Rails Asset Pipeline: Precompile Assets outside of manifest? - ruby-on-rails

I have certain page-specific js and css files that I either:
Don't want running on development (ie tracking code)
Don't want running on every page
or both.
In Rails 3.0.x I would simply call them from the view where they are needed like so:
- if some_condition
= javascript_include_tag 'page_specific'
Now, using the asset pipeline, it looks like I must include these in the manifest (and therefore in every page for the application) or else they won't be precompiled. As I'm using Heroku for deployment allowing lazy compilation is not an option.
How can I manually precompile every file from the assets directory without having to include them all in the manifest? Is this possible?

Just don't put the page specific asset in the manifest and include them when you need it like you did in rails 3.0.x, the precompiler will compile those page specific as separate files.
Personally I just check for a certain element I know is in the dom in that page. If the element isn't found the rest of the code isn't executed.
if( $("#page_specific_element").length !== 1 ) return;
//page specific functions


404s when using a 3rd party video player with rails asset pipeline

Specifically, I am trying to add a video player to my web app..
The javascript manifest file has in it:
//= require bitmovinplayer.min
//= require bitmovinplayer-core.min
//= require bitmovinplayer-controls.min
and in the css manifest:
#import "bitmovinplayer-core.min";
#import "bitmovinplayer-controls.min";
When viewing the concatenated .js file after asset compilation, I see that these files are there properly getting included.
However, when attempting to instantiate a player, there are 404s which I see in the console:
vendor-d8cd0ac….js:38 GET https://myapp.com/assets/bitmovinplayer-core.min.css
vendor-d8cd0ac….js:38 GET https://myapp.com/assets/bitmovinplayer-core.min.js
So apparently this player code is adding html that with src attributes that is pointing to files that are not accessible-- because they are available in the main js & css files generated from the manifest.
So I thought by manually adding these files to the assets precompile array, this would solve the problem.............
config.assets.precompile += [
However, after doing this and precompiling, I still cannot go to:
I have to go to:
Which is no good.. I need to be able to access this asset without the hash in the url.
How do I do this?
the issue here is that whenever Rails precompiles an asset through the asset pipeline it appends a hash to the files to improve caching. Since bitmovin-player expects these files to be named in a certain way by default it will run into a 404 error.
There is however a configuration setting that lets you override the paths bitmovin-player will load these files from as documented here.
location : {
html5 : '<%= asset_path('bitmovinplayer-core.min.js') %>',
css : '<%= asset_path('MY_CSS_FOLDER/bitmovinplayer-core.min.css') %>',
flash : '/bitmovinplayer.swf',
vr : '<%= asset_path('bitmovinplayer-vr.min.js') %>',
ctrls : '<%= asset_path('MY_JS_FOLDER/bitmovinplayer-controls.min.js') %>',
ctrls_css: '<%= asset_path('MY_CSS_FOLDER/bitmovinplayer-controls.min.css') %>'
Unfortunately there is no way at the moment to tell the player that all files are bundled together into one and it should not reload any js/css. So until then you need to add each individual file to the config.assets.precompile list.
If you don't really need to use the self-hosted player, I wrote a Rails gem yesterday that makes embedding and configuring the bitmovin-player quite a bit easier. You can check it out on GitHub. I am thinking about adding the self-hosted option to the gem - but at the moment don't have time to go into that. (The helper for embedding the player still works if you remove the <%= bitmovin_player_script %> that gets added to the head of the page.
Hope this helps.

Use a different folder for assets

For a Rails application I am making I want to be able to switch 'themes' using a configuration file. The theme does not need to switch dynamically (while running, but will be known when the application starts).
I moved my stylesheets directory out of my assets directory, to a folder called : /app/themes/[themename]/assets/stylesheets.
The idea is to have multiple folders in the /app/themes directory, which can be used by the application.
REMARK: I didn't move my javascripts folder from the assets folder, because I still want to use that globally.
In my layout I use the following code, to load controller specific stylesheets:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "#{controller_name}" if MyApp::Application.assets.find_asset("#{controller_name}") %>
Of course, my application no longer knows where my assets are and it serves me a page, where the assets are not loading (because of the if check mentioned above).
I added the following code to my config/initializers/assets.rb to make sure it also loads the assets from the theme directory:
Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/app/themes/#{Settings.site.theme}/assets/**/").each do |path|
Rails.application.config.assets.paths << path
Settings.site.theme is a string value which is filled correctly and now the stylesheets actually load on the website. So YAY!
But here is the thing, the minute I change the config.assets.compile to false, it all fails (so on test and production).
MyApp::Application.assets.find_asset("#{controller_name}") is throwing the exception undefined methodfind_asset' for nil:NilClass`.
I am on Rails
Anyone got an idea how to fix this?
I think a simpler way would be to namespace the themes under the stylesheets. That is, have a folder structure like this:
- app
- assets
- stylesheets
- theme-blue
- application.scss
- theme-red
- application.scss
- javascripts
- application.js
And then, in your layout file, you just point the stylesheet_link_tag to theme-blue/application, like this:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "theme-blue/application" %>
Another way to do this is have multiple layouts, one for theme-blue and another one for theme-red. In the controller, do
class BlueController < ApplicationController
layout "theme_blue"
And the file app/views/layouts/theme_blue.html.erb will require the right css file.
You might need to add the scss files to config/assets.rb, but Rails will tell you if you need that.

CKEditor/vendor library: can it work when in vendor folder instead of public folder?

I have a working edit view to which I'm trying to add CKEditor. I've downloaded the CKEditor folder/files and placed them in my_app/vendor/assets/ckeditor/. I'm using Rails 4 and this folder is included in the asset pipeline. To application.js I've added //= require ckeditor.js and to application.css #import "contents";.
In my edit view I have (I'd like to use the inline option):
<%= f.text_area :page, contenteditable: 'true' %>
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
CKEDITOR.inline( 'image_page' );
Problem: Now when loading the edit view, the text field is not displayed as an editable field but just as plain text. There's no way to edit this text and no sign of CKEditor. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
The page's source code that is being generated, includes:
<textarea contenteditable="true" name="image[page]" id="image_page">
Arbor cubo vel.
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
CKEDITOR.inline( 'image_page' );
Update: I got it working by moving the CKEditor files from the vendor folder to the public folder. Could someone perhaps confirm whether or not CKEditor is compatible with the asset pipeline?
I would prefer to place it in the vendor folder if anyway possible. This old post as well as this one refer to something similar (if I place <% var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/ckeditor/'; %> as a header line in application.html.erb my app crashes with the error dynamic constant assignment '.freeze). Could someone with more experience with CKEditor provide a more definitive answer than these old posts?
Try adding the ckeditor assets under either vendor/assets/javascripts for the JavaScript files and vendor/assets/stylesheets for the CSS files (separate the ckeditor assets among those folders)
The whenever an asset is referring to another asset use the asset-url helper instead of url so that this asset is served through the asset pipeline
You also need to include all the assets that you'll put in vendor.... folders in the asset pipeline by //require or import
On a side not you can use the ckeditor gem https://github.com/galetahub/ckeditor it will save you a lot of time also it handles some features out of the box like images upload and gallery of ckeditor
May be the script is executing before the textarea is fully loaded on the DOM. Try to use a post load wrapper to your script like the jquery's:
// ... your code

Use Rails Sprockets directives when rendering js from controller

I want, from a controller, to render a .js.coffee view that includes another js file from the lib/assets/javascripts directory:
#= require doc_ready
Why a view rendered by a controller instead of a static asset?
Because I want to refer to the file through an absolute url, that doesn't changes. Rails 4.0 only compiles assets with a digest like embed-dc589fbef3832d9c38a4fbbc4b021f59.js and I want to use the same url (and possibly expire the cache file based on time), even if I make changes to the script.
Why an absolute url?
Because I want to use the script externally on another website, and the code I give to the webmaster of that site mustn't change.
Why do I want to include another js from the assets?
To keep the code DRY
To require a simple library that simulates the jquery ready event, used to create widgets on the page that included the script.
Can I achieve that by making a controller action that renders a .js.coffee view, which compiles and includes other needed js files from the library, just like sprocket does when compiling assets?
Use redirection like so:
def show
redirect_to view_context.javascript_path('embed.js.coffee')
There is a way to render whole js file:
def show
render text: Rails.application.assets.find_asset('embed.js.coffee').body
I managed to find a way to do it, by using this answer.
The controller is left untouched:
class Widgets::EmbedJsController < ActionController::Base
def embedded_script
In the coffeescript view, I have "required" the other file like this:
`<%= raw Rails.application.assets['doc_ready'].body %>`
Seems to work locally, I'll test in production soon.
This can also be refactored by just serving Rails.application.assets['widgets/embed'].body directly from the controller, which should compile coffeescript but have not tested it.
Another approach is to symlink or copy the digest version of the asset to some constant path (and give that to the 3rd party). This has the advantage that the requests shouldn't hit rails at all (since these should be served directly by the web server.
It is relatively simple to automate this - two libraries that I am aware of that do this are
non stupid assets
asset_symlink (I wrote this one)

Dynamic (S)CSS in rails 3.1

I'm trying to allow the user to customize my application using YML files.
When the user updates certain things the CSS needs to be updated as well.
I'd like to solve this problem using dynamic CSS instead. The way I was planning on doing this is to have a settings SCSS file which the other css files import and use.
Here is what I have so far:
$width: <%= Rails.application.config.width %>px;
//= require settings
#import "settings";
#main {
width: $width;
But I get this error:
Invalid CSS after "$width: ": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was "<%= Rails.appli..."`
So It seems that the settings are not being passed through the erb parser before being handed off to the SCSS parser, is there any way to solve this.
I'd rather not put everything in .erb files since my text editor doesn't support (syntax highlighting and commands) when having scss in erb files
Side stepping the problem where ERB is not being parsed, you are not going to be able to customize the CSS dynamically (I think the main file may require an erb extension). The asset pipeline is designed to serve assets in a way that tells browsers that the are static and are not going to change.
Assuming the erb parsing was working, the width would be rendered during the precompile phase, or on the first request. If you are using Sprockets far-future headers are set to tell the remote clients to cache the content for 1 year. And Sprockets only picks up changes if the timestamp of the file changes, so would never get any new values.
You could force Sprockets to dynamically serve every request, and to not send any headers, but it is not really designed for this and there are significant performance risks in doing so.
