Using "rails runner" for cron jobs is very CPU intensive - alternatives? - ruby-on-rails

I'm currently using cron and "rails runner" to execute background jobs. For the most part these jobs are simple polls "Find the records that are due to receive a reminder email. Send that email."
I've been watching my Amazon EC2 Small instance, and noticed that each time one of these cron job kicks in, the CPU spikes to ~99%. The teeny tiny little query inside my current job is definitely not responsible. I'm presuming that the spike is simply due to the effort of loading the full rails environment via "rails runner".
Is there a more CPU efficient way to handle regularly scheduled batch jobs?
P.S. I know that in the particular example of sending a reminder email at time X in the future, I could delayed_jobs, and simply schedule the job in the future. Not every possible task fits into the delayed_jobs framework very well though, so I'm looking for a more traditional "cron job" type solution. Like "rails runner", but without the crazy CPU consequences.

You can use workers witch don't load rails env. Or load it only once(like resque)

I don't think there is a solution for this, since you do need to load a Rails environment to handle whatever that is you are handling. So when on the "cron" model you will be starting up a handler which in turn will create some load on your instance. I don't know how cloud services lend themselves to this, but I think the optimal model in your case would be to have a running daemon for job handling and forking coupled with REE for the job execution (that helps prevent memory leaks by letting as much as possible happen in the child process that will die at the end of the execution loop).
The daemon could be configured to accept signals (also via a job queue) that would spin off jobs doing specific things.


Rails, use a single delayed_job instance for all applications

I have a server running several RoR applications. Some of them require delayed_job to handle picture resizing and other tasks. At the moment, I'm running delayed_job per each application... this results in a higher memory consumption.
Is it possible to run a shared delayed_job instance on the server, that will be used by applications?
That would be suspicious. Delayed_job is supposed to run with the same codebase as the application requesting the jobs - it uses this fact for job serialization/deserialization which would be extremely difficult otherwise. In your case the jobs might be similar but at some point one of the applications is going to schedule a job that the delayed process simply won't understand.

Rails: Delayed_job for queuing but running jobs through cron

Ok, so this is probably evil, however.. here's the question! I want to run a pretty lightweight app on a shared environment (site5). Ideally I would like to use delayed_job for the ease of queueing the mails (~200+ every so often). However, being a shared environment they don't want background processes running all the time (fair enough).
So, my plan, such as it is, is to queue the mails using delayed job, and then every hour or something, spin up a cron job, send a few emails (10 or something small) and then kill the process. And repeat.
Q) Is there a rake jobs:works:1 equivalent task it'd be easy to setup? - pointer would be handy.
I'm quite open to "this is a terrible idea, don't even go there" being the answer.. in which case I might look at another queuing strategy... (or heroku hire-fire perhaps..)
You can get delayed job to process only a certain number of jobs by doing:
You could fire a script to do that from cron or use "rails runner":
rails runner -e production ''
I guess the main issue on whether it is a good idea or not is working out what small value is actually high enough to make sure you process all your jobs in a reasonable time-frame. Also, you've got the overhead of firing up the rails environment every time you want to process, or even check whether you should process, any jobs. That might cause problems in a shared environment if they are particularly strict on spikes of memory or CPU usage.
Why not skip the 'workers' (which are just daemons which look for work else sleep) and have your cron fire a custom rake task of 10.times { MailerJob.first.perform }
You'd just need to require you're app in the line before that so its loaded ofc.

How can I monitor recurrent rake tasks run by heroku scheduler?

I just got the last month heroku bill, and the scheduled rake tasks were a relatively heavy burden. We are pretty early in our development process, so we just developed some rake tasks to get the job done recently, and didn't had much concern in theirs optimization.
Now we want to improve theirs performance and theirs heroku processing hours usage. We use New Relic to monitor the webapp performance, but apparently this type of rake tasks are ignored by default, and it's unclear how to override that.
Anyone had a similiar problem? How can I track the scheduled tasks in close to real time to monitor performance, optimize, and don't get suprise bills?
Whilst you can't really monitor rake tasks that well, there are a few little things you can do. One is the use of logging. Output start and end times of tasks to logs, and you can then see what's been happening duration wise. If you couple this with something like the Papertrail add-on then you can do additional interrogation later on.
As for running the jobs themselves, there's a couple of ways that you can run background processes which are dependant on how they need to run:
If you're needing to run jobs on a schedule, there's a few options available. Firstly there's the Heroku scheduler, which is pretty good, but doesn't guarantee executions will happen. Normally you would use this to kick off a rake task which will bring up a one-off dyno for the duration of the task - therefore you need to ensure in development that these tasks are as efficient as possible.
Alternatively, if you're looking at jobs that need a little more control or using a clock process. Essentially this is a dyno running 24/7 that does nothing but kick off other jobs at preset intervals and times. This would normally be done using the clockwork gem. The downside of this approach is that you need to pay for a clock process all the time.
A third approach, and one that might work is delayed job, with it's runat option, allowing you to queue a job to be run in the future (and jobs can re-queue themselves). There are a few issues with this in that a failure can kill the whole chain, and you need a full time worker running to process them all.
Therefore, in order to minimize your bills, ensure that your rake tasks are as performant and reliable, and then choose the scheduling option that suits you. If you're looking at schedules plus user created events, delayed_job might be the best option. If you're looking at a few tasks running periodically, then go scheduler. If you're looking at running lots of time critical jobs on a regular basis, go with clockwork.
Either way, you should be able to constrain a fair amount of processing into just one or two processes depending on your approach.
I know this question is almost 10 years old, but there is a new way!
You can now monitor your Heroku Scheduler jobs using One-off Dyno Metrics. This Heroku add-on gathers metrics for all detached one-off dynos running in your Heroku app. It was created to be an extension of Heroku's Application Metrics and works out of the box.
when you are running on heroku cedar there is a way to get a free setup for your workers. this is no answer to your monitoring question, but it might be interesting anyways:
You can force the New Relic agent to start in your rake tasks and report their performance data.
Not the answer to the specific question,but...
One method of reducing overhead is using Unicorn server to get multiple workers working on one dyno. It depends on your set up, but most people who've taken the time to test it can comfortably get 3 - 4 worker processes running concurrently. It's a huge boost in clearing cues or tasks. Just be careful not to max out the allocated memory for the dyno.

Should the resque-scheduler queue be expected to handle /lots/ of delayed jobs?

I am currently using resque and resque-scheduler in an application that will have to handle a lot of recurring jobs - "do this every hour", "do this every day" etc. At the moment, I simply queue up the next run of the job in the job itself, the HourlyJob queue has a .enqueue_at(1.hour.from_now, HourlyJob) etc.
Should I be doing this? It "feels" like I should have a static recurring job using resque-schedulers cron-type functionality that then schedules up say the next 5 minutes worth of delayed jobs... but all I am really doing is moving the work from the (probably fast, redis based) resque-scheduler to my (probably less well implemented, mysql based) code, surely?
Is there anything wrong with how I'm doing it now?
I'd personally use the cron style provided by resque-scheduler, your use case is exactly what it was built for:
Your more directly indicate these are recurring jobs.
Everything is located in the same YAML file rather then multiple job classes/modules.
By queuing the next run of the job inside the actual job:
You run the risk of the next run going missing when your worker/job/server fails.
Your needlessly using more memory in Redis, the scheduler process will not add the jobs to Redis until there ready to be run.
Hops this helps.

Running Jobs when DB is free on Ruby on Rails Heroku

I have a ruby on rails app that uses Heroku. I have the need to run things like import/export tasks on our db that lock up the whole system since they are so heavy on the DB. Is there a way to tell the system to only run these tasks when the database is not being used at that second?
There is no built-in way to schedule a job like this. There are a few things you can do, though.
Schedule the jobs to run during the least busy hours of the day. That will depend on your business, customer base and so on, but hopefully there is a window that is more suitable than others.
You could write your batch job to run for a longer time, doing small units of work. Between each unit of work, sleep for a few seconds, or take a look at the current load average and decide what to do based on that. This should lower the impact of the batch jobs.
Have the website update a "lock" somewhere, either in the database or in a memcached or something. If your normal website usage updates the database, you could look at the existing updated_at. Then only do batch work when there hasn't been any activity for a while. This doesn't guarantee that a new user won't pop in at the same time your batch job runs, of course, but could be a way to find a window where the site is less used.
Have you looked into using Background Jobs / Workers on Heroku? It's also worth reading about Heroku's Delayed Job queuing system
