How to split audio encoding across multiple application launches? - ios

My app needs to encode a large amount of audio data to an M4A file. I am currently using AVAssetWriter, which works fine, except that it takes a few minutes to encode all the data.
Instead of asking the user to keep the app running until the process has finished, I would like to pause the encoding when the app terminates and continue on relaunch.
Unfortunately, AVAssetWriter doesn't seem to support this, as it always creates a new file when initializing.
Do you know any other APIs that I could use? Maybe a third-party library?

This is exactly what background processing is intended for. As long as you can complete within 10 minutes, you can use beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: to ask the system to let you keep running after the user switches applications. See Completing a Finite-Length Task in the Background in the iOS Application Programming Guide. Not only is this the easiest to use, but it'll give the best user experience.
The only issue you'd face is if it's possible for an audio file to take longer than 10 minutes in a non-resumable way. If that's a real possibility, then you'll need another solution.


In iOS11, how to keep a background task running past 10 min?

My question involves keeping an app that monitors user interactions in the background, for example time spent in one or the app. The issue arises when you can not have a background process run for more than 10 min or violate Apple's sandbox restrictions. Since I am relatively new to the Apple API, and could not find a direct answer that didn't involve location services or VOIP (which are both interesting options, but my application will not be able to use either viably), I come to ask for options in which I can understand when another app opens, when it closes, when it fetches data, and when user holds phone in certain orientation (ie when people hold their phone at certain angles to read text and etc.) for certain amount of time.
The purpose of this analyzation is to predict an attention span for the user, so I need to be able to run in the background, as the user will not be using my app while it predicts attention span.
My thoughts on this are possibly accessing the system log, and somehow parse previous statements (I don't think sandbox will allow), but inevitably the iOS system will suspend my processes after some point unless I put a timer. There is also the option of having the system wake up my app via opportunistic fetching, but that won't be useful if I don't collect the data.
Keep in mind this is within IOS 11, so it is much more restrictive than previous iterations. I understand this may seem like a complex problem, but even a direction in which to head could be useful to me.
This solution might work, (not recommended since it drains the battery quicker).
Just update your current location, every 10 mins. It will reset the background thread timer.

How to manage many (>500) background URLSession downloads with AFNetworking 2.x?

I have an app on the app store that uses AFNetworking 2.x to download large files in the background with NSURLSession-based downloads, because the user will often put the app in the background (it gets terminated after a while of course, but the downloads finish all the same. Wonderful). This app is working well. Usually users are only downloading a few files at a time.
Now I need to make another similar app, but this time instead of a few large files, it is very likely that the user will want to download a large number of smallish files: for example, 500 files that are 1-5mb each. Again, the app will often be put in the background, so I want to stay with NSURLSessionDownloadTask unless there's a really good reason not to.
My question is, can I simply create 500 NSURLSessionDownloadTasks all at once? Does AFNetworking do some clever throttling so as not to overload the system? Or does iOS do it? Or does nothing do it, and I have to painfully track & organize the state of transfers across restarts of my app (ie. because it gets put in the background eventually terminated) ?
If anyone knows the limits of how many NSURLSessionDownloadTasks you can create reliably simultaneously, that would be awesome...
p.s. I greatly prefer obj-c to swift, thx :)
Last I checked (haven't looked at the iOS 9 betas), task creation was unexpectedly expensive and also superlinear. On my test runs:
50 tasks -> ~1.5s
200 tasks -> ~11.5s
500 tasks -> ~55s
Since my file count was often a 5-digit number, scheduling everything at once wasn't a solution for me. My approach (which isn't in production yet, I stopped working on the feature in favour of other things), combines persistence with NSURLSessionDownloadTask and uses the session identifiers to sort out which logical download a particular file belongs to. Further downloads are scheduled from one of the delegates depending on whether I'm on the normal lifecycle or coming from -application:handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:completionHandler: (debugging this situation can get painful; NSUserDefaults is your friend). The theory seems sound, I can see that tasks do get scheduled, but I'm currently stuck getting the iOS downloader daemon to conform to my will.
If the server-side zip as suggested by Benjamin Jimenez is an option for you, do yourself a favour and use that instead.
The Apple staff member "eskimo" on apple developer forums helped me find the answer, which you can see in this forum post:
Pasting here the relevant parts:
(me) I've read through this thread and the one you linked to here
( and I have a
question about best practices to download 10,000-20,000 files via
NSURLSessionDownloadTasks. (Disclaimer, i'm using AFNetworking 2.x).
I'm targeting iOS 8 and newer, so answers do not have to work on iOS
7. How can we compute a reasonable batch (group) size ? I understand the resume-rate limiter means one wants the batch size to be higher,
but there's an unknown max limit of simultaneous task requests that
will crash the daemon.
(me) My assumption here is that when the user opens my app and it runs
for some time in the foreground, then the rate limiter is "reset" or
similar -- so now things will flow nicely again. Is this assumption
(eskimo) Yes. Also, starting with iOS 8, if the user brings your app
to the front then iOS will automatically give tasks a 'kick'. I've
forgotten the exact mechanics of this but I'm pretty sure it's covered
in WWDC 2014 Session 707 What's New in Foundation Networking.

iOS7 Background Synchronization (with NSURLSessionDataTask?)

As a user I am able to take (an unlimited amount of) photos and videos which are stored in the apps documents folder. Each of these media files gets a record within a Sqlite database with additional information (for exeample a caption). All this is possible to do completely offline.
Back online I get a dialog with a list of all the videos and photos I took and a button which starts an upload process.
Each file is uploaded after the other together with its metadata by making a multipart POST request to the server. The response of the server is stored together with the metadata in the Sqlite database (so there is no fire and forget).
Reliable solutions?
If I am reading and understanding this chart correctly, the most simple solution would be to wrap each of these uploads within a Task. Side effect: after 10 minutes every task would be cancelled, which becomes a problem by having a slow connection or very large files (for example a very long video).
The recommended way would be to use NSUrlSession/Background transfer service.
Which leads me to my question:
Is it possible to wrap multipart POSTs in NSURLSessionDataTasks and would this be reliable, even if the task is running longer than 10 minutes or the user is suspending the app?
As I am a Xamarin/C# guy I would really appreciate some sample snippets for a working multipart upload, even if it's in Objective-C ;-).
Almost and... yes.
Background Transfer service works with NSUrlSessionDownloadTasks and NSUrlSessionUploadTasks only. Not NSUrlSessionDataTasks, as described here.
Other than this "basic" limitation, it's safe to use background transfer service with upload tasks.
The 10-minute-freepass-in-the-background no longer applies on iOS 7 (basically, it's there, but different), however, with NSURLSession and background transfer service you do not need it.
I've a blog post here for background transfer service, based on download tasks.
An important thing to note is that, starting a task basically means that it will actually start sometime and actually finish some other time. This depends on whether the device is on cellular or Wi-Fi and other factors which are (probably) only known to iOS (and Apple).

How can I stream a movie in iOS and playback from the filesystem later?

I've got an app that currently ships with all the videos it can play embedded in it. This doesn't scale well, and unless you want to play all the movies, wastes disk space. It also makes it less desirable to upgrade the app because you have to re-download all movies.
What I would like to do is download the movie on the fly, play it back while downloading, and then if it's successfully downloaded, save it to the file system so that next time they want to watch it, it streams from the local file.
I can do whatever is needed to the video, but currently I'm serving it up as an .mp4 file from Amazon S3, with a mimetype of video/mp4, and so the first half of my issue works fine: the movie downloads, and MPMovieViewController will start playing it as soon as it thinks it has downloaded "enough."
Is there any way to tap into the cache of that video file so that I can save it and control how long it resides on the filesystem? This seems like it would be the easiest approach.
I am targeting iOS 5+6, but if the only solution available required iOS 6, I would consider it also. Thanks!
UPDATE: Using AFNetworking, I am now half-way there, I think. I am downloading the video file from the server, and listening for the download progress. Once I see 25% of the video has been downloaded, I start playback on the local file using an MPMoviePlayerController.
The main issue I'm running into now is playback seems to get screwed up. It's going along fine, 25% downloaded, playback starts... download continues normally... then the file finishes downloading completely, and shortly thereafter video freezes. The onscreen playback timer still indicates playback is ongoing and I don't see any "playback finished" type notifications, but the video is frozen. My guess based on the behavior is that perhaps the initial buffer for the video playback was used up, and it isn't detecting that more video is available on disk now?
Is there any way to interact with MPMoviePlayerController to let it know periodically to refresh the buffer it's playing out of? Or some other way to handle this situation?
UPDATE: Make sure to see the newer answer from #TomHamming.
I have yet to find a conclusive answer, but at this time I believe the answer is: you can't reliably do this. At least not without a lot of work which seems too much like a hack. I filed a feature request with Apple as it really seems like this should be possible with some adjustments to MPMoviePlayerController.
I will go over the variety of things I tried or considered, and the results I encountered.
Pass MPMoviePlayerController a URL to your movie file, which allows it to stream, and then pull the file out of the cache it was saved into, into your local Documents folder. Won't work, as of iOS 6. I filed a feature request with Apple, but as it stands now there's no way to get your hands on the file they are downloading, AFAIK.
Start downloading the movie file with NSURLConnection (or something like AFNetwork), and then when a "decent amount" has been downloaded to the device, pass the file URL to the MPMoviePlayerController and let it stream from disk. Sort of works, but not well. Three problems:
It's really hard to know when to start playing the file. I haven't figured out the algorithm Apple uses, and so I always erred on the side of caution, waiting for 25% to be downloaded before playing.
The MPMoviePlayerController interface provides no sense of the movie being streamed, as it does when Apple is doing the calculations via the network. It appears to the user that the file is totally downloaded when it really is not.
And most importantly, MPMoviePlayerController seems to not work well with playing a file that is not completely downloaded. I experienced playback problems once the file finished downloading, or if the player caught up with the amount downloaded, and never found a graceful way to handle these situations.
Same procedure as above, but use AVFoundation classes to more finely control the playback process, and avoid the issues described above regarding playback stopping, etc. Might work, but I want all the features of MPMoviePlayerController. Re-implementing MPMoviePlayerController myself just to get this one feature seems like a waste of time.
Same procedure as #1 above, but run a small web server in your app to handle streaming the video from the disk to MPMoviePlayerController, with the hope being that the streaming would work more like it normally does when streaming the file directly from an external web server. Works, but results were still sporadic and performance seemed to suffer. I did my test with CocoaHTTP. I decided against this approach because it just felt like a terrible hack.
Run a lightweight HTTP proxy, thus intercepting the downloaded movie file data as it gets streamed from the internet into your MPMoviePlayerController. Not sure if this works or not. I was not able to test this yet, as I have not found a lightweight HTTP proxy written in Objective-C, and at this point don't feel like implementing one just to try this experiment. It seems like the next easiest of all these hacks to implement -- if you don't have to write the proxy!
At this point I've decided to go the less-hacky, but also less user-friendly route of simply downloading the file completely, and then passing it to MPMoviePlayerController, until a better solution comes along.
You can do this as of iOS 10 with AVAssetDownloadTask. See this WWDC 2016 session and this documentation.
Alternatively, if your movie isn't DRM'd, you can do it with AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate, which effectively lets you give an AVPlayer an arbitrary stream of bytes. See this walkthrough.

Realtime audio input and output streaming in ios

am newbie for multimedia work.i want to capture audio by samples and transfer to some other ios device via to start my work??? .i have just gone through apple multi media guide and speakhere example ,it is full of c++ code and they are writing in file and then start services ,but i need buffer...please help me to start my work in correct way .
Thanks in advance
I just spent a bunch of time working on real time audio stuff you can use AudioQueue but it has latency issues around 100-200ms.
If you want to do something like the t-pain app, you have to use
RemoteIO API
Audio Unit API
They are equally difficult to implement, so I would just pick the remote IO path.
Source can be found here:
I have upvoted the answer above, but I wanted to add a piece of information that took me a while to figure out. When using AudioQueue for recording, the intuitive notion is that the callback is done in regular intervals of whatever the number of samples represent. That notion is incorrect, AudioQueue seems to gather the samples for a long period of time, then deliver them in very fast iterations of the callback.
In my case, I was doing 20ms samples, and receiving 320 samples per callback. When printing out the timestamps for the call, I noticed a pattern of: 1 call every 2 ms, then after a while one call of ~180ms. Since I was doing VoIP, this presented the symptom of an increasing delay on the receiving end. Switching to Remote I/O seems to have solved the issue.
