB directly in the controller, consider passing the broker class as a dependency directly.
It might look like:
private ICallCenterBroker CallCenterBroker { get; set; }
public RequestController( ICallCenterBroker broker )
this.CallCenterBroker = broker;
// if not using DI, instantiate a new one
// this.CallCenterBroker = broker ?? new CallCenterBroker( new CallCenterRepository() );
public ActionResult CreateSimple()
var model = this.CallCenterBroker.CreateSimpleModel( this.User.Identity.Name );
return View( model );
public ActionResult CreateSimple( SimpleRequestViewModel request )
if (Model.IsValid)
var ticket = this.CallCenterBroker.CreateTicket( request );
// do something with ticket, perhaps create a different model for display?
this.CallCenterBroker.SubmitTicket( ticket );
return RedirectToAction( "index" ); // list all requests?
return View();

Are related records loaded into HashSet or SortedSet?

Assume we have POCO class for Entity Framework 4:
public class Order
public long Id { get; set; }
public ISet<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; }
And this method to retrieve the order from database:
public Order GetOrder(long orderId)
using (var context = new MyModelEntities())
return context.Orders.Include("OrderItems").Where(order => order.Id == orderId).FirstOrDefault();
So suppose we do this:
Order myOrder = GetOrder(1);
Is myOrder.OrderItems a HashSet or SortedSet? Is there a way to control this?
Good question.
As far as i know (and there is no MSDN/blog/article i am aware of that dispells/proves this), a navigational property can be of any type as long as it implements ICollection<T>.
Both HashSet<T> and SortedSet<T> implement ICollection<T>, so either would be viable candidates.
Did you step through the code? You should be able to see which concrete class get's resolved.
Most people use ICollection<T> / IList<T>. Why are you wanting to declare the property as ISet<T>?
Why don't you just declare which type you want, instead of the interface.
Or you could try using dependency injection (For<ISet>().Use<HashSet>()).

ASP.NET MVC: Connection Controller with Model

I'm still learning, but with the stackoverflow commnuties help, I've been able to get closer and closer.
What I have right now is a View "Index.aspx":
The Model:
public class GetDealsModel
// set up the model
public string DealId { get; set; }
public string StreetAddress { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public string Logo { get; set; }
public string Website { get; set; }
public string TotalRows { get; set; }
And the controller:
public ActionResult Index()
LinqToDealsDataContext db = new LinqToDealsDataContext();
XElement xmlTree = XElement.Parse("<Request><ZipCode>92612</ZipCode></Request>");
var deals = db.spSearchDeals(xmlTree);
return View(deals);
And with this configuration I'm now getting this error:
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider+SingleResult`1[Data.Models.spSearchDealsResult]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Data.Models.GetDealsModel'.
I'm guessing that there's an issue connecting my Controller to my Model... I'm not sure why. PLEASE help me connect this final peice.
NOTE: I do understand that eventually I should separate my logic in the controller into a Repository Pattern, but for now, this will do.
You need to translate the data coming back from this call:
var deals = db.spSearchDeals(xmlTree);
into a GetDealsModel type. So something like:
GetDealsModel dealsModel = new GetDealsModel()
DealId = deals.DealId,
StreetAddress = deals.StreetAddress,
return View(dealsModel);
The reason being that your View is strongly typed to take a GetDealsModel, but your deals variable is not of that type and it gives you that exception when you pass it to the View.
You should create object of type GetDealsModel, but your DB Query returns object of type Data.Models.spSearchDealsResult. Try something like:
return new GetDealsModel
DealId = deals.Id,
// other fields here
Add to your learning curve list the following items:
Repository Pattern
Ask yourself the following question: Why do I need a service layer?
Read Steven Sanderson's book. It teaches you to think in MVC.
The above applies to your problems because your issues are clearly related to having code in your Controllers that should be in your Model (ie, data access code should be in a repository class). Ie, you are not thinking in MVC.
Your model should include the necessary repository classes, eg, DealRepository.
You need a Service class to map the objects your repository digs out of your database to your model class: that way conversion problems are encapsulated into the Service Layer code.
If you do this, you can then write in your controller:
public ActionResult Index()
Where DealService.GetByZipcode basically just maps DealRepository.GetByZipcode(92612) to your model class and returns the mapping result.
The DealRepository.GetByZipcode method would be roughly:
public static DealEntity GetByZipcode(string zip)
LinqToDealsDataContext db = new LinqToDealsDataContext();
XElement xmlTree = XElement.Parse("<Request><ZipCode>" + zip + "</ZipCode></Request>");
var deals = db.spSearchDeals(xmlTree);
return deals;
The DealEntity class is just whatever Linq gives you for your table.
The reason WHY for all this:
The reason for this structure is as follows:
a. All you data access code is in one place: DealRepository. You can test and debug that independently of everything else.
b. The mapping code is all in one place: DealService. You can test and debug that independently of everything else.
c. In other words, you need to properly separate your concerns.
The problem with your existing code is precisely that you have NOT separated concerns. Ie, you have taken a dash of MVC and put it in a food processor and ended up with mush full of problems that are way more difficult to deal with than they need be.
Your model is mixed into your controller, there is no repository, no service layer.
So hold your horses just a while and take the time to read Steve Sanderson's book.
I would also try modelling a simpler problem. That xml parsing makes my head hurt even on a good day.
You could seriously improve your naming conventions. LinqToDealsDataContext? You're kidding, right?

NHibernate - Sorting Entities based on Property/Column + how to manage?

I'm writting an ASP.NET MVC e-commerce app using NHibernate and I want the end-user to be able to control the ordering of Product Categories (not just have them appear alphebetically etc.).
Normally, I'd add an OrderIndex/Sort column (of type int) to the Category table, and property to the Category domain class. But the problem is in having to constantly manage this special OrderIndex/Sort column as Categories are sorted, added, and deleted. I'd rather hide it away and make it transparent so callers don't have to set the property directly.
Sure I could write my own code to manage all this, but wanted to know if NHibernate has anything built in that could help me, or if it could hook this property up automatically.
If not then I was thinking of creating an OrderedEntity base class (all domain objects derive from an Entity base), and create an IOrderedRepository base Repository as well. Something like this:
public class Entity
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public class OrderedEntity : Entity
public virtual int OrderIndex { get; set; }
public class Category : OrderedEntity
public interface IRepository<T> where T : Entity
T FromId(int id);
void Save(T entity);
public interface IOrderedRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : OrderedEntity
void MoveUp(int places);
void MoveDown(int places);
Does this seem like a good approach? I don't want to reinvent an inferior wheel.
So far I know Hibernate has an annotation #OrderBy where you can specify the ordering when the collection is loaded. But Hibernate won't manage the position that for you when you add or remove element in the collection.
You can however easily do that yourself and provide methods addItem and removeItem on the parent entity, which will keep track of the position (or the methods MoveUp and MoveDown as you suggest).
