Is it possible to install Delphi 7 on Win 7? - delphi

I am planning to upgrade my OS to Win 7 (32bit or 64bit). I would like to know whether we can install and run Delphi 7 on Win 7 successfully or not.Share your thoughts on installation of 3rd party components as well.
This would help me to take decision regarding OS up-gradation.

I am using Delphi 7.0 on Windows 7, 64 bit, without issues. I have previously installed it on Windows 7, 32 bit and used it without issues as well.
Windows will bother you about an incompatibility when you run the installer. You should probably ensure that anybody using Delphi 7 will have full write access to the folders in Program Files that need to be writeable by Delphi 7.
I have my copy installed in Program Files, and I only use it from an account with admin priveleges, so I can write/modify files inside the Delphi installed folders, without problems.
Some people think it's better to install to C:\Delphi7.
Nobody can know for sure about your components, but you should just try them.

I'm using Windows 7 64 bit. When installing delphi 7 it prompt for compatibility issue. Just accept it, click run. Then delphi 7 installed succesfully without problem. I'm installed it on X:/app/Delphi7. 3rd party component added without problem, example i'm adding AlphaSkin component without problem.


Is delphi XE7 compatible with windows 10?

Anybody know if delphi xe7 compatible with windows 10?
Embarcadero says that XE8 is compatible. But tells nothing about XE7.
Yes, you can install XE7 on Windows 10, and the executables that it produces are compatible with Windows 10.
Embarcadero have been producing a lot of marketing recently that implies that you need XE8 to do Windows 10 development. Truth be told, you can use any version of Delphi beyond Delphi 1. Of course the newer versions make life easier, and clearly you need XE2 or later to target 64 bit executables.
So far as I can see, the only Windows 10 specific feature that is offered with XE8 is a Windows 10 style. That was what I took from a conversation with Marco CantĂș on the subject. I guess that would be useful for FMX targets. If you are targeting classic VCL apps, and use the standard system theme, then this is of no interest. There's no point at all in faking the system style when you can let the system give you the true style. My old Delphi 6 applications, built with Mike Lischke's theme manager code, look and feel on Windows 10 identical to an application built with XE8.
Although Embarcadero says that XE8 is compatible with Windows 10, I'm unable to install or load our existing bpl projects using XE8 with Windows 10.
I moved to XE8 because our projects wouldn't build with Windows 10 using XE4.
You can install and run Delphi XE7 on a Windows 10 machine. And of course you can compile your projects on Windows 10.
But there were no enhancements made in the VCL or FireMonkey towards the new operating system. There is no official support for Windows 10. Your applications may not look and feel 100% like other applications do on Windows 10. But they can still be run as long as long as they don't use any old API that is no longer supported on Windows 10.
You can install and run Delphi XE7 on a Windows 10 machine.

Can Delphi 4 Pro be installed and used reliably on Windows XP (or later)?

Several years ago I used Delphi 4 Pro on a Windows '98 SE machine to create Delphi projects.
Would it be feasible to install the same Delphi 4 Pro on a Windows XP machine (or later OS, such as Windows 7) to view and update older Delphi projects?
I have run Delphi 4 on a variety of 32 bit operating systems without any problems, including 32 bit XP and Win7.
However, on 64-bit Windows 7, and other 64 bit varieties of Windows, including Windows Server 2008 R2, I have found that it is difficult to install, and does not run very well at all.
Moving your existing Delphi 4 code up to Delphi 2007 is probably not going to be very hard though. You should probably consider that option as well.
How to install Delphi 4 in windows 7(32 bit)
Exact same question, check there for an answer, at the worst you will have to run VM.

Delphi 2007 on Windows 7 closes debugger opens

I installed Delphi 2007 on a Windows 7 system. When I click on the Run button I see the debugger screen open and then the entire application (Delphi) closes. I have tried running two programs, one being a simple single-button-with-message type of test program.
I can successfully compile the program in 2007.
I also have XE2 installed on the same machine and it runs properly.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled. After the reinstall I tested without reloading any of the 3rd party products.
The same computer runs 2007 and XE2 under Windows XP (dual boot configuration)
My searches have not turned up any similar symptoms. I need ideas on how to diagnose further or a possible workaround.
Are you using a x64 version of Windows 7?
If yes, you need the hotfix.
It is already explained here:
Delphi issues on windows 7 x64?

Is there a way to install Delphi 2010 on Windows 2000

I just downloaded the Delphi 2010 iso from my SA-subscription and wanted to install it in addition to my other Delphi installations on my notebook computer. Unfortunately it refuses to install because the machine is running Windows 2000.
Is it possible somehow to get it to install it anyway? Or is there a technical reason why it might not work, even if it installed?
Some more information:
Delphi 2009 installed fine on that computer, so dotNET 2.0 is already installed.
The Delphi 2010 installer comes up, asks me for the language to use and then says "This product requires at least Windows XP. Setup cannot continue."
What I am looking for now, is either:
a way to get the installer to skip this check and install anyway - or -
a reason why this would not work (e.g. Delphi is using some Windows API that is not available in Windows 2000)
You could try to start the setup.exe with the /Win2K parameter. Maybe this helps. But I heard from a German forum that a user who installed Delphi 2010 into Windows 2000 had lots of problems with the IDE. So use the /Win2K parameter at your own risk.
And you must have at least .NET 2.0 SP1 installed
According to the minimum system requirements, Windows 2000 is not supported. They might use some XP+ specific API's these days, but then again they might not, as Delphi 2009 installed fine on Windows 2000.
The first thing you might want to check is if you have .Net (2.0 minimum) on your machine. According to the document linked above, they try to install The .Net 3.5 distributable otherwise, and that one definitely requires XP minimum.
windows 2000 is supported in Delphi 2010, check the following link:
Target Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and Windows 7 from single source
I think the problem is from your pc, maybe because there are other versions are installed, can you post the message?

How to install Delphi 7 on Vista

I tried to install Delphi 7 on Vista several times and Vista prevented me from doing so by telling me that there are known problems with this application (Delphi 7). Several other people in my company experienced problems with installing D7 on Vista.
This lead to the conclusion that we were at risk with our D7 application, as the company could within the lifetime of the app switch to Vista or Windows 7 and newer Delphi versions are not in the policy of the company. Therefore management decided on rewriting the app in C#.
My question(s):
How to install D7 on Vista
Experience with such an installation
Risk assessment concerning stability of IDE and developed programs
Risk assessment concerning executability under Windows 7
Not using any third party components or database - there should be no problem running the developed app under Vista. If not able to develop and debug under Vista (which at the point being will be the only customer platform, yes, internal programming) will result in a sort of cross platform development - if we would be allowed to keep XP as the development platform.
It is not a developers decision to rewrite, it has been done in the company for the last 3 years: if you had to significantly touch an app developed in Delphi or if there was a certain risk of it not to survive the planned life circle/life span, it had to be rewritten. The life cycle just expanded to 2015 due to canceling another project.
So the main issue here would really be: I would like to have educated arguments about the risks.
Running Delphi 7 under Vista is no problem if you can turn UAC off. With UAC on, you get an error message when starting D7, but it still works, just click ok and go on.
Programs compiled with D7 have no problem with Vista. But new features of Vista are supported by Delphi 2007/2009 only.
We use D7 on XP and on Vista, building and maintaining a commercial App which has gone from D2 to D4, D5 to D7. Besides problems with the BDE, which made us switch to DBX (Corelabs) there are no problems.
Just follow these instructions and you'll be fine. No reason to turn off UAC! I've been running Delphi 7 on Vista for about a year without any problem at all. Debugging is totally fine too.
For installing Delphi 7 in Vista, you can try this patch from Microsoft.
As for the rest someone else I suspect will have more knowledge.
I have Delphi 7 working fine on my Vista development box. Yes there was a few issues during installation, but no more than other applications and these issues have been resolved in subsequent versions of Delphi.
None of this should cause problems with apps developed by D7 for Vista. We use Delphi as our primary development tool for all our applications and they work just fine with Vista.
It sounds like this is an excuse by someone in the company to get rid of Delphi and move to C#. Typical FUD tactics. There may be genuine reasons for your company to move away from Delphi, but Vista compatibility should not be one of them.
Also, if you'd like all the Vista-ready features in your Delphi 7 application, have a look at this article here: Creating Windows Vista Ready Applications with Delphi
This will make it so that your application correctly appears when doing Flip3D, or when showing a preview thumbnail when hovering over the app in the taskbar. Essentially, this will give you the "Vista-readiness" of Delphi 2007, from within older versions of Delphi (I have used this with Delphi 2006 and it works very well).
You also get the new Vista task dialogs and new Common dialogs with the modifications listed on the linked website.
I think there's a big jump from having trouble installing D7 in Vista (D7 which after all contains low-level bits and pieces for the debugger and which doesn't know about the 'correct' place to put things under Vista), to assuming that your own app will have problems with Vista...
You have the source code, you can test your program running under Vista, you can make whatever (usually minor) tweaks are necessary to your code.... I'm really surprised that you would decide to rewrite the app in another language just because you can't get the (old) development tool to install under Vista.
We need to know more about what your application does, and what components you make use of, to be able to make any guess at your 3rd and 4th questions. They're too general.
FOr instance, I have several D7 applications on the market, one of which uses open-source Interbase 6 with Delphi and can be a problem to get installed/working on Vista Home (the process seems less painful on Vista Business). Another of our apps uses SQL Express 2005 and runs quite happily on Vista. Our newest app, written in D2007, runs fine on Vista. On both Delphi platforms, our two main 'third party' tools are DevExpress controls and ReportBuilder.
I have been using D4 with Vista for year as one of our key products uses it, its good version still and there are workarounds to make it use new Vista features. You can call any win32 API (new functions) so there is no point to update to D7.
I installed/moved D4 to my new machine by hand:
1. by exporting registry hive(s)
2. registering a few components
3. copying files
thats it.. no need to run slow setupper.
As others have noted, there is no problem running Delphi 7 applications under Vista: We do this with a multi-hundred-thousand line Delphi 7 application that uses numerous third-party controls (Developer Express grids, TSILang translation components, etc.).
We use Vista as our primary operating system, but we run the Delphi 7 development environment in a Windows XP Virtual machine. It works perfectly, and there are no installation issues.
It is very simple really.. All what you have to is the following:
Search UAC (User Account Control) off and then intall delphi7 but, you must have no other version of delphi on your computer.
1,2 in Vista) no problems heard if you install and configure UAC;
3) None stability issues are known to any of my friends here...
4) Not using Windows 7 with Delphi 7... But heard of many problems with both...
