Vaadin appfundation authorization - vaadin

I'm using vaadin for my project.I have implemented the User authentication using vaadin appfundation plugin,I need to apply role base access(Authorization) to the my application,But I don't know how to implement this functionality in appfundation,I searched a lot on the internet but I couldn't find a good example for that ,If any one knows how to implement that function pleas let me know,As I understood I want to implement Resource ,Role interfaces in appfundation,Please help me to solve this problem.Thnxx

You need to start by initializing a the Permissions class using a PermissionManager. So the first question is, how are you going to store your permissions? For example, if you are going to store them using JPA and AppFoundation's persistence module, then you can use the provided JPAPermissionManager. To initialize the Permissions class, call
Permissions.initialize(application, new JPAPermissionManager());
If you are not going to use JPAPermissionManager or the MemoryPermissionManager, then you need to implement the PermissionManager interface yourself and initialize Permissions using it.
The next step is to implement the Role and Resource interfaces. The Resource interface has just one method you need to implement, getIdentifier, which returns a unique string for a resource. A resource is whatever you want to protect, for example, a view. The Role interface also has a getIdentifier method which needs to be implemented, you should return a string which identifies a specific role, for example, "admin", "normal user", "power user" etc. The Role interface also has some other methods for handling role relations.
Unfortunately, the documentation is uncompleted and the best source available is probably this wiki page
You can also try to take a look at the tests for the Authorization module, those might give you an idea how to use the module :(


What are the permissions required in desire2learn (D2L) Valence PUT call for .../courses?

I continue to get a "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" response from a PUT request to /d2l/api/lp/1.2/courses/7917 . This may be a permission problem with the user/role that I'm using, but I can't figure out what specific permissions may be required. Can anyone point me to a list or matrix of valence routes and required permissions? Or, answer for this specific one?
The same appid/userid/username works for the GETs associated with the same path.
The permissions associated with API calls should mirror the permissions you'd have to have if you were to perform the relevant function through the Learning Envrionment's web UI. You can think about this problem in two ways:
Frame the question in terms of a user role: identify the class of users you'd reserve this ability for in your existing configuration, and ensure that a user of that role can make the call through the API as you'd expect.
Frame the question in terms of an abstract single user: start with a role that has no privileges and add permissions until you arrive at only the ones required for the API call. This is not a trivial exercise, and the first way is far more useful in the long run.
In this particular case, because the API requires you provide a complete course offering set of properties when you want to update it, you have to have permission to alter all the properties in the set (under the Manage Courses tool). You also need to be able to see the course info in the first place, so you need to have Course Management Console > See Course Info as well.
You're probably safest to look at the permissions array in the Manage Courses and Course Management Console tools for the user roles that would do this thing in the web UI and make sure that the users employing your app also have a similar permissions array specified in those tools.

Extending role based security to allow roles for a specific entity

I've used FluentSecurity in another MVC application and its great, provides a slick implementation.
I now have a requirement to offer application wide roles, plus also provide additional permission control over individiual entities.
My application manages particular locations and a user may have permissions to perform actions at one or more locations, each location has a unique id. I'll need to check a user has a particular role for the location id (effectively adding another dimension to roles). I've got my schema mapped out, along with my repo/service layers.
I was wondering if someone has tackled this type of problem before and whether its worth me trying to solve with FluentSecurity or if I should validate the user has the role required for the location on each GET/POST request (controller or service layer).
I'm getting to achieve this in FluentSecurity I'll have to roll my own policy and capture the location id from the RequestContext.RouteData.
I haven't done exactly what you need to do, but creating a custom policy in FluentSecurity that handles your scenario should not be hard at all. If you feel it is, please let me know and I will have to fix that.
You can find more information on how to create custom policies here:
It sounds to me like you might want to split it into two custom policies. You then apply your custom policies like this:

Determining and persisting the current tenant in multi tenant web app in Rails

I'm contemplating a multi tenant application - shared database, shared schema. A tenant identifier (tenant key) associates every row with the right tenant.
What i'm not sure about is how to go about loading the tenant_id into some sort of global scope. How should this happen? I assume that I would parse the domain and then look up the tenant_id based on the domain.
My questions:
Where would the lookup happen in a rails application? In an initializer? Is there a better point to do this?
Once I have determined the tenant_id, what is the best way to persist it - a simple session_id?
I use a before filter for the controllers for this function.
You can also sub-class the controller class to DRY out duplicate code in the controllers.
Be careful to remember that access to a given tenant's information needs to be authenticated on a per-user basis. You need to decide if a given user will have access to more than one tenant. Eg should user "joe" have access to tenants 1 and 2? Or should Joe need a per-tenant login?
The login's authorization should control access to the tenant info. Don't rely on the domain name to grant authorization.
Re: where to persist the tenant_id? Store in the session. If access to the session is expensive (stored in DBMS), then make an in-memory copy as an instance variable during the controller startup. Google for how user_ids are often stored.
You also should determine the user experience for if/when a user wants to access a different tenant.
Added To see which welcome screen to load before the user has logged in, looking at the subdomain name is a good choice. To see which subdomain the incoming request used, parse request.fullpath() Docs. Do this in a controller filter.
Since the authorization comes from the user_id, remember to test the case where joe logs in at but only has access to
Bonus answer Looking for a templating system that will enable your customers to have full control over their tenancy's user interface? Check out Liquid templates. I was very successful in using them to enable my customers to have full control over their look and feel in a safe way.
Re additional questions in comment
See superuser for configuring the web server. The config is web server-specific.
If you want the welcome screen to not be generic, then you must know from the request url how to customize it. Tenant-specific subdomain is the nicest. If no subdomain, then show the generic welcome--when the person logs in you can determine the tenant and how to customize.
Re helper--if you mean a view helper, then I would not recommend it as the primary place where the tenant is determined. Make the #user and #tenant be light-weight models that you look up once and then retrieve from the session during additional requests for the same session. The models will be used by the controllers and, perhaps, passed to the models. The View layer will also be able to see them and use them as necessary.
If the UI may look/will look completely different for the different tenants, then add a "tenant-display" layer in addition to the view. Eg have the view gather the instance variables, find the right Liquid template, then express the view via the template.
You don't want the view to be computing "if tenant_a then x else y"

Application Logic (Proper place for Authentication/Authorization)

I am developing a CMS like application using MVC 3 (RC2) and I am in crossroads at this point. I am unable to convince myself if my proposed approach is appropriate or not. I guess it is because I am aware that I am trying to cut some corners which will cost me heavily later down the line.
I will get right down to describing my problem:
1) I have a resource (lets call it A) which has to be made editable.
2) I have a custom permission system implemented which has 2 (of many) permissions:
Can Edit Own Resource
Can Edit Other Resource
3) Creator of resource A is free to edit it if they have 'Can Edit Own Resource' permission.
4) A separate user can only edit A if they have permission 'Can Edit Other Resource'
Now that the requirement is described, let me tell you my approach so far:
1) I have a controller called 'ResourceController'
2) I have a action called 'Edit'
3) The action has a attribute on it: [CustomerAuthorize(Perm.CanEditOwnResource, Perm.CanEditOtherResource, Any = true)]
4) I have a service class which takes care of domain validation.
So a user get call the action method if they have either the 'Can Edit Own Resource' or 'Can Edit Other Resource' permission.
How do I decide (and where should this decision be made) on whether the user has the right permission or not (depending on whether they own the resource?) Should it be in the controller action, in the resource service class, in a separate service class?
Waiting to hear different views...
Because of the nature of MVC, you will want to have your authentication checks at a variety of points.
For one, you'll need to be able to display visual cues on the UI (i.e. show the edit button or not show it), so the logic will have to be made available to your Views.
Of course, that's only for UI purposes. You'll want authentication/authorization on your controller actions as well, just in case someone goes around your UI to access it.
Finally, the most secure place to authenticate and authorize an action is right before you perform it. If you have a handler, for example, I would place some authorization logic there. You want to make sure that no one can write around your security logic by calling the service from somewhere else, and not knowing that there were restrictions on that service. This helps make the security options more granular as well.
One way to approach it is to have 2 actions, instead only "Edit", you have "EditOwnResource" and "EditOtherResource". You can then place a single permission on each of these.
Then if you are using the MVVM pattern you can bind the availability of these actions to wether it is an ownResource or otherResource. The setting of these values is done in the view model.

Grails Shiro plugin : confirming my understanding

I'm bit vague about how to start using the shiro plugin, after reading few documents. I decided against Nimble, as it comes with few tables and UI plugins.
I setup shiro plugin with wildcard realm, with my own tables. I may use permission based (rather tan role based) access control as it scales well. Now, the steps for it.
assign the permission string to the subject, and save it in the db
check the permission through isPermitted, hasPermission (or relevant tags in GSP).
1. when to use the accesscontrol through filter?
2. is there a closure injected into the controller where I can define the permission for the actions in it? I read somewhere about accessControl static closure on each controller, but not seems to be documented.
3. How do I create a typical access control scenario like only the creator of (something, a post etc) can delete it? One possibility is creating and persisting a permission string based on userid. to check the permission retrieve the object (post), get the userid and compare with subject.. seems bit complicated.. any easy implementation?
thanks a lot..
1 when to use the access control security filter?
A. Use accessControl{true} when you want to limit access to controller actions to authenticated users.
B. Use accessControl() when you want to limit access to controller actions, regardless of parameter content, based on permissions "${controllerName}:${actionName}".
C. When you want to limit actions based on parameter content, e.g. only delete a domain object for which you have the delete permission "${name}:${id}:delete", you need to check isPermitted explicitly in the controller.
3 How do I create a typical access control scenario like only the
I would add a the necessary permission(s) to the user when the post is created, e.g. "post:${postId}:*" This way the permissions belong to users and/or roles, and not to arbitrary domain objects, as intended in the Shiro way of working. As opposed to file system permissions, which belong to files and directories instead of users.
