iPad2 device build does not update when I do a new build - ios

I am having a consistent problem with multiple different apps that the build on the device does not update when I make code changes. Here's my set up:
OSX Lion
Xcode 4.1
iOS 4.3.5
I build, and then run, the app launches on the device but it still runs the last installed version. In order to get the build to update, I have to do the following...
Remove the app from the device (press and hold on the icon, and click the x)
Clean and then build in Xcode
At this point if I try and run the app does not run. Xcode log says the app has started and stopped. If I restart Xcode and run, then the app runs successfully and is the updated version
If I make a single line of code change I have to go through all the steps above to get the app to update. The project is very large so a clean build takes 2-3 minutes.
Any ideas?
I found the solution, this is related to the use of static libraries. The following article helped me solve this:
Changing the source of a static library needs clean and build in xcode 4
and for general background this was very helpful too:

Double check your provisioning files and targets. Be extra sure to check the App ID in your targets, and Bundle ID in info.plist. Did you change any of that info before you saw this problem? I've noticed strange behavior like what you mentioned when updating those specific pieces of data.

Command+Shift+K -- Clean. I have found that you have to do a manual clean every time now to ensure that the build updates correctly.
In the event that xCode does not run at all, you just have to restart xCode.


Xcode won't run app on simulator

Yesterday I uninstalled my App Store install of XCode and installed it manually from the Apple developer site.
I had 9.4.1 and downloaded 9.3
Ever since I've not been able to run any apps on the simulator.
I see the following error in xcode:
I see this error in the Xcode logs:
iOSSimulator: 56E6A4AD-4D6F-4CB4-A666-E1DE0D49B101: Failed to launch app with identifier: com.mikevelu.Test and options: {
"activate_suspended" = 0;
arguments = (
environment = {
"DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Users/mikemurray/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Test-fqvnwaelkrhrooepamzxmakiidkf/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
"DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES" = "/Applications/Xcode9.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib:/Applications/Xcode9.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/usr/lib/libMainThreadChecker.dylib:/Applications/Xcode9.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/Develope<…>
and I see this error in the simulator logs:
(UIKitApplication:com.mikevelu.Test[0xf61e][2808][2983]): Service could not initialize: 99Z999: xpcproxy_sim + 9282 [1524][AF02A7E2-099C-3F21-AB91-5AA7DB3FFA58]: 0x5
I've tried the usual culprits, removing derived data/cleaning build folder/restarting simulator/restarting xcode/restarting macbook.
I've also tried completely uninstalling xcode and reinstalling (uninstalled 9.3 and tried installing 9.4.1), doesn't seem to make any difference.
Seen a few similar questions posted and one of the most common fixes seems to be removing any checked blank environment variables in the scheme, I can't find any to remove. I've tried running both in debug and release, I've tried disabling Debug executable and selecting the executable on launch. Also tried deleting the scheme and creating a new one.
Also set verbose logging on the simulator and I didn't get any more illuminating information.
If if install the app manually using simctl and launch it using simctl it will launch without complaints (that's what prompted me to try disabling debug executable).
I see this issue regardless of which project/workspace I have open in Xcode, the example I'm using currently is just a blank project I created to try and get to the bottom of the issue.
I'm edging closer and closer to a complete restore being the most logical next step, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
*EDIT - Discovered the issue was with anti virus not liking it when xcode wasn't named Xcode.app. Sigh.
So, it looks like renaming the Xcode.app file now leads to some pretty ropey behaviour.
Up till now when managing multiple installs of xcode I'd just rename the files to something like Xcode.9.4.1.app, not sure when/if that's changed but the only way I can fix the simulator issue is to keep the Xcode.app filename.

Meteor App Can't Run on iOS Device (Mobile Configuration Issue)

I'm having trouble with my iOS build. Not sure what it is.
After running meteor run ios-device command. It launches Xcode, but the "build and run" button is greyed out.
And when i expand the device drop-down, my phone is listed as "ineligible device" and the simulators is not even shown there.
I suspect there's something wrong inside my mobile-config.js file. Because when i remove this file, it runs as expected (but with default settings).
Hope someone can help explain this. I'm very new to both Meteor and iOS. Sending my packages and platform files as well for reference.
I had this issue too. There were one of two things that fixed it:
1) Make sure your project is linked up to your the correct iOS dev team/account & its not set to "none":
2) I had this issue come back again, besides fixing up the above.
So I restarted the computer, logged in and out and deleted the folder over at .meteor/local/cordova-build and ran meteor run ios-device to rebuild it. This was related to the mobile-config file because I changed the name of my app after I ran it the first time. Clearing up the cordova build stuff forced it to rebuild and perhaps this is why it fixe it.
I also deleted the previous app installed on the device (before I renamed the project in mobile-config.js. I did this because I suspected it had trouble installing because of the naming changes.

Routing app coverage file not copied to the simulator

Since updating to Xcode 6, I see this warning every time I run the app on the simulator. My app has a routing app coverage file and I want it copied to the simulator but it's not happening. This seems like it might be a bug. Is there a workaround?
I had a similar error some time back, because XCode may be using a precompiled version of the app.
This is how I solved it:
In xCode, make sure that your app isn't running in the simulator (click the stop button), then
Build menu > Clean target or SHIFT-CMD-K.
Additionally, clean the content in the Derived Data folder ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.
Hope it works for you.

ios - xCode changes do not appear after creating an Archive

I just created an Archive and now I am trying to add more changes, but for some reason, when I run the emulator, the changes I make do not show up, and the old version of the app runs.
Also, my repository shows the changed files, but for some reason xCode compiles the previous versions of them.
Would anyone know why the predicament I am in might occur?
Did you change the bundle ID in anyway to make the archive? If you do this xcode will build the app and it will feel like its installing the new one but you're really only seeing a previous version.
You should delete all versions on your phone, do a clean and then run it again to try to fix this unless there is something else going on.

Xcode will run app on simulator but not on device

I receive the following error when trying to run the app on my device.
error: failed to launch '/Users/michael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Word Processor.app/Word Processor' -- No such file or directory (/Users/michael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Word Processor.app/Word Processor)
The app runs fine in the simulator. When I try to debug on the device, it appears to copy the app (I can see the icon), but then stalls with the above message. Xcode says it is running the app on my iPod, but nothing is happening on my iPod.
When I click on the app, the app appears to launch, but seems to be missing resources.
Other projects of mine work properly. What setting do I need to change to make this work properly.? Looking at the error message, it seems to be looking in my mac for the app. But this doesn't make sense since I am trying to run it on my 4th gen iPod touch. I am using Xcode 4.3.1 and iOS 5.1
With Mountain Lion and the latest version of Xcode (4.4.4F250), none of the suggestions in this thread worked directly (clean, clean project, remove derived data folder, etc). This sequence did. From DhilipSiva:
Disconnect your device
Delete the app from your device
Quit Xcode (Don't just simply close the window, quit it)
Delete derived data folder rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData (console)
Start Xcode,connect device & run the project
I solve this by going to Targets-> Info -> Required Device capabilities and delete the option with armv7.
Hope this helps!
This is a recurring problem that many developers are having with the current version of Xcode. The temporary workaround has been consistently deleting the DerivedData folder.
You can add doing it to a build script or even make it a cron job:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Sad, but true.
For me restarting of Xcode, cleaning DerivedData and restaring device wasn't enough in most cases, until I had figured out that iTunes was also running, and after quitting iTunes everything worked fine!
So my steps now are simple:
1. Quit Xcode.
2. If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
3. Reopen project.
No need to remove app from the device, clean project or restart/disconnect device.
I think that's because Xcode and iTunes use some common libraries (as you know, Xcode Installer always asks to quit iTunes on installing iOS SDK).
I also had this problem after changing from a lower XCode and iOS version to the current XCode and iOS version.
I fixed this problem by changing th iOS Depolyment Target to a lower version, since my Device is not updated to the latest iOS yet.
You can do this by clicking the project inside the Info tab.
Have you looked at the Developer Certs and Distribution Certs if you have. When running in debug mode from Xcode your will need your app assigned with the developer cert and not the distribution cert. The distribution certs do not allow for debugging.
This error will manifest whenever the device capabilities described in the Info.plist do not match those of the device.
In my case, I was requesting GPS support and location-services support and trying to test on an iPod touch.
I struggled with this problem for 2 days and went through all the posts, tried all the options including, restarting Xcode, device, deleting DerivedData folder etc.
Finally, the problem was with the Info.plist file. In my case, I had improper icon paths in the Info.plist file. I suggest you to archive the application and then validate it to get the exact problem in you case. Only when I did that, I was able to find the issue.
I solved this problem many times with DhilipSiva's solution. However, it may not work sometimes. If that is the case, consider deleting and re-adding the target.
Removed armv6 support and it started working again
I stumbled upon this same problem on several diferent projects, researched a lot on forums and even here on Stack overflow. A lot of solutions were given, and some people seemed to get them working, but none of them worked for me.
So we tried some pretty obvious course of action, which for some reason we didn't tought about before: I've done a CHMOD -R 777 on the EXACT path indicated by the error message (I copied it directly).
Worked like a charm, 100% times!
Hope it helps, guys!
As Chronos mentiod, the device capabilities might be the reason. In addition I would say that in my case it was all about the UIRequiresPersistentWiFi key, which (for some unclear reason) didn't let me to install my app on an iPhone4. Hope this helps ones who tried everything else and haven't fixed the problem yet.
I solve this by going to Targets-> Info -> Required Device capabilities and check id at 0 index if armv7 not in 0 index then remove other things and armv7 set on 0 index and clean app connect device and run.
Hope this helps fine!
I did these steps:
Delete derived data: rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Deep cleaned the project: Shift Key + Option Key + Command Key + letter K key
Quit the project
Quit XCode
Deleted the app from my device
When I reopened the Xcode, launched the project, and then launched the app it successively ran on my device
For me it was Command Line Tools
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Command Line Tools
Make sure you select latest Xcode version. I selected Xcode 11.0, and everything started working.
I get the similar question and has searched via the internet the whole day without solution yet...
Xcode 12, iOS 14.
I'm using a cocoaPods call GCDWebServer, which will open a build-in http service in iOS. Now it works fine in simulator and I could open a home page of it in my Mac's browser. But I cannot open the home page if running it with real iPhone. The browser said "Cannot connect to server"
And in console, everything is same without any errors provided for me.
Thus, how could I debug this?
[DEBUG] Did open IPv4 listening socket 3
[DEBUG] Did open IPv6 listening socket 4
[INFO] GCDWebUploader started on port 80 and reachable at
