Game Center create account doesn't work ingame - ios

When I'm trying to login to game center from my game a popup appears with use existing account/create account. If I tap create account a similar screen like the one from game center - create account appears. In that screen I'm not able to select the country. Every other button is working fine, I can drag and the Locations are moving, but I'm not able to select a country. In GameCenter application I can select a country(the screen seems to be the same). Did you encountered this problem? Do you know possible reasons for this problem?
EDIT1: I tested only on SANDBOX environment
EDIT2: I use to method_exchangeImplementations() to change: touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded, touchesCancelled methods to custom functions, but I don't think this is the problem because drag works fine and tapping next button also works fine


Handle Selected Turns/Games in iOS Game Center App in Game Center Enabled App

I am creating a GKTurnBasedMatch Game Center-enabled app. I've successfully implemented GKLocalPlayerListener methods to listen for events, such as player:receivedTurnEventForMatch:didBecomeActive: and other methods. Additionally, if a user taps on an existing match in the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController (for example, if showExistingMatches is set to YES), I can handle the event in the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate method turnBasedMatchmakerViewController:didFindMatch:.
However, I want to handle tapping on the various controls to view a match within the iOS system Game Center app.
For example, if I navigate to the Game Center iOS pre-installed app (not my app), tap on the Turns tab, tap on the row for my app, tap on a match/turn, and then tap on "View Game" or "Accept Invite" or "Play your turn", I want to handle these match-specific actions in my app.
When these items are tapped, my app indeed launches, but as far as I can tell from reading the documentation, there is no way to get extra information about which match the user tapped, so I can appropriately show that match.
Apple has chosen to remove this feature.
Their documentation is inaccurate. I opened a bug with Apple to investigate further. Here is the disheartening proof.

Create a floating GUI button on iOS home screen

I'm creating an iOS swift app that will allow users to play sounds while in another app. The app is hard to explain, but I would like to know how to create some thing like the assistive touch or the zoom controllers. Like this:
It's hard to explain, but as you can see there is a button on the screen (it's always on top) and the user needs to be able to open a menu from the button. The user will play the sounds from here.
Is there any way I can do this in swift in Xcode?

GameCenter - check previous login before calling handler?

My app uses Game Center. I try to log the user when the VC loads.
If he was previously logged - great, it logs him in with the notification on top. If he wasnt logged in - great, it shows the Game Center login VC.
However, i want not to 'jump' on the user with the Game Center login VC when he enters the app. I want to have a button that brings up the Game Center login VC, which is easy to do, so only when he clicks the button, the Game Center login VC will come up.
The problem is - i discovered (through trial and error), that if i try to log the user in, and it fails (for example, the user was not logged in to Game Center at all), and if i dont bring the Game Center login VC at that moment - within the first call of the handler - i cant bring it up later on.
I'll explain - I implemented the button i talked about, which brings the GC login VC up. if i dont try to automatically log the user in on load, the button works as expected. But if i do, and it fails (for whatever reason), the button will not bring the VC up no matter what.
observations -
this shows that this is indeed Apple policy.
trying to bring the GC login VC up after failed handler login doesnt work at all, not related at all to VC appearance.
I found this question here on stackoverflow, but could not find my answer there.
My questions to you are:
Is that intended that you can only call the handler once per app run (Even though VC was not shown at first handler call)?
Is it possible to do what i asked? if so - how? I would love to able to try to login without showing VC only if i know it will succeed, so i can 'save' the handler call for the button that shows the GC login VC. I know that the information is available in the handler (according to this), im wondering if there is another way.
To conclude my questions - Do i have to 'jump' the user with the
login VC the moment i try to log him in? (if there is a GC logged in
user on the device, a VC is not required)
I hope this was clear, since its a confusing situation.
Sorry for the long post!
Thanks alot for your time!
You keep some NSUserDefaults like 'userHasAttemptedToUseGameCenter'. It starts as NO or undefined, which to you means NO. Then when they press the game center button you set to YES and try to do the game center authentication. From then on every time they open the game (or at least every time they go to a game center related screen / feature, then you do game center authentication.
Even when its working fine because you have a game center user it can be a pain because the 'Welcome back' game center banner will pop down and cover the top part of your games UI for the first few moments.
If you just let the game center authentication come up every time but the user doesn't want it, I think after 3 failed attempts to authenticate iOS will NEVER show the authentication again. Your user will then be totally stuck if they change their mind later and want to use a feature that needs game center. You can detect that case only because game center won't authenticate! And all you can do then is tell the user to go to the Game Center app and log in there. Its hell to test. If one of your test devices gets into this locked out state you have to do a 'Reset all content and settings'.
Please someone chime in if this has gotten any better in iOS8.

iOS Game - implementation of "star" and "like" buttons in gamecenter

Good evening,
I'm working on implementation game center to my iOS game and I want create achievements, which players will raise when they will rate app on the main board in game center and when they will like it on facebok using game center.
But I don't have any idea how to check it. Is possible, for example, catch events of those buttons (stars and like buttons) in game ceneter, or what way should I go?
I think if those buttons are in game center there should be some kind of cooperation with Objective-c.
Thank you.
I don't think there is a way to determine when an action is performed on either of those buttons in the Game Center view. Unfortunately, there is no solid way of determining when a user rates your app. As for determining if they have liked it on Facebook, you might want to try having them connect with Facebook and select a like button from within your app instead of from Game Center. Here is a link that may help with that: Like button in iOS application

Bring previous app back to the front when user is done with my iOS app

My iOS 4/5/6 app is meant to be used briefly. I want the user to click a "Done, now go away" button which takes them back to the app they were using before mine came to the front.
Is there a way for my iOS to put itself in the background while returning the previous app to the front?
On an iPad, the user can get that effect by doing a four-finger swipe horizontally across the screen. But that gesture is not a complete solution because (a) that gesture does not work on a handheld device, and (2) not many users know of that gesture. I want to programmatically return the previous app to the front.
I want the user to click a "Done, now go away" button
That button is the Home button.
I want to programmatically return the previous app to the front.
There's no public API for switching to another app. Users have a number of options for switching between apps, though. In addition to the swipe gesture you mentioned, they can do a four-finger upward swipe to get to the list of recent apps, or double-tap the home button for the same effect, or hit the home button once to go back to Springboard. Users, not apps, are supposed to be in control of which app is in the foreground. And the way they do that should be standard from one app to another. I can understand wanting to make life easier for the user, but what you're trying to do just isn't possible with the available API.
I Don't think you can do that if the previous application is not your property or if you are not aware if a URL Scheme has been incorporated in the previous application that you know of.
Launch App Via URL Scheme!
