Gaussian blur and FFT - image-processing

I´m trying to make an implementation of Gaussian blur for a school project.
I need to make both a CPU and a GPU implementation to compare performance.
I am not quite sure that I understand how Gaussian blur works. So one of my questions is
if I have understood it correctly?
Heres what I do now:
I use the equation from wikipedia to calculate
the filter.
For 2d I take RGB of each pixel in the image and apply the filter to it by
multiplying RGB of the pixel and the surrounding pixels with the associated filter position.
These are then summed to be the new pixel RGB values.
For 1d I apply the filter first horizontally and then vetically, which should give
the same result if I understand things correctly.
Is this result exactly the same result as when the 2d filter is applied?
Another question I have is about how the algorithm can be optimized.
I have read that the Fast Fourier Transform is applicable to Gaussian blur.
But I can't figure out how to relate it.
Can someone give me a hint in the right direction?

Yes, the 2D Gaussian kernel is separable so you can just apply it as two 1D kernels. Note that you can't apply these operations "in place" however - you need at least one temporary buffer to store the result of the first 1D pass.
FFT-based convolution is a useful optimisation when you have large kernels - this applies to any kind of filter, not just Gaussian. Just how big "large" is depends on your architecture, but you probably don't want to worry about using an FFT-based approach for anything smaller than, say, a 49x49 kernel. The general approach is:
FFT the image
FFT the kernel, padded to the size of the image
multiply the two in the frequency domain (equivalent to convolution in the spatial domain)
IFFT (inverse FFT) the result
Note that if you're applying the same filter to more than one image then you only need to FFT the padded kernel once. You still have at least two FFTs to perform per image though (one forward and one inverse), which is why this technique only becomes a computational win for large-ish kernels.


what if the filter window size is an even number in Gaussian filtering?

I know usually people prefer to choose the odd number as the size of Gaussian Filtering, and since the image made of discrete pixels, we can always locate the central pixel.
But what if the size is an even number? There will lead to several questions:
how will the Gaussian filter be, should it be symmetric or asymmetric?
what if the size number equals to 2?
Thank you.
There really is no such choice to be made.
A Gaussian filtering kernel that is shifted will result in a smoothing + a shift of the image. If you want a filter that doesn’t shift the image, the filter must have the origin of the Gaussian at the origin of the kernel, typically the central pixel of an odd-sized kernel.
Once we have established that, using an even-sized filter must lead to an asymetrical kernel. It is not really desirable to have an asymmetrical smoothing filter (unless we’re talking about adaptive filtering) because the asymmetry introduces a bias.
So, we’re stuck with an odd-sized filter. An even-sized filter will introduce either a bias or a shift of half a pixel.
A 2-pixel kernel cannot be a Gaussian filter because it takes at least 5 samples to represent a Gaussian kernel with sufficient detail for it to present the positive aspects of the Gaussian filter. With fewer samples, the filter will not behave like a Gaussian filter.
For more information about Gaussian filtering, I recommend that you read this blog post that I wrote 10 years ago.

Quickly filter an image with a bank of Gaussian filters - OpenCV

I am essentially doing an oriented Gaussian Blur on an image. However, each pixel has it's own orientation. Because of this I have to do a manual convolution. This part of the algorithm is very slow.
Is there any way I can manipulate the filter engine in any way to convolve the image with a different filter at each point instead of doing a multiplication with the rotated filter and summing for each pixel? Perhaps this is not the correct approach but it is what crossed my mind. The hope is to get much closer to the speed of a traditional gaussian blur instead of being many many times slower.
Maybe I could split the image n times where n represents possible orientations and parallelize the filtering. The results of each could be combined back into one image.

Effect of variance (sigma) at gaussian smoothing

I know about Gaussian, varaince, image blurring and i think that i understood the concept of variance at Gaussian blur but still i am not 100% sure.
I just want to know the role of sigma or variance at Gaussian smoothing. I mean, what happens by increasing the value of sigma for the same window size..and why it happens?
It would be really helpful if somebody provide some nice literature about it. (I already tried few but couldn't find what i am looking for)
Major confusion:
Higher frequency-> details (e.g. noise),
Lower Frequency-> kind of overview of the image.
By increasing sigma, we are allowing some higher we should get more detailed with increasing frequency but the case is opposite, when we increase sigma, the image becomes more blurry.
I think it should be done in the following steps, first from the signal processing point of view:
Gaussian Filter is a low pass filter. Low pass filters as their names imply pass low frequencies - keeping low frequencies. So when we look at the image in the frequency domain the highest frequencies happen in the edges(places that there is a high change in intensity and each intensity value corresponds to a specific visible frequency).
The role of sigma in the Gaussian filter is to control the variation
around its mean value. So as the Sigma becomes larger the more variance allowed around mean and as the Sigma becomes smaller the less variance allowed around mean.
Filtering in the spatial domain is done through convolution. it simply
means that we apply a kernel on every pixel in the image. The law exists for kernels. Their sum has to be zero.
Now putting all together! When we apply a Gaussian filter to an image, we are doing a low pass filtering. But as you know this happen in the discrete domain(image pixels). So we have to quantize our Gaussian filter in order to make a Gaussian kernel. In the quantization step, as the Gaussian filter(GF) has a small sigma it has the steepest pick. So the more weights will be focused in the center and the less around it.
In the sense of natural image statistics! The scientists in this field of studies showed that our vision system is a kind of Gaussian filter in the responses to the images. see for example take a look at a broad scene! don't pay attention to a specific point! so you see a broad scene with lots things in it. but the details are not clear! Now see a specific point in that seen. you see more details that previously you didn't. This is the Sigma appear here. when you increase the sigma you are looking to the broad scene without paying attention to the details exits. and when you decrease the value you will get more details.
I think Wikipedia can help more than me, Low Pass Filters, Guassian Blur
Put simply, increasing the sigma terms will cast a broader net over the neighboring pixels and decrease the impact of the pixels nearest the pixel of interest, e.g. it makes a blurrier image.

Noise and Blur in Cuda

I'm trying to add noise and blur functions to my project in Cuda and after quite some research i've hit a bit of a stumbling block, I've read up on the Gaussian blur matrix but i'm still having trouble getting a working piece of code which would be able to blur certain parts of an image, I've managed to get a form of noise to show.
If anyone could give a bit of help in either explaining how to implement a Gaussian or a simpler blur method or even providing a bit of code which implements blurring.
Gratefully appreciated!!
Gaussian blur is a separable filter, so you can apply the 1D kernel first to all the rows in your ROI and then to the columns of the blurred rows.
The tricky part with CUDA is that this is a neighbourhood operation, so typically you will need to have each block overlap by half the kernel size in order to get the required neighbourhood pixels into shared memory.
FYI, these are two separate questions and should be asked separately in this site.
Regarding the blur - for large blur kernels (strong blurs) the best approach is to use the FFT on the image and on a Gaussian noise kernel image then multiply the results using the complex multiplication and inverse FFT that result. You will have to implement a FFT-Shift function yourself and if you are using color images, you will have to split the image into a separate buffer per channel.
For small blur kernels (gentile blurs) the simplest approach is for each pixel in the result image, sum nearby pixels in the source image (with a Gaussian weight function).
Regarding the noise - test easiest approach is to load a pre-generated pseudo-random generator's result image into CUDA after transforming it from uniformly distributed random numbers to normal distributed random numbers. E.g. this question.
The a correctly size region in the random image should be multiplied by the noise sigma and added to the source image to receive the result.
Last time I checked there was no random buffer generation solution for CUDA, however, that was a few years ago.
Update: CUDA now has cuRand so you should be able to generator random numbers instead of using a pregenerated random buffer.

Gaussian blur and convolution kernels

I do not understand what a convolution kernel is and how I would apply a convolution matrix to pixels in an image (I am talking about doing a Gaussian Blur operation on an image).
Also could I get an explanation on how to create a kernel for a Gaussian Blur operation?
I am reading this article but I cannot seem to understand how things are done...
Thanks to anyone who takes time to explain this to me :),
The basic idea is that the new pixels of the image are created by an weighted average of the pixels close to it (imagine drawing a circle around the pixel).
For each pixel in the image you are going to create a little square around the pixel. Lets say you take the 8 neighbors next to a pixel (including diagonals even though do not matter here), and we perform a weighted average to get the middle pixel.
In the Gaussian blur case it breaks down to two one dimensional operations. For each pixel take the some amount of pixels next to a pixel in the row direction only. Multiply the pixel values time the weights computed from the Gaussian distribution (or if you are doing this for an visual effect and not for a scientific reason, the weights can anything that looks good) and sum them up. Another way to look at it is the pixel make a vector and the weights make a vector and your are taking the dot product. Repeat this process in the column direction as a separate pass.
A convolution kernel is a matrix of values that specify how the neighborhood of a pixel contribute to that pixel's state in the final image. There's a fair description of the basics here. A gaussian blur is a convolution function that uses a really ugly (you've seen the wikipedia page) function to compute a convolution kernel to pass over the image. You'll find an example kernel for a gaussian in that wikipedia page.
The point of all the math in there is to produce a soft blur that resembles the scatter pattern produced by a mesh screen placed between the viewer and the image. You can think of the 'size' (the standard deviation) of the gaussian as being related to the distance between the image and the screen.
Here's an awesome tool, if you don't want to calculate it all by yourself (like me):
Since the link seems to be broken now, here's a link to
