Jenkins and multi-configuration (matrix) jobs - jenkins

Why are there two kinds of jobs for Jenkins, both the multi-configuration project and the free-style project project? I read somewhere that once you choose one of them, you can't convert to the other (easily). Why wouldn't I always pick the multi-configuration project in order to be safe for future changes?
I would like to setup a build for a project building both on Windows and Unix (and other platforms as well). I found this question), which asks the same thing, but I don't really get the answer. Why would I need three matrix projects (and not three free-style projects), one for each platform? Why can't I keep them all in one matrix, with platforms AND (for example) gcc version on one axis and (my) software versions on the other?
I also read this blog post, but that builds everything on the same machine, with just different Python versions.
So, in short: how do most people configure a multi-configuration project targeting many different platforms?

The two types of jobs have separate functions:
Free-style jobs: these allow you to build your project on a single computer or label (group of computers, for eg "Windows-XP-32").
Multi-configuration jobs: these allow you to build your project on multiple computers or labels, or a mix of the two, for eg Windows-XP, Windows-Vista, Windows-7 and RedHat - useful for checking compatibility or building for multiple platforms (qt programs?)
If you have a project which you want to build on Windows & Unix, you have two options:
Create a separate free-style job for each configuration, in which case you have to maintain each one individually
You have one multi-configuration job, and you select 2 (or more) labels/computers/slaves - 1 for Windows and 1 for Unix. In this case, you only have to maintain one job for the build
You can keep the your gcc versions on one axis, and software versions on another. There is no reason you should not be able to.
The question that you link has a fair point, but one that does not relate to your question directly: in his case, he had a multi-configuration job A, which - on success - triggered another job B. Now, in a multi-configuration job, if one of the configuration fails, the entire job fails (obviously, since you want your project to build successfully on all your configurations).
IMHO, for building the same project on multiple platforms, the better way to go is to use a multi-configuration style job.

Another option is to use a python build step to check the current OS and then call an appropriate setup or build script. In the python script, you can save the updated environment to a file and inject the environment again using the EnvInject plugin for subsequent build steps. Depending on the size of your build environment, you could also use a multi-platform build tool like SCons.

You could create a script (e.g. build) and a batch file (e.g. build.bat) that get checked in with your source code. In Jenkins in your build step you can call $WORKSPACE/build - Windows will execute build.bat whereas Linux will run build.

An option is to use user-defined axis combined with slaves(windows, linux, ...), so you need to add a filter for each combination and use the Conditional BuildStep Plugin to set the build step specific for each plataform(Executar shell, Windows command, ...)
This link has a tutorial but it is in portuguese, but it's easy to work it out based on image...

You could use the variable that jenkins create when you define a configuration matrix axis. For example:
You create a slave axis with name OSTYPE and check the two slaves (Windows and Linux). Then you create two separate build steps and check for the OSTYPE environment variable.
You could use a improved script language instead, like python, which is multi-platform and can achieve the same functionality independent of the slaves' name and in just one build step.

If you go the matrix route with Windows and something else, you'll want the XShell plugin. You just create your two build scripts such as "build.bat" for cmd and "build" for bash, and tell XShell to run "build". The right one will be run in each case.

A hack to have batch files run on Windows and shell scripts on Unix:
On Unix, make batch files exit with 0 exit status:
ln -s /bin/true /bin/cmd
On Windows, either find a true.exe, name it sh.exe and place it somewhere in the PATH.
Alternatively, if you have any sh.exe installed on Windows (From Cygwin, Git, or other source), add this to the top of the shell script in Jenkins:
[ -n "$WINDIR" ] && exit 0

Why wouldn't you always pick the multi-configuration job type?
Some reasons come to mind:
Because jobs should be easy to create and configure. If it is hard to configure any job in your environment, you are probably doing something wrong outside the scope of the jenkins job. If you are happy that you managed to create that one job and it finally runs, and you are reluctant to do this whole work again, that's where you should try to improve.
Because multi configuration jobs are more complex. They usually require you to think about both the main job and the different sub job variables, and they tend to grow in complexity to a level beyond being manageable. So in a single job scenario, you'd probably waste thoughts on not using that complexity, and when extending the build variables, things might grow in the wrong direction. I'd suggest using the simple jobs as default, and the multi configuration jobs only if there is a need for multiple configurations.
Because executing multi configuration jobs might need more job slots on the slaves than single jobs. There will always be a master job that is executed on a special, invisible slot (that's no problem by itself) and triggers the sub jobs, but if these sub jobs do themselves trigger sub jobs, you might easily end in a deadlock if there are more sub jobs than slots, and some sub jobs trigger again sub jobs that then cannot execute because there are no more open slots. This problem might be circumvented by using some configuration setup on the slaves, but it is present and might only occur if several multi jobs run concurrently.
So in essence: The multi configuration job is a more complex thing, and because complexity should be avoided unless necessary, the regular freestyle job is a better default.

If you want to select on which slave you run the job, you need to use multi-configuration project (otherwise you won't be able to select/limit slaves on which you run it – there are three ways to do it, however I've tried them all (Tie plugin works only for master job, Restrict in Advanced Project Options is not rock-safe trigger as well so you want to use Slave axis that is proven to work correctly today.)


How I can run single Jenkins job by previously defined rules

I'd like to get a hint how (which plugin) it is possible run SINGLE Jenkins job by the user chosen way. User MUST be able to choose the job he/she wants to run and choose the rule of execution:
Create only jar files;
Create jars and send them over ssh
Create jars, generate documentation, etc...
I've found out a few plugins (Artifactory, Release plugin) but seems they don't support such logic.
I know that such thing can be implemented by creating several jobs, but this would require additional disk space.
Many Thanks!
In order to solve my issue, I've decided to create a few Jenkins jobs with the same custom workspace. So that, when a IT engineer runs any of these "connected" (which have the same workspace) jobs the workspace is updated (have a look at the CVS rules for your job) and that's why we avoid wasting of space.
Additionally, its (job) behaviour can be configured easily => the sets of rules (shell scripts, gradle, batch etc) and their sequence in order to achieve the desired result.
The last advantage, but not the least one, is that the security (access control) is still very easy to configure.
I think, that is the correct way.

Jenkins: a heavily branched chain of build jobs

We would like to set up Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment processes on the base of Jenkins ecosystem. Currently we're trying to put together all the Jenkins build jobs we have (from sources to several endpoint processes launched on the testing server). There are three kinds of build/deployment processes in our case:
Building deb packages from C++ projects (some of them are dependent, others are dependencies);
Building images from Docker containers;
Launching some processes in the endpoint;
As you can notice, we faced with a heavily branched chain of jobs triggered by each other. And every update of any of the upstream projects must go throughout the chain of jobs and trigger the final job (process I). So It would be nice to use some kind of Jenkins plugins that will:
Control such a complicated structure of jobs (I tried to use Build Pipeline Plugin and I got the impression that this tool is suitable for "linear" job chain);
Provide clean way of passing the parameters between job environments.
As #slav mentioned, the Workflow plugin should be able to handle this kind of complex control flow, including parallel handling of subtasks, simple handling of variables throughout the process (would just be Groovy local variables), and Docker support.
You could of course arrange this whole process in a single build.gradle (or Makefile for that matter). That would be suitable if you did not mind running all the steps on the same Jenkins slave, and did not otherwise need to interact with or report to Jenkins in any particular way in the middle of the build.
Well, for passing parameters, you should be using Parameterized Trigger Plugin.
For a more asynchronous passing of parameters, you an use EnvInject plugin (it's extremely useful and flexible for all sorts of things, and considering your complexity, might prove useful regardless if you use it for passing parameters or not)
As for control, research into Workflow plugin. It allows to write the whole execution flow in it's own Groovy script, with fine granular control. More links:
Official -
Tutorial -

Is it possible to have multi-config template in Jenkins?

I have a number of multi-config jobs and all have to run on the same machines, one after another.
For example:
Build on all platforms.
Do some automated testing.
Do some automated benchmarking.
These are all happening on the same machines, in that order, but they are different jobs.
The problem is that if I want to add another platform or remove one of them, I will have to do it for every single multi-config job. What I would like is to have a way of defining those platforms in one place and then have the jobs point to that template and run.
I am quite sure I'm not the first one to hit this problem and that there should be some plugin out there, but I haven't been able to find it.
So, is there any simple way of doing this?
We create temaplte jobs in jenkins which helps us to create all the set of jobs reqired for a platform, we just pass the platform / component name as input pareamter for the template job. We us the job copy plugin
But for a deleting the jobs we have another job where again the component name is the input parameter and we use something similar to the answer given here Is it possible to delete a hudson job programmatically via REST API?

Jenkins schedule multiple versions of the same build

I have a project that has 3-5 different mercurial branches going at all times. I want to schedule a weekly Jenkins test to run our tests on all relevant branches.
What I want, I think, is a parameterized build, with the branch name as the parameter, and then to have a list of branches, and once a week, run the parameterized build with each of the parameters in the list.
However, I see that you can't send parameters into a triggered build. I assume that there is a plugin for this. Is job Generator the correct plugin? Is there something better?
I should mention that currently, we are doing this with multiple SCMs, and having the body of the build have a sh loop that runs through each directory and runs the tests. This is really inefficient, and a pain to maintain...
I can suggest one solution but it couldn't be called elegant.
Firstly, you need create multi-configuration project (aka Matrix project).
In this project you need declare one node (it can be already existed master node)
And one type of axis (for example BRANCH - be careful don't use Jenkins Set Environment Variables variables) with values corresponding for each branch (for example default, testing, devel, etc).
After you need add in your project build action in which you need check environment variable (previously declared $BRANCH) and discover for which branch this build was launched (the main idea is illustrated by example with using bash).
And finally you need manually get sources from corresponding branch.
Next build steps can be the same for all branches.
This approach have set of drawbacks:
1. You can not triggered this project by changes in repository (you can check using Mercurial plugin only one branch).
2. All subprojects will be rebuilt even if they have not changed.
3. Appropriate only for statically defined branches.
4. Not elegant.
But it has one advantage versus parameterized build:
1. All artifacts (and build logs) of branches is stored in separated directories (because they are separate subprojects).

Jenkins - Running instances of single build concurrently

I'd like to be able to run several builds of the same Jenkins job simultaneously.
Build [*jenkins_job_1*]: calls an ant script with parameter 'A'
Build [*jenkins_job_1*]: calls an ant script with parameter 'B'
repeat as necessary
each instance of the job runs simultaneously, rather than through a queue.
The reason I'd like to do this is to avoid having to create several jobs that are nearly identical, all of which would need to be maintained.
Is there a way to do this, or maybe another solution (ie — dynamically create a job from a base job and remove it after it's finished)?
Jenkins has a check box: "Execute concurrent builds if necessary"
If you check this, then it'll start multiple builds for a job.
This works with the "This build is parameterized" checkbox.
You would still trigger the builds, passing your A or B as parameters. You can use another job to trigger them or you could do it manually via a script.
You can select Build a Multi-configuration project (Matrix build) when you create the job. Then, under the job's configuration, you can define the Configuration Matrix which lets you specify one or more parameters (axes) for different builds. Regarding running simultaneously, you should be able to run as many simultaneous builds as you have executors (with the appropriate label).
Unfortunately, the Jenkins wiki lacks documentation about this setup. There are a couple previous SO questions, here and here, that might provide a little guidance. There was a "recent" blog post about setting up a multi-configuration job to perform builds on various platforms.
A newer (and better) solution is the Jenkins Job DSL Plugin.
We've been using it with great success. Our job configurations are now disposable... we can set up a huge stack of complicated jobs from some groovy files and a couple template jobs. It's great.
I'm liking it a lot more than the matrix builds, which were complicated and harder to understand.
Nothing stopping you doing this using the Jenkins pipeline DSL.
We have the same pipeline running in parallel in order to model combined loads for an application that exposes web services, provides a database to several external applications, receives data via several work queues and has a GUI front end. The business gives us non-functional requirements (NFRs) which our application must meet that guarantees its responsiveness even at busy times.
The different instances of the pipeline are run with different parameters. The first instance might be WS_Load, the second GUI_Load and the third Daily_Update_Load, modelling a large data queue that needs processing within a certain time-frame. More can be added depending on which combination of loads we're wanting to test.
Other answers have talked about the checkboxes for concurrent builds, but I wanted to mention another issue: resource contention.
If your pipeline uses temporary files or stashes files between pipeline stages, the instances can end up pulling the rug from under each others' feet. For example you can end up overwriting a file in one concurrent instance while another instance expects to find the pre-overwritten version of the same stash. We use the following code to ensure stashes and temporary filenames are unique per concurrent instance:
def concurrentStash(stashName, String includes) {
/* make a stash unique to this pipeline and build
that can be unstashed using concurrentUnstash() */
echo "Safe stashing $includes in ${concurrentSafeName(stashName)}..."
stash name: concurrentSafeName(stashName), includes: includes
def concurrentSafeName(name) {
/* make a name or name component unique to this pipeline and build
* guards against contention caused by two or more builds from the same
* Jenkinsfile trying to:
* - read/write/delete the same file
* - stash/unstash under the same name
def concurrentUnstash(stashName) {
echo "Safe unstashing ${concurrentSafeName(stashName)}..."
unstash name: concurrentSafeName(stashName)
We can then use concurrentStash stashName and concurrentUnstash stashName and the concurrent instances will have no conflict.
If, say, the two pipelines both need to store stats, we can do something like this for filenames:
def statsDir = concurrentSafeName('stats')
and then the instances will each use a unique filename to store their output.
You can create a build and configure it with parameters. Click the This build is parameterized checkbox and add your desired param(s) in the Configuration of the build. You can then fire off simultaneous builds using different parameters.
Side note: The "Bulk Builder" in Jenkins might push it into a queue, but there's also a This bulk build is parameterized checkbox.
I was having a pretty large build queue and I performed below steps to run jobs in
parallel in jenkins to reduce number of jobs waiting in queue
For each job you need to navigate to configure and select the checkbox stating
"Execute concurrent builds if necessary"
Navigate to Manage -> Configure System -> look for "# of executors" and set the no
of parallel executors you want (in my case it was set to 0 and I updated it to 2)
