I am developing a Blackberry application with calendar functionality. I am using a custom calendar in my application, which will display some events, and when the user clicks on a particular date, more detail will open.
I am getting day-of-month, month and year after clicking on a particular day of the calendar. With that, how do I set a reminder from my application?
Is it possible that, i can select date on iPhone's in built calendar and its event can be fetched to my custom application, using which i could send notification from my server to the application on dates selected from iPhone's calendar?
I know you can use calshow:\(date) to open the native calendar from an app for the selected date, but I don't see a way to add a title or description for the event.
Is it possible to generate an iCal invite on the fly in Swift and open it within the app so native calendar opens for it?
I have an app with a calendar integration that I am working on, but once it adds to the calendar then any changes only create a new calendar entry. How can I get these to stay connected so any changes in the app are updated to the calendar?
Is it possible to redirect a user to Calendar app New Event screen programmatically with populated start and end dates? I am aware of Introduction to Calendars and Reminders, but that seems to be an overkill. I have also tried calshow://, but didn't seem to work either or I am couldn't find a correct scheme.
I am working with a third party developer who is assisting me with developing an App for my business. We are using Parse as the backend service provider. One of my requirements for my App is I need to create a page to allow users to input an Event that includes a date as well as a start and end time. It is similar to creating an Event in Google Calendar where you can select a date from their calendar icon as well as start and end time. The developer I am working with was able to create the calendar, but said, "there was not a field to indicate the hours of the event. We require these fields on parse." Is this a limitation of Parse?