P/Invoke coarsening - clr

I wonder whether .NET CLR supports P/Invoke coarsening.
For example if we have three subsequent P/Invoke calls that deal with blittable types:
Native.DrawPolygon(1.0f, 1.0);
Native.DrawPolygon(2.0f, 1.0);
Native.DrawPolygon(3.0f, 1.0);
then we could perform managed-to-unmanaged context switch for the whole block just once, instead of doing it pointlessly three times.

No, the framework doesn't do this. You would have to build your API to minimise the managed-to-unmanaged switches.


How to call Sinks.Many<T>.tryEmitNext from multiple threads?

I am wrapping my head around Flux Sinks and cannot understand the higher-level picture. When using Sinks.Many<T> tryEmitNext, the function tells me if there was contention and what should I do in case of failure, (FailFast/Handler).
But is there a simple construct which allows me to safely emit elements from multiple threads. For example, instead of letting the user know that there was contention and I should try again, maybe add elements to a queue(mpmc, mpsc etc), and only notify when the queue is full.
Now I can add a queue myself to alleviate the problem, but it seems a common use case. I guess I am missing a point here.
I hit the same issue, migrating from Processors which support safe emission from multiple threads. I use this custom EmitFailureHandler to do a busy loop as suggested by the EmitFailureHandler docs.
public static EmitFailureHandler etryOnNonSerializedElse(EmitFailureHandler fallback){
return (signalType, emitResult) -> {
if (emitResult == EmitResult.FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED) {
return true;
} else
return fallback.onEmitFailure(signalType, emitResult);
There are various confusing aspects about the 3.4.0 implementation
There is an implication that unless the Unsafe variant is used, the sink supports serialized emission but actually all the serialized version does is to fail fast in case of concurrent emission.
The Sink provided by Flux.Create does support threadsafe emission.
I hope there will be a solidly engineered alternative to this offered by the library at some point.

Copy framebuffer data from one WebGLRenderingContext to another?

Please refer to the background section below if the following does not make much sense, I omitted most of the context as to make the problem as clear as possible.
I have two WebGLRenderingContexts with the following traits:
WebGLRenderingContext: InputGL (Allows read and write operations on its framebuffers.)
WebGLRenderingContext: OutputGL (Allows only write operations on its framebuffers.)
GOAL: Superimpose InputGL's renders onto OutputGL's renders periodically within 33ms (30fps) on mobile.
Both the InputGL's and OutputGL's framebuffers get drawn to from separate processes. Both are available (and with complete framebuffers) within one single window.requestAnimationFrame callback. As InputGL requires read operations, and OutputGL only supportes write operations, InputGL and OutputGL cannot be merged into one WebGLRenderingContext.
Therefore, I would like to copy the framebuffer content from InputGL to OutputGL in every window.requestAnimationFrame callback. This allows me to keep read/write supported on InputGL and only use write on OutputGL. Neither of them have (regular) canvasses attached so canvas overlay is out of the question. I have the following code:
// customOutputGLFramebuffer is the WebXR API's extended framebuffer which does not allow read operations
let fbo = InputGL.createFramebuffer();
InputGL.bindFramebuffer(InputGL.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo)
// TODO: Somehow get fbo data into OutputGL (I guess?)
OutputGl.bindFramebuffer(OutputGl.FRAMEBUFFER, customOutputGLFramebuffer);
// Drawing to OutputGL here works, and it gets drawn on top of the customOutputGLFramebuffer
I am not sure if this requires binding in some particular order, or some kind of texture manipulation of some sorts, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Background: I am experimenting with Unity WebGL in combination with the unreleased WebXR API. WebXR uses its own, modified WebGLRenderingContext which disallows reading from its buffers (as a privacy concern). However, Unity WebGL requires reading from its buffers. Having both operate on the same WebGLRenderingContext gives errors on Unity's read operations, which means they need to be kept separate. The idea is to periodically superimpose Unity's framebuffer data onto WebXR's framebuffers.
WebGL2 is also supported in case this is required.
You can not share resources across contexts period.
The best you can do is use one via some method as a source to the other via texImage2D
For example if the context is using a canvas then draw the framebuffer to the canvas and then
destContext.texImage2D(......., srcContext.canvas);
If it's a OffscreenRenderingContext use transferToImageBitmap and then pass the resulting bitmap to texImage2D

Which is more efficient calling M,F,A or making a fun that aliases an existing static function?

For example for gen_tcp vs SSL. Some connections will use SSL and some Http. I can save this into my state as Module=gen_tcp OR I can save it as MyFun=fun gen_tcp:send/2, then I can do
which of these methods is more efficient or recommended? I heard apply is slower than funs and doing MFA is just an apply. Are funs referencing static functions any faster than regular funs?
The difference in speed for an operation like this will never be measurable in a real-world program (particularly one dealing with I/O). You should think about what kind of API you want: passing a single callback module that exports send/2 and possibly other functions (maybe adding callback functions in future versions), or passing a specific functional value for each specific user-defined function to be called.

Is making WebGL context object a global/semi-global variable a bad idea?

So, my idea is to do something like that (the code is simplified of course):
var gl;
function Renderer(canvas) {
gl = this.gl = canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl');
function Object() {
Object.prototype.render = function() {
The gl variable itself can be placed into a namespace for better consistency, it can also be incapsulated by wrapping all the code into an anonymous function to make sure it won't clash with anything.
I can see one obvious tradeoff here: problems with running multiple WebGL canvases on the same page. But I'm totally fine with it.
Why doing that? Because otherwise it's more painful to call any WebGL functions, you have to pass your renderer as a parameter here and there. That's actually the thing I don't like about Three.js: all the graphics stuff is handled inside a Renderer object, which makes the whole Renderer object huge and complicated.
If using a globally visible context, you don't have to bother about OpenGL constants, you don't have to worry about your renderer object's visibility, and so on.
So, my question is: should I expect any traps with this approach? Aside from potential emptiness of the gl variable, of course.
Define bad
Lots of WebGL programs do this. OpenGL does this by default since the functions are global in scope. In normal OpenGL you have to call eglMakeCurrent (or equivalent) to switch contexts which effectively is just doing a hidden gl = contextToMakeCurrent under the hood.
So, basically it's up to you. If you think someday you're going to need multiple WebGL contexts then it might be wise to not have your contexts use global variables. But you can always fallback to the eglMakeCurrent style of coding. Both have their pluses and minuses.

Looking for robust, general op_Dynamic implementation

I've not been able to find a robust, general op_Dynamic implementation: can anyone point me to one? So far searches have only turned up toys or specific purpose implementations, but I'd like to have one on hand which, say, compares in robustness to C#'s default static dynamic implementation (i.e. handle lots / all cases, cache reflection calls) (it's been a while since I've looked at C#'s static dynamic, so forgive me if my assertions about it's abilities are false).
There is a module FSharp.Interop.Dynamic, on nuget that should robustly handle the dynamic operator using the dlr.
It has several advantages over a lot of the snippets out there.
Performance it uses Dynamitey for the dlr call which implements caching and is a .NET Standard Library
Handles methods that return void, you'll get a binding exception if you don't discard results of those.
The dlr handles the case of calling a delegate return by a function automatically, this will also allow you to do the same with an FSharpFunc
Adds an !? prefix operator to handle invoking directly dynamic objects and functions you don't have the type at runtime.
It's open source, Apache license, you can look at the implementation and it includes unit test example cases.
You can never get fully general implementation of the ? operator. The operator can be implemented differently for various types where it may need to do something special depending on the type:
For Dictionary<T, R>, you'd want it to use the lookup function of the dictionary
For the SQL objects in my article you referenced, you want it to use specific SQL API
For unknown .NET objects, you want it to use .NET Reflection
If you're looking for an implementation that uses Reflection, then you can use one I implemented in F# binding for MonoDevelop (available on GitHub). It is reasonably complete and handles property access, method calls as well as static members. (The rest of the linked file uses it heavily to call internal members of F# compiler). It uses Reflection directly, so it is quite slow, but it is quite feature-complete.
Another alternative would be to implement the operator on top of .NET 4.0 Dynamic Language Runtime (so that it would use the same underlying API as dynamic in C# 4). I don't think there is an implementation of this somewhere out there, but here is a simple example how you can get it:
#r "Microsoft.CSharp.dll"
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder
let (?) (inst:obj) name (arg:'T) : 'R =
// Create site (representing dynamic operation for converting result to 'R
let convertSite =
CallSite<Func<CallSite, Object, 'R>>.Create //'
(Binder.Convert(CSharpBinderFlags.None, typeof<'R>, null)) //'
// Create site for the method call with single argument of type 'T
let callSite =
CallSite<Func<CallSite, Object, 'T, Object>>.Create //'
( CSharpBinderFlags.None, name, null, null,
[| CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None, null);
CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None, null) |]))
// Run the method and perform conversion
(convertSite, callSite.Target.Invoke(callSite, inst, arg))
let o = box (new Random())
let a : int = o?Next(10)
This works only for instance method calls with single argument (You can find out how to do this by looking at code generated by C# compiler for dynamic invocations). I guess if you mixed the completeness (from the first one) with the approach to use DLR (in the second one), you'd get the most robust implementation you can get.
EDIT: I also posted the code to F# Snippets. Here is the version using DLR: http://fssnip.net/2U and here is the version from F# plugin (using .NET Reflection): http://fssnip.net/2V
